The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1142: Save the leaves

The breath of traced powder comes from just south of the jungle.

The problem is that the south is also the place where wolf clan elites and bone camp warriors fought the most fiercely.

Both of them are like zombies injected with a cardiotonic agent, and the group of demons dances and fights.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm lifted the spirit of 120,000 points, sometimes crawling on the ground, snakes in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain.

Sometimes he smeared blood on his face and body, closed his eyes, and disguised himself as two corpses.

Sometimes curled up to the limit, hiding between gunpowder and flames.

Even so, occasionally it is inevitable to be spotted by the red-eyed wolf clan elite.

Fortunately, the battlefield is extremely chaotic. When the wolf clan elite roars and rushes over, they can use extremely concealed movements to bring the opponent down without attracting more wolf clan elite's attention.

The smell of the powder trailing ahead is getting stronger and stronger.

Meng Chao even found a large area of ​​shiny blood stained with tracking powder on a bush full of spikes.

I don't know whether it was the leaf flowing out or the enemy who was killed by the leaf himself. The blood splattered and rubbed the tracking powder on his body.

At this moment, both Meng Chao and Ice Storm heard a stern wolf howl.

Sensing a volcanic eruption-like spiritual magnetic force field, a huge wave of magma was set off and spread around.

When they looked up, in the clearing in the forest ahead, they found a wolf clan elite who was dressed in scarlet full-body armor, as tall and mighty as a bear man standing up.

Judging from the totem armor that covers every inch of skin and is engraved with mysterious and complex ornate runes, this guy should be a noble among the wolves.

From the surrounding dozens of elite wolf clan, hearing the howling of the wolf, they approached him desperately, and he was still a high-ranking officer in the wolf clan reinforcements.

And on the extremely gorgeous breastplate, a high-protruding wolf head, opening the mouth of the blood basin, and constantly ejecting flames exuding fear, it also shows that this wolf clan officer is a strong one against a hundred. .

This can also be proved by the densely packed corpses of the Bone Camp warriors lying beside him.

However, more of the Bone Camp warriors were summoned by the ancient dream saints, and they rushed to the wolf clan powerhouse one after another.

The one who rushed to the front was a young man with a very immature face but a very strong figure.

"Wait, this shouldn't be—"

The familiar and unfamiliar face made Meng Chao gasp.

I said that I was familiar because the boy's eyebrows were exactly the same as those of the leaves.

It's unfamiliar because the face of this cool Xiao Ye Zi is full of ferocious murderous aura.

This murderous aura caused his eye sockets to burst, his nostrils expanded, the corners of his mouth slanted, and his face became red as fire, as if he was wearing a steel mask with a temperature of thousands of degrees.

And his figure swelled to an almost deformed level.

You know, the past leaves, slender hands and feet, slender figure, like an elegant deer.

At this moment, his muscles are stretched, his bones spurs violently, and his sturdy snake-like tendons are densely wrapped around his body, exactly the same as Meng Chao when he launched "The Seal of Nine Dragons".

No one knows better than Meng Chao how much burden and harm such a full-scale outbreak will cause to the body.

Rao is a tough guy like him, and every time he runs "Nine Dragons God Seal" at his full capacity, he will be weak and weak, and he will be crumbling for a long time.

Ye Zi was still a child, how could he eat such a ferocious tiger and wolf power?

Not to mention—

Even under the stimulation of the secret law, blasting out the power beyond the limit of life.

Ye Zi is definitely not the opponent of this wolf clan powerhouse in front.

The high probability result of the collision between the two sides is nothing more than Ye Zi's use of his young and precious life to leave an ugly burn mark on the opponent's totem armor.

Pry open the gap in the armor a little at most, leaving a non-fatal scar to the wolf clan powerhouse, that's it!

Seeing that Ye Zi is away from the wolf clan powerhouse, only the last seven steps are left.

The young man's face was full of enthusiasm for death, and he didn't know what fear and retreat were.

The wolf clan powerhouse has already turned around, aligning the hungry wolf head on the breastplate completely at the leaf, and a new fire of destruction is about to spew out.

"Too bad!"

Meng Chao didn't care about disguising anymore, his legs stomped heavily on the ground, causing the mud under his feet to surge like huge waves.

With the help of the pedaling force, his body turned into a black lightning, grabbing the fearful flames of the wolf clan powerhouse, and before burning the leaves to ashes, he slammed out the fierce and undaunted ratman boy.


Blazing flames passed over Meng Chao's head.

It's because he has a psionic body, and a large tuft of hair is still burnt, and there is a hot and scorching smell on his head.

If it is a leaf, it will be burnt to the skin and flesh, leaving only a black skeleton.

Without blinking his eyelids, Meng Chao continued to rush forward, quickly rushing out of the wolf clan powerhouse's attack range, and snatched the leaf that had been hit by him.

Behind the two, there was a startled and angry roar from the wolf clan powerhouse.

It was Ice Storm taking over Meng Chao's offensive, entangled with the wolf clan powerhouse, trying to buy time for Meng Chao.

There are several elite wolves around.

But they were all brought down by the Bone Camp warriors who rushed up like a madness.

The two sides were entangled with each other in an extremely cruel attitude.

Meng Chao hugged the leaf, made a leap, and rolled down a gentle **** ahead.

The end of the gentle **** was originally a small swamp.

However, because Baiguying had long been in the swamp and buried explosives, which detonated the marsh gas that had accumulated for hundreds of years, it was blown up halfway, revealing the rugged rocks in the depths of the swamp.

Surrounded by a few strange rocks, they just form a visual blind spot.

In addition, this area had just experienced a big biogas explosion. All the elite wolf clan and the rat people in the vicinity were ambushed, even if they were not blown to pieces, they were shaken with their five internal organs shifted, their brains trembled, and they passed out.

Meng Chao pressed the leaf's head, jumped out of the dry swamp pond, and stuffed the kid into the dead corner surrounded by rocks.

The sound of fighting over the head gradually faded away.

It should be that the ice storm slightly used a small plan, and led the wolf clan officer to other places.

In the Land of Holy Light, with the mother who is a witch, and the night watchman for decades, the combat effectiveness of the ice storm in the intricate and chaotic terrain of the jungle, naturally does not need Meng Chao to worry about.

It’s just that Ye Zi, this little guy, really doesn’t worry, he just recovered slightly from the dizziness caused by the impact, and immediately regained his vicious posture. He screamed fiercely at Meng Chao’s neck and screamed fiercely from the deep throat. Bite over.

"Stop, Ye Zi, look clearly, it's me!"

Meng Chao's arms crossed, holding Ye Zi's offensive.

Although he did not reproduce the totem armor, nor did he run "The Nine Dragon God Seal", at first glance, both his arms and legs seemed to shrink like crazy leaves.

But under the subtle trembling of his muscle fibers, the wild force of the leaves was all resolved and offset.

The leaf is like being tightly bound by an invisible chain, and can no longer move half a finger.

However, the eyes of the Juvenile Boy were red, and his expression was enthusiastic and sluggish, and a strong pungent murderous aura was still gushing out of his seven orifices and even the pores of his body.

Obviously close at hand, it seemed that he didn't know Meng Chao at all. The upper and lower rows of teeth "clicked", and the extremely hideous expression seemed to tear off a large piece of **** flesh from Meng Chao's neck.

"Damn it!"

Meng Chao frowned.

It can be seen that because of the excessively high concentration of stimulant and the crazy stimulation of the brain and the endocrine system, the rat people youth has been burned into a delirious state, and the six relatives have not recognized it.

In Longcheng, a similar phenomenon is called "absence of confusion".

In Turanze, this is the backlash of totem power, which is about to become a precursor to the samurai of origin.

Meng Chao cursed secretly in his heart.

His hands turned into two groups of gray mist hissing radiating arcs.

He first used the elbow of his left hand and the palm of his right hand to compress the left and right trachea of ​​the leaf, causing him to fall into a state of temporary hypoxia.

The leaves on the verge of becoming devilish, because of the crazy burning of the cells, the consumption of oxygen was originally several times larger than usual.

The oxygen content in the blood dropped rapidly, and the Ratman boy quickly fell into a semi-coma state.

The arms wrapped in blue veins slumped softly, so as not to interfere with Meng Chao's next move.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Chao flicked his fingertips, and a sharp blade that was as thin as a cicada's wings whizzed out immediately, and made a small hole in the aorta of the rat people boy's neck.


The hot blood shot out immediately.

Shot on the strange rock next to it, it turned out like a strong acid, with a corrosive sound of "chichi", bursts of strong blue smoke.

Meng Chao's nose flapped.

Smell the violent reaction of a lot of impurities.

Sure enough.

He guessed right.

Before the battle started, the leaves swallowed a large amount of fortifying potions rich in trace elements and rare spar ingredients.

So that the body is full of violent and unmatched psychic energy.

However, the young man who has not been involved in the world is not like Meng Chao, who has returned from the last days and has the memory of two lives. Mastering many cultivation secrets, he can perfectly absorb the psychic energy that has poured into his body, and then in a relatively stable and controllable way, Released slowly.

These impurities that could not be digested and absorbed by the leaves penetrated his gastric mucosa and intestinal system, and penetrated into the blood. While urging his limbs to deform and swell, they also destroyed his spiritual defense and made him lost. Reason, only knows the flesh and blood machinery of killing.

With a lot of scorching blood was released.

The deformed and raised veins around the leaf gradually calmed down.

The face was full of hostility, and it was slightly resolved.

Only then did Meng Chao use a skillful technique to poke the neck muscles of the leaves to contract the muscles and seal the carotid arteries.

But this is not enough.

The indigestible impurities and overly violent psychic energy not only eroded the blood of the leaves, but also invaded the internal organs of the rat people.

Let Ye Zi's heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, like an out-of-control chariot, run at super high speed, rumbling.

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