The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1097: The experience of round bone stick

"I have been very flexible since I was a child, and I have a natural hunch for danger. Every time the colorful poisonous lizard wants to slap me, I can always get out of it in time, even if it bites the cowhide sheath. I was able to untie the cowhide sheath and escape from between its fangs and acid at the very moment of my life. Therefore, many of my partners were either dead or injured when cleaning the lizard cage, but I was always unscathed. "

The round bone stick smiled unchanged, and continued, "This is both my luck and my misfortune. After discovering my special features, the master arranged for me to clean the lizard cage far more often than others.

"Moreover, other people go in to clean when the colorful highly poisonous lizards are full and drowsy. When cleaning, they will also ignite the pungent smoke that snakes, insects, mice and ants hate most, so as to minimize the colorful poisonousness. Aggressiveness of lizards.

"When it was my turn to clean, the master deliberately did not feed the colorful poisonous lizard, or, in its food, added a lot of secret medicine to enhance its toxicity and aggressiveness.

"So that as soon as I got into the lizard cage, I would be stared at by a huge lizard with fierce eyes, as if it was going to even the bones of my belt, and wipe me out.

"Even if the hunter is lucky, he will run into the totem beast sooner or later when he travels through the forest all year round.

"I have to get into the lizard cage almost every day to clean up, clean up the feces of the colorful and poisonous lizards, and the bones of the beasts that have been eaten up by it. How can it not happen?

"Fortunately, thanks to my agility, I suffered minor injuries every time. I have never been bitten by a colorful venomous lizard, and the toxins have not penetrated into the internal organs. I still managed to survive.

"But the body was also eroded by venom and acid, so it's pitted, it's terrible!"

As the round bone stick said, he took off the animal skin and soft armor, exposing his upper body.

His skin, like being torn apart by a whip with a spike, and being burned by flames, was covered with ugly scars everywhere.

The skin and flesh in many places were completely necrotic, showing a gray-white texture like a rock, which formed a sharp contrast with the smile on the baby's face.

A glance makes people feel frightened and heartbroken.

Many rat people still have scars left by the torture of the samurai masters.

They all felt the same for the round bone stick, and felt the same hatred of the enemy.

"You **** the master!"

Some people say so.

"All the lizard warriors of the Darkmoon clan are all damned!"

Others expanded the scope of the attack in anger.

"No, all clan warriors deserve to die!"

Some people insisted.

The round bone stick smiled, put on the soft armor again, and continued: "My original master should naturally be damned, but if no one dares to resist, he will not die on the spot for no reason!

"At that time, I didn't dare to resist, I didn't even have the idea of ​​resisting even a little bit. I just felt that this was my life, because my body was flowing with humble, cowardly, and unclean blood, so I was reduced to a colorful color. No one can be blamed for the delicious meal of the poisonous lizard.

"And my master seems to be waiting to enjoy a wonderful and exciting show, and even betting with others to see if I can stay in the lizard cage for a few days before being completely eaten by the colorful poisonous lizard.

"Finally, this day has arrived.

"I remember it was winter, a particularly cold early morning.

"Because the shack in which our rat people are curled up has air leaks on all sides, and sleeps in a cold and humid muddy ground. Even the branches and leaves of the mandala covered in the mud are only a thin layer.

"At the end of the night, I was already shivering with cold, and my joints were stiff. I couldn't open my eyelids or my fingers flexibly.

"The first glimmer of light appeared on the horizon, so I had to get into the lizard cage to clean.

"The state is so bad, it is inevitable that I can't avoid it, and I am suddenly thrown to the ground by the colorful poisonous lizard.

"Until today, I still remember that moment.

"I remember the big lizard, which was almost longer than me, arched around on my body, constantly tearing my cowhide sheath.

"The extremely tough sheath is torn apart by it, even through the thick cowhide, I can feel how sharp its claws are.

"And it kept shooting venom into my face, trying to poison my eyes.

"Even though I turned my head desperately and didn't let the venom splash into my two eyes, the venom corroded the surface of the helmet and made a'chichichichichi' sound, arousing a strong pungent odor, but it made my nostrils burn. All that was sucked into his chest was flames.

"Soon, I felt that the breastplate was torn by the colorful venomous lizard's saw-like tail. In the next step, its tail will poke through my chest and dig out my heart alive—I have witnessed many of my companions die tragically. The way it looks, I know its moves very well.

"I was terrified. Driven by my survival instinct, I struggled and resisted desperately.

"It just so happened that the food of the colorful and poisonous lizard was a huge rhinoceros leg the night before.

"After the flesh and blood was eaten up, there were still several huge bone sticks remaining in the lizard cage.

"The colorful venomous lizard bit off several bone sticks, biting out a sharp broken stubble.

"I groped for a round and pointed bone stick, closed my eyes, and stabbed it over my head with all my strength.

"The big horned rat **** is on! I even pierced the eye of this colorful and poisonous lizard, and the whole bone stick was submerged in its head!

"This beast is still alive, and under the excitement of the severe pain, he tore my chest harder and harder.

"But I was also in severe pain, which aroused the ferocity hidden in the depths of the blood. No matter how the colorful poisonous lizard tears my flesh, I will hold the round head of this bone stick and hold on to it. The weight of the person was pressed up, and the bone rod was rotated desperately, making the animal's eyeballs and brains, all messed up like mud.

"At that time, my entire chest was burning, and I had only one thought in my mind-even if I died, I would drag this beast to die together, and I must not let it harm more of my partners.

"I don't know how long it took, this beast finally stopped moving, and I was also in a coma for a while.

"I thought I was dead, in a daze, reunited somewhere with my former partners and my parents whom I had never seen before.

"However, when I woke up again under the stimulation of severe pain, I found myself still lying in a messy lizard cage.

"Judging from the frozen sky and the dim sun, I was in a coma for less than half a moment, or even a short meal.

"Looking at the colorful venomous lizard whose whole head was stabbed by me, I knew something was wrong.

"This is the master’s favorite pet. I hold it in my arms every day and play with it. I also gave it a name called'Colorful Diamond', just to show off to other Darkmoon warriors in gambling games and banquets. It is said that once Another samurai offered a hundred well-trained rat militia servants, but the master refused to sell it.

"The rat people's handyman was buried in the big mouth of the colorful venomous lizard, of course it was his own bad luck.

"But to fight back like me and kill the owner's most beloved pet is even more rebellious.

"I can almost imagine that when the master saw the terrible appearance of the colorful poisonous lizard sting, his anger would soar into the clouds, and how miserable I would end up.

"The incubation pool with hundreds of small lizards is specially prepared for the rebellious rat people like me who are unwilling to die obediently.

"Death, I'm not afraid.

"But I'm really afraid of getting hundreds of finger-sized lizards into my stomach in the incubation pool. After three days and nights or even longer, the whole person will be eaten clean from the inside out, and this At that time, I was still alive, my eyeballs could still turn, and the brain could still feel pain.

"Fortunately, it's still early at this time, and the master hasn't woken up yet.

"Because of my outstanding performance, the master gradually gave me the entire lizard cage to take care of. There was no second person who witnessed my fierce fight with the colorful and poisonous lizard.

"I didn't know where I was born, I smashed the iron fence of the lizard cage, and ran away.

"Before the first plume of smoke rose in the town, I had already ran into the forest outside the town.

"Unsurprisingly, it didn't take long for the town to send chasing soldiers.

"Although I don't know what the master's expression will be when he sees the body of the'Colorful Diamond', judging from the number of chasing soldiers, if they are really overtaken by them, it is better to cut your throat and have a good time. .

"It's just that I barely escaped in the fierce fight with the colorful poisonous lizards, and after having tasted the fate of hanging by a thread, and the grinning **** of death beside my ears, I never want to die again-at least, I don't want to die so easily.

"I desperately fled to the depths of the mountains and forests, breathing the air in the mountains to my heart's content, feeling the moisture of the soil and the fragrance of vegetation, etc., etc. I can't taste the taste in the town or in the lizard cage.

"I think, even if you live one more day, no, it's better to live longer.

"As long as I'm still alive, the master will surely jump into thunder, yelling in anger, unable to lift his head in front of his friends, thinking of this, I, who was originally exhausted, somehow gave birth from the depths of my bone marrow. New strength.

"It's a pity that if you want to survive in the wilderness, you don't just rely on courage and strength.

"I have stayed in the town since I was a child, helping the master to serve his snakes, insects, rats, and ants. I have never lived in the mountains for a long time, let alone how to avoid dozens of teams of chasers in the mountains and forests, and catch them all over the mountains.

"I have left too many traces between the grass and trees. The blood stains I rubbed on the rough bark are as clear as shiny arrows under the sniffing of the bloodthirsty lizards raised by the master.

"Finally, I just escaped for one day. On that icy night, I was blocked by a team of chasing soldiers in a col."

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