The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1094: Big Horn Legion!

Meng Chao was equally shocked.

Allowing so many civilians without professional training to make short-distance jumps on the surface of the planet in one breath does not cause too serious side effects.

Except for a few weak rats who knelt on the ground and vomited faintly, most of them could shake their feet up after taking a dozen deep breaths.

This is Dragon City's transmission device, something that can't be done for the time being.

However, Meng Chao noticed that both ends of the transmission system seemed to be fixed on the ground.

A huge disc resembling granite, deeply embedded in the ground, with mysterious and complicated cuneiform characters engraved on the surface, it can't be excavated at all, and it moves with the large forces.

In other words, the two transmission arrays only built a point-to-point transmission line from Pointe Noire to dozens of miles outside the city.

Unlike Dragon City’s transmission device, it can be disassembled and assembled at will, transported by armored airships, and can drop elite soldiers to any location.

From the perspective of flexibility and portability, Dragon City's transmission technology also has its own advantages.

If the two transmission technologies can be merged together, each will take advantage of its strengths...

"In the previous Dragon City civilization, because the most important traversing experts were assassinated by alien beasts, they did not develop decent teleportation technology at all."

Meng Chao thought, "And when the high-ranking orcs fought in another world, they didn't seem to have used teleportation technology on a large scale to put the heavy army group into the strategic depth behind the holy light camp.

"It seems that, like the superior technology left by most of the ancient Turanites, the current high-level orcs know the magical ‘black technology’ of the Teleportation Array, but they don’t know why.

"I only regarded it as the'blessing of the ancestors," but I never thought about how to study, improve, and apply it in actual combat on a large scale.

"If the Dragon City and Turan civilization in this world can cooperate and research earlier and integrate their transmission technologies, they will definitely change the strategic situation of the war in other worlds, and even become the'hands-off' that determines the outcome!"

Meng Chao remembered this incident again in his mind.

Only then did he cast his gaze to a slightly far away place, secretly observing the guys who responded to them.

In the dense forest next to the ancient teleportation array, hundreds of camps have long been stationed.

Nearly a thousand scavenger warriors with sharp looks are waiting for the fugitives from Pointe-Noire.

These fighters are mixed with a lot of characteristics from different clans, and they are all mixed blood.

This is the most distinctive mark of the rat people.

However, it is different from the ordinary rat people who have been enslaved and squeezed all the year round, and the humble and unconfident rat people have penetrated from the bone marrow.

These rat people warriors, each with their heads high and chest tall, full of muscles, piercing eyes, and full of vigor.

The confidence that he would defeat all enemies under the blessing of the ancestor spirit was almost beyond words.

Compared with the rat people who escaped from Pointe Noire, they looked like two completely different races.

"This is a well-trained strong soldier."

Meng Chao said in his heart, "Even if it is still far from the level of a totem warrior, even if you really encounter a totem warrior, you will not be crushed, and you will definitely fight to the last soldier."

In addition, Meng Chao noticed that on the breastplates of these elite rat soldiers, and on the battle flags around the camp, there was a skull in the shape of a rat's head.

On top of the skull, there are more than a dozen big horns.

Above the big horn, blood was dripping down.

Around the skull, there was another circle of strange flames.

And those elite mouse soldiers who are particularly strong, with a particularly sharp look and look like an officer, also wear a mask that resembles a mouse skull.

It looks fierce and secretive.

These elite Ratmen warriors with big horns and unknown origins have already responded to hundreds of ratmen who escaped from the teleportation array, and they are already familiar with them.

They swarmed up and helped the rat people who were still in shock from the teleportation formation, lest they block the teleportation of the next group of fugitives.

In the dense forest, dozens of cauldrons have already been set up, and the thick and fragrant mandala fruit puree and paste is slurped.

The fire is extremely small, coupled with the seven bends and turns of the smoke exhaust pipe, the smoke is directly discharged into the ground, and then released through hundreds of honeycomb-like holes. From dozens of miles away, you can never see the smoke curling. Signs.

With this delicate thought alone, Meng Chao felt that it was not an ordinary orc battle group that could be done.

In addition, there are also female soldiers who inspect the injuries of the fugitives, bandage their wounds, and speak softly to soothe their emotions, so that the fugitives can accept the fact that they have been saved in the shortest possible time.

The fugitives who thought they were bound to die in Pointe-Noire, had never enjoyed such a caring treatment.

They were flattered, and almost instantly, they faced the hideous rat **** skull battle emblem on the battle flag, full of infinite trust and goodwill.

However, Meng Chao noticed that in the process of welcoming the fugitives, these elite scavenger fighters, by distributing food and inspecting the injuries, quietly distinguished the stronger and sturdy fugitives from the old and weak women and children. .

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other.

The two people became more and more curious about this mysterious and highly efficient team.

"Dear compatriots of the Big Horn clan, congratulations to everyone, under the blessing of the Big Horn Rat God, finally escaped from birth, and forever freed from the fate of being enslaved, bullied, and killed!"

When the emotions of these fugitives gradually calmed down, an officer wearing a mouse-skeleton mask and particularly gorgeous armor stood on the large bluestone in the middle of the forest and said, "In the past three to five months, You have already dealt with many of us. In the **** battle that brought the whole city of Pointe-Noire into the **** battle that you just experienced, you also fought side by side with us, slaughtered each other's flesh and blood, and even the bones. , All merged together!

"However, for safety reasons, at that time, we still could not tell you our true name and origin.

"Until this moment, the stuttering magic cave in Pointe Noire has been left behind by everyone. The so-called humble bloodline has been thoroughly purified by everyone's courage to fight to the end, and you will be greeted with an extremely bright future and an incomparably bright future. On the journey of glory, we can finally say our name uprightly-the whole piece of Turanze, the proudest name.

"We are from the Great Horned Legion, and we are all soldiers of the Great Horned Rat God!"

With that, the officer lifted off the mouse skull mask on his face.

A face full of scars but heroic was revealed.

The words "Big Horn Legion" are like a curse that contains the power of infinite totems, so that all the Ratmen warriors in the surrounding area, originally as straight as the waist of a gun, are raised two or three inches higher.

The blazing spirit and spirit, with great appeal, made all the fugitives impressed by the name "Big Horn Legion".

Meng Chao felt even more "thump" in his heart.

Knowing that the elite Ratmen warriors standing in front of him were the "Great Horned Rebellion" in the previous life, which severely impacted Turanze's thousands of years of ruling order, created history, and indirectly destroyed the existence of the future.

"Our Big Horn Legion has been protected by the Big Horn Mouse God, given infinite courage and strength, and is determined to fight for the thousands of rats in Turanze!"

The officer of the Big Horn Legion said forcefully, "For thousands of years, the rat people have suffered too much injustice, suffered too much enslavement, and shed too much blood, enough to drown out the blood of Turanze. Finally turned into a raging flame, awakening the big horned rat **** from thousands of years of sleep!

"From the day of awakening, the heroic spirits of the Great Horned Rat have been wandering over the entire area of ​​Turanze, observing and selecting those bloody, unruly rat people who are qualified to bear the supreme divine power, and help them awaken their power. , Recognize their mission.

"Slowly, hundreds, thousands, thousands, and more and more awakened rat people gathered together under the battle flag of the Big Horn Rat God!

"Look at this battle flag, this battle flag that has gathered all the humiliation and hatred of hundreds of millions of rat people over the past thousands of years!

"The skulls full of cracks represent the enslavement and oppression we have suffered.

"The big horns full of canine teeth represent our will to never surrender.

"The blood dripping from the big horns has become a flame that sweeps through everything, representing our determination to purify the entire world.

"This is the Big Horn Legion, a group of iron-blooded warriors who have assembled millions of intrepid and defying warriors, and ten times more warriors are being assembled, and it will surely overturn the power of Turanze!"


Such rhetoric made all the fugitives excited.

What happened in the past day and night filled all their brain cells.

They were originally accustomed to tame, without too much assertive brains, and almost lost the ability to think. They were immersed in this extremely glorious, extremely intense, and extremely beautiful picture described by the big horn officer.

"Perhaps, you still have some doubts about the power of the Great Horned Rat God. You don't believe that we can gather millions of brave warriors in the gap between the five clans."

The big horned officer's eyes are piercing, and through a simple word game, he binds the "suspicion of the big horned legion" and "the suspicion of the big horned rat god" together.

He pointed to the burning city of Pointe-Noire on the horizon, and suddenly raised his voice, "But, just before yesterday, who could believe that our humble rat people could overthrow the entire city of Pointe-Noire and take those The aloof bloodhoof warriors are all overwhelmed, care about this and lose the other?

"Who can believe that when hundreds of rat people form a surging frenzy, they can actually swallow these bloodhoof warriors, smash them into pieces and chop them into mash?

"Who can believe that we can really escape the city of Pointe-Noire, regain our freedom and the ability to control our destiny?

"Who can believe that such an incredible miracle has really come!"

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