However, when the Bone Battalion officer asked all the new elites to sit in a circle around the Bone Statue, concentrating, emptying his brain, and staring at the statue for a long time, an incredible picture slowly emerged before everyone's eyes.

In a daze, everyone "sees" the white bone statue getting bigger and bigger.

From the height of only half an arm at first, it gradually enlarged to the height of one person.

After that, it became four or five arms high, far less than the most burly elephant warrior.

In the end, the white bone statue is more than a hundred arms high, as if it is a **** and demon standing up and down.

Those eyes formed by the blood of the crowd were more like the scorching sun at noon.

It stands to reason that since they are sitting around the bone statue, there must be someone sitting on the back of the statue and should not see the eyes of the statue.

However, the Ratmen warriors who were deeply attracted by the bone statue seemed to see themselves sitting directly opposite the statue, shrouded in the hot light of magma released from the eyes of the statue.

Accompanied by a solemn and mysterious spell that seemed to have come from ancient times, the huge statue actually moved!

Its eyes are like fountains, spewing thousands of red awns all over the body, turning into bundles of nerves and blood vessels like red threads, entwining the crystal clear, white jade-like bones, manipulating the huge and innocent. Skeleton slowly raised his arm.

The white bone statue sitting cross-legged naturally has only two arms.

However, the hundreds of Ratmen warriors present all "see" the white bone statue staring deeply at themselves, and stretched the huge white bone palm on top of their head.


In an instant, deafening thunder rang in the minds of all the Ratmen warriors.

The world around him collapsed with thunder.

What appeared in front of them was a thrilling ancient battlefield, one after another cruelly fighting, bloody, and thrilling.

Their consciousness turned into inexhaustible rays of light, connected to the countless soldiers on the ancient battlefield who were struggling to kill.

In this way, sharing the perceptions of the little soldiers can experience a series of arduous battles and taste the pain of burning flames and piercing swords.

Of course, in the process of swinging knives, guns, swords, halberds, warhammers and battle axes, maces and meteor hammers, smashing enemies to pieces and becoming flesh and blood, they awakened a large number of combat skills that were originally hidden in their genes.

And on the real level.

Almost all the new elite brains are all overloaded and their brain cells are constantly trembling and swelling, just like bubbles rising in magma.

Above everyone's heads, smoke sprayed like a chimney.

From time to time, someone couldn't bear the crazy perfusion of massive information, groaning, bleeding from the seven orifices, and fell crookedly.

They were immediately under the command of the Bone Battalion officer, and they were dragged away silently.

The expressions on the faces of the remaining people kept changing.

Sometimes gritted his teeth, sometimes crossed his eyebrows and angered, sometimes pained, and sometimes revealed the peace of his life after the catastrophe.

From the analysis of the high-frequency changing expressions, the time flow they perceive in a trance seems to be ten or even a hundred times slower than the actual level.

In reality, but just in the middle of the night.

In a trance, they spent hundreds of **** and cruel days and nights on the battlefield.

There are even a lot of **** wounds on the skin of some people at a speed visible to the naked eye, but they scab, peel off, and recover in the blink of an eye.

A world with psychic powers was originally a world where consciousness can strongly interfere with matter.

When the brains of the Ratmen Warriors are constantly strengthening and upgrading.

Their flesh and blood have also experienced a fierce and dangerous reincarnation.

All the warriors are deeply trapped in the virtual battlefield.

There are only two people who can still control their brain and body highly.

Naturally Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

The picture that Meng Chao "sees" is completely different from that of an ordinary Ratman warrior.

In his eyes, the white bone statue is still half the size of an arm, and it has not become an indomitable **** and demon.

But this weird statue is indeed like a wind-up doll, slowly spreading its arms and even its ribs, oscillating violently with a very high frequency and a very small amplitude.

Accompanied by the high-frequency vibration of the white bone statue, the ripples resembling brain waves continued to spread, flooding into the brains of the Ratmen Warriors.

Similar to the instantaneous transmission technology of massive information, Meng Chao had also discovered it in the Totem Armor.

It seems that the two technologies are in the same line and were created by the ancient Turan people.

This kind of combat teaching device similar to "brainwave sharing" can effectively make up for the shortcomings of "gene inheritance and innate writing".


Meng Chao squinted his eyes and calmly observed the top of the white bone statue.

He faintly perceives that a continuous flow of information descends from the sky, first pouring into the body of the white bone statue, and then turning into psychic ripples similar to brain waves, pouring into the brains of the rat people.

Meng Chao suddenly realized.

He knew what exactly this statue was, with all its bones open, and it looked like a cross.

It is "antenna" and "signal amplifier".

It can help remote commanders in the distance to instantly transmit the carefully compiled information to countless burning brains!

It's just that Meng Chao still doesn't know who is sending information on the "antenna", on the other side of the sky.

She is the saint of ancient dreams.

Or, "Jackal" Canus?

Dawn is approaching, and this crazy instillation of killing information is finally over.

Dozens of rat people warriors failed to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of massive information, and fell before dawn.

The remaining hundreds of Ratmen warriors woke up from their long dreams. After a moment of sluggishness, they all felt the abnormal changes that had happened to them.

Their perception becomes more acute, and they can see and hear countless, vague and unpredictable things in the past.

Many people's strength has increased, their speed and jumping ability have increased visible to the naked eye, and the whistling sound when they wield a sword is more fierce and fierce than in the past.

Some people have learned skills such as controlling wolves in long dreams.

Compared with yesterday, at this moment, they have completely transformed into veterans who have survived a hundred battles and are not afraid of death!

Of course, such crazy indoctrination must pay a heavy price.

The brains of many rat people have been destroyed, and until this moment, they are still slashing like a giant axe, causing the corners of their eyes and mouths to twitch.

Such fighters are very easy to lose control on the battlefield and become slaves to the desire to kill and the power of totem.

But even if you know in advance that there will be such side effects, no one will care.

Just as no one cares, will it suddenly turn into a burning human-shaped fireball after drinking the magical medicine given to them by the rat god.

To be honest, in the blood and tears of the rat people who have been bullied for nearly 10,000 years, burning their lives and turning them into incomparably bright flames and light is really the most joyful and glorious way to die.

The Bone Battalion officer told these Ratmen warriors that they had passed the last trial of the Rat God in a cruel dream and officially became a member of the Bone Battalion.

If in peacetime, a grand sacrifice should be held to allow them to be welcomed by all officers, priests, veterans, and even the ancient dream saint herself.

But now the military situation is urgent, and a large-scale wolf clan reinforcement army is rushing to assist Baijian City in the starry night.

They must arrive at the preset ambush battlefield before noon, cooperate with the main force of the White Bone Camp, and smash the wolf clan's fighting will with an unstoppable attitude!

In order to race against time, this elite team of rats that had just been formed set off immediately.

Even the replenishment of the secret medicine and the mandala fruit mixed with totem animal oil is also carried out on the run.

Fortunately, everyone in the team is one of the best among the rat people.

Moreover, just last night in a trance, experienced at least a hundred difficult battles.

Compared with the battlefields in the dreamland where the stumps of limbs and arms flew all over the sky, and the sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood were burned by flames, it was a hundred times more tragic than hell.

Whether it’s climbing over the mountains or taking an armed swim, it’s as easy and enjoyable as an outing.

When the scorching sun fell at noon, this elite team of rat people arrived at the preset ambush battlefield.

It was more than 30 miles west of Baiblade City, a large river that had already dried up, and the dense forest beside the group of stone pillars criss-crossed to pieces.

In fact, directly passing through the stone pillar group is the shortcut to support Hundred Blade City.

But the environment inside the stone pillar group is too complicated.

The thick and thin stone pillars that seem to be surrounded by three or five people have long been eroded into crumbly by hundreds of millions of years.

Even the bombardment of the Turan Warriors with their bare hands may cause the stone pillar to collapse and trigger a chain reaction.

It is impossible for the wolf clan reinforcements to pass directly through the stone pillar group.

Otherwise, you will face the risk of collapse.

On one side of the group of stone pillars are towering mountains.

The dense forest on the other side is their only way.

Meng Chao, Ice Storm, and hundreds of Ratmen warriors who had just joined the White Bone Camp and were so strong that they would burn the sky through the sky were lying in ambush in the mud deep in the dense forest.

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