But Meng Chao did not see the veteran of the White Bone Camp.

Nor did he smell the trace powder on the leaves.

It seemed that only these hundreds of new warriors who had just joined the White Bone Camp were alone in ambush in this steaming jungle.

"Leaf and others, will they perform other ambush missions elsewhere?"

The ice storm hung beside Meng Chao, the whole person was completely plunged into the rotten mud, and even the faces that surfaced became black.

Only his eyes still radiated sharpness like a cone of ice.

Her lips seemed to be motionless.

However, the sound ray was accurately transmitted to Meng Chao's ear canal under the gathering of psychic energy.


Meng Chao was like a piece of rotten wood, thinking silently for a long time in the mud, then raised his head slightly, and said in a deep voice, "This is a very large-scale and vital ambush. If I am not mistaken, the White Bone Camp will be overwhelmed. And everyone, including Ye Zi, will participate in the war. We just need to be vigilant and wait patiently!"


Ice Storm was once again aroused by his curiosity, "How do you know that the scale of this ambush is extremely large and extremely important? You know, the reinforcements to rescue Hundred Blade City are much more than one way, and besides us, there is only Hundreds of new warriors who have just joined the White Bone Camp and have never even seen the face of the ancient dream saint."

"That's the problem."

Meng Chao asked back, "Don't you think that just one officer, leading a group of soldiers who have just joined the White Bone Camp, who are not familiar with each other, and even he can't even be named, rushed for a long distance to fight an ambush. It's too much. Reckless?

"Yes, those who are eligible to be selected for the White Bone Camp are all warriors chosen from a hundred miles away. After last night's'Blessing of the Rat God', they have mastered various killing techniques very well.

"But an ambush is really the most demanding form of combat for soldiers' tactical quality and discipline.

"The Ratmen warriors around us are brave and brave, but they lack the ability to lie down for a day or even two days under the premise of high concentration and quietness.

"This kind of ability requires years of rigorous training before it can be slowly cultivated.

"And our opponent is one of Turanze's most powerful sneak attack experts. Perhaps these wolf cubs are more vigilant than the Lion and the Tiger.

"Just ask, how can such an ambush force that hastily formed an army catch a well-trained wolf clan elite?

"Even if we ambush it at first glance, no matter how good it is, I am afraid that the wolf clan commander can pass the flight trajectory of the scary bird over the jungle and the insects in the jungle.

"The other party was vigilant and took a detour, which is still our luck.

"I'm afraid that the other party will do it, pretending to not know that we are in ambush here, but in fact, they rushed out from an unexpected direction and killed us by surprise!"

The ice storm was slightly startled, and after his thoughts turned, more suspicious points were also discovered.

"It makes sense. The White Bone Camp only sent a few officers and priests to receive our team. They brought us here without asking everyone's name. There is something wrong with this.

"It stands to reason that if you want to bring out the strongest combat effectiveness of these new warriors, you should at least be accompanied by a group of experienced grassroots officers, corps and chiefs, to pull up the skeleton of the entire team.

"How can it be like this, throw us into the jungle casually, except for simple and rude orders, no tactics are arranged, and the arrangements can't be implemented. How can this be a victory?"

"Perhaps, the other party never thought about it, relying on us to win the war."

Meng Chaodao said, "The other party knows very well that with our group of newly promoted warriors who have rushed into the army, even if they train for three to five or seven days, coupled with a savvy and capable corps and chief, they will implement the tactical intent to every soldier. In his head, it is impossible to annihilate the enemy who comes to aid."

The ice storm froze for a moment.

"So, what is the purpose of deploying us here?" She frowned and asked.

"We are the bait."

Meng Chao squinted his eyes, his gaze was like an invisible ray, constantly scanning the surrounding environment, not letting go of every seemingly calm water pool and every overly bright flower and grass.

"As you can see, here are more than a dozen cities in the west of Hundred Blade City. The only way to help Hundred Blade City is the most ideal ambush battlefield-this is well known by both the Big Horn Legion and the Wolf Race. ."

Meng Chao continued, "The dog-toothed stone forest next to the jungle is in danger and is extremely unfavorable for the passage of reinforcements, but this jungle is far from a thoroughfare. There are also countless corners that can quietly ambush thousands of intrepids. A warrior who is not afraid of death.

"If I were the commander of the wolf clan reinforcements.

"Even if I abandon the stone forest and choose to walk through the jungle.

"It is impossible to relax the slightest vigilance, I believe that the ambush will only wait in the stone forest stupidly.

"So, regardless of whether the Big Horn Legion chooses us new warriors who have just joined the Bone Battalion, or the Bone Battalion veterans who have spent countless resources and carefully prepared for several years to perform ambush missions, in all likelihood, they will be reinforced by the wolf clan. Found out.

"Thinking about it, if I were to plan this ambush, the only way I can think of is to proactively arrange a batch of decoys so that the wolf reinforcements can discover and defeat them, so as to minimize the amount of wolf reinforcements. Be alert."

"We are...bait?" In the bottom of the ice storm's eyes, the cone of ice continued to grow, becoming harder and sharper.

"Yes, just like the key to the deployment of checkpoints is the combination of light and dark. While some of the sentries are deployed in the light, more powerful means must be deployed in the dark. I believe that besides us, there must be more Deployed another even more powerful ambush soldier—that's the real White Bone Battalion elite, a killer made by Saintess Gu Meng herself."

Meng Chaodao, "I said just now that once the commander of the wolf clan reinforcements discovers our existence, he has two options, either to make a detour, or he will do everything.

"But because the wolf clan cannot bear the responsibility of'Hundred Blade City's Lost', even if it is captured and then retaken, the entire wolf clan will become the laughing stock of the Turan epic. After all, the one who conquered Hundred Blade City is humble and The weak rat people, even if the battle flag painted with the skeleton rat pattern is allowed to fly on the towers of Hundred Blades for even the blink of an eye, to the wolf race, it is a shame that the torrent of blood can wash away, and the Liger II The clan will definitely take the opportunity to attack and further weaken the power of the wolf clan.

"The wolf clan reinforcements dare not take risks.

"They need time more than us.

"Except for the only way in front of you, if you take a detour, you will have to bypass the entire mountain range, and at least three to five days will be wasted.

"In three to five days, who knows whether the overwhelming rat people frenzy will capture Hundred Blade City, tear the glory of the wolf tribe to pieces, and trample them into hell?

"Therefore, knowing that there are ambushes in the jungle, the wolf clan commander can only choose to "prefer to Tiger Mountain" and try to annihilate all the troops deployed in the jungle by the Big Horn Legion, so as to firmly control this necessary path in his own hands. Inside.

"The purpose of our ambush is to make the wolf clan commander miscalculate the size and combat effectiveness of the ambush, and at the same time expose the full strength of the wolf clan reinforcements. Even, in the most ideal state, those of us who have just obtained the'rat god' The newly promoted warriors of "Blessing" can explode amazing fighting power between life and death, just like this sticky and rotten swamp, firmly restraining the minions, hands and feet of the wolf clan reinforcements.

"In this way, when the real ambush soldiers appear, it is possible to instantly cut the throat of the wolf clan reinforcements with the sharpest front!"

The ice storm exclaimed in my heart.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "But how do you know the scale of this ambush is huge and important?"

"Of course this is because the value of our'bait' is too high."

Meng Chaodao said, "If it is a general trick to lure the enemy, you can choose a batch of cannon fodder to execute it. Anyway, there are a steady stream of rat people who have defected to the Big Horn Legion from all directions. There is no need to carefully select so many brave warriors. It also consumes a lot of resources, instilling so many killing skills in our brains.

"After all, regardless of the outcome of the ambush, the decoy troops will be hit the hardest, or the entire army will be wiped out.

"Unless, the wolf clan reinforcements that the White Bone Camp wants to ambush have extremely strong combat effectiveness. Ordinary cannon fodder can't resist them at all and will be penetrated by them in an instant.

"Only the fierce and fierce warriors who have experienced many battles can slow their pace a little and interfere with their judgment.

"And if you want to capture such a powerful Wolf Clan reinforcements and the White Bone Camp does not come out of the nest, it is impossible to succeed.

"So, close your eyes and recharge your energy. We are about to usher in an extremely fierce battle. I hope that Ye Zi will be lucky enough to save his life before we find him!"

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