The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1152: Saint next door

In the worship of countless warriors.

These severely wounded warriors who had lost the meaning of healing, all turned into shining heroic spirits, flew to the top of the sacred mountain, the shining temple.

The dream ended in their laughter.

When Meng Chaoyou woke up and returned to the real world, he found dozens of huge piles of wood piled up around the wounded camp.

The priests of the Big Horn Legion are applying grease and fuel to the wood pile.

Several piles of wood have been lit, and the raging flames have soared to the height of nearly a hundred arms, like shining lighthouses.

I don’t know what kind of fuel the priests added to the pile of wood. When it burned, it made a "crackling" explosion, and from time to time bursts of colorful flames, condensed in mid-air into fierce beasts with teeth and claws. Image.

And when Meng Chao squinted his eyes and looked carefully in the middle of the pile of wood.

He found that the pile of wood in the shape of a "well" was filled with weird corpses.

Among those seriously injured, all of them died last night.

Perhaps it was the ancient dream saint who fulfilled their last wish in the dream, letting them know that their home is not the dark abyss, but the eternal battlefield and feast.

They were finally able to leave this world full of pain and chaos contentedly and flew towards the embrace of the Big Horned Rat God.

Follow the funeral of the higher orcs.

The more wounds on the corpse of the warrior who died in the fierce battle, the more terrible they looked, and the more they represented the bravery and glory.

If the death is not tragic enough.

Often, the elders of the clan who are respected and respected, or the stern and strong, will be destroyed again.

Among the seriously wounded, the bodies of the seriously wounded were originally fragmented like ragdolls crushed by a steel chariot, so there is no need to waste this procedure.

The flames gradually burned their bodies.

And their souls are destined to ascend the sacred mountain and stay with all the most powerful warriors in Turanze from the ages to the present, and, under the dominion of the bighorn rat god, continue to shelter all the rat people who fight for freedom and dignity. .

Because most of the people in the wounded camp had the same dreams as Meng Chao, "seeing" the severely wounded among the severely wounded, turning into light and flying up to the holy mountain.

Therefore, this grand and solemn funeral did not bring any sadness.

Instead, all the wounded soldiers who survived were extremely excited.

Everyone was discussing the incredible dreams with each other, and it was a bit annoyed-if you could be more fierce and brave in a fierce battle, when you rush towards the elite of the wolf clan, the impact will be stronger, so that the enemy's swords and minions will directly Pierce your heart.

Then, it was me who soared to the holy mountain last night and enjoyed the eternal feast!

However, there is no need to be impatient.

When the Hundred Blade City is captured, the next target is Chijin City.

In the face of the vicious wolves and tigers, they always have the opportunity to sacrifice heroically.

The funeral was presided over by the Saintess of Gumeng herself.

When the corpses of the warriors turned into a sky full of glory, she had been on the makeshift altar, playing the melodious, brisk tune that Meng Chao had heard in her dream.

Don’t look at the ancient dream saint at this moment, just like her in the dream, she is not amazing and weak, except for the pair of eyes with two pupils growing separately, there is nothing special, let alone a "big horned rat". "God's spokesperson in the world".

However, Meng Chao could hear her brilliance from the gurgling of her flute.

A large camp of wounded soldiers, large enough to accommodate nearly 10,000 wounded soldiers, coughing, groaning and painful wailing everywhere, making it noisier than the crowded arena.

With a small clarinet, the Saintess of Ancient Dream spread her voice to the ears of the wounded even lying on the outermost periphery, and used the brain waves simulated by the flute to interfere with the brains of the wounded.

And this kind of interference continued for a whole day, until the corpses of all the heroic sacrificed warriors were burned out, and the belief that "all the warriors were transformed into heroic spirits and soared to the top of the sacred mountain" was also as deep as a red steel seal. Printed on the cerebral cortex of the survivors.

Rao Meng Chao's will is as hard as iron, and he knew what was going on from the beginning.

From time to time, there are still images of countless heroes turning into light **** and flying up to the shining clouds.

Ordinary rat people, how can they withstand such a temptation?

When they return to the team from injury, in the next battle, they will definitely behave more brave and crazy than the past ambush!

In this way, it doesn't matter whether the ancient dream saint is really a "rat **** spokesperson".

She is a real psychic expert and a master of mental attacks.

Perhaps it is comparable to the monster gods "Abyss Eye" and "Wisdom Tree" that Meng Chao encountered in the Monster Mountain Range.

Of course, the information that can be collected by such a long-distance observation is too vague.

Rao is how Meng Chao mobilizes psychic energy, fills his eyes, activates extraordinary vision, and can't see clearly the facial features of the ancient dream saint concealed by the skeleton rat mask.

It is even impossible to tell by reading her micro-expressions whether she treats so many fierce Ratmen warriors simply as cannon fodder and chess pieces, or she believes in her heart that everyone who died heroically in this war, All can fly to the holy mountain, become a member of the ancestral spirit, and enjoy the eternal feast.

After all, Saintess of Ancient Dream is the accomplice of the careerist, knowing that the big horned rat **** does not exist, she is willing to be a tiger and help the careerist decorate the gods.

He was still an ignorant puppet, and had no idea that the careerist was planning and manipulating everything behind the scenes.

Understanding this point is crucial to Meng Chao's follow-up plan.

The opportunity to have close contact with the ancient dream saint soon appeared.

Ye Ye is right. Every time the fierce battle ends, after presiding over the funeral and offering sacrifices to the rat **** and heroic sacrifices, the ancient dream saints will personally come to each seriously wounded person to represent the big horned rat **** and give them. With the most sacred blessing.

Meng Chao's brilliant performance in the ambush played a key role.

Except for the severely wounded among the severely wounded who just died, he is even the most seriously injured among the surviving warriors.

As a result, they were also the first batch to receive the blessing of the ancient dream saints.

It wasn't until the close observation of the actions of the ancient dream saints that Meng Chao knew why Ye Zi said that everyone in the Big Horn Legion would treat the ancient dreams saints in their usual state as the girls next door or even their sisters.

If it hadn't just been sensed that she was on the altar, a steady stream of brain waves had been released through the secret sound of the flute, which disturbed the brains of thousands of wounded.

Meng Chao couldn't feel it at all, she was tainted with even the slightest breath of power.

And when she focused on examining the wounds of the wounded soldiers, even when she changed the dressing of the wounded soldiers in spite of their dirty and odor, she revealed the natural distress and concern, without the slightest falsehood, and she had brilliant eyes deep in her eyes. , Overflowing with the emotion of being connected with each other and empathizing.

Meng Chao guessed that if the saint hadn't been controlled remotely, it would be kept in the dark.

Then her acting skills have reached a level of proficiency, incredible skill, and incredible.

Soon, Saintess Gu Meng came to Meng Chao's bed.

Meng Chao took a deep breath in his heart and sat up straight, pretending to be extremely enthusiastic and excited because of the arrival of the ancient dream saint.

The ancient dream saint lost her face in shock, and hurriedly supported him to avoid chapped wounds and suffer a second injury.

However, when she unwrapped the bandages and was about to change the dressing for Meng Chao, the ancient dream saint was surprised to find that this warrior, who was supposed to be severely burned and scorched, was covered with a large area of ​​scabs. In many places, the crust was broken, and matte skin had grown underneath.

Such a powerful body's self-healing ability, coupled with Meng Chao's amazing performance of carrying a huge steel shield and rocking magma when he was fighting against a wolf clan officer that day, finally made the ancient dream saint a little interested in him.

"I know you. Under the city of Hundred Blades, I helped the'Flag Capturer' seize the battle flag on the tower. Just joined the White Bone Camp, they participated in an ambush without stopping, carrying a giant steel shield, and a warrior who opened a way forward in the raging flames! "

The ancient dream saint smiled, "I remember, your name is... ‘Root’, right?"

In Turanza, where the mandala tree grows everywhere, "root" and "leaf" are both common and uninspired names.

There are at least thousands of "roots" and "leaves" in the entire Big Horn Legion.

Meng Chao took this pseudonym casually, and naturally he was not afraid of being exposed.

At this moment, when I heard the ancient dream saint knowing the name of such an unknown person, her eyes widened and moved tears.

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