The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1099: Saintess of Ancient Dreams

The story of the two soldiers evoked enthusiasm.

Everyone knew that the tall soldier who didn't look amazing had such a legendary experience of escaping from the dead.

The Big Horn Legion is really the land of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After listening to the narration of the round bone stick, everyone's expressions were different.

Someone breathed a sigh of relief for their escape.

Some people cheered loudly for their defiant spirit, wishing to fly to that moment to see their master, who looked terrified and desperate.

As a matter of fact, many of the young and middle-aged Ratmen who have been included in this hundred-man team have suffered the same torture as the Bone Rod.

Some people, like old bearskins, have lost their most precious relatives.

It can be said that every crisscross scar on their bodies is an unforgettable hatred.

The story of two soldiers of the Big Horn Legion completely conquered the hearts of these rat people.

All their hearts were fired by a thousand arrows, and they were shot into the camp of the Big Horn Legion.

"What does the camp of the Big Horn Legion look like?"

Someone asked, "Is it like a training camp for rat militiamen?"

"Much better than that!"

Bone Rod said, "The clan warriors did not treat the rat people as humans at all, and would only use the most cruel means to squeeze out the combat effectiveness of the servants in the shortest time. As for whether the rat people were injured due to overwork during training. Even a tragic death, whether it will leave fatal hidden wounds, causing the entire life to be overdrawn in just a few years-the superior samurai masters don't care about these things.

"In the Big Horn Legion, every Ratman fighter can get the most appropriate treatment. Although the training is hard, the protection measures are in place and the food is absolutely sufficient. Even if you are eliminated from the training, you don’t have to worry about being discarded. The Legion will always find a relatively easy job to settle everyone.

"Furthermore, everyone in the Big Horn Legion is united and loving like brothers and sisters, and there is absolutely no chance that officers will bully soldiers."

After hearing this, the faces of many rat people could not help showing fascinating expressions.

Especially those Ratmen warriors who are particularly strong, have been in various training camps, and have received the harsh training of clan warriors.

I can't wait to join the Big Horn Legion to show off my skills.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm looked at each other.

The two were not ignorant rat people, and naturally they would not completely believe in the words of the round bone stick.

Even if the round bone stick did not lie, what he saw, heard, and personally experienced may not be the whole truth.

However, through the lines between the lines, the two still confirmed some very interesting information.

The Big Horn Army was not formed recently.

Not a bunch of messy mobs.

Instead, several years ago, they had their own camps, officers, training teams and systems. They also sent a large number of troops to discover new blood in Turanze, and brought together those who had feuds with the clan warriors and possessed strong feuds. The rat people who resist the spirit are all gathered together.

Such a professional legion can never be formed spontaneously by the rat people who have been bullied, squeezed, and enslaved.

Thinking of this, Meng Chao held his throat and said, "Big Horn Legion, it's not easy, all of them are heroes!"

This statement was approved by everyone.

The round bone stick also held his head high, showing an expression of immense pride.

Meng Chao continued: "The one who created the Big Horn Legion must be the hero among the heroes, the hero among the heroes!"


After his reminder, many rat people were all interested.

High orcs admire warriors and heroes most, and pay more attention to honor and inheritance. Each of the five clans has its own epic of glory and record of achievements. The names that have been glorious in famous battles are simply engraved on each. On the chest of the warband soldier, let alone the founder of the warband.

Since the Big Horn Legion has the ability to overthrow the entire Black Point City, the creator must be a heroic hero, in a sense, or a savior who helped all the rat people on the scene escape the magic cave.

How can the big guy not know the name of the savior?

"Our Big Horn Legion was formed by the rebels among countless rat people."

Round Bone Rod said, "Although the five clans all slander us as courageless rats with humble blood, looking at the entire Tulanze, there are more rat people than the stars in the sky. Thousands of years of bullying and squeezing. , How could there not be a few **** warriors?

"It's just that, in the past, the rat people were scattered all over Turanze. They were strictly controlled by the clan warriors, and they were not informed about each other. Even if one or two rebels occasionally appeared, they were quickly suppressed by the clan warriors. , Like sporadic wildfires, were extinguished by heavy rain in an instant.

"However, as long as we gather together, we will turn from a wildfire to a volcanic eruption. It is definitely not a mere wind and rain that can be wiped out!"

This answer, of course, cannot satisfy the rat people whose curiosity mentioned in their throats.

Without Meng Chao's voice, some Ratmen asked loudly, "Then, Round Bone Rod, who is it that brought together so many Ratmen warriors full of resistance? Who is the commander of the Big Horn Legion, isn't it? Very powerful, better than the chiefs of the five major clans?"

"This... of course!"

The round bone sticks are also a bit inaccurate.

But he was unwilling to weaken the momentum of the Big Horn Legion in front of the rat people who had just been rescued.

He thought for a while, and gave everyone an absolutely correct answer: "If you really want to say, the one who has gathered so many rat people warriors together is of course the big horn rat god!"

"Have you ever seen the real Big Horn Rat God?"

The rat people were all taken aback.

"I don't have one, but many officers, witch doctors, and priests in our Big Horn Legion are psychics. They have seen the Big Horn Rat God in meditation and sleep, and they have received blessings and power from the Rat God. At the critical moment, the big horned rat **** can even descend into this world through their bodies and personally command us to fight!" Round Bone Rod said decisively.


Many rat people once again sighed with surprise and admiration.

Meng Chao also narrowed his eyes.

After more than a month of investigation and memory, he has sketched out the general structure of Turan civilization in his mind, and has a preliminary understanding of the entire social form, power system, and special occupations.

"Psychic" is Turanze's unique profession.

As the name implies, it is to directly communicate with the ancestor spirit through meditation, sleep and other methods, and get the enlightenment of the ancestor spirit. With the help of the ancestor spirit, he even uses his flesh and blood body as a "container", accepting the ancestor spirit to come to the world and perform supreme. A man of supernatural power.

If we say that the rat people formed the flesh and blood of Turan civilization.

Clan warriors constructed the skeletons of Turan civilization.

Then the psychic is the brain of Turan civilization, the real ruling class.

The psychics are not necessarily chiefs and priests.

But chiefs, priests, resurrected witch doctors, and invincible generals must all be psychics.

It is said that when a powerful psychic invites the oldest ancestor spirit to come into his body, the whole person’s demeanor, temperament, and even strength will be reborn and even earth-shaking changes, and even the world around them will be affected by them. Distorted by the momentum.

It's like an ancient Turan warrior who was reincarnated and reborn thousands of years ago!

"There are psychics in the Big Horn Legion?"

All the rat people's eyes widened.

If we say that facing ordinary clan warriors, they still have the courage to hold their swords and fight hard.

Then, the psychic is almost the incarnation of the ancestor spirit, the patron saint of every clan, and the spokesperson of walking in Turanze.

It is definitely not something human can contend with.

In fact, for thousands of years, psychics were almost all born in the five clans.

I have never heard of any rat people who can receive the enlightenment and blessings of the ancestor spirit.

This has also become a great "evidence" of the despicable blood flowing from the rat people.

As a result, many rat people are conscious of a dwarf and willingly endure endless squeeze and torture.

If the rat people can also become psychics.

They are even more unreasonable.

"That's because the big horned rat **** has been asleep for the past tens of thousands of years."

The Round Bone Stick conscientiously defended, "Now, since the Big Horn Rat God has awakened, more and more psychics have naturally emerged among the rat people.

"The Great Horned Legion has gathered a large number of psychics among the rat people. Many people have received the enlightenment of the Great Horned Rat God in their sleep, so that they can master all kinds of superb combat skills without a teacher, as well as the formation and formation of troops. The method of organization and planning-if it weren't for such a miracle, how could we make trouble in Pointe-Noire and make the Bloodhoof clan ashamed?"

Indeed, having experienced the ups and downs of Black Point City, the fact that the Big Horn Legion had psychics does not seem to be that difficult to accept.

"And the most powerful psychic in the entire Big Horn Legion is going to be the ‘saint of ancient dreams’."

The Bone Rod continued, "Not only is she able to hear the voice of the Great Horned Rat God in a trance, she can also communicate with the Great Horned Rat God very clearly in a dream, and she has learned from the Rat God for thousands of years. The important information before, and after waking up, still remember clearly.

"For example, the location of the temple and the arsenal and how to open it, which was lost thousands of years ago.

"There are also the ancient Turan's methods of training soldiers and making secret medicines.

"You must know that countless temples, arsenals, secrets, and secret treasures were all destroyed or annihilated in the sand by the invaders of the Land of Light during the era of the'Great Extinction Order' three thousand years ago, even those of the five great clans. The priests with profound wisdom and ancient heritage do not know their whereabouts and how to unlock them.

"The Saintess of Ancient Dream was originally just an ordinary female slave. If she weren't able to communicate with the Big Horn Mouse God in a dream, how could she know all this?

"It is by relying on the guidance of the ancient dream saint that we have unearthed a large number of ancient temples and arsenals to arm the Big Horn Legion to the teeth and have the power to fight against the clan warriors!"

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