The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1229: Take away

Meng Chao's goal is totem armor.

Almost all angry lion warriors, tiger warriors, and wolf race assassins are adorned with high-level battle armors that have hundreds or even thousands of years of history, and are filled with battle experience of orc warriors of the past generations.

Originally priceless, it was enough to cause a **** storm, the ultimate individual equipment for high-ranking orcs to fight for each other and brainstorm with each other.

However, because of the sudden change, they were scattered throughout the mountain col and turned into **** available at any time.

Although the owner of these totem battle armor has been killed or even torn apart.

However, the fragments of the battle armor that were slowly peeling off and fleeing from the corpse still retained their strange activity.

The sunlight penetrated the blood mist that filled the sky above the col, and turned into an unpredictable scarlet ocean, reflecting on the fragments of the armor, giving rise to breath-like ripples.

It made these pieces of battle armor resemble chopped leeches, soaking in a pool of blood, slowly creeping.

Walking among the thousands of fragments of the battle armor, Meng Chao felt an extremely weird feeling.

The sunlight was bounced and decomposed by the curved surface of the fragments of the battle armor, turning into a halo of magical dance, penetrating his retina, as if interfering with his brain waves, causing him to have auditory hallucinations and hallucinations.

Through these halos, he seemed to see thousands of horses galloping horizontally and horizontally, sweeping across the army, making contributions... scenes of scenes that no warrior could refuse.

He heard roars, shouts, screams, swords and swords, and the sound of warhammers and battle axes hitting the shields and even the city gates.

This sound is enough to make any high-level orc blood swollen, unable to himself.

Then I was deeply attracted by the totem armor, and I walked over without knowing it, and put on a certain totem armor that best matched my brain waves, and became the master or slave of the totem armor, and implemented the totem armor. His will, thrown into the next more tragic battle.

Of course, this kind of routine is completely ineffective to Meng Chao, who has seen it before.

He had long known that the totem armor was not ordinary metal or cold dead objects.

Rather, it has its own "thought", at least a "program" that simulates thought.

This kind of program is not under the control of the owner.

It will continue to emit weird psychic ripples, simulating the brain waves of carbon-based creatures, and attracting carbon-based creatures to merge with it.

And when more and more fragments of totem battle armor condense together in the form of liquid metal-like substances.

Their common "killing program" will become stronger and stronger, and then exert a stronger intervention on the master.

Meng Chao's Totem Armor had absorbed too many fragments and upgraded to the limit that he could control temporarily.

In a short period of time, without special circumstances, Meng Chao did not intend to upgrade his totem armor to a higher level and more dangerous.

Besides, they just played a time difference and temporarily transferred the wolf clan assassin away.

It won’t take long for the wolf clan assassins to discover the omissions. When they come back here, they will pack all the spoils of the col, and then destroy the corpses, leaving no trace.

If at that time, Meng Chao was still peeling and packing the fragments of totem armor all over the floor, it would inevitably be entangled by these mad dogs with exceptionally keen sense of smell.

Therefore, Meng Chao resisted the temptation of "嘤嘤嘤嘤" full of totem battle armor fragments, and without squint, came to a torn apart corpse.

That was the corpse of the "Corrosive Tooth", the top ten battle group-level powerhouse of the Golden Clan.

That's right, in the entire mountain col, the totem armor of all the other orc warriors is not worthy of Meng Chao's waste of time and increased risk.

Only this set of fiercely famous totem armor is worth it.

Originally, Meng Chao had barely snooped the combat power of the "God Realm" threshold, and was not enough to come into contact with this set of super totem armors that were only qualified to be reproduced by warband-level powerhouses.

Under normal circumstances, as long as he touches the surface of this totem armor a little, he is very likely to be corroded by the poisonous mist from the lasing, or be hit by a flood of information like a beast, and his consciousness will be dragged. Enter the battlefield thousands of years ago and accept the cruel and never-ending trial.

Even if he didn't die on the spot, his mind and flesh and blood would be greatly shocked, at least for three to five moments or even a few days, in a state of unconsciousness and slaughter.

Meng Chao is very self-aware.

Know the consequences of swallowing an elephant with a snake.

But now, unexpected favorable factors have emerged.

That is holy water.

Holy water is not water.

If you have to use the concept of Dragon City civilization to define it, it is probably a super corrosive acid and super stabilizer.

That's right, corrosion and stability, two completely different characteristics, are incredibly fused in this shiny, crystal-clear viscous liquid.

Take the "corrosive tooth" in front of you.

This set contains the power of a violent totem and has countless horror legends. After the decomposition of the holy water, it has been turned into fragments.

However, when the corrosive and decomposing power of the holy water becomes thinner to a certain extent, it automatically releases the power of stability and suppression.

No matter how violently the fragments of "Corrosion Tooth" trembled, they made a "hissing" sound, like a mercury bug, trying to flee in all directions.

The holy water that has always been contaminated on it is firmly locked and suppressed.

The effect is simply better than the monster organ stored in the Mithril Stabilizing Liquid.

This is the literal meaning of "the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman gains."

If Meng Chao doesn't seize the opportunity, even the gods and demons will not forgive him.

He hurriedly withdrew a skin that was as thin as a cicada's wings and extremely soft.

This skin bag was the trophy he and Ice Storm had accidentally obtained when they rushed out of the wolf cavalry's encirclement and interception the day before yesterday.

I don't know how much it was stripped from the cruel totem beast, and how many secret medicines were used for soaking and tanning.

It was clenched but not the size of a fist, and it was squeezed in the waist without any hindrance, but it shook open in the wind, and even a strong orc man with a sturdy back was able to pack it, and he was not afraid of knives, axes and chops, and it was incredibly magical.

Although the totem battle armor fragments can theoretically be incorporated into the flesh and blood of carbon-based creatures.

But of course Meng Chao would not allow his delicate body to be tainted by the "corrosive teeth".

Not to mention that many pieces of battle armor are still stained with holy water.

Through the memory fragments of previous life, Meng Chao vaguely remembers that the so-called "holy water" does not seem to be a disposable consumable.

As long as enough psychic energy is injected, the seemingly dim, dry holy water can also restore its activity and glow again.

Of course, how to recharge the Holy Water is the top secret of the Holy Land, not the self in the previous life, a little ghost assassin can know.

In short, Meng Chao carefully put the fragments of the "corrosive tooth" and the dim and drying holy water on it into the skin.

This thing contains immeasurable combat power and scientific research value, regardless of whether he is cloned or not, it can be used to trade astronomical training resources.

Even if you can't take it away for a while, and find a cave to bury it deep, it will be considered a small hole card.

After completing all of this, Meng Chao took a deep breath, carefully distinguishing the faint trace of the powder smell coming from the air, and chasing it all the way in the direction of the ice storm.

In fact, there is no need to track powder at all.

Because he was seriously injured and was on the verge of collapse, it was only the last hole card to forcefully stimulate the dry cells and broken nerves, releasing the last ray of active "Platinum Embrace", like a burning out of control train, deep in the jungle Running rampant everywhere, there is no room at all to hide his tracks.

Meng Chao was still three to five miles away, and he could hear the "rumble" mandala tree collapse from the depths of the jungle, and the earth-shattering roar of "Platinum Embrace".

Hundreds of arms away, you can see a blazing white flame, rushing all the way to the northwest.

The wolf tribe assassin was chasing him from left to right.

Although they were not too far away from the target.

But in the face of this angry lion in a state of madness, these have received harsh training in the secret base. In the brutal training with a elimination rate of more than 95%, the central nervous system has long been frozen. The dead man in the blink of an eye still had a headache to the extreme.

The extreme overdraft capacity of "Platinum Embrace" has greatly exceeded their expectations.

And the moment they completed the encirclement and before they shot, they were disturbed by an inexplicable murderous intent, which made them even more upset.

In any case, when the "Platinum Embrace" hurried all the way, stretching the front line, dozens of wolf clan assassins could not attack him at the same time.

Trying to use the power of three or five wolf clan assassins to leave this battle group-level powerhouse behind, it is really difficult to reach the sky!

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