The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1246: Born for experimentation

"Understand, believe me, I understand better than you think, but I don’t think that a half-blood with Turan’s blood can perform Holy Light magic. With this, it is possible to overthrow the Holy Light Temple’s ten thousand years of rule over the Land of Holy Light, so there is nothing to fuss about!"

Meng Chao shrugged and said, "However, after your explanation, I can finally be sure that our positions and interests are quite consistent. So, you might as well continue talking and let me know how to help each other. Let us all achieve each other's goals and get the most benefits."

Ice Storm carefully observed Meng Chao's expression.

Confirm that Meng Chao is not lying.

Somehow, while slightly surprised, she also gave birth to a relaxation that she had never had before.

Flee to Turanze from the Land of the Holy Light.

Came to Hundred Blade City from Black Point City.

Next, I will go deep into the sacred mountain of Turan to face the anger of "Horn of Destruction", "Blade of Fury" and "Jackal", and it is a hundred times more terrifying and unpredictable than the anger of the Lion King, Tiger King and Wolf King. The test.

She is so tired.

I was too tired to open my eyes, too tired to pretend.

I just want to completely relax every muscle and every nerve, find someone to say everything at random, and then let fate or something else at the mercy of it.

"I should have told you that I am a hybrid of the Holy Light Human Race and Turan Orcs, my mother is a witch, and my father is a man who sneaked into the Light Land, trying to create chaos, steal information and treasures. Adventurer."

Ice Storm grinned, squeezing out a smile that was even more ugly than howling, and laughed at himself, "Hearing this, you may have added tens of thousands of words in your mind to a love story. Maybe you would think that even if my father ended up without telling me No, he and my mother, at least at the beginning, must have had a strong, hot, poignant, vigorous, or mellow and tortuous relationship.

"At least at least, they should also cheat each other, use each other, and accidentally fall in love with each other in the process of intrigue-and I am the crystallization of such a clichéd love story."

Meng Chao said: "Isn't it?"

"It's not."

The ice storm said quietly, "One is a witch, the other is an adventurer who disguises his identity, sneaks into the enemy camp, and makes waves. Their identity requires them to abandon all ordinary people's precious feelings and turn themselves into a flesh and blood. , Precision and stable machine.

"Perhaps, my father did deceive my mother in the matter of'Stealing the Map of the Sacred Mountain of Turan', but my birth was neither a deception nor an accident, but an experiment they conducted together.

"Yes, I'm just an experiment."


Meng Chaodao, "What experiment?"

"An experiment to test whether a humble mixed-blood can perform the magic of the Holy Light."

The ice storm stared at the uniform, tight, warm light clusters at his fingertips, and continued, "Although the original wizards had mastered stealing power from the ocean of light thousands of years ago, they could use them without praying to the holy light. Magic method.

"But this alone is not enough to completely overthrow the lies of the Holy Light Temple.

"After all, even the wizard is the Holy Light human race. According to the theory of the Holy Light Temple, it is formed from the purest rays of light, only to be polluted later.

"The holy light rituals of the Holy Light Temple who are good at talking nonsense and bewitching sentient beings can conceive a hundred new theories to explain the phenomenon that ‘wizards can also perform magic’, and they do just that.

"From'Wizards do not use magic at all, they just pretend to be magic', to'Witches like to secretly go to the cemetery to dig up corpses and draw the power of faith in the pious deceased as their source of power', then To the'unquestionable holy light, the holy light has its own arrangement', and such'patches', there are too many!

"So, for a thousand years, wizards and witches have been troubled by the theory that the Temple of Light cannot be shaken.

"Until my mother, sneaking into a certain magic tower, trying to steal the ancient information of the era of the Great Extinction Order, but accidentally ran into my father-he was of course her companion, all for the ancient books and notes. Come with the map.

"After teaming up to get rid of the chase of the magician and the night watch, and seeing through my father's identity, my mother had a whim.

"As we all know, the hybrid of the Holy Light Human Race and Turan Orcs has always been an existence that is despised, hated and even hated by both sides.

"Neither the Land of the Holy Light nor Turanze can tolerate these monsters with double blood flowing in their bodies and shouldn't exist in this world at all.

"The existence of a mixed race is simply a common blasphemy against the Holy Light and the ancestral spirit.

"So, if such a'child of blasphemy' who shouldn't exist in the world at all, was born with a curse, and should be strangled immediately, can actually perform the most powerful Holy Light Magic, can this completely overthrow the Holy Light Temple? The lie, which greatly reduces the threshold for the use of magic, so that most people who desire power are willing to become wizards instead of magicians?

"Even the'Son of Blasphemy' can perform Holy Light Magic without prayer and repentance, so who else cannot perform magic? Who else needs to pray to the Holy Light, enshrine various resources to the Magic Tower, and obey the orders of the Holy Light Temple Woolen cloth?

"Understood, I was born for this experiment.

"From the time I was born, I was the experimental product, the evidence, that was a gun that needed to be polished until it was bright and sharp, and then threw it out to the Holy Light Temple. That's it!"

The face of the ice storm is like an ice lake that has not melted for a thousand years.

The sound was like a sealed volcano, trembling slightly because of the violent churning of magma.

Meng Chao didn't know what to say.

Rao is that he has seen countless living humans in Lei Zongchao's self-reports and the experimental notes left by the Blood Alliance, who have been reduced to experimental subjects and received various inhumane treatments.

But this life "born for experimentation" still made him sigh intricately.

"What happened after that, you guessed it right, my father stole it from my mother. It was indeed the military map that was surveyed and drawn along the way when the Holy Light Army invaded the Sacred Mountain of Turan three thousand years ago."

Ice Storm said expressionlessly, "After the era of the Great Extinction Order, although the higher orcs relied on the fruit of the mandala to reproduce and expand their ethnic groups, and to rebuild the military system of the five clans, they were ultimately devastated. Many inheritances have been lost or even severed, and even the connection between the higher orcs and the summit of the holy mountain has been severed.

"On the contrary, the Holy Light Temple, which is an enemy, still retains a lot of information from that era.

"And the wizards and witches have to prove that the legend of the origin of the holy light human race is false, they must prove that the legend of the origin of the Turan orcs is true. The simplest, crude, and directly effective evidence is the large fireball hidden in the depths of the holy mountain. wreckage.

"Therefore, it took thousands of years for the wizards and witches to do everything possible and spare no effort to get the road map of the Holy Light army to the top of the holy mountain from dozens of magic towers and holy light altars, and a lot of battles. Log.

"Most of the information was lost in the hands of my mother, and later stolen by my father.

"No, saying'steal' is not accurate enough. It's more like my mother playing a trick of'putting a long line, catching big fish', deliberately giving part of the military map and battle log to my father."


Hearing this, Meng Chao was stunned and couldn’t help saying, “Don’t you mean that your parents don’t have feelings, they just cooperate and use each other. Didn’t your mother ever think that once you get the map of the holy mountain and fight? Log, will your father slip away and escape back to Turanze to explore the sacred mountain alone?"

"My mother is expecting my father to do this."

Ice Storm grinned and said, "You know, even three thousand years ago, the menacing holy light army failed to completely destroy the holy mountain temple and the remains of the fireball.

"This shows that the military map and battle log of the Holy Light Temple are not complete.

"Relying on these things, people from outside Turanze cannot reach the depths of the holy mountain temple and come into contact with the remains of the fireball.

"Not to mention, after three thousand years of changes, the various factions in the Holy Light Temple, as well as the great magicians sitting on the magic tower and entrenched on one side, are also fighting against each other, and friction is constant, so that there are a large number of'Great Extinction Orders'. The materials and classics of Times' have also been tampered with, smeared and destroyed.

"Even after the wizards have stolen, pieced together and restored, it is impossible to restore the full picture of the old military map and battle log.

"Even if the wizards really restore all the maps and logs, how can they still come to Turanze with a big fanfare and break into the most sacred ancestor spirit of the higher orcs with the murderous gaze of the higher orcs? Is it a habitat?"

Meng Chao nodded.

Indeed, although "the enemy's enemy is a friend".

However, with the incomparable respect for the ancestral spirits of the high-ranking orcs, it is bound to be impossible for any holy light race to step into the glory hall where the ancestral spirits reside again after the "Era of the Great Extinction Order".

Even if the other party is a wizard.

Wizards want to find the remains of the fireball and prove the origin legend of the higher orcs, so they can only cooperate with the higher orcs.

In other words, use the map of the holy mountain as a bargaining chip to trade something with the higher orcs.

"Yes, that's what my mother thinks, cooperating with each other and getting what they need."

Bing Feng said, "The problem is that the party that actively proposes to cooperate always appears relatively weak and passive, and it will inevitably suffer a loss when negotiating transaction terms.

"As a witch, my mother neither likes to suffer, nor does she like to offer cooperation."

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