With the footsteps of death getting closer.

The "spark" was burnt into coke and the heart almost burst.

But he, limp in the flames, couldn't do anything.

I can only watch a vague figure, and the chain blade that surrounds the endless killing intent, constantly zooming in the field of vision.

Just when he thought he was bound to die.

In the grass not far away, there was a burst of exclamation.

Then came the wild grass, and some people ran wildly.

It sounded like a centaur was hiding nearby, holding his breath like "spark", trying to escape from under the devil's blade.

But he seemed to be more sullen than "Spark".

I thought that the devil's killing intent was coming straight at me.

She was so scared that she took the initiative to expose herself, and fled into the distance in a panic.

The two demons uttered "Huh" at the same time.

"Spark" suddenly felt that the pressure he was facing was greatly weakened.

The tide of death is gradually receding.

Reluctantly opening his eyes from the flames, he saw two flashes of lightning, one red and one white, dragging out the winding afterimages, shooting them far away at an extremely fast speed.

Reaper temporarily removed the huge sickle from "Spark"'s neck.

The young centaur couldn't help groaning, almost crying with joy.

From the outside, he was still shot through his heart and nailed to the ground at this moment.

Moreover, the body was also covered with blazing flames, but all the parts that were not covered by the totem armor were burned to the ground, and even the white and dense bones inside were burned into black coke.

No wonder the two enemies thought that he was bound to die, and gave up on him.

"Spark" is unwilling to sit still.

The superior orc's unparalleled vitality played an important role in the crisis of life and death.

Totem Armor also constantly stimulates his endocrine system, releasing more adrenaline.

More importantly, the Centaur originally had two cardiopulmonary systems.

Although the heart of his upper body was almost shot through a transparent hole.

The heart and lung system of the lower body can still pump blood continuously to every corner of the body.

The most important thing is that the centaur named "Spark" is born with a strong affinity for fire.

Just as an ice storm cannot be frostbitten by the frost that has condensed by itself.

"Spark" is also ten times more resistant to flame burning.

Under the scorched skin and flesh, his cell activity remained above the grade.

Coupled with his strong desire to survive, he gritted his teeth and pulled out the gun that was deeply inserted into his chest and the ground inch by inch.


When the last inch of the gun was thrown and completely separated from his chest, "Spark" let out a breath of relief.

Burning the fire is not without benefits.

At least, his wounds were scorched, so that his blood vessels were barely muffled, so that he would not faint to death due to hemorrhage.

Getting up from the ground with difficulty, the centaur, who was lucky enough to escape, lowered his upper body as much as possible and looked around.

The vast expanse of grassland is like an unfathomable sea.

The killing that happened a moment ago was like a small wave, disappearing without a trace in the depths of the sea.

He did not see more companions, nor did he see the two murderous enemies who were descending like gods and demons.

In the boundless world, it seemed that he was alone.

That's good.

"Spark" did not dare to stay too long.

Recognize the direction by the posture of the rolling clouds in the sky, and flee to the outskirts of the trapped grassland.

On the bright side, he now has a reason to run away with integrity, no, retreat.

There is no need to make a dilemma between the glory of the samurai and the precious life.

"The conversation between these two enemies must be told to the patriarch and the priest!"

"Spark" thought, "It sounds like these two enemies did not spare the lives of the rat people at all, but deliberately angered us, hoping that we will continue to entangle with the rat people in the empty grassland, using countless rat people's small Life, to delay our time.

"Yes, these two enemies are so powerful, they must be clan warriors who have received harsh training since childhood.

"How can a noble samurai really confuse with the lowly rat people?

"They, as well as the'adult' in their mouths, must be using the rat people to achieve some ulterior purpose!"

"Spark" eyes gleamed.

Feeling that I was a blessing in disguise, and I accidentally exposed a big secret.

He is by no means greedy for life and fear of death.

But with a sense of sacred mission, this big secret must be brought back to the warm, calm and safe rear!

When this young centaur, like a wild dog with a broken leg, limped and escaped from the battlefield.

Not far behind him, two heads poked out silently in the grass.

"Why didn't you just tell this kid directly that the temple thieves are in the'War Drum Forest'?"

Ice Storm asked, "Can these two ambiguous conversations really divert the attention of the bloodhoof warriors from the empty grassland to the right direction?"

"If the four words'War Drum Forest' are mentioned, it seems too deliberate. On the contrary, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party, and it may be self-defeating."

Meng Chaodao said, "Anyway, from the territory of the Bloodhoof clan all the way to the north, there are only two roads, the hollow grassland and the war drum forest. The relationship is either one or the other.

"As long as this kid can relay our conversations to the senior officials of the Bloodhoof clan intact, as long as the strongest people who control the bloodhoof clan, there are still a few well-developed limbs, and the mind is not that simple. After thinking about it, it is not difficult for them to come to the correct conclusion.

"After all, we are not lying. The temple thieves did escape through the drum forest. The large numbers of fugitives on the trapped grassland were just bait for big fanfare. It is impossible to implement such a strategy without leaving clues.

"As long as the senior officials of the Bloodhoof clan can wake up to this point in time, there should still be time to bring some trouble to the temple thieves."

"As you said, the pressure on the empty grassland will be greatly reduced, and we and most of the fugitives will have the opportunity to stand out from the encirclement."

Ice Storm couldn't help but smiled, "And those temple thieves who think they are unconscious, I am afraid they don't know, from this moment on, they are the smelly and shiny bait!"

"The Great Horned Rat God will bless them. Even if they can't help them defeat the furious chasers, they can at least help their heroic souls, plug their shining wings, fly to the holy mountain, enjoy the supreme glory, and let them get paid. What you want!"

Meng Chao laughed and couldn't wait to rub his hands, "Come on, let's count, how many good things have been seized in this battle!"

When the two looked back for the old bearskin and the round bone stick and others, the survivors were still confused and confused.

It took a long time for Meng Chao and Ice Storm to convince them of the fact that the chaser had already fled.

Of course, the two did not reveal their identities.

Instead, all the credits were transferred to the mysteriously appearing Rat God messenger.

The fugitives believed in this.

After all, apart from the Rat God, how could there be a heavily armed totem warrior who would fight righteously to help them wipe out a heavy cavalry team?

The rat people were ecstatic again, and they looked at the sky and paid homage to the non-existent Big Horn Rat God.

Of course, for Meng Chao, who suggested that everyone camp in place and fight to the death with the chasing soldiers, the rat people also respect him as a "psychic".

Every suggestion made by Meng Chao was implemented without compromise.

Meng Chao asked the old bearskin and round bone rods to lead the fugitives who were able to move, and collected the weapons, armors and marching supplies scattered around by the centaur.

As for the trophies farther away, they were all looted by Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

After cleaning the battlefield at the fastest speed, they took a break and set off again north.

Although many fugitives are scarred and exhausted.

But the fact that "under the blessing of the big horned rat god, defeated a team of iron armored heavy riders" still made every cluster of their nerve endings excited to the extreme, throwing away fatigue and pain. .

I don't know if it was too hard to suffer with the head blow.

It was the young centaur who really passed Meng Chao's meticulously woven message to the ears of the bloodhoof clan leaders, causing the latter to divert his attention to the War Drum Forest.

In short, in the next few days, the fugitives never encountered large-scale pursuits.

Instead, many lagging companions were gathered along the way.

Of course, many companions were lost in the following long journey.

However, they spread the connection of "The Great Horned Rat God descended and led the fugitives to defeat the Centaur" to the entire trapped grassland, causing countless rat people to learn new powers in a moment of despair.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm were also invisible to the night, and left without saying goodbye to the team of Old Bearskin and Bone Rod.

The main reason is that this team has experienced the battle of annihilating the chasing troops, and the record is too brilliant.

When it converges with the main force of the Big Horn Legion, it will definitely enter the sight of the legion's high-level and even the manipulator behind the scenes.

Before the secrets about the Great Horned Rat God and the Great Horned Legion were completely cracked, Meng Chao and Ice Storm didn't want to expose their existence.

Even so, they still disguised themselves as different rat folks, mingling among a dozen teams of fugitives, gathering the lagging behind and escorting these teams.

Although he never hit a large-scale heavy armored chaser.

The light cavalry team composed of seven or eight centaur warriors can still meet occasionally.

After a deep run-in of the brand-new totem armor, centaur warriors with less than double digits are completely unable to pose a threat to Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

The two attacked and wiped out a light cavalry team.

After cutting the throat of the last centaur, torture yielded valuable information.

Sure enough, the main force of the centaur had withdrawn from the hollow grassland two days ago.

Now, there are only some rookies who have not yet performed the coming-of-age ceremony, as well as the old, weak and sick with gray hair and bruises, who are still cruising in the grassland.

The order given to them is not "hunting", but "expulsion."

It seems as long as the fugitive rat people are exiled outside the territory of the Bloodhoof clan.

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