The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1129: Ways to stand out

Meng Chao had no interest in joining the Bone Camp.

In his opinion, the Big Horn Legion is just a springboard.

The reason why he pretended to be the Rat People's Rebel Army and followed the Great Horned Legion all the way forward was to get in touch with the wolf clan group that came to encircle and suppress as soon as possible.

Find a way to penetrate into the latter, and see the man who is about to rise up miraculously and set off a war in another world-"Jackal" Kanus.

Then, according to the performance of "Jackal" Kanus and the comparison between the strength of the enemy and the enemy, as well as the environment at the time, it was decided whether to follow the temptation and make this ambitious madman into a cooperating object.

Still directly killed his body and ambition in the baby.

As for the ancient dream saint.

Although it was boasted by the officers and priests of the Big Horn Legion, it was so dazzling.

But Meng Chao didn't have much interest in this weird girl with double pupils.

This is not to say that Meng Chao does not believe in the so-called "spiritual".

There are gods and demons in other worlds.

No matter what the true face of the "otherworldly gods and demons" is-it is some kind of advanced civilization that far exceeds the limit of the imagination of the people on the earth, or the remnants of the fierce battle between the "ancients" and the "maternal body" hundreds of millions of years ago in the time of the Primordial War.

In short, anyone who has received the blessing of gods and demons can control the supernatural power that destroys the world.

Meng Chao just didn't quite believe that Saintess of Ancient Dreams could get a real "spiritual enlightenment."

I also don't quite believe that the big horned rat **** is the real "god and devil".

The evidence is that in the history of the previous life, the Big Horn Legion spun up and down, and failed to control the entire Turanze.

The Saintess of Ancient Dreams didn't even leave her name, or was deliberately obliterated. In the mighty tide of the times, she could not turn out half of the waves.

Comprehensive analysis of all the information currently collected.

She should be just a puppet, an artificially created idol, right?

Now that Meng Chao already knows the last name of the puppet master.

Why waste time on a puppet?

However, the plan cannot match the change.

The appearance of an unexpected factor made him change his attention.

It was noon on the day when the rat people rebels and the bone camp cavalry joined forces.

Meng Chao smelled the breath of the leaves.

Speaking of which, it has been almost two months since we broke up with the Ratman Boy.

During this period, wherever Meng Chao went, he would carefully sniff the surrounding environment, trying to distinguish the smell of the traced powder he prepared from the intricate breath.

In the first few days, he could still smell the smell faintly, and knew the straight line distance between the leaf and himself, but it was more than ten or twenty kilometers.

By the time the grassland was trapped, all the rat folks ran around like headless flies, tracking the smell of the powder, and it became thinner and ethereal.

After rushing out of the hollow grassland, Meng Chao never smelled the trace powder carried by the leaves.

While this puzzled him, he was also faintly worried.

Ye Ye is a young man with a delicate mind, strong observation and action abilities, and his growth rate is astonishing.

Meng Chao didn't believe that it was rare for him to take advantage of others and secretly dump some small things like tracking powder.

And the tracking powder he gave to the leaf was enough to be poured hundreds of times, and it shouldn't be used up so quickly.

Did this kid have an accident?

Meng Chao muttered in his heart.

Up to this moment, the strong pungent breath made Meng Chao realize that Ye Zi and himself were close at hand.

He turned out to be a member of the Bone Battalion Cavalry!

"It's really worthy of being a little guy who has accepted my personal preparation, yes!"

Meng Chao was surprised and delighted.

But thinking of the upcoming tragedy, I can't help but frown.

The destruction of the Big Horn Legion is imminent.

As the main trump card, the Bone Camp is naturally the enemy's first target.

Even the ancient dream saint is a mud bodhisattva who crosses the river and cannot protect herself.

What good result can Ye Zi have if he joins this force called "the sharp blade made by the saint of ancient dreams"?

Meng Chao deliberately rescued Ye Zi.

Not just because the two met.

It is also because Ye Ye is very likely to have a lot of key information.

Including how the Bone Battalion trains the Scavengers, has he personally seen the ancient dream saint, the true face of the saint, the battle between the Bone Battalion and the Howling Team, what the truth is, as a wolf clan leader" How did the "Nightless" die?

Through this information, Meng Chao can further analyze the relationship between the Big Horn Legion and the "Jackal" Kanus.

There is another important point.

Ye Ye didn't escape from the Blood Skull Arena by himself.

He also took away 28 rat militia soldiers hand-picked and prepared by Meng Chao.

They are all tough guys with strong bones, and they have been nurtured by the advanced tactical concepts from Dragon City.

Since Ye Ye is in the White Bone Camp.

These rat militia servants who were willing and obedient to Meng Chao were very likely to be in the White Bone Camp.

If Meng Chao can help them avoid the destruction of the Big Horn Legion and the stormy waves that have been set off.

Under his hands, he has an extra precious amount of human resources, and he doesn't need to do everything himself as he is now.

After analyzing the pros and cons, Meng Chao also thought about sneaking directly into the camp of the Bone Battalion Cavalry to connect with Ye Zi.

However, the White Bone Camp and the ordinary Rat People's Volunteers were not stationed together.

Hundreds of wolves surround the former camp, serving as the first line of defense.

There were at least dozens of light and dark whistles in ambush behind them, and they were extremely guarded.

The elite soldiers of the White Bone Camp like to wear a skull mask made of beast bones on their faces, and are easily unwilling to reveal their true colors.

Even if Meng Chao could sneak into it.

It is also difficult to find opportunities to talk to Ye Zi and others in detail.

"It seems that we must find a way to join the White Bone Camp."

Meng Chao said when he found the ice storm.

Since more and more evidence has shown that the existence of the Big Horn Legion is a huge conspiracy.

Ice Storm also realized that her journey to find her father and regain her mother's relics would not be so smooth.

Hearing from Meng Chao, there were probably dozens of his own old men in the White Bone Camp, and Ice Storm was also moved.

With the realm of the two at this moment, it is not difficult to stand out as long as they show a twelfth degree of strength.

But they don't want to do this.

Because the Hu of the temple thief was cut off in Pointe-Noire.

Some Meng Chao and Ice Storm, who have a guilty conscience, don't want to expose their true identity in front of the officers and priests of the Big Horn Legion, or even the Saintess of Ancient Dreams.

They are now disguised as two homes destroyed by the levy team, and they have blood and blood feuds with the clan warriors, relying on hatred to reluctantly walk to today's Rat People's Rebels.

Such a rat people's rebels suddenly burst out on the battlefield with amazing combat power, and even totem armors grew from their bodies, which is really a very strange thing.

At that time, as long as the priests of the Big Horn Legion cast a few suspicious eyes on them, it will be easy to wear them out.

Therefore, if they want to join the White Bone Camp, they still need to think carefully and grasp the yardstick of "stand out" to the right degree.

"Charge, kill, the big horned rat **** is staring at us!"

Three days later, the Rat People's Rebel Army, where Meng Chao was located, united with seven or eight rebel troops coming from all directions, and once again gathered into a surging frenzy, attacking the "Hundred Blade City" located in the hinterland of the Golden Clan.

It was different from the small towns where the old, weak, sick and disabled were stationed by them on the southern border.

The City of Hundred Blades was the first besieged by the Big Horn Legion, a famous ancient city in the war poems of Turan civilization.

According to legend, in the **** battle thousands of years ago, countless warriors were buried here.

And before their heroic sacrifice, the marvelous desperate fight deeply moved the first ancestor spirit.

The ancestor spirits blessed and turned the blood, organs and corpses of these warriors into the most fertile nourishment to nourish the entire land.

In the ground within a radius of tens of miles, there is an inexhaustible totem power.

Absorbing the power of these totems, the mandala tree that grows has a stronger trunk and sharper branches than other mandala trees.

Many mandala trees that are more than a thousand years old have gradually shown the characteristics of metalization and crystallization.

At first glance, it looks crystal clear and radiant, like a steel jungle of swords, guns, swords and halberds.

Cut down the branches of these mandala trees, and after a little polishing, they are the most powerful magic weapon.

Not only the sharpness is several times that of weapons made of ordinary metal.

Moreover, there is naturally a strong totem power, which can help the holder to easily display the most powerful totem combat skills.

For the advanced orcs who are not good at mining and metal smelting.

These mandala trees, which are naturally able to absorb the power of underground metal elements and totems, are just gifts from the gods.

The Hundred Blade City, which used its sources to continuously produce divine weapons and sacrifices to ancestral spirits, was born.

And for a long period of time, it has been able to compete with Chijin City and ranks among the top ten brilliant cities in Turanze.

It's a pity that in the era of the "Great Extinction Order" three thousand years ago, the army from the Land of Holy Light regarded Baijian City as the first priority target after invading the territory of the Golden Clan.

The believers of the Holy Light not only poured into this famous city with a history of ten thousand years like a shining tide, destroyed all the temples in the city, burned every workshop where weapons were polished, and spread raging flames. When I reached every corner of the city, I burned for ten days and nights.

He also cast an incredible curse, allowing the power of the holy light to penetrate into the ground near Hundred Blade City, interfering with and sealing the power of the ground totem.

Even after a hundred years after the Holy Light Army was repelled.

The mandala tree that has re-grown has also lost its crystal clear and radiant qualities.

Although the branches and trunks still contain a lot of metal elements, they can still be turned into swords, guns, swords and halberds after thousands of tempers.

But the quality is not much higher than that of conventionally cast weapons. It loses the magic of blowing and breaking hair and cutting iron like mud in the past.

Because the output and quality are not satisfactory.

The rebuilt Hundred Blade City also lost its former glory.

Both the scale and the number of defense levels are not as good as one-tenth of the past.

But after all, this is the entire Turanze, a well-known god-given land.

If the Big Horn Legion can really capture Hundred Blade City, it will severely shake the ruling order of the Golden Clan.

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