The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1100: Big Horn Dream

Meng Chao "cocked" in his heart.

It sounds like this "saint of ancient dreams" is quite like the spiritual leader of the Big Horn Legion.

However, he did not find this name in the memory fragments of his previous life.

It seems that he died on the battlefield when the "Great Horn Rebellion" was brutally suppressed.

If this is the case, the "Incarnation of the Great Horned Rat God in Turanze" might be the key to changing the future.

In the bottom of his heart, Meng Chao has made a lot of strokes for the name "Sage of Ancient Dreams".

Many rat people were very excited, and they wrapped round bone rods and asked a lot about the ancient dream saint and other psychics.

The Bone Rods are just ordinary soldiers, and they don’t know much about psychics and even saints.

Bite the scalp and gossiping for a while, the rat people who were so ignorant were all stunned for a while.

In this way, continued to cheer up, and after tens of miles, no rat people were left behind. It was a small miracle, and everyone's belief in the big horned rat **** became more and more firm.

Not only that, they also gathered a lot of lagging behind along the way.

At this moment, from Pointe Noire to the wilderness on the border of the Bloodhoof clan, there were hundreds of teams of hundreds who were fleeing without their lives.

In order for more people to survive, it is impossible to cover everything and take care of everyone.

Those who are weak or seriously injured can only rest on the spot and wait for the team behind to catch up, then pull them.

The hundred-man team where Meng Chao and Ice Storm are located is considered to be at the back of the entire force.

The old bearskin was good at identifying the clues left by people and animals when they passed by, almost walking in the footsteps of the hundred people ahead, and naturally ran into these left behind.

After a period of rest, some left behind recovered a little bit and were able to keep up with them.

There are also those who are left behind because of serious injuries, or severe physical exhaustion, and their two legs are all entangled in a ball because of cramps, and they can't walk at all.

They can only stay on the side of the road, waiting for the centuries further behind to gather.

Or, wait for the chase of the Bloodhoof clan.

Judging from the gloomy eyes, even they themselves knew very well that what awaited them would be an extremely cruel ending.

However, as a bullied and unarmed rat people, he has been able to rush out of Pointe-Noire and flee here, and he has achieved the utmost.

Neither Meng Chao nor Round Bone Rod could save every rat in front of them—perhaps, they could not even save themselves.

Their only kindness is to even out some food and secret medicine, so that those who can't walk behind can eat and drink.

These left behind were replaced with a few sharp enough swords.

As for how to use these swords, it is up to the person who lags behind to decide whether to smash it by himself, or to fight to the death.

After leaving these lagging behind, the Centurion continued on the road, the atmosphere became a little dull.

Fortunately, when the sky gradually dimmed, they rushed to the first camp ahead in time.

The big horn officer did not deceive.

In order to meet the rat people who escaped from the city of Pointe Noire, the Big Horn Legion deployed nearly ten camps on the escape route.

Although for the sake of concealment, every campsite looked as inconspicuous as a small dirt bag when viewed from a distance.

But when I got closer, I found that trenches criss-crossed, with horses, bunkers, pits and underground fortifications all available. In the camp built on the basis of natural underground caves, a warm bonfire was lit, filled with fragrant mandala. Luo fruit, and the softness woven with the tenderest mandala branches and leaves, allows exhausted fugitives to have a good night's sleep.

With the support of the new batch of Big Horned Legionnaires and witch doctors, all the fugitives enjoyed the wonderful taste of soaking their feet in warm water, carefully removing blood bubbles, and then massaging their legs.

The fugitives who relaxed completely groaned with comfort.

Many people did not even scrub their feet, and fell on the collapsed, snoring loudly.

Naturally, Meng Chao and Ice Storm are not in this list.

The two curiously looked at the layout of the camp, as well as every soldier of the Big Horn Legion around.

There was a strange feeling faintly, the way the Big Horn Legion set up camps seemed to be more detailed and professional than the bloodhoof army.

And their soldiers, although not like the bloodhoof warriors, were filled with totem power, each with a sturdy face and a murderous appearance.

But orders are prohibited, well-trained, and more like a regular army.

"Could it be that the commander of the Big Horn Legion and the ‘saint of ancient dreams’ really got the enlightenment of the Big Horn Mouse God to learn the ancient Turan’s ability to march and fight in their sleep?"

Even Meng Chao never believed in the existence of the Big Horned Rat God.

Still can't help but give birth to such a ridiculous thought, "Otherwise, how can we explain that an uprising army from grassroots, which should be messy and disorderly, is closer to the appearance of a regular army in the modern sense than the iron-blooded army composed of clan warriors?

It is impossible to get an answer to this question here.

Fortunately, as long as you follow the fugitives all the way forward, you can always find the big horns of the Legion, and see the "old dream saint" who is said to be magical by the round bone stick and can please the big horned rat **** at every turn.

After a series of plans and fierce battles between Meng Chao and Ice Storm, they were also exhausted. Every cell was overdrawn to the point of almost drying up.

The two agreed to be alert to each other. When one of them enters a deep sleep state, the other stays in a light sleep state and pays attention to changes in the surroundings at any time.

In this way, slept in a daze until the middle of the night, and several hundred teams rushed to this camp one after another.

There was a wave of snoring all around, and the rat people lay down in a hurry.

Even the stove fire that boils mandala all day long is much dimmer than it was during the day.

It was Meng Chao's turn to be on guard.

He is in a state of light sleep.

Although more than 70% of the brain area is in deep sleep.

The five senses have always maintained a sharpness of about 90%.

Don't let the wind and grass within hundreds of meters around.

Suddenly, Meng Chao felt that the world before him was distorted.

A vague picture scroll unfolded in his field of vision.

Between the vast world, there is an endless wilderness.

Above the wilderness, there is a magnificent, powerful, murderous army composed of millions of phalanxes.

Millions of warriors are like hundreds of statues made of copper and iron. The swords and hammers in their hands reflect the dazzling sunlight, spurring an invincible edge.

In the center of each square array, there is a flagpole with dozens of arms high, and the upper end of the flagpole is a large-horned battle flag that shields the sky from the sun.

Above the battle flag, the blood-drenched mouse skull dangled in flames, in the strong wind, showed an angry face like a living thing.

The hunting of the battle flag sounded like a rat skull, shouting hoarsely.

And on the hundreds of battle flags waving in the wind, the clouds surging like raging waves, a giant with a height of more than a hundred arms and wearing a golden totem armor, stepped on the void and descended to Turan step by step. Ze on the vast ground.

He wore a gold mouse and skull mask on his face.

Dozens of extremely sharp horns were poked out of his head.

In the six arms that are thicker than the thighs of a wild elephant warrior, they each hold a sharp war knife, a heavy warhammer, a mace full of fangs, a giant axe wider than the door, and an iron whip like a python. And a spear that seemed to be condensed from lightning, enough to poke a hole in the sky.

The intense killing intent turned into a billowing wave, pushing the red clouds all over the sky away, forming layers of clouds, mountains, and seas, further highlighting his supreme power to destroy the world.

Under his gaze, the army of millions underneath that seemed to be cast in copper and iron uttered a uniform, heart-piercing, earth-shattering roar.

"The Big Horn Mouse God!"

"The Big Horn Mouse God!"

"The Big Horn Mouse God!"

Meng Chao woke up completely.

But in the weird dream, the big horned rat **** descended from the sky, and the image of invincibility was still deeply imprinted on his cerebral cortex.

This is no ordinary "thinking by day, dreaming by night".

Meng Chao became vigilant in an instant.

As a mental attack and defense expert, he had encountered countless treacherous mental attacks as early as in the Monster Mountain Range.

Such as the super-large illusion "Taoyuan Town", even many Dragon City masters, including him and Lu Siya, can be sucked into it.

He naturally understood the small carving skills in front of him.

"Someone used a psychic attack, trying to plant a piece of information in the depths of my brain?

"No, not specifically against me, but a large-scale group attack..."

Meng Chao noticed that many of the rat people who were snoring loudly all around had their eyeballs moving quickly under their closed eyelids.

There were also words in the mouth, and the name of the "big horned rat god" was repeatedly recited.

This is not normal.

Generally speaking, if you are exhausted and fall into a deep sleep, you tend to sleep very deeply, and you don't know how to dream, let alone talk about sleep.

The high-speed movement of the eyeball is clearly a sign that parts of the brain are still highly active, stimulating the brain nerves, and falling into dreams.

No matter one or two, everyone is the same, and Meng Chao can't help but frown deeply.

He closed his eyes again.

The brain waves were released calmly, forming a circle of faint ripples, spreading around, looking for the source of the mental attack.

Soon, through the feedback of brain waves, he found another very active brain.

It was a witch doctor in the camp.

During the day, he also helped everyone treat injuries and taught them how to massage the muscles of the legs and acupuncture points on the soles of the feet.

It is trusted and welcomed by the fugitives.

At this moment, he was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the camp, pretending to be a deep sleep, but his eyes were spinning at a super high frequency, and he was also chanting words, repeatedly singing the name of "Great Horned Rat God".

Scanned by Meng Chao's psychic energy, his brain was like a beacon, projecting a strange light in all directions.

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