The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1155: Saint dreaming

All the Ratmen warriors believed in this.

And put in a hundredfold piety and fanaticism, and hesitate to burn his flesh and blood to ensure that the final victory comes as soon as possible.

In the huge whirlpool of hot magma, only Meng Chao still kept a clear head.

Realize that the Big Horn Legion has reached the turning point of the ups and downs.

Below the city of Hundred Blades is the limit of the Rat People.

Within a few days, the situation will take a turn for the worse.

The surging rat tide, composed of millions of enthusiastic rat people, will fall apart in an instant and be wiped out in smoke.

This can be seen from the food supply in the wounded camp.

In the beginning, because of the large amount of supplies taken from the wolf clan reinforcements, the food supply of the wounded battalion was very sufficient and the specifications were also quite high.

Even ordinary soldiers, after being seriously injured, can enjoy the secret medicine and high-energy food carefully prepared by the wolf clan witch doctor.

Common foods such as deep-fried mandala fruits are openly available, regardless of the number.

With dozens of Rat People's Volunteers gathering under the city of Hundred Blades one after another, the logistical pressure of the Big Horn Army surged tenfold.

Although a lot of spoils were seized in the **** battles, they could not make up for the losses on the battlefield.

While the size of the wounded camp continues to expand, the supply of food and medicine has gradually become stretched.

Not only in terms of quality, it has changed from a secret medicine carefully prepared by a witch doctor to an ordinary herbal medicine tormented indiscriminately.

From baking golden fruit sandwich cheese, it becomes ordinary mandala paste and at most add some sour cream.

The quantity is also greatly restricted, and a rationing system has to be implemented.

Many of the wounded are in need of a lot of nutrition to repair their wounds and restore energy. They can only deal with them blindly with clear soup and water. They are so hungry that they groan and sigh in the middle of the night.

Of course, this is a "temporary difficulty" among witch doctors and priests, including ordinary wounded.

Everyone except Meng Chao firmly believes that the Big Horn Legion is about to conquer Hundred Blade City.

At that time, all the granaries and arsenals in the City of Hundred Blades will be owned by all the rat people.

Not only can it completely solve the problem of logistical supplies, there is also the possibility of Megatron's entire piece of Turanze, further expanding the Big Horn Legion.

"Three days, at most five days!"

The wounded who were taken to the wounded camp under the city of Hundred Blades were still full of confidence and even beaming. "The defenders in Hundred Blades City have been exhausted, and even the castle tower has been blasted down by us several times. Stick to it for three to five days, and it will definitely collapse completely.

"At that time, there will be no problems!

"Furthermore, I heard that the lion and tiger people in Chijin City have started fighting, killing the entire Chijin City with corpses all over the field, blood drifting, and half of the city is burning!

"As long as we can deal with the defenders of the Hundred Blade City and the reinforcements of the wolf race, and then rush to Chijin City in a rush, I am afraid that the divided Chijin City will be easier to conquer than the Hundred Blade City!"

An extremely optimistic mood, like a "tweeting" lark, hovering over the wounded camp.

Meng Chao saw in his eyes and anxious in his heart, but he did not know how to convince these blindly optimistic Ratmen warriors-destruction is about to come, and the fall of the Big Horn Legion will be tomorrow. The true fighting power of the wolf clan is definitely not as simple as you think. In the past month or so, Lien Chan’s winning streak was just because "Jackal" Kanus, the nominal leader of the wolf clan, secretly hindered the wolf clan leaders who actually control the military power, stumbled and even stabbed a knife in the back. That's it.

Now, "Jackal" Kanus has used the blade of the Big Horn Legion to kill and wound those big bosses who hinder him from actually controlling the wolf clan.

Even if the wolf clan's head, who was barely able to save his life, had been beaten up by the rat people on his back, the record was extremely disgraceful, and he was no longer qualified to show off in front of the "Jackal" Kanus, relying on the old to sell the old.

With the means shown by "Jackal" Kanus in the memory of Meng Chao's previous life.

At this moment, he should have completed the internal integration of the wolf clan, and the surviving army chiefs are all obediently, and then he has completely mastered the highest power of the entire wolf clan?

Then, the sharp blade of the Big Horn Legion has completed its historical mission.

The future "doomsday magic wolf" has at least a hundred ways to let the ignorant rat people know what the real "horror" and "despair" are.

Perhaps Hundred Blade City was originally the bait that "Jackal" Kanus deliberately threw to the rat people.

In order to conquer the City of Hundred Blades, the most rebellious and combative warriors among the tens of millions of rat people in Turanze are all gathered here, losing their mobility and logistical supply capabilities, moving like a big mountain of meat. No.

If you can really conquer the City of Hundred Blades and successfully seize the arsenal and granary in the city, of course it will be great.

What if you can't conquer it?

Even if it is successfully conquered, what if, in despair, the defending army ignited the arsenal and granary and burned all the war resources?

Even, Wanbaiblade City was the core of the conspiracy from the beginning. In the city’s arsenal and granary, there was no war resource enough for the Big Horn Legion to get a breathing room?

Analyze from the memory of Meng Chao's previous life.

This is not "just in case".

It's the "history" that is doomed to happen.

I watched dozens of Rat People's Volunteers, rushing to Baibian City from all directions.

Meng Chao thought of a large mouse trap with a complex and sophisticated structure.

There is a circle of movable seesaws around, and in the middle is a very deep bucket. Perhaps there are still a few pieces of fragrant cheese floating on the water, attracting the surrounding mice to run on the seesaw desperately, and eventually fall into the bucket and drown alive. .

Waiting left and right, can't wait for the ancient dream saint.

Anxious Meng Chao wanted to tear through the disguise desperately, and rushed directly into the camp of the ancient dream saint.

However, the Saintess of Ancient Dreams herself, although in a normal state, appeared to be unable to bind the chicken.

Around her, there are always a few high-ranking priests with unfathomable breaths wearing masks and helmets with big horns.

Meng Chao was very suspicious, if the ancient dream saint herself was really a ignorant puppet.

These high-ranking priests are more than just her subordinates and believers.

It is very likely to be remotely controlled by a careerist behind the scenes, and has the responsibility of protecting and monitoring the ancient dream saint at the same time.

Meng Chao is confident to solve these high-ranking priests.

But there is no confidence in doing this without disturbing the black hand behind the scenes or screaming at the snakes.

Therefore, he can only hide his minions, firmly believe in his own judgment, and wait patiently.

Fortunately, his persistence paid off.

On the eleventh day when he entered the wounded camp, the ancient dream saint finally came.

This is the darkest hour before dawn.

It is also the moment when a person's nerves are the most relaxed and fall into the deepest layer of dreams.

Meng Chao, who was in a state of light sleep but had set up several layers of "warning nets" deep in his brain, felt in a daze that there was a shining light thread, like a winding snake, licking. Pointing at the center of his eyebrows, he releases a few strands of nerve currents that can concentrate and massage the brain cells into his brain.

Afterwards, he got in and connected Meng Chao's brain with a mysterious existence hidden in the dark.

"finally come!"

Meng Chao was excited.

However, relying on the "quasi-spiritual powerhouse"'s high degree of control over the body, including the brain, it precisely manipulates some of the brain cells on the outer side of the cerebral cortex to simulate the appearance of deep sleep.

At the same time, he injected psychic energy into the memory cells, releasing some of his meticulously constructed memory fragments, and sent them to the light thread that invaded the brain.

Meng Chao didn't directly dream the dream of "being chased by a totem beast, falling off a cliff and discovering a rune on the stone wall".

Although this matter was mentioned to the ancient dream saint that day.

But it would be too coincidental if Saintess of Ancient Dreams had just sneaked into his brain and discovered that he was having this dream.

And Meng Chao knows very well the mentality of mind control experts like Saintess of Ancient Dreams.

Let her move in other people's dreams, she will never feel at ease, it is impossible to completely relax her vigilance.

Therefore, Meng Chao simply sent a large amount of fragmented "materials" to her, and she personally constructed this dream.

Only when Saintess of Ancient Dreams believes that this is a dream she actively created and is her "home field", can she completely let go of her guard and expose her truest self.

The ancient dream saint was really fooled.

The light thread stayed in front of the mottled memory fragments, browsing quickly.

These memory fragments are not only about being chased by a totem beast, falling off a cliff, and discovering a rune on the stone wall.

There is also the identity fabricated by Meng Chao, a picture of the growing process of "Roots".

Including the carefree life in the village as a child.

After the homeland was barren, wandering around, with the help of the stone wall rune, escaped from the desperate desperate situation again and again.

Of course, after joining the Big Horn Army, a series of arduous battles, and his pious, brave, and fanatical performance in the battle.

Through these memory fragments, it is possible to perfectly simulate the growth trajectory of a rat citizen warrior.

Of course, all the memory images are beautiful, blurry or even mottled, and a lot of details are lost.

This is also the normal characteristic of the memory picture-if all the memories are clear after more than ten or twenty years, then it is surprising.

As for the "bait" thrown by Meng Chao, that piece of shining stone wall rune.

Meng Chao also let it flash away in the memory of the picture, allowing the ancient dream saint to perceive its miracle, but he can't see the true meaning of even a rune.

The ancient dream saint wanted to carefully explore the mystery of the runes on the stone wall.

It is necessary to create a dream, with Meng Chao's subconscious as a guide, entering the deepest part of his brain.

The ancient dream saint really took the bait.

Meng Chao could feel that the strand of light that sneaked into his brain, like a gleaming flower, split into dozens of strands from the tip.

Every strand of light gently entangled a memory fragment he made and sent on his own initiative.

Then, like building a palace, it was quickly constructed with ease.

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