The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1200: Evolving Warframe

If Meng Chao didn't prepare in advance.

Will be forced into a rush by the weapon shot like a gust of wind and rain.

He himself has a totem armor body, and he may not be defeated by these shimmering, iron-cutting sharp blades.

But behind him, the ancient dream saint who is still curled up under the mandala tree is not necessarily so.

Now it is totally different.

"Ding ding ding ding ding ding", just listened to a series of dense metal collisions.

The two huge battle axes and mace, perfectly playing the role of a shield, withstood the attack of 80% of the sharp blades.

The remaining 20% ​​of the sharp blades were also agitated by Meng Chao's sudden flames of war, like a tornado of fire. Except for piercing and cutting off the surrounding seven or eight mandala trees, no more damage was caused.

And just as the assassin shot all the sharp blades on the surface of the empty armor.

Meng Chao had already turned into a flash of lightning, drilled between the mace and the giant axe, relying on the power of the magnetic levitation, to stand on top of its head.

At the moment, Meng Chao is empty-handed.

Neither the "Skullcrusher" with the two giant flame blades, the giant axe and mace that blocked a large number of sharp blades were nearby.

But his invincible iron fist is a deadly weapon comparable to a train cannon.


Meng Chao crossed his fingers, clasped his fists tightly together, from top to bottom, blasting out an astonishing force like a 10,000-ton hydraulic press.

With just one blow, the lower body of this origin samurai was completely blasted into the ground, making it as inextricably as a thick and short nail.

This was done to prevent this "steel hedgehog", like the "metal armadillo" just now, from being fisted by him and blasting down the foot of the mountain. It seemed horrible, but in fact it removed most of its destructive power.

Afterwards, Meng Chao opened his bow left and right, setting off a fire storm in front of the assassin.

It was as if he had picked up an active volcano that was erupting from the void.

He slapped his head and slapped his head on the face of the origin warrior.

Rao is the origin warrior, no matter how mad and devil, he is not afraid of death.

Meng Chao was photographed with a lot of meat and vegetables, and his soul was out of his body.

Seeing its totem armor pieces cracked, hundreds of fire snakes spewed out from the cobweb-like gaps.

Meng Chao ended the battle with a tomahawk-style whip leg.

-Not a whip leg that "powers like a cold weapon tomahawk".

It is the whip leg of "power comparable to a Tomahawk missile."


The whip leg is deeply embedded in the body of the "steel hedgehog", almost cutting it off at the waist, turning it into a dividing cell.

The blast of light and sonic boom turned into visible ripples, almost blowing down the surrounding mandala trees struggling in the raging flames.

The poor origin warrior finally pulled out his broken bones legs from the depths of the earth.

It flew upside down for hundreds of meters like an incendiary bomb.

I don't know how many towering trees were knocked down and lit up along the way.

A series of "click, click, click" sounds, dragging out a shocking path of flames in the mountains and forests.

Rao is the three elites of the White Bone Camp who have experienced hundreds of fierce battles both large and small.

How could you have seen such a brutal fighting method?

The hair roots on the back of their heads stand up, and every drop of blood in the almost dry blood vessels freezes instantly.

"It turns out that this is the true strength of the Totem Warrior!"

The three Baiguying elite swallowed a prickly saliva almost at the same time.

These fierce Ratmen warriors really don't know. If they had seen such a thrilling fierce battle a few years ago, would they have the courage to fight against the five clans with countless totem warriors.

Now they can only pray silently.

This man possesses the power of gods and demons, it is like the strongest person whose ancestor spirit descended on the earth.

Is on his side.

Meng Chao is not as optimistic as they are.

He gasped for breath, frantically replenished oxygen, accelerated blood circulation, and drove the mitochondria deep in the cell, spurring more energy.

He just broke through the six-star spirit armor realm.

It is not a perpetual motion machine that can continuously draw psionic energy from the void.

Appears to defeat the three origin warriors cleanly.

It poses great challenges to its own psionic reserve, flesh and blood strength, and the stability of totem battle armor.

The most troublesome aspect of the Origin Warriors is not their combat effectiveness.

But they are similar to zombies, stalking, and toughness that is difficult to completely eliminate.

Basically, the origin samurai is like a super zombie equipped with liquid metal armor.

Although in most cases, it remains in the form of a human, at least in the form of a half-man and half-animal.

In fact, the internal physiological structure, as well as the operating mode of organs and limbs, and the energy supply mode of cells are very different from those of a living person.

As long as there is still some flesh and blood, it still maintains the most basic cell activity.

The origin warrior would not really die.


The three-headed six-armed assassin appeared again like an undead crawling out of the deepest part of hell.

If we say, its appearance just now is terrifying enough.

The appearance at the moment is even more weird to indescribable.

Its upper body, which was barely fused together, had long been split by Meng Chao with a "skullcrusher", and burned most of the active cells with the flames of thousands of degrees.

He simply abandoned himself and completely split his three heads and six arms. Each organ and limb were only connected by inexhaustible liquid metal-like substances.

It's like three giant molds, relying on extremely viscous pus, barely connected together.

After being burnt by Meng Chao, the liquid metal substance that supports the body also lost its silvery texture, became black and gray, adding to its ugliness and weirdness.

No creature can grow into this kind of virtue.

Compared with it, even in the Dragon City zombie frenzy, the stitched monster that relies on bloodmark flowers to gather dozens of zombies together is like a graceful gentleman in the wind.

When a normal person encounters such a monster in the depths of the dark forest, it is feared that before the sword is out of its sheath, the spiritual index will suffer a sharp drop of dozens of points.

Fortunately, Meng Chao is not a normal person.

Regardless of whether the opponent is handsome or ugly, it does not affect the speed and strength of the two flame chain blades.

In the dark forest, two blazes resembling the sun burst once again.

The two fire dragons with their teeth and claws pounced at the rancid organs barely supported by liquid metal materials, searching for and licking every cell that still maintained weak activity.

Although the origin warrior with three heads and six arms has become more and more terrifying.

But this kind of stumps and broken arms fly around the sky, like a kite-flying physiological structure that relies on metal wires. After all, it is too weird, and it is weird that it is difficult to implement effective defense or counterattack.

Meng Chao cut it to pieces again without much effort.

However, the almost anatomical attack failed to untie Meng Chao's frowning brows.

It's so easy.

It's almost like cutting the fish on the chopping board into patties.

Does this monster have only this little fighting power left?


Meng Chao's eyebrows were raised high.

But before he could react, the torn armor and flesh and blood of the Origin Samurai were turned into countless tentacles in a horrifying sound of "chickles", entangled Meng Chao's chain blades, arms and even feet.

"When on earth...

"Could it be that the torn apart body is just a cover to attract my attention, its body has already turned into thousands of tentacles, hidden in the burning mandala trees and bushes, quietly approaching me?

"But what's the use of this?"

Meng Chao is equipped with a fully enclosed totem armor, even if the joints are connected, there is no gap at all.

Even if his hands and feet are entangled with metal tentacles, it is impossible for the opponent to invade his body.

And his totem armor, performance is far better than these original warriors, pieced together battle armor fragments.

Even if the other party wants to burn both jade and stone.

At most, pester him for ten seconds to half a minute.

It will be torn apart and shredded by him, burning the last active cell into fine dust.


Meng Chao felt a biting coolness rushing from the depths of his brain, stimulating his central nerves, causing both pupils to shrink to the limit.

The pinpoint-sized pupils are full of scarlet light from the depths of the dense forest.

That was the third assassin who had just been blown out hundreds of meters in a flame storm.

Like the origin warrior with three heads and six arms, it has crawled out of the depths of **** in a brand-new posture!

It is different from the first assassin who was torn apart and relied on a wire to barely adhere, and was as disgusting as a giant mold.

The armor was originally full of sharp blades. At first glance, it looks like the third assassin of a steel hedgehog, but it mutates, no, it’s more like "evolving" into a very sophisticated, advanced, and even slightly elegant Looks like.

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