The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1128: Baiguying

These followers, of course, like the ancient dream saints of the past, are ordinary people who have been bullied, but have no power to bind the chicken, and powerless to resist.

However, when they stared into the eyes of the ancient dream saint, they saw the majestic image of the big horned rat **** through the pair of eyeballs with four pupils.

And, in each of the following dreams, he received the blessing, guidance and enlightenment of the Big Horn Mouse God.

As a result, he awakened a variety of skills and became a general of the Great Horn Legion with a combat power sufficient to contend with the clan warriors.

After that, the ancient dream saint again led her followers to unearth a large number of temples hidden in the depths of the wilderness.

Many temples were lost before the era of the "Major Extinction Order".

The dust has been in the ground for more than five thousand years.

Even the oldest military aristocracy so far does not know the existence of these temples.

Only in the fragmented ancient war hymns, I heard the deafening names of the temples.

Under the guidance of the Big Horned Rat, the Saintess of Ancient Dreams easily found these temples and unlocked the numerous organs in the temples. At least five thousand years ago, the treasures left by the ancient Turan were regarded as the formation of the Big Horned Legion. The first capital.

Naturally, the underground base in the depths of the Great Rift Valley, located at the border of the bloodhoof clan and the golden clan, is also a gift from the big horned rat **** to devout followers.

In this way, with the efforts of the ancient dream saints, the storm that was originally unimaginable finally took shape in just a few years and swept the entire world.

Even today, the age of the ancient dream saint will never exceed eighteen years old.

But it was such an immature girl who showed maturity that was incompatible with her age in the battle.

Everyone believed that the Great Horn Legion and the wolf clan battle group that came to encircle and suppress were extremely different in strength.

The ancient dream saint seized the deadliest flaw in the wolf clan battle group.

They can't afford to lose.

Not to mention the disastrous defeat at the hands of the rat people.

Even if the victory comes too slowly and reluctantly, it will make people doubt the strength of the wolf race and their determination to defend the glory.

Only a hearty or even unscathed victory can show the pride of the wolf clan and even the entire golden clan.

Under the heavy pressure of the Liger clan, the wolf clan has absolutely no patience, stalemate or deal with the rat people.

He could only attack the main force of the Big Horn Legion with the posture of the wind and wind, trying to finish his work.

Taking advantage of this flaw, Saintess of Ancient Dreams took the initiative to set up several suspected soldiers.

In a series of harassment, the wolf clan warriors were impetuous, and they mistakenly thought that the rat people would only sneak around the dogs, and were extremely lacking in the strength and courage to counteract positively.

She also used "counter-planning" and deliberately revealed false information to the wolf tribe through the mouth of a traitor, misleading the wolf tribe's heavy forces group towards the non-existent "main force of the Big Horn Legion".

After that, there was the defeat of the Howling Group and the result of beheading the "Nightless".

After repeated fierce battles, the ancient dream saint also showed amazing military genius.

She is like an unpredictable prophet, keenly capturing the wolf clan's military route every time, and knows the reality of every wolf clan battle group.

On several occasions, without any warning, she made the main force of the Big Horn Legion jump out of the ambush ring that the wolf tribe had painstakingly arranged, and went straight to the enemy’s secret and fragile ribs, making the wolf tribe tasted all the stealing. The taste of rice is not eaten by chickens.

In short, the hymns of the officers and priests to the ancient dream saint.

Let Meng Chao think of another "saint" who emerged in the Great War known as the "Hundred Years War" in the age of the earth.

Regarding these... Yesterday I was illiterate, but today I can dominate the situation.

Apart from "the revelation of heaven and the blessing of the ancestral spirits", there is really no more and more reasonable explanation.

In addition, the officers and priests also told the rat people around Meng Chao.

They are all strong men who have gone through thousands of trials and performed exceptionally well in the long journey and siege.

Qualified to cooperate with the main force of the Big Horn Army.

Even if they continue to maintain their high fighting spirit and infinite loyalty to the Big Horn Rat God in the next series of battles.

There is a good chance to become the main force of the Big Horn Legion, accept the personal command of the ancient dream saint, and participate in the decisive battle to attack Chijin City!

I thought that I also had the opportunity to become a member of the skeleton rat tide that swallowed that glorious city.

The rat people were full of enthusiasm, their mouths were dry, and their tongues were trembling.

Many people can't wait to see the majestic power of the main force of the Big Horn Legion that defeated the wolf clan.

Even, the big horned rat **** is on top, please give them enough luck so that they can look at the incredible ancient dream saint from a distance.

However, no matter how majestic and invincible the Rat people imagine the main force of the Big Horn Legion in their minds.

When the opponent did show up, the rat people were still taken aback and couldn't believe their eyes.

Meng Chao was the first to notice the arrival of the main force of the Big Horn Legion.

More than two months after the "Big Horn Rebellion" broke out.

In the middle of the Golden Clan Realm, in a valley next to the Turan River.

When Meng Chao awakened from the mottled dream, he saw that every hair on his body was erected like a steel pin.

Gently press the palm of your hand on the ground.

Through the faint vibration, he could perceive that a large number of fierce beasts were approaching far away.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm got out of the camp at the same time.

Seeing large swarms of frightening birds flying into the sky, tearing up the thin dark clouds, stirring the icy moonlight, and causing layers of ripples.

Overlapped murderous auras roared like a mudslide, instantly surrounding the entire camp.

Waves of miserable wolves howled, scratching the rat people's ears like a sharp blade.

Accompanied by the sharp guards of the guards, the entire camp was in chaos.

Hundreds of hurriedly lit torches reflected the faces with changing expressions and wandering eyes.

Regardless of the time of the day, how much blood is boiling when I hear the victory, how much I want to find a jackal, tiger and leopard, and die with it.

In the darkest hour before dawn, hundreds of wolves were heard howling, from far to near, converging into a rolling wave, about to hit the camp.

The rat people who have just joined the rebels for a long time are inevitably anxious and a little frustrated.

It's near, it's near, on the black horizon, there is a heavy gasp of the jackal, and the sound of the armor rubbing the sword, like a **** of death, not hurriedly sharpening its sickle.

Soon, one, two, three, countless green sparks rose in the darkness.

It was the eyes of hundreds of wolves, staring straight at this unprotected temporary camp.

No one knows how so many wolves can quietly sneak into the area that should be controlled by the Big Horn Legion.

All the rat people were so scared that their scalps were numb, and they bit their lips so that they stimulated their nerves with pain, and ordered their slightly trembling hands to hold their swords, guns, swords, and halberds tightly.

However, just when they thought that a tragic fight was inevitable.

From the depths of the wolves, a horn with a very familiar rhythm sounded, and a battle flag was shot.

That is the horn used by the Big Horn Legion to identify friendly forces.

Although it sounds very similar to the charge commonly used by the five clans, there are subtle changes in its rhythm. Only the officers and priests who have followed the Saintess of Ancient Dreams for many years can hear the clues.

And under the blazing flames, the blood-colored battle flag that was slowly unfolding was not the pattern of a mouse skull.

It is a skeleton rat with its heads and tails open, teeth and claws.

This is the main force of the Big Horn Legion, the battle flag of the elite troops known as the "Bone Battalion"!

It is said that the White Bone Camp is personally controlled by the Saintess of Ancient Dream.

The vast majority of the members are senior veterans who have sworn to follow the Saintess of Ancient Dreams years ago.

Many officers were personally selected by the ancient dream saint, and through the dream, they received the blessing of the big horned rat god.

There are also a very small number of newly promoted members, who have worked hard and stood out in the past two months of fleeing and fighting.

The reason for taking such a weird name.

It is because the ancient dream saint wants all the rat people to always remember that in the past ten thousand years, hundreds of millions of rat people have been squeezed into bones by the clan warriors.

I also hope that everyone must be courageous, even if they become fragmented skeletons, don't give up their belief in resistance.

The Bone Battalion represents the highest combat power of the Big Horn Legion.

Although the ancient dream saint is not among the cavalry that rushes forward.

However, the hundreds of wolves seized by the bone camp cavalry from the wolf clan group are enough to open the eyes of the rat people who are falsely alarmed.

Looking at the wolf with its mouth full of fangs and blood stained on its claws, but under the crotch of the bone camp soldier who is also a rat citizen, he is as docile as a war horse, regardless of the master's drive.

The rat people were puzzled.

From the White Bone Camp smashing the Howling Group, up to ten days and a half months now.

What secret method did the soldiers of the White Bone Camp employ to tame the ferocious and tyrannical wolves in such a short period of time?

After a brief discussion, everyone agreed that this is probably another miracle performed by the big horned rat **** through the ancient dream saint.

Joining forces with the White Bone Camp cavalry greatly boosted the morale of the Rat People's Volunteer Army where Meng Chao was located.

Next, they will accept the dispatch of the White Bone Camp to attack several towns near the river valley that are likely to store a large number of mandala fruits.

Because it is close to the middle of the Golden Clan, the defenders stationed in the town are definitely stronger than the old, weak, sick and disabled stationed in the border area.

So, it doesn't matter if it can't be conquered for the time being.

As long as you put on a big fanfare, you can attract nearby reinforcements.

Having captured a large number of wolves, the cavalry of the White Bone Battalion, which has just been established, will naturally be halfway down the road and give a fatal blow to the unexpected reinforcements.

This is the standard "siege to fight aid".

The cavalry leader of the Bone Battalion also promised that as long as they performed well in the siege, even the rat people who had just joined the Big Horn Legion yesterday had a great opportunity to become a member of the Bone Battalion, a sharp blade made by the Saintess of Ancient Dreams. !

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