The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1313: Hurricane in the cave

The more you move forward, the more obvious the traces of that earth-shattering magic explosion.

In the gray sky and earth, the sun, moon, and stars were still invisible, but they were enveloped in more and more dense, tumbling and squirming entanglements, making it extremely difficult for them to see the situation hundreds of meters away.

However, there are a large number of stars and colorful light spots floating in between, like shining snowflakes.

The "snowflakes" formed by these magical powers are not as harmless as real snowflakes.

Meng Chao saw with his own eyes that when "Jackal" Kanus threw a small piece of rubble on one of the scarlet "snowflakes", the "snowflakes" burst suddenly and turned into a flaming fire with a diameter of more than three to five meters. The big fireball, the temperature in the center of the fireball was extremely high, instantly burning the gravel into magma.

And when Meng Chao himself buckled another gravel in the palm of his palm and shot it towards a faint blue "snowflake". When it hit the target, the "snowflake" burst, and the faint blue area instantly expanded to three to five meters square, the blue light Wherever he went, everything including the gravel was frozen into frost, and the frozen gravel fell to the ground with a crisp sound and shattered into dust.

This shows how terribly low the temperature in this area is.

And if the two of them didn't use the gravel to explore the way and advance step by step for the camp, but instead ran into it, how much would they suffer among these colorful and beautiful "snowflakes".

The Wolf King told Meng Chao that these "snowflakes" were "gifts" after being carefully encapsulated by magicians in the aftermath of the magic explosion three thousand years ago.

It was also the last line of defense and traps deployed by the Holy Light Army on the summit of the Holy Mountain before it evacuated.

In addition to flames and frost, there are also a large number of "snowflakes" that can be turned into acid and lightning, which can instantly stain the shiny armor and blades with terrible rust, and can make the strong orc warriors all sick. Haunted, even quietly penetrated into the warriors' bodies, attracting the iron element in the warriors' bodies, turning them into sharp blades as thin as cicada wings, piercing the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys.

However, the most terrifying thing is not these "snowflakes" visible to the naked eye.

It's an invisible gap in space.

If it is a few miles in length and a width of more than a hundred arms, the gap that can easily split the entire mountain and tear the entire space completely apart is not to be afraid of-although such a sky is insurmountable, there is no fool. , Will easily bump into it.

I'm afraid that it's as thin as a hair, no longer than an arm or even half an arm, floating in the void, invisible and invisible space gaps.

Although you can't tear the entire space, if any unlucky guy bumps into it, breaks his limbs and breaks his head, it can't be easier.

Moreover, such a gap in space cannot be defended at all.

Even if the totem armor on the body is heavy, but the opponent directly tears the space, under the nest, how can the flesh and blood body wrapped in the armor be spared?

Meng Chao agreed.

Similar gaps in space, he has seen a lot in the depths of the Hidden Fog and the Archaic Ruins.

It is indeed the biggest headache for explorers.

I don't know how many powerful heroes have broken the trap of killing every step, but in the seemingly empty safe area, they are directly divided into two halves by the gap of space, which is cleaner than Pao Ding Jie Niu.

Even if the wound is as smooth as a mirror, without a drop of blood flowing out, and is as beautiful as a photo on a medical textbook, what about it? There is still a chance to fight back with his hands and feet, if his head is dropped or simply cut in the middle, there is only one dead end.

No wonder they didn't find the trace of totem beast in this area.

Come to think of it, even those beasts who have survived on the top of the holy mountain for three thousand years dare not set foot in this land of death shrouded in the aftermath of magical explosions.

For the magical aftermath and the gap in space, Meng Chao and the Wolf King have no good solutions.

The two of them could only pick up the rubble continuously, rub them into rice grain-sized debris in their palms, and then use their psychic energy to fuel the flames, and lift them up on the way forward, striving to cover every area, triggering all the magical aftermath in advance, and according to the dust and The state of ripples, find all the gaps in the space that are as thin as hair.

As a result, the forward speed is naturally greatly reduced.

Fortunately, apart from setting off one after another of blooming fireworks, the two did not encounter a substantial threat.

And the cracks on the ground in front became more and more dense. Many cracks were criss-crossed and criss-crossed. They didn't seem to be shattered by an explosion, but rather like huge magic runes.

In the vicinity of these magic runes, various abnormalities are more obvious.

Countless fragments of the remains of the super giant killing angels are floating in mid-air, slowly rotating, as if gravity does not work here at all.

Around many fragments, there is a seven-color flame that seems to be burning forever, and it has not been extinguished since it burned three thousand years ago to today.

When Meng Chao and the Wolf King passed by, these flames would spread their teeth and dance their claws, like golden snakes dancing wildly, trying to form a string of words, whether it was a warning or a curse.

It's a pity that the aftermath of magic in the flames has gradually dried up as the years have passed. These words are all incomplete, making it difficult for the two of them to understand the true meaning.

Even some fragments were gathered together by weird forces, but they condensed into the shape of flowers, plants and trees, like a microscopic jungle carved with steel, spreading all the way to the depths of the cracks in the earth.

Meng Chao also saw that from the depths of the cracks in the ground, there was actually groundwater condensing into droplets of crystal clear water, completely ignoring the law of gravity, floating from bottom to top, floating into the air, and then bursting again, turning into water mist, and added to it. Encountered.

All sorts of different aspects made Meng Chao and the Wolf King amazed.

In addition to the outside world, their nervous system and life magnetic field were also attacked by the aftermath of magic.

Suddenly, I saw the surrounding war debris all resurrected, turning into a translucent army, whizzing past their eyes.

Suddenly, I heard the cry of Thunder and Thunder, like two armies trampling on their eardrums at the same time, almost smashing their cochlea to pieces.

Suddenly, I felt that the blood and psychic energy of the whole body had turned into torrents of torrents and boiling magma that burst the bank, blasting out from the seven orifices and even the pores.

Suddenly, I felt that there was a ten thousand renown high mountain pressing on my body, and my blood and psychic energy were completely frozen, and even his breathing became a luxury.

Rao is the most dangerous place in the world that both Meng Chao and Wolf King have explored.

At the moment, he didn't dare to be careless.

They can only open their eyes, clenched their teeth, and follow their most proficient trajectories to slowly spin their psychic energy, stir the life's magnetic field, and resist the extremely disordered psychic environment and the laws of physics.

In this way, the two of them are like fish swimming hard in the swamp, advancing step by step.

I don't know how long it took, my chest suddenly loosened, and the pressure on my body was slightly reduced. I only felt that the surrounding space, the psychic field and the laws of physics were stabilized again.

The two of them took a deep breath and looked forward.

I saw hundreds of cracks in the ground all over the remains of the ancient battlefield in all directions, all gathering together like a trickle rushing into the sea, rushing into a huge hole with a radius of one hundred arms and a bottomless depth.

The huge hole is like a shaft that leads directly to the center of the earth, and it is constantly jetting a stream of pure black ink toward the ground.

In the black air with teeth and claws, countless magical aftermaths and the remains of super giant killing angels can be seen, as if swept by a hurricane, spinning at high speed.

That's weird.

When the two stood a hundred steps away, they couldn't see this huge hole, flaring their teeth and claws, swallowing everything, nor could they hear the slightest sound.

If it weren't for the Wolf King every time he encounters a few cracks in the earth, he would stop to observe and contemplate carefully, and then he suddenly slapped his head, leading Meng Chao to choose the right path.

Otherwise, even if they knew they were going to "go all the way along the cracks of the earth", it would be impossible for them to discover the existence of this huge hole so quickly and with such a coincidence.

However, when they stepped within a hundred steps from the huge cave, the surroundings seemed to have changed. They immediately saw the dim sky, flying sand and rocks, and black fog raging horrible scenes. They also heard coming from the depths of the huge cave. The waterfalls are superimposed, and the roar is even more deafening and thrilling.

It is like the super explosion that exhausted countless holy light sacrifices and high-level magicians three thousand years ago, and even sacrificed countless lives of holy light human races, because it failed to complete the task, has been unwilling to do so, and it continues to this day.

"right here!"

The wolf king squinted his eyes and observed for a moment, his eyes glowed with ecstasy, pointing to the huge cave road that was hovering in the black mist, and said, "This is the entrance to the Holy Mountain Temple!"

Meng Chao glanced at him.

It’s not that I don’t believe it, but...

Meng Chao looked around and found a tuft of fist-sized gravel that was faintly metallic and hard as iron.

He placed it in his palm and weighed it twice. With all his strength, he threw the ore doped with a lot of metal elements towards the huge hole.

The ore drew a perfect arc in mid-air, and fell precisely above the huge hole, and was instantly swallowed by the black mist with its teeth and claws.

The speed of the black mist's rotation and the deafening momentum suddenly increased tenfold.

It not only tears the ore as hard as iron into pieces in an instant, and turns it into a powder that is even smaller than dust.

It was also like a hurricane condensed, possessing its own will, and being deeply angered by the flood dragon, opened its mouth in the blood basin in the direction where Meng Chao and the wolf king were, waving its brutal minions, and let out an astonishing roar.

Rao is both wearing totem armor.

The surface of the armor was also blown out by the magic storm, causing ripples that could not heal itself for a long time.

All the remains of the super giant killing angels around were shattered by magical explosions long ago, and there was no shelter for them to hide.

The two could only crawl on the ground, hold their heads in both hands, leave their chests slightly off the ground, gritted their teeth and waited for the hurricane to pass.

It took more than half a minute before the roar above his head weakened slightly.

And the black storm spewing from the depths of the huge cave still rotates at high speed, as if awakened from a long deep sleep, hungry and staring at a fierce beast.

"...Well, seeing such a battle, I believe this is the entrance to the Holy Mountain Temple."

Meng Chao grinned and said loudly to the Wolf King, "The question now is, how do we go down?"

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