The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1190: Stone Forest Rebellion

After crossing several groups of insurgents in a row, a burning camp appeared in front of him.

The rioters seemed to be in a frenzied manner. They piled dozens of camps together, burned them, and used the flames of their teeth and claws to dispel the fear of the darkest hours before dawn, and to keep themselves awake, so as not to fall into the nightmare of the zombie rat god. go.

Around the flames, there were densely snarling heads of people.

The road is blocked for a hundred meters before and after, and it is not the wolf who jumps, can leap over.

It's time to show your true strength.

Meng Chao yelled violently, and his whole body was full of vigor, like layers of blood flames gushing out from 36,000 pores.

Not only did the wolf under the crotch let out a horrifying howl, its size swelled again, and its speed reached its limit, as if it had changed from a fierce beast with flesh and blood to a rumbling, galloping train.

In addition, the rebel soldiers who were slapped by the blood flames were struck by lightning, driven by their survival instincts, involuntarily retreating, trembling, sitting down, or simply lying on the ground.

In the middle of the chaotic vortex, a road split suddenly.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm drove straight in, rushing through the burning camp like a ruin.

The ice storm took the opportunity to sway a blurred ice mist, covering the hot brains of the insurgents, and helping them cool down their overloaded brains.

Just listen to the sound of "chicking" from all around, a large group of strong steam rising from the heads of the insurgents, turning the burning camp into a sultry bathhouse.

I hope this cooling can calm the rebels in time and save their lives!

In this way, Meng Chao and Ice Storm worked in the same way and cooperated seamlessly, and soon the whirlwind broke through a fortress.

Wherever they went, almost all the camps were shaken and fell into chaos.

No one knows what the Big Horn Legion will look like after dawn.

Naturally, no one has the mood and ability to intercept the ferocious Meng Chao and the ice storm.

According to the picture that Meng Chao saw before sneaking into the brain of the ancient dream saint along the brain waves.

They quickly found the peculiar stone forest.

Moistened by the underground spiritual veins for hundreds of millions of years, and continuously shaped by the magnetic field of the alien planet, the stone forests of the alien world are more majestic and spectacular than the karst landforms on the earth.

Hundreds of stone pillars, like a dragon flying into the sky from an underground abyss, were stretched out, flared their teeth and claws, and roared at the instant they were hit by the enemy's petrified magic, and they were solidified in the most powerful and hideous moment of eternity.

Especially in the dark night, rushing into the stone forest unexpectedly, it really feels like being in a "other world outside the other world".

The reason why the Saintess of Ancient Dream chose this stone forest as the base camp.

It is because there are enough stone pillars here and they are tall enough.

As long as a special device is deployed on the top of the stone pillars, and a priest is arranged to meditate on it, each stone pillar can be turned into an antenna with extremely high signal strength.

It can receive the instructions she got from the big horned rat god-that is, "Jackal" Kanus.

These instructions can be transformed into "Great Horned Rat God's Revelation", and through her dream-making ability, spread to every Great Horned Legion camp within a radius of a hundred miles.

At this moment, these "antennas" should bring hope and strength.

It turned into a source of disaster that spreads terror and despair.

Even with a small half-mile away, Meng Chao closed his eyes and could sense with the pineal gland located behind the center of his eyebrows that the entire stone forest was "burning" on a certain level.

Although there was no open flame visible to the naked eye.

However, there are a large number of psychic ripples that simulate ultra-high compression brain waves, and through the device at the top of the stone forest and the brains of the priests sitting inside the device, they shoot into the sky like a volcanic eruption.

And then receive back from the sky, the intensity and the amount of information is ten times higher.

This confirms Meng Chao's guess.

This is not just the base camp of the Big Horn Legion.

It is also an ancient and advanced "battlefield information exchange base station".

At this moment, the entire base station has been hijacked by the "Jackal" Kanus hiding in the dark through the "Nightmare Virus" that has long been implanted in the brains of Ancient Dream Saints and many high-level priests.

The one responsible for guarding the base camp should theoretically be the most elite warrior in the entire Big Horn Legion.

But because they are the closest to the "antenna", they are most affected by the "fear bomb". Even if they stay awake and vigilant all night, many people have seen the whole process of the fall, expansion, decay, and festering of the big horned rat **** in a trance.

Under the great stimulus, these elites who have experienced many battles also fell into chaos like a second-line army hurriedly assembled.

This is cheaper than Meng Chao and Ice Storm.

The whirlwind rushed all the way into the stone forest, but was not intercepted by guards and patrols.

In fact, because a large number of wolves were captured in the previous battles, the elite of the White Bone Battalion was almost fully equipped with cavalry, and even every soldier could be equipped with two or three wolves.

When the nightmare strikes, both the rat people and the wolves are confused and frantic.

Within the stone forest, there is also a horrible chaos that rushes towards the pigs, and blood flows into a river.

Not only were a large number of wolves smashed their shackles, escaped from the cage, and wandered among the stone forests in groups, when they encountered the lonely rat people, they swarmed up, tore and swallowed.

There are also many elite rats who are unable to control the totem armor in their bodies when their spiritual defenses have collapsed and their senses have been completely lost.

The liquid metal-like substances that had hung in their bodies honestly, all spewed out of their seven orifices and even every pore like frantically growing hyphae and vines.

But it did not follow the form of the totem structure, condensed into a mighty, impenetrable armor.

But after squeezing and swallowing their flesh and blood and even their bones, they were twisted and deformed, deformed and swelled, and turned into pieces of weird art of killing.

These white bone camp elites have all become half-human and half-metal origin warriors.

From behind the squirming metal mask, his hollow eyes widened, searching for all the living creatures around.

Regardless of whether the wolves or the robes of the past, or even the high saints.

There was no difference in their brains, which had been swallowed by nightmares and refilled with liquid metal-like substances.

They are all prey that can be swallowed and turned into fuel for them to continue to kill.

"It's the origin samurai..."

Meng Chao has a headache.

There are not many strong men in the Big Horn Legion who have totem armor.

In many of the patchwork second-line troops, there is not even a totem warrior.

Therefore, Meng Chao hadn't thought at the beginning how much harm would be caused by the "fear bomb" detonated by remote control.

No one knows better than him how dangerous the so-called "totem armor" is.

To put it bluntly, this kind of ultimate single-soldier black technology combat system that integrates liquid metal technology, space folding technology, artificial intelligence technology, automatic cruise and even killing technology, can be called a humanoid carbon-based intelligent life body, and it is far from degraded. The Turan people in the clan age can and should have mastered things.

Let the higher orcs reproduce the totem armor.

It is equivalent to let a seven or eight-year-old child master a fully automatic rifle that is full of bullets and opens the insurance.

If this child has just had a nightmare, is greatly irritated, and is in a trance...

No, the totem armor is more dangerous than a fully automatic rifle full of bullets, a hundred times more dangerous.

In a sense, Meng Chao feels that Totem Armor is even more dangerous than nuclear weapons.

Even if nuclear weapons can destroy the entire world.

But after all, it has no thoughts, no free will, just an honest device that is absolutely controlled by the nuclear button.

And totem battle armor, even if there is no real "thought".

At least, it possesses an extremely strong will to kill that was implanted by the ancient Turan people thousands of years ago and is almost impossible to tamper with or erase.

Even under normal circumstances, it is not easy for a clan warrior who has received strict training since childhood to control the totem armor in his body.

Therefore, they need to vent their desire to kill deep in their hearts through the arena, brave games and real wars from time to time.

Only in this way can the weak spiritual defense line be maintained and will not completely fall into the abyss of killing.

The Totem Armor Fragments of the Elite Mouse People are all obtained through abnormal channels.

While the combat power rushed forward, the blood vessels were filled with angry flames, and the nerves were filled with hatred electric lights. They did not have the time, patience and channels to learn how to control the totem armor.

So, when the ancient dream saint fell into the chaotic brain, after releasing the mysterious command from the dark.

These elite rats, who were already on the verge of losing control, instantly fell into the magical way.

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