The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1312: Arrived in heartbreak

Meng Chao felt that it might not be a good thing to make "Jackal" Kanus mistakenly think that he was an explorer sent by Dragon City.

He pondered for a moment, and stretched out a finger.

"There is only one condition for the wolf king and I to abandon our previous suspicions and cooperate sincerely."

Meng Chao looked into the eyes of the Wolf King and said, "I don't care how strong your reason for assassinating the ancient dream saint woman is, and what hardships are not visible. In short, since she has been saved by me, I will never allow her. Anyone, kill her in my hands!

"Also, when the Big Horn Legion collapsed, there was a small group of remnants who were still loyal to the Saintess of Ancient Dreams and broke through to the south. I hope that the Wolf King will stop making their minds.

"Since the wolf king wants friendship, I will give you friendship and ask the wolf king to believe that I can be your most important friend, and I can also be your most terrible enemy — I believe that in the latter case, it is both you and me. I really don't want to see it!"

There is the whole Dragon City behind Meng Chao, well, at least half of the Dragon City's support is naturally righteous.

As for the conditions he offered, of course, it was not only from the moral and righteousness, but as simple as having compassion for the Saintess of Ancient Dream.

No matter how wildly "Jackal" Kanus speaks, it is impossible for Meng Chao to believe him 100%, and he is more unwilling to let him control the entire Turanze 100% as he did in his previous life.

If you want to become the King of Turanze, you can, but the condition is to acquiesce in Dragon City to lay a nail in Turanze first.

The remnants of the Big Horn Legion who fled to the south, such as the ancient dream saint and "leaf", are this nail.


Perhaps, after weighing out Meng Chao's weight, the Wolf King knew that it would never be so easy to kill the ancient dream saint in the hands of Meng Chao.

Even if it is possible to forcibly kill people and provoke Meng Chao, the mysterious and powerful "Dragon City Special Envoy", the price of the wolf king is unwilling to bear.

The Wolf King does things with a sharp knife and slashing style. He is not entangled in what has happened. He nodded and said, "Again, as long as the Reaper can help me seize the inheritance of the holy mountain and help me in Turan. Ze implements earth-shaking changes, so whether the ancient dream saint is alive or not, and the life and death of a few remnants and defeated generals are not too big a problem.

"As long as the Reapers can take good care of the Saintess of Ancient Dreams and the remnants of the Big Horn Legion, and prevent them from falling into the hands of the vicious and stubborn wolves, tigers and leopards, I very much hope that there will be more Ratmen brothers and sisters. Live well.

"Then, shall we be settled?"

"Jackal" Kanus smiled, and stretched out the palm of his paw curled up towards Meng Chao.

At this time, the Huang Jingguo that the two had just swallowed was basically digested.

The criss-cross wounds on the two of them healed almost at the same speed, and new tender flesh was grown.

The originally bleak and chapped skin has become full, full, and full of copper-cast iron luster again.

Their combat effectiveness is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Recovering to a state where no one can do nothing, the two will benefit from each other, and the two will be injured if they are divided.

This time, Meng Chao no longer hesitated.

He spread his fingers apart and took the hand of the wolf king.

The surging power that originated from the depths of the blood was transmitted from the heart to the palm, and then gushing out from the palm, colliding with the power spurred by the future doomsday magic wolf, causing the limbs, corpses and internal organs of the two to become There was a thunderous resonance.

The two squinted their eyes again and quickly glanced at each other.

They were all surprised in my heart.

Of course, the Wolf King has been a tomb thief since he was a child, living in a treacherous and perilous vortex. He is almost murderous at every step. He is full of ulterior secrets. Before that, he has never been seen by anyone. The real side-even those who are about to be killed by him.

Just say Meng Chao, since his rebirth, has been burdened with the mission of reversing the future and smashing the doomsday. In the war between the Dragon City civilization and the monster civilization, the game between the Red Dragon Army and the nine super enterprises, the competition between the Homeland faction and the colonization faction, Dragon City The relationship with all aspects and confusing issues, I have to go forward alone.

Even in the face of his parents, younger sister, Lu Siya, and "War God" Lei Zongchao, he dare not 100% reveal the deepest things in his heart, those extremely cruel, dark, and desperate things.

However, facing this acquaintance in front of him for only a day, the identity, background, experience, and the difference of the guys, the two at the same time gave birth to an extremely absurd feeling.

It's as if the other person can see through his heart.

"This is really weird. Why do I think that'Jackal' Kanus is far more reasonable than the impression left to the world in his previous life, and he also communicates and deals in good faith?"

Meng Chao frowned slightly, wondering in his heart.

He worked hard to piece together the information about the "Doomsday Demon Wolf" from the memory fragments of the previous life. "The Jackal Kanus of the previous life, of course, has extraordinary skills and genius. In the early days of the alien war, he played a wave after another. The wave of thunder, lightning, and destructive offensive made his prestige in the chaos camp reach its peak.

"But after the Chaos camp and the Holy Light camp entered the strategic stalemate stage, the fatal weakness of his character was exposed.

"For his own use, arrogant and arrogant, unwilling to face the reality, he would rather jump into his own logical trap and indulge in the non-existent'good news' until the Holy Light army is coming to the city. Conquer the whole world.

"At that time, let alone the orc generals from Turanze, even the allies in the Chaos camp were extremely reluctant to go to the base camp of the Doom Wolf to discuss military affairs.

"Because every time he goes to the base camp of the Doomsday Demon Wolf, he has to endure his drooling and thunderous roar. He can talk for hours at a time, until his strange logic of self-deception makes all his subordinates and allies stunned. Like a patient with paranoia and mania.

"By the way, I remember!

"It is said that the Doomsday Demon Wolf of the previous life left a last word before dying. There is only one sentence.

"‘It’s impossible, something must be wrong, I’m the savior!’

"Hehe, death is imminent, and he is still arrogant, this guy is really unreasonable to the extreme.

"It's strange. Although the current'Jackal' Kanus is sinister, cunning and cruel, he doesn't look like such a bigot. On the contrary, seeing him put his posture so low, he can unite everything. The power that can unite' taste.

"It is the constantly improving power and status that made him gradually peel off his disguise and expose his nature.

"Or... in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, while gaining power, he also gained something else that he couldn't bear?"

Meng Chao always had a sorrow about the "Devil of Terror".

But sitting here thinking wildly, it is impossible to come up with a perfect ending.

Too much time has been spent by the two beheading the Fusion Beast, devouring Huang Jing Guo and healing their injuries.

The team of the Lion King and the Tiger King may appear in front of their eyes or behind their buttocks every minute.

Now that their mobility has been restored, the two can only race against time and continue to explore along the cracks of the earth, deep in the ruins of the ancient battlefield.

With the experience of living together and dying together, temporarily solving the trust problem, and implicitly reaching an oral package of cooperation agreement, the relationship between the two became more slack.

At least, don't have to guard against each other anymore, and focus 50% of your attention on each other.

At most, you can use 30% of your energy to be alert to each other.

The communication between the two is naturally smoother.

Although each other has a lot of secrets, it is not easy to talk to others.

But it is still possible and necessary to talk about how to deal with the team of the Lion King and the Tiger King.

As a result, several plans drawn up by Meng Chao made the Wolf King shout exciting.

The several tactics thrown by the Wolf King also surprised Meng Chao-because these tactics were like those that Meng Chao had figured out after contemplating hard.

Both of them have eloquent and eloquent abilities.

From how to deal with the Lion King and Tiger King, to talk about the gains and losses of the Big Horn Army in the months of battle.

I also talked about how to maximize the potential of the rat people-the history of the earth has long proven that slavery is never a system that maximizes the value of intelligent life.

Compared with the slaves who are dissatisfied and will resist at any time, or are insensitive and lack subjective initiative; those free people who are willing to fill themselves with blood, and cry out to dedicate everything to a lofty goal, can become the main force in the fight against the doomsday.

Meng Chao has memories of past lives, and of course he has accumulated a little experience in how to help people fight for freedom, and then help free people to fill up their blood.

But he didn't expect that when the Wolf King said it, he was very straightforward, and many gleaming words were spoken to his heart.

After a long conversation, the eyes that the two cast at each other became extremely different.

Of course, the Wolf King can't wait to solve the current problem, introduce the power behind Meng Chao, formally start cooperation and change, and jointly paint a brilliant blueprint.

Meng Chao also became extremely interested in the earth mentor behind the Wolf King—the other party’s foresight, which surpassed all the powerhouses of the gods in Dragon City at the moment, including the "War God" Lei Zongchao. The degree of the person.

Time flies quickly in the exchange between the two.

The aftermath of the fierce battle with the Fusion Beast just now seemed to spread over the entire ancient battlefield ruins.

The totem beast dormant in the depths of the ruins did not dare to jump out and die easily.

The two are getting closer and closer to the central area of ​​the top of the holy mountain.

This can be seen from the increasingly dense cracks appearing on the ground, as well as the increasingly fragile remains of the super giant Killing Angel.

The remains of many super giant killing angels look like towering trees.

But before they could touch them, just the faint sound of footsteps, coupled with the tremor of life's magnetic field, caused these "towering trees" to collapse and become the finest dust, flying with the wind.

This suffices to show that they are getting closer and closer to the center of the big explosion that caused the spar explosives and the giant magic rune array three thousand years ago to almost destroy the Holy Mountain Temple.

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