The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1245: The way of magic


Meng Chao asked with interest, "Are there many people who are unwilling to serve the Holy Light in the Land of Holy Light?"

"Of course, although the Holy Light shines on every inch of the earth and every creature in the world, people who do not want to admit that they are just a beam of light or even a phantom still exist; people who do not want to accept the fooling and manipulation of the Holy Light Temple , Still exists; people who are unwilling to pray to the holy light and become a mindless slave to use a little bit of pitiful power still exist!"

When Ice Storm said this, his eyes gradually brightened, and his chest stood tall and proud, "For example-a wizard!

"A wizard and a magician are different, you know?"


Meng Chao lightly pressed his "Bubu" on his temple.

With the words of Ice Storm, the fragments of past life memories in the depths of the brain are constantly being unlocked and pieced together.

As a ghost assassin in his previous life, a very important task for him to sneak into the Land of the Holy Light is to secretly contact, contact and support the opponents of the Holy Light Temple.

Wizards and witches are one of the most important opposition forces within the Holy Light camp.

Therefore, with the introduction of Ice Storm, deep in Meng Chao's brain, he gradually emerged from his previous life and his understanding of wizards.

Ice storm is right.

On the surface, both wizards and magicians possess incredible and extraordinary powers, capable of condensing frost and flames, crushing rocks and steel, planting strange illusions in the depths of the brain of intelligent life, and even summoning flaming fires. The meteorite rain instantly destroyed a mechanized force armed to the teeth.

But their sources of power are different.

The source of the magician's power is the Holy Light.

In fact, "magic" is just the name of the people on earth for these armed personnel who belong to the Holy Light Temple.

Because when they used their extraordinary powers, the brilliant and colorful sound and light effects were very similar to the magic depicted in the fantasy art works of the earth age.

Therefore, when meeting these extraordinary professionals for the first time, earth talents will temporarily use "magic" as their code name.

After Longcheng Civilization is involved in a war in another world and becomes an enemy of the Holy Light camp, it is naturally impossible to recognize the existence of the Holy Light of "creating all things, ruling all things, and shining all things".

It just so happens that in Turan, these extraordinary professionals of the Holy Light Temple are called "Minions of Light Demon".

The temporary code name "magic" has been used all the time.

In fact, it really needs to be analyzed according to the semantics of the Holy Light Language.

The proper noun that means "magic" in the language of the Holy Light is composed of three roots.

The first root stands for "Holy Light", the second root stands for "Use", and the third root stands for "Guardian".

Taken together, it probably means "a person who uses the power of the holy light to protect the might of the holy light".

And the stronghold of the Holy Light Temple used to rule the entire land—the magic towers that rose from the ground, shining, and filled with extraordinary powers, are also translated as "Holy Light Tower" to be more accurate.

According to the Holy Light Temple, only those who believe in the Holy Light, obey the Holy Light, serve the Holy Light, and have a clear heart, without any doubt or malice, are qualified to use the power that the Holy Light bestows on the world.

The stronger the belief in the Holy Light, the stronger the power of the Holy Light that can be used, and the more complex, advanced, and coverage magic can be displayed.

Those unclean, lost and even heretics who rebelled against the Holy Light are absolutely not qualified to perform magic.

Therefore, unlike the supernatural beings of Dragon City and the orc warriors of Turanze, they pay more attention to strengthening the bones and the soul.

Magicians pay more attention to meditation and prayer, as well as to complete various tasks issued by the Holy Light Temple, to prove their loyalty and piety to the Holy Light.

In a word, all power comes from the Holy Light, and the magician is only the carrier of the Holy Light.

Without devout beliefs, no matter how proficient in the singing and depiction of various runes, and no matter how rich the spellcasting materials are prepared, even the most basic magic like "illumination" cannot be displayed.

For the past ten thousand years, people under the rule of the Holy Light Temple have always thought this way.

Until the last one or two thousand years.

There have been such evil professions as "witch" and "witch".

According to legend, they are all fallen people who have no faith.

It is a humanoid skin filled with greed and evil. It is a demon condensed from the remaining shadows after the Holy Light shines on all things. It is a monster with invisible horns and hoofs.

I don't know what loopholes these heretics, demons and monsters have exploited.

In short, they don't need to pray to the Holy Light at all, they can use part of the magic!

For the Holy Light Temple and all magicians, the existence of wizards and witches is no less than a major threat to the higher orcs and the abyss demons.

If the human race does not need to pray, kneel down on the ground in fear, and worship the holy light, it will be able to exert its power to destroy the world.

So, what is the meaning of prayer?

Why do magicians and holy light sacrifices accept the awe, obedience, and worship of kings, knights, and lamb-like people?

Why does the Temple of Light surpass each kingdom, aristocratic beneficence and dominion, represent the Holy Light, and control the entire land?

From this perspective.

The many foreign races surrounding the Land of Holy Light, including the high-ranking orcs, have scars and abscesses that grow on their skin.

The existence of wizards is the most likely to subvert the ruling order of the Holy Light Temple.

No wonder, in Meng Chao's impression, the attitude of the Holy Light camp towards the internal enemies-wizards and maidens is a hundred times harsher than that of the Chaos camp.

You must know that even the earthlings in the previous life were declared by the Holy Light Temple as a "different natural disaster", which is equivalent to the existence of the global public enemy.

However, there is also room for temporary cooperation and compromise between the Earthlings as individuals and the holy light race.

For example, Zuo Haoran, the former high school monitor of Meng Chao.

Just after the entire front collapsed, he secretly carried a large number of earth secrets and went to the Holy Light camp.

It seems that before accepting the sanctions, he received some preferential treatment and had a comfortable life for a period of time.

But if the wizard and witch surrendered, they would never enjoy such preferential treatment.

In all likelihood, they will be tied to the torture frame, burned into coke with a gentle fire, and then slowly ground into ashes with an axe and hammer.

Even if you have a chance to survive, you will be pierced into your brain by a silver needle shining with holy light along your nostrils or corners of your eyes. Through tremor and stirring, you will completely destroy the brain tissue and become a thoughtless puppet, a muddle-headed idiot, who only knows to obey. The order of the Temple of Light, hunting down the machines of former companions.

Of course, not many wizards and witches would surrender to the Temple of Light.

In the memory fragments of Meng Chao's past lives, their will to resist is even much higher than that of the earthlings and the higher orcs.

Therefore, they will never miss any of them, it is possible to pierce the double lies of the Holy Light Temple, and destroy the opportunity of the Holy Light Temple's ruling foundation.

Meng Chao seemed to understand why Ice Storm wanted to go deep into the Sacred Mountain of Turan to find the remains of the fireball.

The gaze of Ice Storm gradually became deeper, and his expression was slightly trance, as if he had fallen into a long and painful memory.

She raised her right arm flat and stretched out a slender and white index finger.

Her arms were originally covered with a layer of soft hair.

Although the hair is extremely thin, it shows crystal clear, elastic characteristics, not like ordinary jackals, tigers and leopards, showing a strong animal breath.

At least, she can see her identity as a snow leopard female warrior.

But now, Meng Chao was a little surprised to find that the hairs on her arms had disappeared and all had been retracted into her body.

Instead, the skin is thin as a cicada's wings and too pale.

The skin on her arm was so white that the blood vessels and nerves crisscrossing underneath could be seen.

Following the wrists entangled with blood vessels and nerves all the way up, Meng Chao saw the fingertips of the ice storm, and a faint light gradually emerged, illuminating half of the cave within a radius of 35 meters, bringing people a kind of warmth. A sense of security.

This is illumination.

An entry-level magic that almost all magicians and holy light priests must learn.

But without a pure blood, clarified heart and firm belief, it is impossible and should not be displayed.

Meng Chao didn't know if Ice Storm had a "clear mind".

But it is certain that, except for the arms, the white hair has not faded away, and two sharp canine teeth have been poked out of the corner of her mouth, showing obvious beastization characteristics. There is absolutely no "pure blood" that the Holy Light Temple can recognize.

"I think the holy light is shit, just like the so-called ‘Glory’ of the higher orcs, it’s a lie." Ice Storm said suddenly.

The holy light on her fingertips trembled slightly.

It was like a candlelight encountering a breeze. The flames suddenly increased and decreased, and the flames became brighter and darker. As the breeze passed, they gradually stabilized.


Impulsive pleasure appeared in the eyes of Ice Storm, "It seems that whether you can use magic or not has nothing to do with whether you believe in the Holy Light."

Meng Chao nodded.

This "experiment" of Ice Storm may be like a mudslide of great rebellion for the natives who grew up in other worlds, especially the land of Holy Light, with the effect of subverting beliefs and destroying the Three Views.

But for him from the earth, he belongs to the category of common sense, and he is not particularly excited.

Meng Chao's calmness surprised Ice Storm.

You know, she originally wanted to see Meng's stunned expression beyond her expectation!

Seeing Meng Chao unmoved, she couldn't help but said, "You don't feel strange at all?"

Meng Chao said: "How strange should I be?"


The Ice Storm was speechless. After a long stun, he let out a sigh of relief and said softly, "I don't know, but the people who saw me cast magic in the past were either horrified, shouting and screaming, or rejoicing. Crazy, extremely excited.

"They didn't regard me as a heinous monster that shouldn't exist in this world; they regarded me as evidence that could subvert the principles of magic and the way of the light.

"It seems that no one has been as indifferent as you.

"Don't you understand what the light on my fingertips means after all that?"

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