The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1201: Burn the flame of all information

Plus those fragmented pictures in previous life memories.

Meng Chao has seen no less than double-digit origin samurai.

No matter what they deformed into.

Whether it’s a half-man, half-animal, three-headed six-armed suture monster, tumors that look like sticking together, or even super-giant molds.

After all, they are like some kind of "creature".

But this origin warrior, who glowed with scarlet light in the depths of the jungle, evolved his appearance into a kind of nested geometry.

It was like a crystal cluster in the depths of the underground spirit veins, possessing life and the ability to swallow each other, superimposed on each other.

And inside the translucent crystal, it seems to be filled with gear-like devices.

Dozens of gears of different sizes, in a way that Meng Chao can't understand, precisely bite and rotate in different directions.

Obviously they should be locked to each other, but they were able to move freely, and from the core of the gears, unparalleled psychic energy surged.

As if the psychic energy from the emptiness, flowing along the thin optical cables like blood vessels and nerves inside the crystal, it flows around its body, making the appearance of the origin warrior bloom colorful and incomparably magnificent.

Under the shroud of magnificent light, it constantly changes its shape, and seven or eight thin, long, extremely sharp crystal spikes have grown on the surface of the body.

However, cold weapons such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, axes, hooks and forks have not been recondensed.

These crystal spikes either pierced deeply into the earth or penetrated the surrounding mandala trees, just like the pillars of the siege cannon, and the purpose is to firmly fix it in place.

In the direction of Meng Chao, two crystal pillars of extremely long and extremely long, hexagonal cross-sections were protruding from its surface, which were aligned up and down like the horns of insects.

Between the two crystal pillars, there are tens of thousands of colorful arcs winding and shining.

The electric arc crackled and condensed into fist-sized spherical lightning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A total of nine ball lightnings, seemingly like nine stars in a row, are directed at Meng Chao, arranged in a straight line.

In each ball lightning, there are countless smaller light spots and light spots, constantly shining, colliding, merging, and splitting, as if each ball lightning contains a small new world.

It was these spherical lightning that greatly irritated Meng Chao's nasal mucosa, as if once again smelling the aura of death that destroys everything when the flames of the doomsday descend from the sky.


Meng Chao's brain was blank.

There is no time to think about why this original samurai "evolved" into such an incredible appearance.

The cerebral cortex and nerve center, which are enveloped by the breath of death, have not yet reached a reasonable conclusion.

Every cluster of nerve endings and every strand of muscle fiber in the whole body reacts under the instinctive drive.

Not to run away.

His legs were tightly entangled by the metal tentacles ejected by the first origin samurai.

Even if it can forcefully rip off all the metal tentacles, and completely trample the first origin warrior into mud, it will definitely waste three to five seconds.

Meng Chao knew that he didn't have three to five seconds.

After at most one or two seconds, the second origin samurai "Nine Stars Lianzhu" will shoot his nose on the back of his head!

Between the sparks and the fire, his legs seemed to turn into two huge springs. When the ankles were locked by the enemy, the force of the toes alone caused the whole person to fall backwards to minimize the possibility of attack. area.

At the same time, the psychic force field expanded to its limit, and while condensing in front of it into a shadowless and invisible psychic shield that was enough to deflect the trajectory of most physical weapons and interfere with the direction of most energy weapons.

While pouring psychic energy crazily into the two flame chain blades, cross the "skullcrusher" across his chest to form a second line of defense.

Almost as soon as the two chain blades were placed in a cross, the magma hadn't had time to gush out.

A torrent of plasma composed of nine ball lightnings quietly swallowed hundreds of meters away, piercing through Meng Chao's totem armor and body of flesh and blood.

Meng Chao only felt that he was squeezed fiercely by the huge palm condensed by a lightning bolt, which looked like dough on a chopping board, being repeatedly kneaded by the opponent.

Neither the psychic shield nor the totem armor had any defensive effect. Each of his bones was wrapped with a "crackling" electric arc, and the plasma seemed to replace the bone marrow, spewing out from the bone fractured wound.

No, maybe the psionic shield and totem armor have helped him offset 90% of his attacks.

Otherwise, he would have turned into a huge humanoid lightning!

Meng Chao's eyeballs almost burst out of their sockets.

The eyes are full of lines that don't know whether it is blood vessels or lightning, and the whole face suddenly becomes hideous and terrifying.

Each of his teeth was creaking, seeming to shoot out from the gum like a bullet.

There are 36,000 pores all over the body, and a lot of blood beads that are electrified into deep purple are infiltrated!

"How can it be!

"The body of this guy should be just an ordinary rat folk warrior, and these totem battle armor fragments shouldn't be such advanced weapons!

"Why, it can display such an electromagnetic gun attack!"

Under the strong stimulation of thousands of electric arcs, Meng Chao's brain cells were operating at a speed ten times faster than normal.

He forcibly endured the nerve scratching pain from the pulp, clenched his teeth, constantly condensed the psychic magnetic field, fine-tuned the shape and angle of the psychic shield, tried to deflect the opponent's attack trajectory, and let the mighty plasma torrent. , Wiped it from his chest and in front of him.

In this way, he canceled out about 70% of the destruction energy.

But even if there is 30% left, he will be stuck firmly, unable to move, and breathless.

The shadow of death is as clear as the branches of a mandala tree that is slightly illuminated by the morning light and dances frantically like the limbs of a demon.

Meng Chao grinned, vomiting blood and grinning miserably.

Of course he knew that the journey of reversing the future was extremely dangerous, and that he could die at any time.

I am also ready to lose all the games if I am careless in Turanze.

But he originally thought that even if he really had to face the risk of a lifetime of death.

We also have to wait until we meet with "Jackal" Kanus, the most powerful person in the past, when we face each other, and the blood splashes three feet.

Unexpectedly, an ordinary origin warrior can surpass the times, similar to electromagnetic cannons and laser cannons.

"Do not…

"There must be something wrong!

"The origin samurai can't be so strong!

"If an ordinary rat folk warrior, with a patchwork of totem battle armor fragments, plus a little bit of crazy madness, it can blast the effect of destroying the world.

"The Turan civilization is 1,800 years old, it's time to conquer the land of the Holy Light and even the entire alien world!

"How could it be possible that for a whole 10,000 years, be suppressed by the holy light human race, can only curl up in the southeast corner of the edge of the alien world!"

Such doubts and beliefs grew crazily on Meng Chao's cerebral cortex like sparkling crystal clusters.

Condensed into an indestructible crystal barrier, helping him withstand the attack of the plasma torrent on the spiritual defense line.

It also made him pluck up the courage to squeeze out the last ray of psychic energy deep in the cell, and under the violent bombardment of the spherical lightning, he still struggled to support and stand tall.

I don't know how long it has been.

Meng Chao suddenly felt his body loosen, and the pressure suddenly disappeared.

Although pieces of chapped skin, there still remains the pain of electric arcs like gnawing worms.

The plasma that wrapped the whole body just now, almost tore the totem armor, disappeared without a trace.

Meng Chao lowered his head and looked at his feet.

The metal tentacles that entangled the limbs and its body, the remains of the three-headed six-armed samurai of origin, had been completely burned by plasma, and there was not even a single cell left behind.

In the depths of the dense forest, the whole body of the second origin warrior who evolved into a "crystal cluster" also lit up an extremely pale flame.

That kind of paleness cannot be described with pen and ink.

Even if Longcheng's most advanced smelting equipment can produce thousands of degrees of high temperature, enough to melt the flames of super alloys, it is not so vain... that it deprives all information.

The daytime fireworks of the weird dance seem to have burnt a hole in the surrounding space, sucking all the colors into the hole, making it unclear whether it is "white" or "black", or " "White hole" is still "black hole".

Meng Chao suddenly realized that he had seen a similar flame somewhere.

It's the end.

It is this kind of flame that seems to be able to burn all information down from the sky, destroying the Dragon City, and also destroying the hope of the continuation of the earth's civilization in the other world.

"What the **** is this...?"

Meng Chao murmured to himself with horror.

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