The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1118: Dead-end strategy

"Did you see it, this is the holy place that the Big Horn Rat God bestows on all the rat people!

"From the depths of the earth, the oldest and purest totem power can continuously nurture enough food for millions of troops to consume!

"With this holy land, our Big Horn Legion can be invincible forever!"

The priest wearing the mouse and skull mask was bewitched hoarsely.

The rat folks who have just joined the Big Horn Legion have never seen such a magnificent sight in the depths of the earth.

All forgot to breathe, fascinated, and too excited.

Only Meng Chao remained calm.

He can roughly guess the origin of the Big Horn Legion.

It seemed that it was the careerist who hid behind the scenes and created the Big Horned Rat God with one hand. He accidentally discovered a lively underground cave at the junction of the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan, a deserted land.

Perhaps, this unimaginable underground space is indeed a small world parallel to the other world.

Just as in the depths of the No. 1 Ruins in the center of the Dragon City, there is also a terrifying space that can accommodate the entire Dragon City.

Perhaps, this careerist used himself to excavate countless temples and learned techniques derived from the ancient Turan people to activate the ecosystem that has been sealed in underground caves for thousands of years.

This enabled him to occupy a place in the gap between the Golden Clan and the Bloodhoof Clan, the two major forces, unknowingly, and become his capital to subvert the entire Turanze.

Of course, according to Meng Chao, relying solely on this underground ecosystem is far from enough to feed a million army.

Being able to support thirty to fifty thousand soldiers is the limit.

This can also be confirmed from the side of the scale of the camp left by the Big Horn Legion.

That's right, they still haven't seen the main force of the Big Horn Legion, known as the "Army of Millions" armed to the teeth.

I only saw the empty camp and a handful of soldiers garrisoning the camp.

And got more news from Turanze from all directions.

Only then did they know that in the past ten days and nights, the entire Turanze had undergone turbulent changes.

Just as Meng Chao had expected, the Big Horn Legion was like a flood dragon dormant in the abyss.

Just when the city of Pointe-Noire was bombarded by a series of marsh gas explosions, it turned upside down.

In the various towns and settlements of the Golden Clan, Dark Moon Clan, Thunder Clan, and Shenmu Clan, there are countless unbearable rat people. Under the instigation of the Rat God messenger, the most violent wave of anger has been set off.

Although in most places, the results were not satisfactory because there was no such "sabotage expert" as Meng Chao, and even was discovered in advance by the local clan warriors, destroying the entire organization, and all the rat people who believed in the Great Horned Rat God had suffered. The cruelest suppression.

But the successive riots still greatly shook the rule of the clan warriors.

While making the aristocratic nobles horrified.

It also made many rat people who are still enslaved and squeezed open their eyes sealed for thousands of years, and see clearly that in addition to the road to humiliation and death, there is a road full of thorns and flames, burning and shining. Shining, a journey of incomparable glory.

The whole Turanze suddenly became a mess.

Tens of thousands of rat people rise up every day.

Even in the main cities of the major clans, the elite clan groups gathered there can easily crush the rebels who don't even have weapons.

But because most of the clan warriors gathered in their respective main cities, they were allied and actual combat exercises.

The local townships of the five major clans, as well as the border villages that are not even counted as townships, are extremely empty.

Most of the people stationed in local towns are the old, weak, sick and disabled from major families.

It may even happen that the entire town has only single-digit clan warriors and can only rely on thousands of rat militia soldiers to guard it.

Once these rat militiamen heard about what happened in Pointe Noire and the main city of their clan.

Or in a dream, I got the enlightenment and blessing of the big horned rat god.

Unwilling to live forever and become a slave and cannon fodder.

The mere single-digit clan warriors are simply not enough to stop the out-of-control frenzy, instantly boiling and flooding.

Of course, even if the rat people can temporarily occupy a town.

It is also wishful thinking to firmly guard the brand-new homeland under the ravages of the clan army.

The rat people know this very well.

Know that the source of their power is quantity.

"Once all the rat people in Turanze gather together to form an unprecedentedly large super legion, under the blessing of the big horn rat god, there will be no power to stop our existence!"

The Rat God messengers shouted such slogans and drove batch after batch of rat people to flee the important towns stationed by the major clans' heavy-armed groups and rush towards the junction of the Bloodhoof Clan and the Golden Clan.

As for the main force of the Big Horn Legion, it has already started, marching north and rushing to the hinterland of the Golden Clan.

In the eyes of all Turan people, the holy mountain, which holds the supreme status, is there.

It is said that the Big Horn Legion is going to fight to the death with the heavy forces of the Golden Clan at the foot of the Sacred Mountain.

With the sacrifice of incomparable glory, the ancestor spirits on the top of the holy mountain saw that the brave and fearless rat people fully deserve the title of "the sixth clan".

From the fragmented and overly exaggerated information, Meng Chao, who pieced together the evolution of the overall situation in the past ten days, couldn't help but scream for the strategic choice of the Big Horn Army.

"Do you really think that the main force of the Big Horn Legion should rush to the territory of the Golden Clan to find their own way of death?"

But Ice Storm was puzzled, "Should these rabble people think that it is the same thing to attack a few border places, towns and towns with empty troops, and to attack strategic locations of the strongest clans, and those big cities with heavy forces?

"You must know that many strategically important areas of the Golden Clan, even in the era of the'Great Extinction Order' three thousand years ago, were not conquered by the troops of the Land of Holy Light!"

"Yes, on the surface, gathering all the forces and rushing into the territory of the Golden Clan is definitely a dead end. A more secure choice seems to be the weakest and least aggressive Shenmu Clan among the five clans. , Let’s talk about seizing part of the territory and strategic resources first."

Meng Chaodao, "But when you think about it, you know that the seemingly ‘safe’ strategy is to dig your own grave.

"In the past thousands of years, the main theme of competition within the Turan civilization has always been the four relatively weak clans of Bloodhoof, Thunder and Lightning, Dark Moon and Shenmu, against the dominant Golden Clan.

"Bloodhoof and the other four clans have long signed an offensive and defensive alliance, and it is absolutely impossible for them to die.

"Even if the main force of the Big Horn Legion can attack the city in the territory of the Shenmu clan and temporarily occupy part of the territory, what can it be? The bloodhoof, thunderbolt, and dark moon tribes will inevitably chase after the end, and before and after the elite battle group of the Shenmu clan Flanking, completely strangling the main force of the Big Horn Legion.

"Even if the main force of the Big Horn Legion really has the protection of the Rat God, it can actually defeat the heavy siege of the four clans, don't forget, waiting in front of them, there is the strongest and most terrifying Golden Clan!

"The choice of the Big Horn Legion is to invest its continuous force into the territory of the Golden Clan.

"Leave aside whether the crazy rat people can defeat the hungry wolves and tigers.

"Think about it first. If you were the top of the four clans like Bloodhoof, what would you think of this change in the situation? Would you wholeheartedly help the Golden Clan and attack the Big Horn Legion from behind?"

This question caused the ice storm to fall into contemplation.

"Think about it now, the reason why the bloodhoof clan's chasing soldiers changed their strategy from'encirclement and suppression' to'expulsion' was not only affected by our news."

Meng Chao continued, "In fact, for the four major clans, including the Bloodhoof Clan, it is the best solution to drive the rioting rat people in their respective territories to the territory of the Golden Clan.

"No matter how bad the rat folks are on the surface, the weakness of their individual combat power, the lack of heavy weapons such as totem armors, and the lack of succession caused by the lack of fundamental grounds, etc., all determine that they are a group of mobs, no matter How joyous the noise is now, it will be destroyed sooner or later.

"The real rivals of the five clans are still each other.

"To be more precise, for the four major clans including Bloodhoof, it is the Golden Clan.

"At the beginning of this Glory Battle, the Golden Clan was originally in a dominant position.

"It happens that the most powerful challenger, the main city of the Bloodhoof clan, has suffered the most severe damage from the rat people, so that the bloodhoof clan's vitality is severely injured and almost withdrawn from the competition arena.

"Lost the powerful challenger of the Bloodhoof Clan, the three clans of Thunder, Dark Moon, and Shenmu alone cannot compete with the Golden Clan. Not to mention the throne of the'war chief', the lion or tiger will still be the strongest. Control, even the distribution of trophies and merits in the Battle of Glory, and the right to speak of the four clans, including Bloodhoof, will be greatly reduced.

"I think that the chiefs, priests and generals of the four races, including Bloodhoof, would never want to see such a bleak future turned into reality.

"Now, for them, if they still want to defeat the Golden Clan, there is only one way left-to drive away the tiger and devour the wolf, let the rat people rush into the Golden Clan territory, and let the Big Horned Legion enjoy themselves under the eyes of the wolves, tigers and leopards. Rampant, it's best to cause heavy damage to the heavy forces of the Golden Clan!"

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