The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1153: Stonewall Rune

"You need to recuperate well, don't get too excited, when you return to the team, you will also take on more important responsibilities in the White Bone Camp."

The ancient dream saint smiled and calmed Meng Chao, "At that time, we can fight for all the rat people and the big horn rat god!"

"I will, saint, I will definitely!"

Meng Chao burst into tears with excitement, and cried out in a hoarse voice, "The runes that the Rat God gave me helped me save my life in the raging flames. I will definitely recover as soon as possible. I will crush the bones and brains of the Rat God!"

Saintess of Ancient Dreams had already shifted her gaze to the next seriously wounded person.

The words "the runes the rat **** gave me" made her slightly startled, and then turned her gaze back.

"What rune?"

There was a light of interest from the bottom of her eyes.

There are also several psychic ripples in the voice, as if to evoke waves in the depths of Meng Chao's brain.

"That is, the runes that I saw when I fell off the cliff when I was a child, the ancient dream saint, that must be the blessing that the rat **** bestows on me, right?"

Meng Chao paused, pretending to be awakened, "Yes, I never told anyone about this. When I was young, our family lived in a small village with high mountains and dense forests.

"Although the mountains and plains are full of mandala fruits, the manpower to pick them is really limited, and the samurai master who rules the small villages also requires us to pay the'mandala tax' with the highest-grade golden fruits, forcing the whole village to have no choice. Repeatedly breaking into the deep mountains and old forests, finally alarmed the totem beast dormant there.

"I remember that time we alarmed a whole nest of totem beasts, and the entire mountain forest was full of howling fierce beasts in all directions.

"A lot of people were bitten to death by totem beasts, gnawing away to death.

"Those who are still alive panicked, and gradually escaped.

"I was separated from my family, stumbled and climbed up a cliff with cliffs on both sides, the front is the abyss, and behind, the hungry roar of the totem beast is getting closer and closer.

"I was so desperate that I closed my eyes and jumped off the edge of the cliff.

"Just thinking that even if you fall to pieces, it is much faster than falling into the blood basin of the totem beast, and being slowly torn off every piece of flesh and blood.

"Unexpectedly, I didn't fall to death.

"There is a very strange air current under the cliff, like a soft cushion, supporting my back.

"There are also dense branches of the mandala tree, criss-crossed, like huge rope nets, which constantly slow down my speed.

"Finally, there was a thick blanket of fungus growing under the cliff. It was soft and flexible. I landed on it and bounced back and forth. Except for a swollen nose and a swollen face, I didn't suffer any more serious injuries.

"I stood up dazedly and found myself in a strange and incredible new world.

"Those crystal clear, unclear whether it is ore or plant, are all things I have never heard of or seen in the world above the cliff.

"I also found a cave under the cliff. The depth of the cave was faintly shining, and it made an indescribable and seductive sound, as if calling me to explore.

"I walked in in a daze. I didn't know if I turned a few turns in the cave, I saw a huge, imposing stone wall with hundreds of runes that I couldn't understand. Ambilight, exudes magnificent light, like colorful streams, gurgling.

"I'm like a fool. I spent several days in the cave dementialy. I didn't feel hungry or thirsty. I just couldn't help but stare at the runes, as if I wanted to take every rune. The text is imprinted in my mind.

"I don't remember what happened later.

"I just remember that I somehow left the mysterious world under the cliff and returned to my homeland at the foot of the mountain.

"Looking at the barrenness in front of me, already abandoned, like a home in a cemetery, I realized that something was wrong.

"It was hard to find a familiar, crazy old man in a desolate village. I learned that the last time I went to the mountain to collect golden fruits, the village suffered heavy losses. Almost all the young and middle-aged people were killed by the minions of the totem beast. The next, including my parents, failed to come back alive.

"Only the old, weak, sick and handicapped remained in the village. The villagers who were still alive all went to the nearby villages. Only the villagers who were too old to walk left remained. Wait here to die.

"And half a year has passed since the picking team encountered a totem beast in the depths of the forest!

"It's strange. I feel like I stayed in the cave for three or five days at most. After leaving the forest, I returned to my home in only half a day. Although my belly was hungry, I still couldn't bear it. How could it be that a whole year passed? ?

"With full of doubts, I left my deserted home, wandering around, and encountered numerous dangers.

"At this time, something even stranger happened!

"Every time I encounter danger, there will always be those runes that I saw in the depths of the cave when I fell off the cliff.

"And every time those runes appeared in front of my eyes, I felt blood boiled and my body was hot, as if there was a powerful and unparalleled force surging from the depths of my bone marrow, making me agile and powerful, even Severely injured, the recovery speed is a bit faster than ordinary people.

"Sometimes, in my dreams, I return to the mysterious world under the cliff, walk into the winding cave again, and see the magnificent stone wall at the end of the cave—every time from such a dream. When I wake up, I feel that I have become stronger than before, and my flesh and blood have become stronger!

"Including this time, when I rushed towards the wolf officer and used the steel giant shield to shake the magma jetted out by him, those mysterious runes also shone crazily before my eyes, giving me infinite strength and endurance. The ability, otherwise, how could I carry the iron shield that was burned to the red, hard against the magma, and move forward step by step?

"Sage of Ancient Dreams, please tell me, are these runes really the blessings that the horned rat **** bestows on me? Has the horned rat **** noticed me as an insignificant nameless **** since so long ago?"

Meng Chao stared at the ancient dream saint with scorching eyes.

He believes that the ancient dream saint will be deeply attracted by her story.

Moreover, he was not afraid of this story, and was spotted by the ancient dream saints.

Because although the story is fictitious, the details in the story, including the wonderful world under the cliff and the shiny rune stone walls, are all true.

That was the vision that Meng Chao had seen with his own eyes in the vicinity of the No. 2 Archaic Ruins in the misty area within the Monster Mountain Range.

It is not surprising that Turanze and the Monster Mountain are close at hand, with similar ruins.

Sure enough, the eyes of the ancient dream saint gleamed.

"In the eyes of the Great Horned Rat, as long as you have the courage to fight for freedom and dignity, you are the noblest warrior. You are by no means a trivial nameless soldier. A warrior like you is certainly eligible to receive the blessing and blessing of the Rat God. Guide."

The ancient dream saint paused and said, "However, what exactly is the stone wall rune you saw in your dream, can you draw it for me to see?"

Meng Chao nodded, stretched out a finger smeared with burn ointment, poked a little bit in the void, and drew a ghost-like trajectory.

The runes he painted are real.

It is engraved in the depths of the No. 1 Archaic Relic in the center of Longcheng City.

It's just that he deliberately painted crookedly and fragmented.

If you change to an ordinary person, you might think that he is just a finger cramping and scribbling.

But Meng Chao believes that the Saintess of Ancient Dreams must be able to perceive the mystery that originated from the ancient times in the incomplete brush strokes.

"I, I don't remember much."

After drawing three or four fragmented runes in a row, Meng Chao seemed to have overdrawn energy and had a splitting headache, clutching his head and groaning, "Every time, I want to draw these runes clearly, always , Can't remember, my headache hurts, my head hurts!"

Saintess Gu Meng hurried forward, gently supporting Meng Chao's temple with her hands, and inputting two soft psychic energies into his brain.

"It doesn't matter, the rat **** blesses, it has its own magic, which is not easy for us to understand and imitate."

The ancient dream saint said softly, "We only need to continue to maintain infinite piety, for the cause of all the rat people, dedicate everything to us, the big horn rat **** will naturally bless us until the final victory comes to our heads! "

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