The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1311: The degrading world


Meng Chao didn't expect that "Jackal" Kanus would go with him.

He was thinking about it, pretending to be puzzled, and tentatively said, "Wolf King thinks Turanze...has a problem?"

"Of course there is a problem, and I don't believe you can't see it."

The wolf king seemed to be smiling but not smiling, with an expression of "I have seen you through", pointing to the surroundings and saying, "If you want to know Turanze's problem, just open your eyes and look at the sacred mountain around us. Chu it.

"Reaper, I ask you, do you think the Turan Sacred Mountain is naturally generated or is it artificially built?"


Meng Chao had thought about this issue many times. He didn't have to conceal or lie. He straightforwardly stated his guess, "I think it's both.

"The space around the holy mountain is fragmented, and it must be affected by the fall of the City of Falling Stars.

"However, deep in the fragmented and unpredictable sacred mountain, there are a lot of spatial channels that can jump quickly and connect point-to-point. This must be the work of the ancient Turan people.

"It was the ancient Turan people who first came to this world. They used incredible technology to conquer the folds, distortions and gaps of the space. Only then can they survive the difficult years of the blue wisp of the road, thrive, and continue their civilization to this day."

"Yes, the ancient Turan people's technology to conquer and transform the area around the sacred mountain is truly incredible and incredible."

The Wolf King sighed, "Unfortunately, after tens of thousands of years of reproduction and development, we have not only failed to carry forward the technology of our ancestors, we have not even been able to inherit and continue.

"Up to now, let alone master the ancestors' stable space, the technology of transforming the world, even the understanding of the principle of this technology, and even the wisdom of treating technology as technology instead of miracles, has all disappeared.

"There are also Chijin City, Black Point City and the former Hundred Blade City.

"These glorious cities, which have stood on the land of Turan nearly 10,000 years ago, have been constructed and planned using a large number of technologies that the current Turan people have never mastered or understood.

"Relying on these miraculous technologies, the ancestors can shape the shape of the towering trees as they like, so that the trees that are as hard as iron can grow into the pillars of the skyscrapers, and they can also be built between the skyscrapers to accommodate There are a dozen war elephants running side by side in the air passage, and there are a lot of weird facilities. Even if they are completely preserved to this day, we don't understand the purpose of these facilities.

"Today, the population of Turanze must be hundreds of times more than it was ten thousand years ago.

"But even if all of Turanze's strong labors are recruited, it is impossible to rebuild a Chijin City or Black Point City in the same way.

"The Hundred Blade City that was barely rebuilt was a hundred times weaker than its original form, and even the mobs assembled by the rat folks were almost able to break it.

"Even we can't even repair the city. Many skyscrapers with hundreds of arms are already skewed and about to collapse. Many sewage pipes underneath in many cities have long been blocked, leading to the danger of cross-flow of sewage and serial explosions, but we are helpless.

"There is also military technology.

"Countless war epics that have been passed down to this day describe in detail the war methods of our ancestors thousands of years ago. The scenes depicted in many poems are intricate and difficult to understand. It is as if the ancestors used far more advanced A hundred times the way to fight, their tactical coordination, contact methods, and the building of war machinery are unimaginable to the Turan people today.

"Leave aside, only three thousand years ago, when they fought the holy light army on the top of the holy mountain, the Turan warriors were able to control such a huge totem armor, traverse the gaps and folds of space, and repel the super giant evil again and again. Can puppet attack.

"Today, we really degenerate into barbarians who only know how to wield tomahawks, warhammers and maces, and swarms of barbarians rushing towards the enemy amidst the screaming of ‘Aow’!

"Yes, degradation!

"Over the past ten thousand years, the entire Turanze has slowly degraded in all aspects.

"Perhaps one or two cycles of the Prosperity Era and the Glory Era do not see too much of a problem, but after three or five cycles, people gradually become accustomed to everything that is constantly degrading, dilapidated, and lost.

"But today, ten thousand years later, looking at everything created by the ancestor spirit ten thousand years ago, this feeling of extreme difference is absolutely desperate!"

These impassioned insights made Meng Chao a little in awe of "Jackal" Kanus.

He did not expect that the ambitious Wolf King would have foreseen the fatal problem of Turanze so early.

Judging from the logic of thinking contained in these words that the people on the earth are retreating from the earth, and even Meng Chao himself is a bit "similar to what a hero sees", "Jackal" Kanus was influenced by the unknown earth mentor. The impact is extremely deep.

The other party is not just as simple as teaching him Dragon City martial arts.

It is simply taking great pains to guide the wolf dynasty towards the direction of earth civilization.

"If Turanze does not carry out reborn and earth-shaking changes, finds the reasons for the degradation and solves them, and embarks on the path of evolution again, even if we gather the largest army in the past ten thousand years, it will be impossible to achieve the ultimate goal. Victory, on the contrary, will be defeated and even ruined!"

Just as Meng Chao was thinking about the identity of this earth teacher, the wolf king dropped a blockbuster again, and then stared at Meng Chaodao sincerely. Inheritance, the reason to become a priest of war.

"To be honest, I have no personal grievances with the Lion King and Tiger King.

"The Lion King is kind to me. It was he who took me out of the circle of tomb robbers, helped me to a higher level, and gave me vital opportunities and resources.

"Although, he only treated me as a puppet, and he got rich enough from me.

"But the transaction between us is finally relatively fair and pleasant. Without the Lion King, there would never be where I am today.

"Although I have not dealt with the Tiger King many times, I also know that this is a cruel but brave fighter. He is the most typical, traditional and standard Turan. He is qualified to use the'Blade of Fury'. The name, engraved in the epic of war, will be passed down to the hero who will be thousands of years later.

"From a personal point of view, I don't want to be an enemy at all, let alone kill any of them with my own hands.

"If their brains can be a little smarter, their thinking can be a little more open, and they can see the fact that Turan civilization is deteriorating and will never win the battle of glory, so as to take the initiative to take the responsibility of'change', then I am very I am willing to do my best, and I will assist them as the most loyal assistant or even a running dog.

"It's a pity that I have tried countless times.

"Regardless of whether you are knocking on the side, or pretending to be drunk and talking nonsense, you point out to them the problems with Turanze today.

"Not only did they turn a blind eye, they even went furious, believing that I had desecrated the sacred ancestor spirit and corrupted the ‘virtue’ of the Turan people. Several times, they almost bit my throat and ripped off my head!

"Hehe, even the ligers and tigers who have the most hope to become war priests are so unbearable. How can those more stupid and rude tauren and wild boars understand how serious Turanze is today? In crisis?

"Even if these idiots get the inheritance of the holy mountain, with their non-existent wisdom, it is impossible to unlock the true power contained in the ancestral spirit inheritance. It will only waste the best and perhaps the last opportunity.

"Since these seemingly aloft, majestic and majestic superpowers are not able to support the wall with mud, then I have no choice but to replace them!

"Getting the inheritance of the sacred mountain is just a trivial little goal. What I really want to find in the depths of the temple of the sacred mountain is an answer-why the Turan civilization has been able to pass through the star sea ten thousand years ago and degenerate to an extremely glorious degree Today, are you about to drink blood?

"After I find the answer and have enough power, I will make drastic changes to Turanze, and strive to reproduce the glory of the ancestral spirit thousands of years ago.

"Of course, I and Turanze's internal strength alone are certainly not enough to complete such a difficult task.

"I need more like-minded friends who can help me.

"Believe me, the Turans treat their enemies extremely cruelly, but they treat their friends extremely generous and friendly. We regard the hatred the size of grass seeds as heavier than the mountains, and the friendship of small puddles is more than the sea. More expansive.

"You are smarter than I thought. The Reaper, a smart friend like you, will surely discover and reap abundant benefits in Turanze's earth-shaking changes.

"And I am also very happy to see my good friends who live and die together. With these benefits, they have become stronger and stronger, and can continue to fight side by side with me against the common enemy-the Holy Light camp.

"I know, even if I swear in the name of the ancestor spirit that I will never betray a friend, you will never believe it.

"But I have already told you about my ideas and ambitions, Reaper, think about it, the transformation in Turanze has not been completed, the Holy Light camp has not been defeated by us, the world's most abundant land, it has not yet When it falls into our hands, how can I kill each other with a strong, smart, and dangerous friend like you?"

Meng Chao knew that what "Jackal" Kanus said was not just for himself.

It's even more for what I represent, the huge forces from Dragon City.

An extraordinary person like Meng Chao, who is infinitely close to the realm of the gods, can never be a genius who jumps out of the cracks in the stone and knows himself without a teacher.

In each of his moves and styles, there are astronomical resources, and the brainchild of thousands of Dragon City's smartest brains.

"Jackal" Kanus must be based on this, and regarded him as an explorer sent by Dragon City, a pioneer who broke through the fog.

If he is really a simple explorer, he doesn't know the fate of the wolf king's future defeat and destruction.

Seeing the olive branch stretched out so sincerely by the Wolf King, and hearing such a beautiful future picture that he described with the logic of the earth's thinking, how could he not be stunned and convinced?

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