The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1189: Race against time

Chapter 1189: Race Against Time

In all fairness, it cannot be said that all the officers and soldiers of the Big Horn Legion are whimsical.

After all, Hundred Blade City is an important town in Turan with thousands of years of heritage, and no one can bear the responsibility of handing over this glorious city to the rat people.

Moreover, there is a large amount of army rations hoarded in Hundred Blade City, not only to supply the daily consumption of the wolf clan, but also to prepare for the consumption of the entire golden clan for several years in the battle of the five clans and even the battle of glory.

If so much military rations are burned, how can the jackals, tigers and leopards of the Golden clan fill their belly and march toward the land of holy light?

Therefore, as a last resort, the wolf clan defenders will never be able to burn their rations-this is more a test of the commander's determination than a strong man's broken arm.

The problem is, if the "siege of Hundred Blade City" strategy itself is part of the "Jackal" Kanus serial conspiracy.

There was not as much food in the City of Hundred Blades as the Big Horn Legion had predicted.

The vast majority of the military rations were secretly transported out of the city by "Jackal" Kanus, and stored in which horn, underground cave?

In any case, this kind of decision to bet that the enemy would not dare to break the arm of the strong man was tantamount to sending the noose that held his throat to the enemy's hands, which was completely self-destructive.

Sure enough, the wolf clan defenders in Hundred Blade City began to burn the granary and arsenal in the city during the interval between the two rounds of the Great Horn Legion's offensive, at the darkest time before dawn.

Perhaps the materials in the granary and arsenal are far from as many as they appear on the surface.

But it was enough to make all the officers and soldiers of the Big Horn Legion chaotic and at a loss what to do.

Of course they wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack the city, and before all the food was burned, they would enter the city of Hundred Blades and put out the fire.

But the night attack was originally the thing that tested the quality and technical and tactical coordination of the soldiers the most.

In the dark night with no fingers, forcibly attacking a strong city with high walls and deep pits, where the defenders are still capable of fighting. This is something that has never been heard in the history of cold weapon wars on Earth or in other worlds.

The hungry ratmen warriors could only tear their eye sockets, their eyes widened, and they watched the mandala fruit in the city. They turned into clusters of fragrant and tangy smoke, thick enough to drip grease, and soared into the air. They uttered a fascinating temptation.

Until this moment, some people gradually recollected and began to reflect on whether this "successful in one battle" strategy was too frivolous and reckless.

Unfortunately, it's too late to regret!

As a group of rebels put together all by blood and courage, from the moment they were entrenched around Hundred Blade City and completely lost their mobility, they were destined to usher in such a raging flame and burn all hope. Turning point!

"The Big Horn Legion is not saved. It says a thousand words and ten thousand. Without food, even if the gods and demons descend, it is impossible to regroup the disintegrated insurgents."

Ice Storm, like Meng Chao, has an extremely clear understanding, "What should we do now?"

"Go to rescue the ancient dream saint!"

Meng Chao made a decisive decision, "As long as the ancient dream saint is rescued, even if the Big Horn Legion is annihilated, there is a chance to make a comeback!"

Since ancient times, the rebel army has become a problem for countless rulers. It is not because of its combat effectiveness, how tightly organized it is, or how large the army is.

But it is very similar to wildfire, fungus, and virus, and it is extremely difficult to be completely killed.

Even on the surface, it died down, disarmed and surrendered, and even the entire army was wiped out.

As long as the leader and core members can escape.

Every minute, there is a chance to make a comeback and regroup, creating a more noisy momentum than in the past.

After all, "Jackal" Kanus can wipe out the Big Horn Legion.

But it is impossible to wipe out the tens of thousands of rat people represented by the Big Horn Legion, and the hatred and anger they have accumulated for thousands of years.

As long as this hatred and anger are still there.

As long as the ancient dream saint is still alive.

As long as the armored airship cluster from Dragon City can quickly open the air channel from the Monster Mountain to the hinterland of Turanze, and transport several planetary surface short-distance leap devices.

Even if there is only one small spark left in the Big Horn Legion.

It can be revived in minutes.

"Do you know where the ancient dream saint is?"

Ice Storm raised his eyebrows high.

Although the ancient dream saint did not deliberately hide.

But as a big soldier fighting on the front line, it is still very difficult to accurately lock the coordinates of the Supreme Commander.

Seeing Meng Chao's seemingly absurd predictions in advance, the piles and piles are gradually turning into reality.

Ice Storm's evaluation of Meng Chao is getting higher and higher, and Jane has been obedient to his words.

"Yes, but time is pressing. We need to race against time. Do you know where the nearest bone camp cavalry is stationed?"

In several clashes with the wolf clan heavy forces group.

The "Bone Battalion", an elite unit of the Big Horn Legion, has captured many mounts "Wolf" used by the Wolves.

And through the ancient dream saint’s dreams-in fact, Meng Chao very much suspects that it was the "Jackal" Kanus who used the ancient dream saint’s brain as a kind of "transit station" and directly taught the driving skills, so many The Bone Battalion warriors all grew into well-trained cavalry in just a few days.

Near the fortress where Ice Storm is located, is the garrison of the Bone Battalion Cavalry Army.

Naturally, the elites of the White Bone Camp were not able to escape the impact of the camp whistle.

Because they have a closer relationship with the Saintess of Ancient Dreams on weekdays, almost everyone can directly or indirectly sense the brainwaves of Saintess of Ancient Dreams every night. The goddess of dreams and even the teaching of the big horned rat god.

Therefore, when the dream becomes a nightmare, when the majestic, big-horned rat **** who is like a **** and demon descends into the world, after turning into a swollen, rotting, giant-looking zombie rat god.

These elites of the White Bone Camp were affected more severely than ordinary Ratmen Warriors.

Their camps have almost become lunatic asylums.

Almost half of the elites who have experienced a lot of battles, are holding their heads, curled up into a ball, twitching frantically.

The other half were like flies with no heads powered on, dancing and running around.

Even the wolves detained next to the camp did not know who had released them all.

Perhaps these fierce beasts, which are slightly human, are also affected by the frenzied brain waves that are constantly surging and colliding in the air.

From time to time, heads of wolves arched their waists, exploded the hair on their backs, and rushed towards the mentally collapsed White Bone Camp like a sharp blade out of a sheath.

And even if the chest is torn apart by the wolf’s minions, exposing the steaming, "bubbling" organs, many of the bone camp elites have no response, as if their fighting spirit and soul are all with the fall of the big horned rat god. dissipate.

What remained here was just an empty body.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm effortlessly grabbed two wolves without disturbing anyone.

Although they have not received professional cavalry training.

But when the realm reached their level, only a few wisps of killing intent were released, and it could naturally transform into a humanoid beast, deeply shocking the mount under the hip.

Feeling that they are surging out of their bodies, it is enough to instantly freeze oneself into ice lumps or burn into coke.

The two wolves, who were originally fierce and still had blood stains at the corners of their mouths, were immediately as gentle as old dogs whose teeth had been knocked out.

The two exerted force at the same time, relying on the subtle trembling of the muscle fibers around the body and the strength feedback from the hips.

Quickly figured out the driving skills of the wolf.

And using psychic energy to stimulate the flesh and tendons of the wolf, the two beasts broke out at an unprecedented speed, turned into two off-string arrows, and shot towards the base camp of the ancient dream saint deployed in the southwest stone forest.

Along the way, there were more than a dozen chaotic camps.

In pursuit of speed, they did not deliberately cover their whereabouts this time.

As a result, many crazy soldiers dare to step forward to intercept.

Meng Chao noticed that these rebels had crooked eyes, their skin was red and hot, and many people's eyebrows were deeply sunken, but their temples were raised high, and the sunken and raised areas were still sucking, like trembling tumors.

And their life's magnetic field is more like a fire with oxidizer added in the wind, no one can predict whether the fire in the next second will continue to deflagrate or go out abruptly.

Meng Chao knew that the power of the "fear bomb" was escalating.

More and more Ratmen warriors have been swallowed by the nightmare of the Zombie Rat God, and after the collapse of their beliefs, they have become insane killing machines.

However, he didn't have time to entangle these crazy rebels.

The ancient dream saint must be rescued.

In order to cut off the source of the nightmare.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm clamped the wolf's abdomen, using the sharp pain to stimulate the last potential of the crotch wolf, soaring into the air, and striding over the head of the rebel soldiers in a nearly gliding posture.

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