The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1144: Hurricane dreamland

It was a long time later that Ye Zi realized that they had been sent by the ancient dream saint herself, the genuine "Rat God messenger".

It is said that the ancient dream saint can share the five senses with the messengers through the secret method given to her by the rat god. From hundreds of miles away from the city of Pointe-Noire, he can clearly see and hear everything that is happening in the city of Pointe-Noire, and tell the messengers In the depths of his brain, he gave orders directly.

Even the ancient dream saint can directly "come" into the body of the messenger through an incredible method, manipulate the body of the messenger, and sway the exquisite art of killing.

It is precisely because Ye Zi, the servant team, has shown amazing potential in the fierce battle against the bloodhoof warriors, and it was discovered by the ancient dream saint through the eyes of the messengers.

The Saintess of Ancient Dream showed a keen interest in Ye Zi, which originated from Dragon City and was completely different from Turan civilization's tactical qualities.

Only then "come" to Ye Zi, saving him and most of the people in the servant team.

"It turns out that Saint Gu Meng has been lurking in the city of Pointe-Noire in this way, but no one can find her existence. The female will, get rid of these bodies in time, and she will come and go freely and be invincible!"

Meng Chao suddenly realized.

Why is the Big Horn Legion so familiar with the situation in Pointe Noire? After the biogas serial explosion, it is so efficient to allocate all the resources available at hand, which is much better than the poor performance of the Bloodhoof.

It turned out that it was the "supreme commander" who came to the front line to command in person.

As for Ye Zi's mouth, this secret method of sensing and remote control can be shared hundreds of miles apart, and Meng Chao believes that it also exists.

Because the first life and death enemy "Monster Civilization" faced by Longcheng Civilization is to use similar technology to maintain the operation of the entire civilization.

Hiding in the depths of the misty extremity, the "monster mastermind" in the tiankeng nest can also use the super brain with a diameter of 100 meters to remotely control the surging beast tide hundreds of miles away without leaving the house.

Of course, the remote sensing and transmission technology of the ancient dream saints should be a level higher than that of the monster master.

Because she is not a muddle-headed monster remotely.

It is a carbon-based intelligent life form with logical thinking ability and independent will.

If the controlled person is shaken or even rebelled, I am afraid that the soul of the ancient dream saint "falling" into her body will also encounter unexpected events.

Perhaps this is the reason why the ancient dream saints first brainwashed all the rat people, so that everyone can believe in the big horn rat god.

"Go on, then what?"

Meng Chao thoughtfully.

"Then the Rat God messenger took us through a tunnel and escaped from Pointe-Noire."

According to Ye Zi, they took a special passage under the leadership of the Rat God messenger.

It's not to follow the big army to the large-scale teleportation formation that Meng Chao had ever seen.

Instead, in a facility similar to the ruins of an abandoned underground temple, I found a teleportation array that was two to three arms in diameter and could only accommodate one or two people standing at the same time.

Although the scale of this teleportation array is small, the teleportation distance is several times larger than that of Meng Chao.

They teleported directly to the springs leading to the hollow grassland and the war drum forest respectively.

And, without hesitation, plunged into the War Drum Forest.

"Wait, so you and the Rat God messenger walked the War Drum Forest together?"

Meng Chao's face was a little weird.

Ye Zi nodded honestly.

Tell Meng Chao that in the depths of the War Drum Forest, there are several secret camps of the Big Horn Legion, and many elite Ratmen warriors who have followed the Saintess of Ancient Dreams for several years greet them there.

And he was also in the secret camp, undergoing a series of tests, and fell into countless strange dreams.

"Is there a skeleton rat **** carved from white jade? When your blood enters it and you stare at it, hallucinations will appear in front of you, as if the statue is getting bigger and bigger, until it stands upright?" Meng Chao asked. .

"Reaper, how do you know?"

Ye Ye was startled slightly, and immediately patted his forehead, "Yes, since you can appear here, naturally you have passed the White Bone Camp entrance test!

"Yes, it's the statue.

"However, there are more than one similar statues, but there are white jade, bronze, mithril, gold and amethyst textures. There are five in total. It is said that each statue contains a different dream, which can bring more to the tester. There are more and more challenging tests, and to the warriors who successfully pass the test, more and more powerful are given."

Ye Zi said that the time he spent in the War Drum Forest was much longer than that of Meng Chao and his team's entry test.

For several days, he was immersed in strange and incredible dreams.

In some dreams, he was an ancient warrior with muscles and blood boiled, armed with totem armor to his teeth. In the violent collision of thousands of troops, he and countless enemies, in countless kinds of the most heroic and miserable postures, died together. .

In some dreams, he became a gladiator on an ancient arena, facing the totem beast with a top helmet and braided armour with his bare hands. He also tasted it countless times. The internal organs were hollowed out, and the spine was lonely. Being chewed by the totem beast, it makes a strange noise.

In some dreams, he seemed to be in a temple full of organs, murderous, but with infinite treasures. He must do his best to arouse his courage and wisdom to the limit and "die" countless times before he can Find a ray of life among the mysterious and complicated organs.

This kind of "training in a dream" can extend the training time indefinitely by frantically squeezing the potential of brain cells. In just one night, you can forcibly enter the depths of the brain and infuse hundreds of thousands of moments of training content.

Of course, the cost is also huge.

Almost every time Ye Zi wakes up, he finds that at least half of his companions who had been sitting around the skeleton rat statue with him have disappeared.

And where they disappeared, there are still deep trails, even strong blood stains, extending all the way to the depths of the jungle.

Even if he insisted, the companions who sat cross-legged were often bleeding from seven orifices, gritted their teeth, and their faces were full of trance, fanaticism and ferocious expressions. They needed a long rest to restore temporary peace.

As for Ye Zi, he felt pain in his brain as if it was boiling.

I can’t wait to use a chisel to cut two holes in the temple and release the high-pressure magma inside.

At the critical moment, Ye Zi thought of the methods Meng Chao taught him to control psychic energy and slowly flow through the body's spiritual veins.

And when he was a child, he and his brother found a human-shaped mural full of shining arrows in that humble cave deep in the dense forest behind the Mid-Levels Village.

Strange to say.

Whenever I was young, I followed my brother to practice the flashing murals in the secret cave.

Still in the depths of the black prison in the Blood Skull Arena, follow Meng Chao to practice the psionic martial art from Dragon City.

Ye Ye was always ignorant, and many of the keys were half-understood.

Although the hands and feet can be extended and contracted in a wide range, they are full of elasticity and toughness like rubber, and they are not afraid of ordinary weapons.

But in the face of a real master, such characteristics are not enough to save his life.

However, under the dual stimulation of killing dreams and severe brain pain.

The Ratman boy seemed to be suddenly resuscitated.

When the surging psychic energy rushed all the way from the brain to the spiritual veins of the body, and from the spiritual pulse to the capillaries and nerve endings, there was no hindrance.

It seems that the cultivation secrets from Dragon City, the cultivation secrets from the ancient murals, and the cultivation secrets gifted to all the rat people by the big horned rat **** are perfectly integrated, and they have the effect of mutual promotion and half the effort.

When the other civic servants couldn't stand it, they stopped in front of the white jade skeleton rat and the bronze skeleton rat.

The leaves were like a fish in the water, hurried forward, and quickly adapted to the third level of dream training released by the bronze skeleton rat.

The leaf that stood out, following his fierce battle with the bloodhoof warriors in Pointe Noire, once again attracted the attention of the ancient dream saint.

As a result, they also enjoy a higher standard of treatment.

Not only can he get richer high-energy food than other rat militiamen, but when others are gnawing on dried mandala fruit, he can enjoy the blood and flesh of totem beasts, as well as the smell and stickiness. The secret medicine thick as honey.

Moreover, the ancient dream saint also came to his dreams herself!

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