The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1154: Constructing dreams

Under the comfort of the ancient dream saint, Meng Chao fell into a state of relaxation, half asleep, no longer struggling and roaring.

Saintess of Ancient Dream seemed to have not taken the "stone wall rune" he said to her heart, confessing that the witch doctor must take good care of warriors like Meng Chao, and then walked to the next severely wounded person.

But behind her, the corner of Meng Chao's mouth evoked a faint smile.

He knew that the ancient dream saint had already taken the bait.

She will definitely find ways to sneak into her dreamland and explore the mystery of "Stone Cliff Rune".

Then, in his dream, Meng Chao can be free from any interference and have the "home court advantage", and have a good chat with the ancient dream saint.

That's right, my dream, this is the safest place for communication that Meng Chao can think of.

Only in a dream can we ensure that "there is an ear on the wall" will not happen, and that the careerist hidden behind the ancient dream saint will not spy on the content of their exchanges.

Even if the other party can invade Meng Chao's brain through the brain of the ancient dream saint, Meng Chao has the confidence to build an absolute defense in his own brain, even if he dares to invade his own brain. The weird power, taste the taste of stealing chicken and eating rice.

Of course, he couldn't let the ancient dream saint master the initiative of dreams.

In the past weird dreams, whether it is the big horned rat **** standing in the clouds, blooming with majestic and imposing light.

It is still the thousands of troops of the Big Horn Legion, forming a magnificent phalanx, sweeping the entire Turanze.

Or the ancient dream saint playing the clarinet, driving the tide of skeletons and rats, swallowing the entire Chijin City.

Including what I just dreamed about last night, the countless heroes who sacrificed heroically, all turned into crystal clear heroic spirits, and soared to the top of the holy mountain under the call of the big horned rat god.

These dreams are all actively created by the ancient dream saints and implanted in the brains of the Ratmen warriors including Meng Chao.

The Saintess of Ancient Dreams can naturally call the wind and rain in such a dream, and guide the dreamer to see and believe anything she wants them to see and believe.

And this dream will be created and dominated by Meng Chao himself.

Prior to this, Meng Chao had not created a dream.

But in the duel between Dragon City and monster civilization, he has encountered countless experts who create illusions.

Especially the double illusion "Taoyuan Town" created by the demon **** "Wisdom Tree".

It was a super illusion that was both illusion and real, a hundred times more real than a dream, and in which countless transcendents were deeply trapped, and they couldn't help themselves.

After successively defeating illusion experts including "Abyss Eye" and "Wisdom Tree", Meng Chao went deep into the ultimate lair of monster civilization. After reading a lot of information from the masters of monsters, he was also concerned about how to create an illusion. Have their own understanding.

Although he still doesn't know how to project dreams into other people's brains in a subtle way.

But this problem does not need him to worry about.

He only needs to use his strong imagination to construct a vivid and lifelike world in the depths of his brain, and then quietly wait for the ancient dream saint to **** herself.

Learning from the experience of the "wisdom tree", Meng Chao decided to divide the dream into several layers.

The outermost layer is naturally the story of his fictional identity "root" when he was a child.

That is, I went to pick golden fruits in the deep mountains and old forests with my family, and ended up being attacked by totem beasts, panicking and falling off the cliff.

Ye Zi told Meng Chao that the ancient dream saint had sneaked into his dream, read his childhood memories, turned into a non-existent figure like his sister, and pointed him to the human-shaped arrow he saw on the cave paintings during his cultivation.

Of course, Meng Chao highly suspected that while the ancient dream saint was pointing to the leaves, she also snooped all the information about the cave paintings in the depths of the leaves's brain.

Therefore, when the ancient dream saint sneaked into Meng Chao's dream and saw this experience, she would not have too much doubt.

In this dream, Meng Chao prepared several tests for the ancient dream saint.

Only in dreams can people expose the truest self in the subconscious.

In reality, the honest gentleman, like a volcanic eruption in his dream, is sprayed with the ugliest desires-this is originally human nature.

Meng Chao believes that these tests will enable him to further see what kind of person the Saintess of Ancient Dream is like.

Is it a demon's minion, or a puppet.

Is it an object worth saving and cooperating, or an obstacle that should be obliterated.

Then, there is the rune on the rock wall under the cliff.

Meng Chao plans to use the picture material from the depths of the misty tiankeng in his memory to build this wonderful world that is completely different from the outside world.

Because all the materials are real things, it is naturally impossible to be seen by the ancient dream saints.

As for the stone wall runes, Meng Chao plans to copy the several ancient stone steles he has seen in the depths of the No. 1 Primordial Relic in the center of Longcheng City.

The runes on these steles have been studied by the people of the earth for more than half a century, but they have not been able to decipher all of them.

No matter how high the realm is, no matter how strong the spiritual power is, an extraordinary person who stares at the stele for a long time will shake the spiritual defense, giving birth to a headache and a sense of mental breakdown.

Meng Chao believed that, as a spiritual expert with extremely high spiritual power, Saintess of Ancient Dream would definitely have a keen interest in these runes.

And when she concentrates on studying the content of the rune, she will definitely be like those skilled researchers in Dragon City.

In that case, Meng Chao would have a great opportunity to invade the brain of the ancient dream saint woman and steal the secret hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

Yes, just communicating in dreams is not the purpose of Meng Chao.

For this mysterious saint who possesses the weird ability, can manipulate the dreams of others and even predict the future as he pleases, in just a few years, she has built the Big Horn Legion with one hand and set off the Big Horn Rebellion.

Meng Chao wasn't absolutely sure, and she could be convinced by her three-inch tongue.

Mental interference is originally two-way.

When the ancient dream saint sneaked into Meng Chao's brain through the dream, she also opened her brain port, giving Meng Chao the opportunity to invade backwards.

Of course, Meng Chao has also prepared the brain of the ancient dream saint, always being firmly controlled by more powerful enemies, such as "Jackal" Kanus.

Therefore, he prepared a deeper "security layer" in his dream.

Make sure that even the will of "Jackal" Kanus can use the brain of the ancient dream saint as a springboard to invade his own brain.

As long as the other party dares to follow him all the way to the "safety layer".

Even the "doomsday magic wolf" who will be all-powerful in the future will be beaten into a three-legged mourning dog in the depths of Meng Chao's brain!

Meng Chao spent three days carefully constructing his dream.

What he worried most was that the ancient dream saint invaded in before the dream was completed.

Fortunately, the Saintess of Ancient Dream has been consoling the seriously wounded day and night in the past few days. It is a very energy-consuming task to take care of all the thousands of wounded. For the time being, she still can’t take care of Meng Chao’s “stone wall”. Runes".

However, even if Meng Chao completed the structure of the dreamland and three days passed, the expected "dive in" still did not happen.

The ancient dream saint has left the wounded camp.

From those well-informed wounded soldiers, Meng Chao learned that a long-running and large-scale battle around Baijian City was brewing, boiling, and erupting.

This is evident from the fact that more and more wounded soldiers have poured in from the wounded camp, and their scale has expanded three to five times in just a few days.

These new wounded soldiers brought a lot of battle reports around the city of Hundred Blades.

It is said that there were dozens of Rat People's Rebels who broke through the siege and interception of the five clans and arrived at Baibian City, bringing the total strength of the Big Horn Legion gathered here to a very terrifying astronomical figure.

With a steady stream of cannon fodder, the feint attacks under Hundred Blade City also transformed into real attacks.

It is said that even the copper and iron walls of Baijian City were shaken under the surging impact of the fierce rat tide. In the latest charge, the southwestern wall of Baijian City collapsed by half, and the Ratmen warriors rushed. Entering the city, fought a fierce and fierce battle with the defenders.

Although they were eventually expelled by the defenders, the fact that "the rat people collapsed the walls of Hundred Blade City" alone was enough to make all the rat people cheer, but the defenders were demoralized and ruined.

It is said that around the city of Hundred Blades, the Big Horn Legion and the Wolf Clan reinforcements have launched several **** blocking battles. Although the Rat People’s Rebels suffered heavy losses, they used countless corpses to build copper walls and iron walls forcibly, and did not allow the Wolf Clan reinforcements to cross the thunder pond. step!

Seeing that Hundred Blade City was about to be submerged by the rat tide.

This will be the first city captured by the Big Horn Army, a brilliant city with symbolic meaning and strategic value.

At that time, the entire Turanze will be deeply shocked.

And those rat militia servants and slave laborers who are still enslaved by the clan warriors and have not made up their minds to resist will surely rise up in enthusiasm.

The size of the Great Horned Legion will be ten times larger than today, and there will be no power to prevent them from establishing their own clan, and even under the guidance of the Great Horned Rat God, to seize the supreme glory that originally belonged to the Jackals, Tigers and Leopards!

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