The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1093: Run away!

However, the long line was winding around in a labyrinth-like underground passage, and the surrounding light was getting darker and darker.

The carbon dioxide exhaled by hundreds of people makes the air stagnate, like a huge boulder, pressing on everyone's heart.

Meng Chao became more and more puzzled.

It doesn't seem to be a way out here?

He had sneaked into an underground passage.

According to the flow of air, as well as the breath from the end of the underground passage, the general direction of the exit can be judged.

The air in the passage in front of me was like a rotten swamp, completely frozen, and I couldn't perceive even the slightest ripples caused by the breeze.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a large block of rock to appear in front of everyone.

There is no way ahead.

Except for their origin, the other three sides are hard as iron walls.

The crowd suddenly panicked.

Someone couldn't help crying.

Several messengers of the rat **** mingled in the crowd shouted: "Don't panic, everyone, kneel down and pray to the big horn rat god. As long as our faith is pious enough, the big horn rat **** will definitely save us!"

Under their leadership, the rat people at a loss, all knelt down.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other, and also assumed the same posture as the Rat People.

But Ice Storm was full of suspicion, lowered his head, and asked Meng Chao with his lips: "What the hell, are you sure this is the way out?"

Meng Chao was thinking about it, and instantly denied the possibility that this was deliberately leaving them to die.

Because this team also includes a lot of strong adult rat people.

Many people have had the blood of blood hoof warriors on their hands, and it stands to reason that they are the best cannon fodder.

Besides, there are still many Rat God messengers mixed in the crowd.

Such precious human resources should not be so wasted.

Moreover, Meng Chao also discovered a very strange thing.

The team seems to be shortened.

They are at the very end of this long queue.

Let me say that there should be thousands of people.

There were not many forks along the way, and there were no traces of the brigade passing through the forks.

If this is really a dead end, where did the thousands of people in front go?

"Wait, this is..."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes, adjusted the size of his pupils, and mobilized psychic energy to stimulate the retina and cone cells.

With the help of the gloomy light, he found that the walls and ground of this "dead alley" were engraved with a large number of densely packed cuneiform characters.

With the devout prayers of the Rat People's Volunteers, people's breathing, heartbeat, and life's magnetic field gradually oscillated at the same frequency.

Their vitality seems to have turned into a trickle, converging into the cuneiform writing.

The cuneiform writing is shining, and the brushstrokes are constantly extending, interlacing and entangled with each other!

Soon, hundreds of rat people's rebels were shrouded in the light of cuneiform writing.

The incomparably magnificent light, as if possessing a wonderful penetrating power, gradually penetrated into the skin, flesh and bones of every rat inhabitant.

The Rat People's Volunteers who had been scorched by the flames of war and gunpowder became crystal clear, showing a translucent texture.

Meng Chao flattened his hands before his eyes.

He found that his two palms had also become works of art that looked like colored glaze, crystals and colorful gems.

Every bundle of blood vessels, every tendon and even every nerve are clearly visible, a "translucent person" alive and well.

He is not an exception.

Such a wonderful change occurred in every rat in the surroundings.

Under the guidance of the messenger of the rat god, the rat people did not panic because of the strange changes in their bodies.

Instead, he was ecstatic to believe that the Great Horned Rat really listened to their prayers and sent "miracles" to save them.

This scene made Meng Chao's eyes wider and wider.

Of course, he is not unfamiliar with the wonderful changes that have happened to everyone.

In Longcheng's No. 1 Archaic Ruins, he has tasted similar tastes countless times.

"this is…

"Short-distance leaping device on the planet's surface!

"It can also be said that it is a super-large ‘Transportation Array’!"

Meng Chao suddenly realized.

No wonder the messengers of the Big Horn Rat God are confident that they can get thousands of rat people out of Pointe Noire.

Originally, Meng Chao felt that they were whimsical-they wanted to make hundreds of thousands of mobs who had not received professional training to travel a dozen or even dozens of miles in an orderly way in the low-light environment deep underground. It is almost impossible to complete the tragedy without chaos, congestion or even trampling on each other.

Moreover, even if he could escape more than ten miles away from Pointe-Noire City, he would be easily spotted by the bloodhoof army.

The centaur in the Bloodhoof clan is a natural cavalry.

It is easy to catch up with large-scale fugitives and divide them and annihilate them.

The chief messenger behind the temple thieves may be a frenzied lunatic.

But by no means a brave fool.

Since he dared to spend astronomical capital to implement such a large-scale plan.

Naturally, there is a certain degree of certainty that at least one-third to half of the rat people in Pointe Noire can be safely evacuated.

Originally, Meng Chao couldn't figure it out, what was the key to his ghost trick.

"It seems that the guy hiding behind the big horned rat **** has long discovered the underground of Pointe Noire city, with a huge teleportation array buried deep.

"No, it's not just one. If this teleportation array is the creation of the ancient Turan people, some kind of military facility, it will often not be built alone, but there will be several or even dozens of them, distributed all around, to form a joint. Only a large-scale'underground port' can handle hundreds of thousands of tons of resources in a very short period of time, as well as thousands of troops.

"The opposite teleportation formation must be very far away from Black Point City.

"The reason is very simple. If it is outside the city of Pointe-Noire, conventional means of transportation will be sufficient, and there is no need to build military facilities such as the'Planetary Surface Short-distance Transition System'.

"The other party's entire plan is based on the teleportation array.

"Yes, the sewage pipes in Pointe Noire can of course lead all the way to the outside of the city, and the other party will definitely leave a lot of marks, misleading the bloodhoof warriors to believe that most of the rat people escaped outside the city through the sewage pipes. of.

"But it's just a vain shot.

"When the bloodhoof warriors wasted too much time inside and outside the sewage pipe, the Rat God messengers had already taken hundreds of thousands of Rat People's Rebels and the large amount of loot they had stolen from the temple to escape from Black Point. The city is hundreds of miles away!"

Although they have different positions.

Meng Chao did not necessarily appreciate the cruelty of the black hand behind the scenes using the lives of thousands of rats as a bargaining chip.

But he still couldn't help but applauded the other party's methods.

As for why the other party didn't explain the truth all the way, until the last minute, he had to pretend to be a ghost and pray.

This involves very mysterious psychological principles.

Mankind always inspires the most pious belief and believes in the existence of the savior when it is most desperate.

Meng Chao can guarantee.

After such a reversal of "the last moment, the miracle comes".

All the rat people who escaped from birth will no longer have the slightest doubt about the existence of the big horn rat god.

Even if the messenger of the big horned rat **** asked them to face the totem samurai's blade, they would not blink their eyelids.

Soon, the light surging from the cuneiform writing turned into a milky sea of ​​light, flooding everything within Meng Chao's vision.

The whole world began to dissolve.

Including his flesh and blood.

Turan civilization’s teleportation array seems to have adopted more sophisticated technology than the teleportation array that Dragon City civilization has just started to develop.

Not only can it deliver more rational carbon-based intelligent life at one time.

During the transmission process, there was no excessive dizziness, severe pain, visual or auditory hallucinations and other adverse reactions.

Soon, the sea of ​​light that flooded Meng Chao's eyes dissipated like a low tide.

When his vision became clear again, the world around him had changed.

It is no longer a squat ruined wall, a burning city, a strong pungent smell of blood and the shouts of killing one after another.

It is a field next to dense forests, blue sky and white clouds, breeze blowing, and the fragrance of green grass, which makes people feel refreshed, almost forgetting the fatigue, pain and fear a moment ago.

On the distant horizon, Pointe Noire has become an insignificant black spot.

Analyzed from the thickness of the plume of smoke that rushed into the sky above the black spot, it was at least thirty or fifty miles away from Pointe Noire City.

Meng Chao looked around.

The rat people who were transported with him stared blankly at the suddenly enlightened world, and couldn't believe that they had escaped.

When they finally realized that the cannibal cave named "Black Point City" had been left behind by them, many people couldn't help crying and knelt down and kissed the cuneiform writing engraved on the teleportation array. , Thanks to the "miracles" that the Big Horn Rat God descended on them.


"The Big Horn Mouse God really saved us!"

"Praise the ancestor spirit, it belongs to the ancestor spirit of our rat people!"

They cried with joy, danced with their hands, and went into madness.

Even the ice storm was astonished.

She was not as ignorant as the ordinary rat people, and believed that what happened just now was really a "miraculous".

However, it is also the first time that she has tasted the taste of "short-distance leap on the surface of the planet". Unlike Meng Chao, she is already a familiar driver.

At this moment, the ice storm is still immersed in the wonderful taste of a hundred miles, and I can’t extricate myself from it. I stared in the direction of Pointe Noire for a long time before using a voice that only Meng Chao can hear. The very few'Towers of Light' and'Magic Towers' in the Land of Light have the technology to transform the flesh and blood of the devout believer into light and transmit it to the other shore in an instant.

"Unexpectedly, a similar device could be seen in Turanze.

"Reaper, you are right. The ancient Turan people did have an amazingly splendid civilization. Compared with their ancestors, the current high-level orcs are too far behind!"

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