The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1140: A real raid!

Moreover, the flames from the burning of the big trees were not normal red or cyan.

But inside the lavender, there are countless scarlet and pale spots of light.

The smoke that made the gushing out also carried a sour smell of choking nose.

Meng Chao smelled this smell, and he felt two bone scraping steel knives, which were inserted into his brain along his nasal cavity, scratching the inner wall of his Tianling Gai severely.

The wolf under the crotch of the wolf cavalry was bombarded by a sudden shock wave, and it was also scorched, torn apart, dead, and wounded.

Even if by luck, he didn't hurt him, he was so frightened that he changed from a fierce beast to a frightening bird.

The strong sour smell poured into the wolves' nasal cavity, and even scared these beasts, they let out sharp and sharp wailing.

A few wolves shivered and curled up on the ground with limp limbs.

Some wolves simply urinate in fright.

A few more wolves had a complete breakdown, carrying its owner, jumping wildly in the burning dense forest.

The result was not that he hit the tree trunk hard and broke both himself and his owner.

It just jumped into the swamp and was completely swallowed by the black mucus in the frenzied twitching.

"This sour smell seems to be the smell of some high-level totem beast." Meng Chao thought.

Although the wolves are ferocious, they are by no means the king at the top of the food chain.

In the deep mountains and old forests of Turanze, there are natural enemies that eat wolves.

The witch doctors of the Big Horn Legion should have chosen a few materials and carefully crafted them into a secret medicine that mimics the scent of the wolf's natural enemies.

In normal times, this clumsy secret medicine may not have any effect.

But at the moment when the wolves were frightened by the explosion and were on the verge of collapse, using the flames to evaporate the secret medicine and let the sour steam invade the wolves' nasal cavity and nerves, the most troublesome combat power of these animals was solved in one fell swoop.

As a result, the wolf clan reinforcements were completely paralyzed.

Even if you want to withdraw from the jungle, it becomes an impossible task.

The interlocking tactics, the winners and losers with a sword to seal the throat, and even the elite wolf clan who are best at sneak attacks, suffered a big loss in the face-to-face encounter.

Meng Chao couldn't help but marvel at the tactics of the commander of the Big Horn Legion in the bottom of his heart.

Of course, the cost of successfully implementing blasting tactics is extremely huge.

Not only were the newly promoted warriors who had just joined the Bone Camp, almost all of them were killed and injured in the earth-shattering methane explosion.

Even the Bone Battalion officer who led them, Meng Chao saw him flying high in the raging flames, and when he was still in the air, his upper and lower bodies were blown out of touch by the shock wave.

When the charred upper body fell heavily, he had already cut off his breathing.

It is extremely cruel to the enemy and himself.

This is the tactics of the Big Horn Army.

It is also the humble rat people, who want to defeat the aloof warriors of the clan, the only possibility.

In the outskirts of the jungle, intensive rushing sounds once again sounded.

It's like rolling thunder, getting closer and closer.

The earth's tremor was transmitted to the branches and flames, and even the wildly raging flames began to tremble.

The elites of the wolf clan even felt the incomparable killing intent, like a flood that bursts a bank, rolling towards them.

Not waiting for them to recover from dizziness and pain.

The black wall of thick smoke in front of him was smashed into pieces.

No, not human.

It's a wolf.

Hundreds of wolves captured by the Big Horn Legion!

These wolves were either injured on the battlefield, their limbs were crippled, and they could not stand the urge of heavy cavalry.

Either it has a cruel temperament, unruly, and secretly modulated by the original owner, unable to tame the mount of the rat people warrior.

The commander of the Big Horn Legion "uses waste" and turns them into sharp weapons for attacking the wolf clan elite.

I saw that these wolves were blindfolded by rags, unable to see the flames that instinctively frightened the beasts.

They also blocked their nostrils with cloth soaked in liquid medicine, so that they could not smell the sour smell that imitated natural enemies.

In the vital parts of the body, they are all pierced with sharp steel needles, stimulating them to stimulate their final life potential and speed to the limit.

Even, on every wolf’s head, there is a finger-thick, silvery long nail, which is engraved with mysterious and complicated runes, and there is a faint electric arc around it, like some kind of The antenna can receive information from the void and transmit it to the wolf's brain, turning the wolf into an ignorant, fearless killing machine.

In this way, hundreds of transformed wolves slammed into the elite battlefield of the wolf clan, giving these dizzy warriors a new round of blast-like damage.

Many elite wolves barely got up from the ground with the dizziness of a severe concussion.

The wolf, who was bombed like a cannonball, knocked to the ground again.

The wolf, which had undergone flesh-and-blood transformation, was originally mad because of severe pain.

Perceiving a warm and delicious body, he immediately rushed forward, opened his mouth wide, and bit it fiercely.

The wolf warrior and the wolf have an extremely close symbiotic relationship.

When many wolf tribes are just born, the family will give him a newly born wolf, who grows together as a blood-linked partner.

Even if hunting in the wilderness and encountering survival crisis, exhausted and hungry, wolf clan warriors rarely slaughter wolves to satisfy their hunger.

The significance of the wolf to them is not just a simple mount.

At this moment, I saw countless wolves rushing towards him viciously.

Even the elite wolf clan who has experienced many battles, there is a momentary blank in the brain.

Although they reacted in the next instant, they relentlessly counterattacked.

But the huge blood flowers have bloomed among the elite of the wolf clan.

Several elite werewolves who had been blasted to pieces by the explosion, and were seriously injured, were all ripped apart by the sharp claws of the wolf.

And when the wolf clan elite hardened their hearts and Grid killed hundreds of wolves, new changes broke out again.

A blood-stained wolf clan elite raised the saber high above his head, yelled, and rushed straight towards him, like a brown bear-like wolf, and slashed the saber fiercely.

The sharp blade light was like a sharp electric arc, and instantly cut off the wolf's head, and the headless cavity continued to hit this wolf clan elite under the inertia.

The wolf clan elite retracted the knife and dodged, recharged, and his gaze had been projected on the next wolf.

Unexpectedly, from the abdomen of this headless wolf, a dark shadow suddenly sprang out, and instantly jumped to the back of the elite wolf clan. Two short blades like fangs, one left and one right, exuding a strange light, deep Stabbed deeply into the neck of the elite wolf clan and stuck firmly in the cervical spine!

This is the real elite of the White Bone Camp!

Since a few years ago, I have accepted the Ratman Warrior prepared by the Saintess of Ancient Dream!

They are hiding in the abdomen of hundreds of wolves behind!

The wolf's hair is fluffy and drooping down, just to cover these carefully selected, thin white bones.

In addition, the flames and thick smoke interfered with the line of sight, and the abdomen of the hundreds of wolves in front was empty.

The wolf clan elite who was shocked by the explosion of biogas temporarily lost their thinking ability and keen vigilance, unexpectedly, in the abdomen of the hundreds of wolves behind, all concealed an uninvited guest who was not afraid of death.

In an instant, hundreds of black shadows shot out from the abdomen of the wolf one after another.

Taking advantage of the moment when the elite of the wolf clan was disturbed by the wolves, they pounced on the enemy's vitals.

The combat style of these veterans of the Bone Battalion was completely different from the new recruits in the Bone Battalion that had been wiped out just now.

Neither lacks the courage to regard death as home.

Even if the wolf clan's elite minions were torn between their chests and abdomen, they all dared to laugh wildly and took out their intestines and strangled the enemy's throat.

But the new recruits of the White Bone Camp often have unrealistic expectations.

Fancy that he can defeat the elite of the wolf clan.

When making a move, they attacked the deadly part of the wolf clan elite and tried to avoid the fierce attack of the wolf clan elite.

The result of thinking that is too beautiful is often that his own attack is still ruined before his attack is in place.

The first feeling that the veteran of the White Bone Camp gave Meng Chao was the same as that of the wolf clan elite who had just charged silently, and they were all "dead."

The veterans of the White Bone Battalion knew very well that even if they painstakingly arranged a series of traps, using methane gas explosions, venom burning, and the impact of the wolves to completely disperse the elite formation of the wolf clan, their combat effectiveness would also drop to the bottom.

Between them and the devastated wolf clan elite, there is still a gap that is extremely difficult to make up with "courage" and "loyalty."

Therefore, the veterans of the White Bone Battalion did not expect to be able to kill the enemy with one blow.

When they attacked the elite of the wolf clan, they often made a vain shot.

After the wolf clan elites block, they will quickly change their moves, not for lethality, but only for the success rate, just slash the wolf clan elite's chest and abdomen or near the joints, release a little blood, and slightly slow down the wolf clan elite The action is satisfied.

And when the wolf clan elite launched a counterattack, they did not pursue perfect dodge at all.

Because no one knows better than these veterans of the White Bone Battalion.

It might as well contract the muscles desperately, allowing the enemy's swords and minions to penetrate deeply into his body.

As long as the blood vessels around the wound are sealed, it will not lose strength instantly due to internal bleeding.

They can lock the elite of the wolf clan firmly and launch a second wave of attacks before their broken internal organs have stopped working.

The target of the second wave of attacks is still not the key point of the wolf clan elite.

Because the vital points are defended to death, it is not so easy to penetrate.

They would rather spend their precious energy between the chest and abdomen with the largest area of ​​the wolf clan's elite, or on the joints of the limbs.

Achievement doesn't have to lie with me, even if I burn my own life, as long as I can break two or three of the wolf clan's elite fingers, I can also gain a bit more advantage for the colleagues who are immediately behind.

The advantages continue to stack, and the lives of three or five veterans of the White Bone Battalion are exchanged for a wolf clan elite body, **** and delicate wounds. After that, it is the real decisive moment!

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