The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1230: Anticipatory dance

After forcibly making a move, he was counter-killed by the "Platinum Embrace" and dropped three corpses.

The wolf clan assassins had to hang behind the "Platinum Embrace" not too far away, trying to drive him towards the camp where the wolf clan heavy group or the big horn legion descended troops stationed.

After all, this area is under the control of "Jackal" Kanus. As long as he crashes into any camp and faces hundreds of warriors, even if the "Platinum Embrace" is dying and struggling, it is just a bottom tour. It's just a fish.

At the same time, such harassment and drive can also consume the vitality and totem power of the "Platinum Embrace" to the maximum.

All the assassins realized that no matter what the "Platinum Embrace" card is, this state of extreme overdraft and rebirth cannot last too long.

Therefore, the wolf clan assassin doesn’t have to fight with him. As long as he has to deal with him for a moment or two or even less, the "Platinum Embrace" is very likely to ignite a raging flame from the depths of his genes and burn himself into a pile. ash.

Of course, there is a crucial prerequisite for this plan to be achieved 100%.

That is, there is no interference from unexpected factors like Meng Chao.

"Platinum Embrace" is not familiar with the terrain of this area.

I don't know where is the hiding place with high mountains and dense forests, stone pillars and caves; where is the wilderness with unobstructed views and nowhere to hide; where is the camp where elite teachers are stationed.

Just like a blind man and a blind horse, galloping on a cliff.

It's only a matter of time before he fell into the abyss and fell to pieces.

But Meng Chao and Ice Storm have been dealing with the wolf cavalry in this area for several days. In order to hide the existence of the ancient dream saint, naturally they pay special attention to the various inaccessible horns.

Therefore, when Meng Chao and the "Platinum Embrace" went hand in hand, and found that the other party was headless like a fly, rushing towards a camp where the Great Horned Corps descendants were stationed, he immediately shouted without hesitation: "There is danger ahead. Go left! Go southeast!"

Deep in the dense forest, the flames of the "Platinum Embrace" suddenly stagnated.

This golden clan's one of the few warband-level powerhouses seems to be thinking about the credibility of Meng Chao's remarks.

But with the spear still running through his chest, his condition was so bad that he couldn't help but not grasp the last straw.

What's more, if the wolf clan assassin really wants to catch him or kill him, there is no need to play such a boring trick, as long as he continues to drive all the way, even if there is no danger in front, he will die of exhaustion.

Therefore, after a while, the "Platinum Embrace" resolutely changed its direction and rushed to the southeast amidst the exclamation and anger of the wolf clan assassin.

Of course, in this way, Meng Chao also exposed his existence in front of the wolf assassin.

A "Xixsuosuo" fishy wind immediately rolled up all around.

Several wolf clan assassins abandoned the "Platinum Embrace" and killed Meng Chao.

Seeing them under the cover of dense forest, like ghostly figures.

A strange sense of familiarity once again emerged in Meng Chao's heart.

No, it's not an illusion. He is almost certain that these wolf clan assassins are using "The Walking Dead" and "The Method of Stabbing."

Through the rhythm of their breathing and heartbeat, as well as the murderous aura, Meng Chao could almost predict the direction and pattern of their attack.

Meng Chao took a step to the left, bend his elbow, and put the blade of the knife on the outside of the elbow.

When he bent his arms, there were no enemies on his left side.

Instead, on the right side, a wolf tribe assassin rushed viciously, his murderous aura turned into a ripple visible to the naked eye, and the ripple turned into a high-speed rotating spiral, piercing his right eye.

Anyone other than Meng Chao would probably protect his right side subconsciously.

Otherwise, from the right eye to the right brain, the wolf clan assassin will pierce through.

However, just as Meng Chao allowed the empty door on the right to open wide and bent his left arm, the menacing wolf clan assassin disappeared abruptly and instantly moved to Meng Chao's left side.

Then, he hit Meng Chao's blade and iron elbow on the left side.



The breastplate and the breastbone were deeply sunken together. The psychic energy invaded and destroyed a large number of organs curled up in the chest like a flame. The eyes of this wolf tribe assassin suddenly protruded, gradually dimming, and at the same time filled with unbelievable. Color, it seems that death can't think of why Meng Chao could predict his mysterious attack route.

Two more wolf assassins emerged from the shadows behind.

Based on their footsteps, murderous aura, and the air disturbance caused by the power of the totem release, Meng Chao instantly sketched out their attacking portrait in the bottom of his heart.

This is simply not a desperate fight.

It is a one-way transparent teaching competition.

In other words, it was Meng Chao who led the two puppets, stepping on a blood-stained pace, and performing a dance of death as he pleased.

When these two wolf assassins also inexplicably "came into" Meng Chao's blade.

The remaining wolf clan assassins finally realized that this unsurprising guy in front of them is very likely to be a more troublesome existence than the "Platinum Embrace".

They issued a series of circumflexed wolf howls deep in the dense forest.

He didn't dare to go forward and die, so he could only hang from behind.

At this time, the ice storm not far away took the opportunity of the wolf tribe assassin's uncertainty and beheaded a chaser, making the chaser even more uncertain of their details.

Not far ahead, the mountain gradually rises, and the steep rocks look like copper walls and iron walls, blocking everyone's path.

"Platinum Embrace" let out a startled and angry roar.

"There is a way, right in front of you!" Meng Chao called again.

Indeed, when the "Platinum Embrace" rushed to the end of the dense forest, it was discovered that between the seemingly monolithic steep mountains and rocks, it turned out to have been split by an invisible giant axe into a winding sheep intestine path.

The trail is only wide by one person, with cliffs on both sides, and a thin line of sky above.

If there is a team of elite ambush here.

Even if the battle group-level powerhouse, I am afraid that the swords, guns and halberds that fall from the sky will be pricked with holes.

The problem is that the wolf clan assassin never expected that the "Platinum Embrace" would escape so far, and he did not expect that under the guidance of Meng Chao, he would discover the "line of sky" hidden deep in the dense forest.

Hearing the howling of wolves in anger from the chasers behind him.

"Platinum Embrace" had no choice, gritted his teeth and squeezed into the sky.

Meng Chao and Ice Storm also rushed in ahead of the wolf clan assassins, one after another.

The ice storm rushed forward, leaving behind a crystal clear cluster of ice.

It was like a staggered icicles of refusal, blocking the straight forward path of the wolf clan assassin.

After entering the "Xianxiantian", she sprayed a large icy mist towards the rear, completely freezing the small intestines.

The wolf assassin was angry and anxious, and bombarded the ice indiscriminately.

However, even if the ice layer fell apart and shattered, the sharper ice cubes still severely delayed their advancement speed.

Taking advantage of their helplessness, Meng Chao, Ice Storm, and "Platinum Embrace" have already passed through the "line of sky."

boom! Boom boom boom boom!

At the moment of passing through the "Xin Xian Tian", Meng Chao wielded two heavy flame war knives "Skullcrusher", deeply inserted into the rocks on both sides of the "Xin Xian Tian" exit, through the crazy stirring of psychic energy, tens of thousands of tons. The calculated rock series collapsed, completely blocking the intestinal passages.

And the dust rising into the sky is like a mushroom cloud blooming slowly, making it impossible to reach out for a few miles in a radius.

Until this moment, Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

"Put away your totem armor, don't reveal even the slightest totem power."

He turned around and said to the guarded "Platinum Embrace" who had tightened his spine, "Follow me. This is your last chance."

Between the mountains and deep in the dense forest, the bottom of the interlocking caves.

The "Platinum Embrace" firmly covered his blood loss, and his chest that was gradually drying out, still keeping his sharp gaze like a blade, he looked around very vigilantly.

This cave is like a garbage dump.

The chaos of Meng Chao and Ice Storm supporting the collapse of the Big Horn Legion was piled up everywhere, and the tatters picked up.

The war flag is riddled with holes, muddy food, and inferior herbs that exude a pungent smell. "Platinum Embrace" can't get through these broken pieces and find out the details of Meng Chao and the ice storm.

His gaze shifted to Meng Chao and Ice Storm again.

The two of them still used dyes prepared by Meng Chao to change their hair color and skin color, disguising themselves as rat people.

Although after repeated fierce battles, the dyes were gradually burned out by psychic energy, causing their hair and skin to become mottled and colorful.

But the rat people were originally mixed with the characteristics of the major clans, and they have all kinds of weird appearances.

"Platinum Embrace" did not guess their origins for a while.

When Meng Chao removed the skin bag from his shoulder and poured out the fragments of the "Corrosive Tooth", the pupils of "Platinum Embrace" suddenly shrank into needlepoints.

Subconsciously lowered his head and looked at himself, the high-level totem armor of the same rank as "Corrosive Tooth", very worried about the ownership of this ultimate set of weapons.

However, a series of coughs, blood spattered from the cough, and sharp pain like a burst of heart, dispelled all his thoughts.

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