The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1117: Rift Base

Meng Chao estimated that compared to previous lives, at least hundreds of thousands of rat people who were undoubtedly dead would survive the disaster.

Although at the beginning, the panicked fugitives were still lost in the depths of the vast grassland, like a pile of scattered sand.

But as long as the general direction is correct, and head northward, he can always meet more and more companions.

It doesn't matter even if the mandala fruit that you carry with you is eaten.

Compared with the clan warriors, the biggest advantage of the rat people is that they are not picky eaters.

Whether weeds, tree roots or rapeseeds, the rat people can temporarily eat their stomachs and persist until the day of victory.

In this way, Meng Chao and the ice storm were mixed in the waves of the rat people's escape, and they walked north for three days and three nights, and finally saw a new transit camp that could accommodate tens of thousands of rat people temporarily rested.

There are strong barriers around the camp.

The elite soldiers guarding the camp also have a vigorous fighting spirit that is not inferior to the clan warriors.

Tens of thousands of rat people gathered here, and even the regular battle group of the Bloodhoof clan would never want to crush it easily.

Meng Chao finally got a good night's sleep.

And once again saw the big horned rat **** in the dream.

In the last dream, the majestic, murderous big horned rat god, this time became kind and kind, and his whole body was filled with a warm smile.

Amidst the flowers, applause and bright sunshine, Meng Chao was recognized and blessed by the Big Horn Mouse God.

In a daze, there seemed to be a voice congratulating him for finally passing the arduous trial and officially becoming a member of the Big Horn Legion.

After waking up, Meng Chao heard countless excitement cheers and excitement crying around him.

Know that all rat people have the same dream.

This is naturally a good thing the priests of the Big Horn Legion did.

The Big Horn Legion seems to have gathered a large group of spiritual experts who are good at sneaking into dreams and bewitching people's hearts.

Using the blessing in the dream, all the rat people were firmly bound to the chariot of the Big Horn Legion.

In the shortest possible time, these mobs who could not see hope were tempered into true fighters who dared to face their former masters hand-to-hand.

It is worth mentioning that even the records of Meng Chao and Ice Storm have become propaganda materials for the Big Horn Army.

Through the mouths of the old bearskins and the round bone rods, the battle to wipe out the heavy armored cavalry, after adding oil, vinegar and grease, has spread through the entire hollow grassland in an unrecognizable manner.

Every group of rat people who arrived at the transit camp heard a completely different but equally exaggerated version.

Some rat people made their promises. They were on the scene and saw the big horn rat **** emerge from the bleeding clouds, stretched out their hands, and dispatched two heavenly soldiers to the world to destroy the invincible heavy armor and cavalry. , All were cut apart and burned to ashes.

There was also a rat folk who spit and said that he saw the messenger of the big horn rat god, and with a light cough, he could summon magma from the ground. Raising his hand and snapping his fingers, there were icebergs rising from the ground, those majestic and majestic. The centaur warriors were all so scared by the messenger of the big horn rat **** that they couldn't even stand up.

Some people even analyzed that it was precisely because of the deterrence of the Big Horn Rat God that the chasing soldiers did not dare to be presumptuous.

Otherwise, with so many rat people sparsely scattered on the grassland, it is obviously the easiest target to attack. Why can they escape here smoothly?

The priests from the Big Horned Legion listened to the Rat People's remarks with a smile.

Afterwards, leading the conscientious rat people, danced and praised the rat **** again.

Meng Chao didn't have the thought of competing with the Big Horn Mouse God for credit.

Anyway, according to the development of the previous life, no matter how majestic and majestic the big horned rat **** at this moment is, he can't be the same.

It is also a dead bone in the mound that is about to be crushed and destroyed.

It's a pity that there are millions of rat people.

All entrusted non-people must be buried for false beliefs.

After a day and night rest at the transit camp, the wounds were bandaged and treated, and supplies were filled, the rat people continued to set off.

Although everyone was recognized by the big horned rat **** in their dreams, they became a glorious big horned legionary soldier.

But their treatment does not seem to be much different from the past.

They still formed a squad of hundreds of people, and there was no time for training. The soldiers didn't know the generals, and they didn't know the soldiers, so they just walked forward.

Weapons and equipment have not been upgraded, and many people are still holding wooden sticks inlaid with the fangs of fierce beasts.

Even the food is not exactly the fruit of Datura.

Instead, the mandala fruit is mixed with grass roots, leaves and rapeseeds. It is boiled and blended. After being mixed into a paste, it is wrapped in huge leaves and delivered to the mouth with closed eyes.

To be honest, this kind of food, compared to the delicacies cooked by the rat folks in their homes during the prosperity era, has a much lower taste and nutrition.

But the rat people who survived the disaster did not complain too much.

Because, the priests have already said, the difficulties are temporary.

As long as they can escape the trapped grassland, in the camp to the north, they will be able to supplement the most sophisticated equipment and enjoy the big fish and meat.

This belief inspires the fugitives to move on.

Along the way, countless people left behind.

But there was also a small group of people who could follow the footsteps of priests and officers.

That is naturally among all the fugitives, the guy with the strongest physique, the toughest character, and in a sense, the best luck.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm are among them.

Ten days and nights have passed since stepping into the empty grassland.

They finally drilled out of the endless green sea, and entered the border between the Bloodhoof Clan and the Gold Clan, a region full of ravines.

Because the underground is full of spiritual veins and the aura is constantly moisturizing, compared to the earth, the geological structure and regional climate of the other world are extremely unstable.

It is very likely that there is a towering mountain peak next to it, and the mountain peak is covered with clouds and white snow all the year round.

At the foot of the mountain is the abyss of Yinfeng's Fury. In the abyss, there are lava flowing vertically and horizontally, converging into a burning river.

The Great Rift Valley north of the hollow grassland is such a barren land with poor mountains and bad waters.

The terrain here is like being cruelly kneaded by the gods who created this world, trampled heavily, and become fragmented, making it hard to look directly at it.

In the depths of the huge rift valley, like the veins of leaves, it also extends into the ground with countless small winding crevices.

As long as the food problem can be solved, let alone hundreds of thousands, it will not be difficult for millions of troops to hide here.

Moreover, because the environment here is too bad, it has no strategic value to the two clans of Bloodhoof and Gold.

The high-level and strong on both sides seldom cast their sights on here.

No wonder the Big Horn Legion can be conceived here silently, setting off the stormy waves that will sweep the entire Turanze.

At this time, hundreds of hundreds of people have arrived in the rift valley one after another, forming a long thin red line along the winding cracks in the rift valley.

As they gradually penetrated into the bottom of the rift valley, the sky was gradually squeezed by the cliffs on both sides, as if the earth were closing on top of their heads.

Meng Chao was very puzzled as to where the priests and officers of the Big Horn Legion were going to take the fugitives—the more they went forward, the more desolate they felt. In any case, it was not like a place that could feed a million army.

However, after going deep into a cave and advancing to a depth of about seven or eighty meters, with a refreshing cool breeze, Meng Chao suddenly opened up.

This is an underground cave with an unimaginable size.

No, it's not so much a "cave", it's a wonderful world parallel to another world.

Looking around, you can't see the existence of the cave wall and ceiling, and there is no damp, hot, and rancid smell that can be smelled in ordinary caves.

Moreover, I don't know what wonderful minerals are contained in the rocks that make up this cave, which naturally emits faint fluorescence, making the cave bathed in milky white light all year round.

The light like a hot spring moisturizes the exhausted bodies of the rat people, making everyone feel soothing, pain and tiredness disappearing, unspeakably refreshing.

"The concentration of aura here is so high!

"It's not inferior to the surrounding Dragon City, the cave in the depths of the Monster Mountain Range!

"Such a strong spiritual energy will definitely activate extremely vigorous vitality!"

Meng Chao was secretly frightened.

Sure enough, in the corner of the cave, they saw countless shiny creatures like moss, vines and fungi.

All sorts of weird umbrellas and flowers vie for beauty, forming a bizarre underground ecosystem.

Many crops obviously have traces of artificial gene modulation, and they bear large and full fruits. The strong aroma stimulates the nasal mucosa of the rats, making everyone move their index fingers and the gastrointestinal tract.

When the mandala flower blooms, the mandala tree will no longer bear fruit in the next ten to twenty years.

These underground organisms have become extremely important food sources.

In addition, Meng Chao was still around the underground ecosystem and found several large monuments of non-metal and non-wood, which have been eroded for tens of thousands of years but remained undamaged, engraved with cuneiform writing.

The black monument, the golden inscription, the surface is still flowing with colorful, like a liquid-like viscous light.

Meng Chao condensed psychic energy on the retina and cone cells to activate extraordinary vision, and found that the part of these monuments that were exposed on the ground was only one-tenth of the total length.

Nine-tenths of the length, deeply inserted into the ground, where the aura is strongest.

Meng Chao suddenly realized that these monuments are like huge "sippers."

Penetrate deeply into the deepest aura in the underground, and absorb all the aura into this cave to create such a lush, vibrant underground ecosystem.

Obviously, such excellent technology cannot be the handwriting of the Big Horn Legion.

It is the creation of the ancient Turan people, even more ancient existence, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years ago.

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