The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1138: Catastrophe

As Meng Chao said, he closed his eyes first, immersed his entire head in the mud deep in the swamp, and only exposed his two nostrils.

With the cooling of the mud, his brain still runs at super high speed, maintaining intense thinking.

The destruction of the Big Horn Legion is getting closer and closer.

Whether besieging Hundred Blade City or ambushing the upcoming Wolf Clan reinforcements, the Big Horn Legion has mobilized a large number of main forces including the Bone Camp.

It also completely exposed the fictitious reality of one's own side to the vicious wolves and tigers and leopards.

Regardless of whether they can capture Hundred Blade City, or wipe out Wolf Clan reinforcements.

This kind of action to shake the liger clan's rule of Turanze will never be allowed to continue.

As the saying goes, "If you want to destroy it, make it crazy first."

The fiercer the Big Horn Legion’s crazy offensive is, it means that the death knell of the entire army has already sounded, and the death knell is getting closer and closer to their throat.

Meng Chao must find the leaves before the Big Horn Legion suffers a decisive defeat.

From Ye Zi's mouth, he asked the key information of the White Bone Camp and even the core force of the Big Horn Legion.

In order to preserve the vitality of the Big Horn Legion as much as possible before the day of destruction comes, and turn it into a game with "Jackal" Kanus, the most critical bargaining chip.

Just when Meng Chao carefully sorted out every fragment of memory in his previous life, trying to piece together the whole picture of "Jackal" Kanus.

Deep in the mud, there was an extremely slight vibration.

In the darkness, Meng Chao suddenly opened his eyes.

The wolf clan reinforcements are coming.

Coming so fast!

Quickly poking his head out of the swamp, Meng Chao heard three long and two short insects from deep in the dense forest.

That was the scout sent out by the Bone Battalion officer, and it also signaled the "enemy army descended".

In the depths of the jungle, there was a sudden turmoil.

All the soldiers tried to ambush more perfect.

I don't even know that the thorns and weeds that I used to disguise all over my body made a sound of "swimming".

If Meng Chao is the commander of the wolf clan reinforcements, they can be seen clearly at a distance of hundreds of arms.

But the wolf clan reinforcements are still advancing.

In the dark jungle, dark silhouettes gradually emerged.

This is the first time that Meng Chao has encountered an established wolf clan elite.

Unlike the wolf warriors they met in Hundred Blade City, the first feeling of these wolf cavalry straddling the wolves in front of them was "silence".

It is clear that light is the pioneer, and there are hundreds of riders, moving fast in the jungle full of thorns, vines, dead wood, mud and rocks.

But not even the slightest sound.

Regardless of the sound of the wolf's footsteps and breathing.

It was the sound of the armor of the wolf cavalry colliding with the blade.

Even the strong murderous aura alarmed the birds and beasts in the jungle, the hissing of birds and insects.

None of them.

They are like a dark tide of shadows, quickly infiltrating the depths of the jungle.

However, these wolf clan reinforcements did not seem to have found ambushes.

The vanguards rushing to the forefront are all driving the wolves, passing over the heads of the two ambush soldiers, still confused, and have no intention to warn their companions behind them.

Many ambushes were overjoyed.

Give birth to the illusion that "the wolf clan is elite but so".

They were buried deep in the mud, clenched tightly on the backs of their swords, great axes, and maces. The thick green veins, like earthworms, bulged out one by one, like a fuse about to detonate.

Meng Chao smelled conspiracy.

The warning signs of danger were like piercing steel needles, poking his brain from the temples on both sides.

"No, the elite wolves should not react so sluggishly, unless they—"

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank into two needle points.

He found one thing.

These wolf cavalry are so alike.

It's not just standard armor and weapons.

It also includes mud and blood stains on their armor.

Even their posture holding the reins and the movements of the wolf under the crotch are exactly the same.

It's like... a copy of the same person.

At this moment, a venomous snake entrenched on a branch, disguised as a dead vine hanging down, suddenly woke up, revealing its sharp fangs, and bite at the wolf cavalry nearest to it.

An extremely strange scene was staged.

The wolf cavalry turned a deaf ear to the viper close at hand, and still proceeded along the planned route, even at an unabated speed.

And the poisonous snake should bite his neck fiercely and inject all the venom into his veins.

However, he threw himself into the air, went straight through the wolf cavalry's body, and fell to the ground.

It's like...

This wolf cavalry does not exist at all, it is just a phantom simulated by sound and light effects!

No, it's not just this wolf cavalry.

It is the vast majority of wolf cavalry in the vision of the Ratmen Warriors, all of them are "duplicates" copied from the same body with interlaced light and shadow, mottled and mottled!

Just a few real wolf cavalry, using this incredible secret method, activated a large number of magical and real sound and light effects, creating a scene of hundreds of wolf cavalry passing through the jungle, firmly attracting all the ambushes. Attention.

Up to this moment, an ignorant poisonous snake pierced the illusion of the wolf cavalry.

The vast majority of the "wolf cavalry" became crooked, mottled, blurry and thinner, just like smoke that has burned out.

While breathing, all the "wolf cavalry" within the attack range of the ambushes disappeared.

Only at the edge of their attack range, there were two wolf cavalry, who held the reins just right, and made the wolf under the crotch stand still.

The real wolf cavalry, deep in the scarlet eyes, radiated undisguised sarcasm.

It seems to be asking the ambushes who are cocooning themselves, a fatal question.

"If the main force of the wolf clan reinforcements is not in front of them, then where will these Turanze's premier sneak attack experts appear?"

At this moment, behind the ambushes, a stern wolf howl sounded.

The howl of the wolf is like invisible lightning, which instantly penetrated the eardrums of the ambushes, invaded the auditory nerves of the ambushes, and injected a lot of fear information into the ambushes' brains.

In a trance, written on the genetic level of the ambushes, the primitive fears of ancient carbon-based creatures facing natural enemies are all activated.

The fear that is not transferred from will, like venom, erodes their central nerves, making them difficult to breathe, their brains are blank, and the images in their vision begin to tremble and blur.

This is a mental attack similar to a "fear bomb".

In the Monster Mountain Range, many nightmare beasts, such as the "Blood Moon Demon Wolf" encountered by Meng Chao in the actual combat test of the college entrance examination, all possess similar skills.

There is also the illusion cast by the wolf cavalry just now, copying their own figures in large quantities, simulating the illusion of hundreds of cavalry side by side, and it is also very similar to the talent skills of the "phantom wolf" in the monster mountain range.

It seems that the totem beasts living in Turanze and the monsters living in the monster mountain range do have an extremely close relationship.

And the elite of the wolf clan can control such fierce monsters, making them into biological weapons under their crotch!

"Look, on the treetops!"

Realizing that they had long been exposed, the ambushes suddenly became a mess.

Wielding the sword frantically, slashing the surrounding bushes and thorns, and there is no sharp shadow of the wolf clan from the depths of the darkness.

This kind of unresolved fear has made them even less confident.

It wasn't until an ambush soldier raised his head unintentionally that he could see the death god's minions clearly, and there was a cold light and shadow just before his head was in a different place.

No one thought that the wolf clan elite had fallen from the sky.

The wolves under their crotch are completely different from the wolves once captured by the Bone Camp.

These wolves are more slender than ordinary wolves that run rampant on the battlefield.

But where the limbs and torso are connected, a thin and tough fleshy membrane grows.

Usually folded and contracted under the armpit, it does not hinder running and plopping.

As long as you climb to a high place, open the fleshy membrane, and make a leap, it is like opening a wide fleshy wing, enough to glide dozens of arms.

Take advantage of the characteristics of these "winged wolves".

The wolf clan reinforcements who had already discovered the ambush, really chose to count.

While sending out two or three wolf cavalrymen to create illusions from the front to attract the attention of the ambushes, their elites went around behind the ambushes from the flanks, and unknowingly climbed to the heads of the ambushes, condescending and launching a surprise attack!

The wolf tribe was originally one of Turanze’s best assault tribes.

A few days ago, the howling battle group suffered an incomparably shameful visit, which has already raised the vigilance of the rest of the wolf clan elite by 120,000 points.

Want to sneak attack on these vigilant wolf clan elites.

It was as ridiculous as competing with a centaur in shooting.

The ambushes paid the price for their indiscretion.

The entire team suffered a literal "disaster of destruction".

Many Ratmen warriors did not even see the appearance of the enemy clearly, and their throats were cut by the sharp blade that fell from the sky.

Even the entire head was chopped off, leaving only the headless cavity, dancing in the mud, silently falling.

Others raised their swords and giant axes to block in haste.

However, with the help of the huge impact force, the wolf directly knocked the weapon into the air, and the wolf claw stepped on his chest.

The wolf cavalry performed exquisite riding skills, as if they were integrated with the wolf under the crotch. With the high-frequency tremor of the muscles, the destructive power of the stormy sea was continuously input into the wolf's paws, and then dripped into the rat. The heart of civilian soldiers.

These Ratmen warriors all have experienced fierce battles with the wolf clan under the city of Hundred Blades.

I have also heard from the officers and priests vividly telling the story of how the ancient dream saint led the main force of the Big Horn Legion to defeat the Howling Warband in a destructive posture.

In the mouths of the officers and priests, it seemed that the wolf clan had become panic and vulnerable after several defeats.

And under the protection of the big horned rat god, as long as they jump out of the swamp and let out a deafening roar, they can completely destroy the morale of the wolf race.

Until deep in the chest came the sharp pain of a heart burst.

These Ratmen warriors just woke up like a dream.

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