The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1139: Reapplying the old technique

It's a pity that before the emotions of remorse and regret came to mind, the sharp blade of the gods of death had already harvested their souls.

A moment ago, a dead and silent jungle turned into a noisy and **** slaughterhouse in an instant.

Dozens of Ratmen warriors had their heads in different places or even torn apart in the first time, and were torn into **** pieces by the wolves.

More Ratmin soldiers broke their muscles, blood spurted wildly, and the arms holding the sharp blades broke away from their bodies and flew high.

More importantly, their carefully disguised formation was completely overwhelmed by the elite wolf clan descending from the sky.

Everyone is trapped in a desperate situation where they are in their own hands.

Of course, these rat people warriors who regard death as home will never be reconciled to see their rat gods empty-handed.

The massive killing information that was forcibly instilled into the depths of the brain last night played a key role at this moment.

The brains of many Ratmen warriors are still immersed in long dreams, unable to extricate themselves from hundreds of tragic fights.

One of the sequelae caused by the overload of brain cells is that they can't distinguish the difference between dream and reality, or even the difference between survival and death.

The strong smell of blood activated the "switch" deep in their brains, causing them to think in a trance that everything that happened before them was just another nightmare.

Then, just like the hundreds of nightmares experienced last night, turn into a demon in the nightmare, and fight happily!

Thinking about this, the Ratman Warrior quickly recovered and got rid of the fear caused by the howling of the wolf. His eyes were red, his mouth was foaming, and his nose was surging with a stream of heat, like a killing machine about to fry a pan. The nearest wolf clan elite rushed forward.

They are certainly not elite opponents of the wolf clan.

But the victory or defeat on the battlefield can be determined by more than a simple comparison of battle data.

The distance between the two parties is too close.

The environment in the jungle is too complicated.

Even the elite minions of the wolf clan can easily penetrate the chest of the rat folk warrior.

But the loyalty to the Great Horned Rat God can temporarily replace the beating heart of "Bubu", pumping the last and strongest force into the limbs of the Ratman Warrior.

In the violent shouts, they clung to the elite of the wolf clan, piercing their swords, daggers and even their own teeth along the gaps in the armor into the blood and flesh of the elite wolf clan.

These wolf clan elites are also the first time to face off against the elite soldiers of the Great Horned Legion.

They also made the mistake of underestimating the enemy.

Like the Ratmen Warriors just now, they had the idea of ​​"smashing the enemy in one go."

I thought that as long as I fell from the sky, I would be able to scare the Ratman warriors with howling wolves.

Neither of them expected that the other's resilience was so amazing.

The confrontation in which the brave meets on a narrow road quickly evolved into a fierce war of intestines.

The wolf clan elite is certainly superior.

Want to eat up all the Ratmen Warriors in the shortest time, but also had to pay a painful price.

The spirit and fighting power displayed by the Ratmen Warriors, which are completely different from those of ordinary Ratmen, also made the Wolves Elite mistakenly believe that the enemy in front of them is all of the ambush.

Unconsciously, both sides lost the concept of formation, like two exhausted fighting dogs, entangled in the depths of the jungle.

They even hugged each other and fell into the swamp together, unwilling and unable to let go of each other.

Only a handful of masters, such as Meng Chao and Ice Storm, could not be disturbed by the chaotic battle situation.

Meng Chao focused half of his attention on the shadows of the swords and swords around him.

Try to present a level slightly higher than that of the Ratmen Warriors, which can protect your own safety, but will not be attacked by the elite wolf clan.

However, he projected the other half's attention to the surroundings of the jungle, not letting go of every sign of the deep forest.

Meng Chao can conclude that the main force of Baiguying is nearby.

Now, hundreds of mad and devilish ratmen warriors have entangled the elite of the wolf clan to death, and the main force of the White Bone Camp cannot miss this fleeting fighter opportunity.

But Meng Chao hasn't guessed how the main force of the White Bone Camp will arrive.

You know, they can't ambush too close to the jungle.

Otherwise, the scouts sent out by the wolf clan reinforcements will spot them and Meng Chao's ambush together.

But it is impossible for them to ambush too far.

Otherwise, the long-distance raid will cause too much noise and consume a lot of time. The elite wolves who have been spotted in advance are fully capable of getting rid of the entanglement and withdrawing from the jungle.

Seeing Meng Chao's side of the rat people warriors fell one after another.

The wolf clan elite gradually mastered the battlefield initiative, able to gather and advance and retreat calmly.

Is there any way for the main force of the White Bone Camp to appear in front of them without knowing it?

At a time when it is puzzling.

Meng Chao's nostrils shrank and he smelled a sour taste.

The familiar smell activated the database deep in his brain.

Quickly compared with hundreds of materials in memory, and in the end, the scope of the comparison was narrowed to between seven or eight kinds of materials that are rich in psychic energy, flammable and explosive.

A thin layer of cold sweat instantly permeated Meng Chao's forehead.

"Quick, get down!"

He ignored the wolf cavalry beside him, brandishing three or four-armed sabers, and slashing hard at his neck.

But he screamed at the ice storm around him, and plunged heavily into the mud.

Hold your head with your hands, use your elbows and toes as fulcrums, hang your chest and abdomen, and support it on the ground.

The wolf cavalry rushed into the air.

The saber only cut off a few of Meng Chao's hair.

However, he used exquisite riding skills to drive the wolf on a mandala tree that hugged and pedaled heavily in front of him, turned around dexterously, and raised his sharp blade again towards Meng Chao.

The wolf cavalry didn't know why Meng Chao suddenly got down.

I thought he was frightened by his unstoppable swordsman.

A half sarcasm and half cruel light appeared in the bottom of his eyes.

The wolf cavalry and the wolf under the crotch laughed coldly at the same time.

This laughter was quickly obscured by the howling sound of the high-frequency tremor of the blade.

The wolf cavalry speeded up again, and the swordsman spit out, spewing out seven or eight arm-long flames, piercing Meng Chao's neck.

Up to this moment, Meng Chao still did not dodge.

He just lifted his head slightly from the embracing arms and looked at the wolf cavalry with compassionate eyes.

It was like looking at a fragmented, **** corpse.


At this moment, an explosion occurred.

The jungle is full of swamps.

Every swamp was filled with black gelatinous mud, and bubbles were "gurgling".

In the long and prosperous era of the past half-century, all the creatures in Turanze have multiplied and grown arbitrarily.

Not only did the number of high-level orcs reached several times the peak.

The ecosystem in the jungle has also become extremely complex and rich.

The result of the massive multiplication and death of living things is that the thickness of the humus in the jungle has increased at least three to five times more than at any time in the past.

A large amount of humus is integrated with the marsh.

Fermentation continues at the bottom of the swamp, releasing a large amount of flammable and explosive biogas.

After the tragic fight between the two sides just now, the shock wave shook the swamp, causing the biogas to turn up from the depths of the silt.

Of course, in the natural environment, no matter how high the concentration of such biogas is, it is not easy to explode.

After all, the jungle is not a confined space like an underground passage.

Even if the methane gushing out from the depths of the swamp, even if it is densely populated in the jungle, is ignited by lightning.

At most, it ignites a raging flame, and it is difficult to turn into a shock wave that is devastating.

But what if the real ambush had long been buried deep in the swamp with a lot of explosives?

The Big Horn Army has very professional geotechnical and blasting capabilities.

Since they could use a series of biogas explosions, the whole city of Pointe-Noire was blown upside down.

A batch of explosives was installed in a key location deep in the jungle, and when the elite of the wolf clan came out, and when the first wave of ambushes that acted as bait were inextricably killed, they suddenly detonated, causing shock waves and raging flames to envelope the entire battlefield. , How difficult is it to completely disrupt the elite positions of the wolf clan?

Meng Chao only felt that there was a river of magma flowing violently above his head.

It was because he gathered psychic energy in time to protect the top of his head and back, still feeling heart-wrenching pain from his back, like hundreds of fire ants crawling and biting.

The hair that came out of the fingers was burned and curled up, giving off an unpleasant burnt smell.

The ears were even wet, as if the eardrums were torn by a violent explosion.

Fortunately, the explosion of biogas in the open environment came and went quickly.

The blazing storm sweeping the entire jungle swirled and disappeared.

What was left was a messy and terrible environment.

The wolf cavalry who just brandished a saber and rushed towards Meng Chao was blown away by the shock wave several tens of meters, and hit a mandala tree with three or five people, almost breaking the big tree.

He and the wolf under his crotch were also broken and fractured. They were as muddy as mud. They were burnt to the ground by the ensuing flames. They were now curled up under the tree, turning into two pools of wriggling flesh.

The situation of the rest of the wolf cavalry is not much better than this guy.

Many people were thrown away by the shock wave and hung between the coke-burned branches in a strange posture, like a black and black puppet with a burnt string.

There were also people whose armor was torn apart and their hair was burned to the ground, from the original majestic wolf clan elite to a shivering bereavement dog.

Even a powerful high-ranking warrior, immediately before the explosion of the biogas, he realized that the situation was not good and activated the totem power in time, or he was originally wearing a totem armor, which resisted 90% of the destructive power.

He was also bombed to the point of being horrified, or stunned like a wooden chicken with a weapon, or staggered like a drunkard, for a time, he couldn't recover.

To make matters worse, although the explosion subsided, the flames were still raging.

The towering trees in the jungle were originally the best fuel.

The real White Bone Battalion ambush has long since applied a lot of grease on the carefully selected trees to ensure that they will be on the spot and instantly turn into a torch gushing with the light of death.

The flames formed a wall of fire, tearing the elite formation of the wolf tribe to pieces.

The thick smoke that gushed out completely obscured the elite vision of the wolf race and interfered with their perception, making them unable to discover in time, just like a flash flood, the real destroyer.

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