The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1098: Revenge of the old bearskin

Meng Chao felt that the soldiers sent by the Big Horn Legion to lead the rat folks out of the magic cave must have been carefully selected and specially trained their eloquence and polished the story countless times.

It can be said to be so vivid and fascinating.

In a few words, the round bone rod seemed to lead everyone back to that thrilling night.

Everyone held their breath and stared at his mouth.

Knowing that he was safe and sound, I also sweated in my heart for what happened to him at that time.

"At that time, a bloodthirsty lizard that looked like a mad dog sprang out of the grass and bit my calf severely. The fangs pierced my flesh and blood, making its body weighing hundreds of catties hung up. On my lap."

The Bone Rod continued, "I watched two fierce lizard warriors, carrying big rods inlaid with snake teeth, and walking towards me with a grinning face.

"Their eyes didn't fall on my head, but on my knees.

"It seems that I don't want to beat me to death with a stick, but to smash my knee, grab it back into the town and slowly concoct it."


In the crowd, some impatient rat people couldn't help but ask, "Later, how can you escape from the chasing of the lizard samurai?"

"Later, it was the old bear skin who saved me!"

The Bone Rod smiled and pointed at the taciturn tall warrior, "Don't you think he doesn't like to talk very much, but he has the ability to imitate the totem beast's cry, and can attract the totem beast in the distance.

"Old Bearskin joined the Big Horn Legion a few years earlier than me. At that time, he was being sent by the Big Horn Legion to the junction of the Bloodhoof Clan and the Dark Moon Clan to find a desperate way like me, but not willing to wait for death. The master is full of anger, the rat people eager to resist and revenge, and develop into a recruit of the Big Horn Legion.

"He saw a large number of lizard warriors at the foot of the mountain. Knowing that they must be hunting down the rebels and saboteurs, he quietly followed the team behind.

"Only relying on the old bear skin alone, of course, can't compete with a large number of lizard warriors, so he used his ability to cleverly attracted a totem beast and crashed into the encirclement of the lizard warriors.

"The value and threat of the Totem Beast is obviously much greater than mine.

"For a time, the lizard warrior was caught off guard by the totem beast, and they turned their backs on the horse.

"The old bear skin took the opportunity to touch it quietly and wiped the neck of the bloodthirsty lizard that was biting on my calf and saved me."

"so it is."

Everyone finally let out a sigh of relief.

Some people were not satisfied, and continued to ask: "Later, how did you escape the hunting of the lizard warrior?"

"It all depends on the old bearskin!"

Bone Rod said, "Old Bearskin is an experienced hunter. He is simply the embodiment of the mountain forest. You can sniff all the streams, swamps, and caves of totem beasts in the entire mountain forest with just a sniff.

"Everyone knows that we rat people are usually not allowed to go hunting in the mountains, except for those who are talented and specialize in guides for clan warriors.

"Old Bear Skin was such a guide when he was in his hometown.

"However, the guide's bowl of rice is also ugly, even more dangerous than cleaning the lizard cage, because the clan warriors always ask the guide to go deeper into the forest in order to hunt more brutal and powerful totem beasts.

"If you really encounter a totem beast, the clan warriors can still fight against the totem beast with their skilled combat skills and powerful totem armor.

"But unarmed guides are often dead.

"The three generations of Old Bearskin's family and his wife are the best guides in their hometown. Their fame has even spread to nearby towns. Many clan warriors go into the mountains to hunt and ask them to lead the way.

"This year, the heirs of the wealthy family who ruled the local towns and the chieftain wanted to complete his adulthood rituals gracefully. He wanted to kill one of the most powerful totem beasts and give it to his father as a gift.

"And his father, the chief who is known for his brutality, also sent a large number of people to **** him.

"Such an elite team naturally needs the best guide.

"The old bearskin couple and their children, a family of three, were called up by the hunting team and went to the depths of the misty mountains.

"It's a pity that the gods are not beautiful. On the day they entered the mountain, the sky was like a hole stabbed by the horns of a giant beast, and there was a pouring rain day and night.

"The torrential rain caused flash floods, and the perilous mountain forests became more uncertain and violent.

"Even in the hunting team, many people were swept away by the flash flood. The remaining clan warriors were exhausted after going around for ten and a half months, and their condition was extremely poor.

"At this time, the storm still didn't mean to stop. Between the dark clouds, lightning and thunder made people confused between day and night. The temperament and totem power of the clan warriors became extremely unstable. Some people even just pulled out their swords. There will be lightning strikes near him.

"It stands to reason that such bad weather is not suitable for hunting at all. The safest arrangement is to withdraw from the forest and wait until the rain has passed and the clouds have cleared and the fog has cleared before regrouping.

"Old Bearskin also suggested the same to the chief's son.

"He told the chief's son that in the depths of the forest, heavy rain and lightning and thunder will greatly stimulate the fierceness of totem beasts and increase the danger of totem beasts several times the usual.

"And their originally well-equipped and well-equipped team was also rushed to pieces because of the flash flood.

"Now that people are sleepy and lacking horses, it's really not suitable to advance lightly. Otherwise, the roles of'hunter' and'prey' will switch positions at any time, and the entire army may even be wiped out.

"It stands to reason that this is the experience of a senior hunter.

"However, the response he got was a merciless whip.

"The chief's son Xinxinnian made a big splash at the coming-of-age ceremony. He has been wandering in the mountains and forests for ten and a half days. How can he return without success and become a joke in the family?

"The chief's son angrily accused Old Bearskin of being a cowardly and humble generation, and he didn't even have the courage of a Turan warrior.

"The more'cowardly' the old bear skin is, the more the chief's son must cultivate his'courage', so he forced the family of three to go to the forefront of the team, and must find the totem beast's lair.

"As a result, after another three days and three nights, they did find the Totem Beast's lair.

"However, the totem beast that was trapped by the storm for more than half a month was stimulated by lightning and thunder to stimulate the power of the totem in the body. Indeed, as the old bearskin guessed, its ferocity and combat effectiveness have skyrocketed much more than usual. Times.

"This exhausted, sleepy hunting team is not the opponent of the crazy totem beast at all. It was quickly slain and lost its helmet and armor, and the people turned their backs on their horses.

"When I didn't see the totem beast, I still had my nostrils upright, domineering, and said something like'Martial Arts','Courage', the son of the'Glory' chief, but at this moment, he was so scared that he was so scared that he brought a few clan warriors with his head Fleeing towards the foot of the mountain without returning.

"They ran away, but the old bearskin family of three couldn't run away. His wife and son were brutally attacked by the totem beast. Even himself was torn apart, almost flying off half of his skull.

"When Old Bear Skin was awakened by the severe pain, he found himself deep in a swamp. The mud had already covered his shoulders, almost covering his mouth and nose.

"Fortunately, he was not discovered by the Totem Beast, and he was lucky enough to escape.

"After finally struggling out of the swamp, the old bearskin wandered around for a long time, but only found the relics of his wife and son.

"Old Bearskin is in grief and indignation.

"Although guides and hunters are extremely dangerous jobs, the day they enter the mountain, they have the consciousness of losing their lives at any time.

"But it was a disaster that could be avoided, but the chief's son killed his close relatives because of his will.

"It happened that the son of the chief who caused this disaster, the guy who was full of ‘Glory’ and ‘Courage’, left them behind and escaped first!

"Old Bearskin was furious and determined to take revenge.

"He knew that in such bad weather, without the help of a guide, it would be difficult for the chief's son to escape this mountain forest.

"So, he endured the pain all over his body and traced the clues left by the chief's son when he escaped in the forest.

"I don't know how much pain I have suffered along the way, and how many times I have been exhausted. I want to close my eyes and just can't wake up.

"But every time there is lightning and thunder, the phantom of his wife and children will always appear in front of him, injecting new power into his body.

"Finally, after three days and three nights, the old bearskin found his enemy in a cave deep in the mountain col.

"Old Bearskin knew that with his own strength, it was impossible to defeat the chief's son and the clan warrior who escorted him.

"Stimulated by anger and despair, Old Bearskin chose to imitate the totem beast's courtship voice, and made the most stern cry in the mountains, attracting the vicious totem beast to his face, and then led by himself, Entered the cave where the chief's son hid.

"The hungry totem beast really showed great power in the cave, killing all the horrified and weakened chief's sons and others.

"Old Bear Skin originally thought that he was also in catastrophe, and he would soon be reunited with his wife and children.

"Unexpectedly, Destiny made a big joke with him again. Just when the Totem Beast killed the chief’s son and other clan warriors, the flash flood broke out, rushed into the mountain col, washed down the cave, and carried the old bear skin down to the foot of the mountain. .

"He was holding a big tree half mothed, and drifting along with the flow. When the rain passed and the sky cleared, he found that he had survived miraculously and was rescued. He took him to a building made up of rat people warriors, warm and strong. Camp—that’s the camp of our Big Horn Legion!"

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