The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1143: Fanatical teenager

It is conceivable that if Meng Chao hadn't appeared in time, even if Ye Zi hadn't been buried in the raging flames sprayed by the wolf clan officer just now.

In just ten to twenty minutes, the human body will ignite spontaneously and die because of the high temperature of the internal organs and brain.

Except for Meng Chao.

Looking at Turanze and even Dragon City, the person who can save Ye Zi under such a critical situation will definitely not exceed the number of five fingers.

Meng Chao's hands moved like flying, fumbling all the way from Ye Zi's temple to the sole of his foot.

Preliminarily figured out the distribution of the spirit veins in his body boiling like magma.

After pondering for a moment, Meng Chao gently folds a black spike from the charred mandala tree next to it.

Swish Swish!

The spikes pierced through the periphery of the leaves' internal organs, the nodes where dozens of spiritual veins converge.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Suddenly, colorful steam leaked out from the leaves.

It made him look like a boiler that was in disrepair for a long time and leaked on all sides.

Hearing the harsh sound, Meng Chao's frowning eyebrows still did not loosen.

The ten fingers prodded quickly between Ye Zi's chest and abdomen, and the ripple-like force continued to penetrate his flesh and blood, massaging his internal organs.

Make sure that the process of crazy psychic energy leakage will not damage the youth's undeveloped heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

I don't know how long it took.

The leaves groaned.

Cough a few times gently, coughing out a pool of shiny mucus.

The hostility lingering all over the body was only slightly resolved.

The deformed swollen limbs, like an inflatable rod with a valve opened, gradually shrink back to their original shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Meng Chao put his index and middle fingers together and touched the boy's forehead.

It was discovered that although his forehead was still hot, it was not as exaggerated as it was just now, which was so hot as to melt steel.

Then stretched **** to the top of the boy's lips.

Feeling that the boy's breathing has gradually stabilized, and the temperature of the breath exhaled from the body is also dropping continuously.

Meng Chao let out a sigh of relief.

Finally, rescued!

-The seemingly unremarkable jab, only Meng Chao knows the danger.

Just now, the internal organs of the leaves were filled with violent psychic energy, like a trembling, almost transparent balloon filled with water.

I want to poke a small hole in such a "balloon" to squeeze out all the water inside, but not hurt the balloon at all, let alone let the balloon explode.

It's hard to climb to the sky!

Even if a university professor who is familiar with the distribution of 108 main veins and 1024 branch veins of the human body, and the intersection of each spiritual vein, without the keen sense of touch and delicate techniques cultivated by harvesting tens of thousands of monsters, it is impossible to accomplish this magical skill. Operation.

Even though the orcs and the earth humans are roughly the same in physiological structure, they are also close relatives derived from the same genetic matrix, but on the long evolutionary road, the two sides are gradually moving away. The interlaced structure of spiritual veins is very subtle. Difference.

If it weren't for the depths of the dungeon in the Blood Skull Arena, Meng Chao would have spent a lot of effort to prepare the leaves in order to obtain a qualified guide, and became familiar with the distribution structure of his spiritual veins.

I am afraid, but also powerless.

"You kid, when you were parting, I told you clearly that you must act accordingly, be smart, and why do you work so hard?

"Do you really expect that outside the atmosphere, there is a sacred mountain floating on the sacred mountain, there is a big horned rat **** sitting on the sacred mountain, waiting for your heroic sacrifice, he can really pull you out of the atmosphere, to enjoy the endless feast, endless Are you fighting for it?"

Meng Chao couldn't laugh or cry as he watched the boy's face pale as a paper due to excessive blood loss.

The leaves woke up leisurely.

At this moment, he is still very weak because of physical overdraft and excessive blood loss.

The deformity swelled, the flesh and blood were torn apart, and even the bones were covered with fine crevices. The limbs that had just returned to their original shape were more like four torches covered with grease, burning like crazy, making him feel the sharp pain .

However, neither weakness nor severe pain can stop the Ratman Juvenile from rushing to **** for freedom and dignity.

He didn't see the surrounding environment clearly, or even who saved him. He struggled like a fish in a mud puddle, screaming hysterically with a faint voice, "Kill! Kill!" Die the gang of jackals! For all the rat people! For the saint of ancient dreams! For the big horned rat god!"

Meng Chao's hair was horrified.

Hastily used his left hand to gently support the back of Ye Zi's head.

The palms of the mind can gush, and take advantage of the trend to infuse the depths of his brain, pouring a steady brain, lowering the temperature of the brain, and calming the young man, so that the concussion will not occur again.

The right hand was raised high, relentlessly, slapped, slapped the young man dozen or twenty big slaps in one breath.

The cheeks on both sides of the leaf were bulging like big purple round eggplants, and both eyes were squeezed out of the sockets. His eyes were fixed on Meng Chao's face in a daze, and he stared for a long time.

"Harvest, Reaper!"

Only then did the Ratmin Youth wake up, and despite the pain in his cheek, he showed a grinning and ecstatic expression.

"Finally wake up!"

Meng Chao let out a long sigh of relief and showed a pleased smile.

"Great, Reaper, even you are here. This must be the arrangement of the Big Horn Mouse God, it is really great!"

Ye Ye's eyes lit up, where it looked like a patient who had just let go of a lot of blood. He threw himself on Meng Chao, grabbed Meng Chao's arm, and shook it frantically, "Quickly, Reaper, help us eliminate these nasty things Jackal, the ancient dream saint said that whether the sixth clan can gain a foothold in Turanze and whether the tens of thousands of rat people can gain true freedom and dignity depends on this crucial battle!"


Seeing Ye Zizi mentioning the words "Sage of Ancient Dreams", he had a fascinating, unsuspecting expression.

Meng Chao gave birth to a little guy that he worked so hard to make, but it was sour that he was abducted by outsiders.

"Be sober, Ye Zi!"

Meng Chao controlled the boy’s arms and said in a deep voice, “Remember the rules of survival I taught you in the underground black prison of the Blood Skull Arena? Observe more, think more, and hide yourself. It’s not a last resort. Don’t put all your chips, including yourself, on a poker player—because our goal is to become the smallest poker player and not the biggest chip!"

Meng Chao's throat was entwined with a very special psychic energy.

This allows his vocal cords to emit high-frequency oscillations similar to ultrasonic waves at frequencies far beyond those of ordinary people.

The sound produced in this way can not only vibrate the eardrum and auditory nerve of the listener.

It can reach the audience's cerebral cortex and even the depths of their hearts.

The leaves trembled slightly.

His eyes were a little clearer than before.

Like several chains lingering in the mind, they were pierced by Meng Chao's words.

But the broken chain quickly reconnected.

His expression became stubborn and even fanatical again.

"Reaper, I firmly remember every word you told me, but please believe me, the ancient dream saint must be right. This battle is really the rise of the sixth clan, and all the rat people are saved. The key, you must help us!"

The Ratman boy was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Meng Chao's heart moved.

"Have you seen the ancient dream saint?"

Meng Chaodao said, "How do you know that what she said must be correct? Don’t forget, when we were in Pointe Noire, we analyzed that the Big Horned Rat God may not exist. Behind the Big Horned Legion, there must be a deeper level of hiding. Weird!"

"I don't know if the Big Horned Rat God really exists, but the ancient dream saint has indeed gained the power of the Rat God. You can't imagine how amazing and incredible she is!"

Ye Ye said anxiously, "I did meet the ancient dream saint, to be more precise, it was the ancient dream saint who saved us. If it weren't for the ancient dream saint, we would have died in Pointe-Noire!"


Meng Chao was taken aback, "You mean "we"..."

"It's me, the spider, and the twenty-nine rat militiamen you rescued from the black jail in the Blood Skull Arena."

After Ye Ye's explanation.

Only then did Meng Chao know about the story that happened to Zizi and other rat militias on the day when the marsh gas serial explosion upset the city of Pointe-Noire.

Even though they were encouraged by Meng Chao, they broke out of a chaotic blood skull arena.

Trying to gather the rat people and escape from the area where the underground passage is hidden.

But luck was really bad, halfway through the city's only a few formed bloodhoof warrior squads were intercepted and killed.

The rat militia servants who rushed out of the Blood Skull Arena were immediately intercepted and killed.

Only Ye Zi, the servant team, has shown extremely tenacious style and fierce combat power because it has been hand-modulated by Meng Chao. After paying the price of the death of seven servants, they actually killed one exhausted and wounded. Bloodhoof warrior.

Of course, all the survivors, including Ye Zi, have also become the end of the battle at this time.

Facing the thunderous bloodhoof warrior, there was only one way left to die.

At this moment, two strong mouse people with scarlet cloaks and skull rats painted on the cloaks descended from the sky.

To this day, the leaves have not forgotten the scene of them dancing lightly on the blade and spine of the bloodhoof warrior.

It is even harder to describe with pen and ink. When they danced and took off the head of the bloodhoof warrior, they brought the depth of their souls, the kind of shock that did not hesitate to be a serial explosion of biogas!

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