The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1315: Break through the storm!

This jump is more dangerous than Meng Chao's jump from Qian Ren Feng to Scarlet Mountain.

Although the space gap at that time was equally narrow, there were also invisible psychic turbulences all around.

But those are all naturally generated.

As long as Meng Chao is not unlucky enough to throw himself into the net, he will not easily arouse the horrible energy contained in it.

But the magic storm in front of us was the aftermath of the magic explosion three thousand years ago, containing the spiritual power of countless high-level magicians and holy light sacrifices.

In a sense, it is alive.

It is a magic scroll condensed by high-level magicians three thousand years ago, who sacrificed countless lives.

When Meng Chao followed the trajectory of the Wolf King, he also narrowly passed the magic storm at a distance of one strand of hair.

In the depths of the stimulating magic storm, countless flames, cones of ice, wind blades and lightning sprang up.

Like countless pairs of strange hands inlaid with fangs, they slammed at Meng Chao's ankles.

It was Meng Chao who saw the Wolf King jump into the huge hole with his own eyes.

They all gave birth to the horror, the feeling of sweat bead freezing.

Fortunately, the Wolf King has demonstrated to him how to dodge the magic storm.

Meng Chao did the same, curled up his legs, and his whole body was like a round projectile. When he shot directly above the huge hole, he suddenly changed its direction.

Accompanied by a series of "crackling" blasts from the bones all over the body, the force of the magnetic levitation is running in the opposite direction, as if it has added a heavy load to the body, and it seems to make the gravity force tenfold instantaneously, and it falls straight down.

In the center of the huge cave, among the magical storms rotating at high speed, there is indeed a calm "eye of the storm".

The problem is that this "eye of the storm" looks extremely narrow, and if you are not careful, you will touch the surrounding magic storm and be torn to pieces by lightning, flames, ice cones and wind blades.

Even more frightening is that hidden in the depths of the magic storm, the spiritual power from high-level magicians and holy light priests three thousand years ago is like a surging wave that will never be subdued. After three thousand years, there is still an endless stream. Meng Chao's mind surged.

Mental power penetrated his visual and auditory nerves.

Immediately turned into a lifelike army of thousands of horses, galloping through Meng Chao's brain with the momentum of stepping through mountains and rivers, as if to crush him like an ant blocking a chariot.

Meng Chao immediately felt a splitting headache.

It was as if an invisible giant axe had split his Tianling cover, and the fragmented skull smashed his brain.

Thinking of Wolf King’s advice, Meng Chao hurriedly used psychic energy to interfere with his visual and auditory nerves, blocking messy and complex information, and flooding into the cerebral cortex through the neural network.

In a hurry, he even indulged massive amounts of psychic energy into the brain, deliberately causing a slight cerebral hemorrhage, blocking part of the cerebral blood vessels with congestion, and reducing brain function.

With this method of "killing eight hundred enemies and self-defeating a thousand", a "firewall" was built in the brain to avoid the spiritual power left by high-level magicians and continue to invade the depths of their brains.

As a result, he can no longer control every bundle of muscle fibers and nerve endings in his body as he wants.

Just like a gambler who throws a dice, he can only wait quietly without changing his face.

Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames below, you have to use steel bars and iron bones to hit it!

The huge hole seems to be bottomless, and its depth far exceeds the height of the top of the holy mountain.

Meng Chao felt that he was falling faster and faster.

It was about to turn into a howling meteorite falling, and it was about to rub against the surrounding air to create a dazzling flame.

And this flame in turn, followed the pores, attacked his capillaries and large blood vessels, burning every drop of his blood to ashes.

Frost came after the flame.

Meng Chao felt that he had fallen from a volcano to an ice cave. Numerous blasts of cold air were like blades thin as cicada wings. The non-viewing armor, skin, flesh and blood and bones directly froze the bone marrow into ice caves.

After the frost, there was lightning, and countless electric arcs wandered between his limbs like hungry snakes and horned dragons, making him dare not imagine what his body had become, whether it resembled the touches of the earth age. Like the unlucky person who encountered high-voltage wires, it has long since turned into torn coke.

After finally waiting for the arc to penetrate the body, and when the pain of life is not as good as death, and gradually subsided, he felt that he had fallen into a very corrosive poisonous pond. Toothed worms gnawed frantically on his skin, flesh and blood, nerves and even every cell.

The pain that cannot be described with pen and ink, mixed with numbness that is more difficult than the pain, turned into an extremely strong impulse in Meng Chao's heart, tempting him to repair the damaged visual and auditory nerves, so that he can open his eyes to see what he has become. Looks like, listen to what is the situation around you, is it going straight to the center of the earth, or directly to the yincao dungeon?

But Meng Chao just gritted his teeth.

The sparks that rubbed the teeth, together with the **** saliva, swallowed in one mouthful.

He repeatedly told himself that all of this was an illusion.

It's all the hallucinations caused by the invasion of one's own nerve endings.

The purpose is to connect oneself to the entire nervous system, so that the magic storm can follow one's own nerve endings, invade the central nervous system, and even spread to the entire brain.

"I'm alive!

"Although the eyes cannot see and the ears cannot hear, every touch and hearing sensed by the fingers and skin may not be true.

"But I can still think.

"This is enough to prove that my brain tissue has not been severely damaged. This is the right way.

"Cogito ergo sum!"

I do not know how long it has been.

For a long time, Meng Chao thought that he had fallen from the top of the 10,000-meter-high sacred mountain to the 10,000-meter-deep crust.

The flames, frost, arc, and venom that were tightly wrapped and fiercely tearing at him, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Just as Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, a brand new illusion was born before his eyes.

It's still the golden horse, the battlefield of the thunderous and powerful.

But it became a corpse all over the field, blood drifting with a pestle, super giant killing angels burning, and piled up like a mountain of corpses, because there are too many psychic powers, after decay and fermentation, one after another explodes, like a Shura hell. A tragic sight.

In the center of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, there stood a high-level magician in ragged clothes, scarred, and skinny like a piece of dead wood, dangling like a lonely ghost.

The white robe lingering with gold silk on his body has been burnt to pieces by the flames of war.

However, on his almost translucent body, dense and shiny magic runes were exposed.

What is amazing is that these magic runes are like living things, constantly twisting and changing like ignited bugs.

It is not only changing their own shape, but also constantly changing the order of permutation and combination.

An unsuitable analogy.

The nearly translucent body of this high-level magician is like some kind of weird display or information output tool. After receiving mysterious information from nowhere, it spreads to the entire land with his every move.


Obviously killed on the top of the holy mountain, but still full of sadness, even after seeing the true face of the holy mountain temple, the high-level magician who became more annoyed and even frightened, opened his arms, stopped in front of Meng Chao, and used Turan again. The words of the orc gave his advice: "Don't... turn on... the underground... awaken... horror... the devil..."

Behind him, in the depths of the sea of ​​blood on the corpse mountain, there was a heart-pounding squirming sound, as if something broke through the ground, expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

That is a black silhouette.

It is something that looks like an octopus and a virus magnified hundreds of millions of times, but it is also like an ancient tree covered by a large cluster of bacteria, as if it grows with 10,000 eyes and 10,000 tentacles, something indescribable.

Although I can't see the true face of the black silhouette.

But deep in the black silhouette, the harsh laughter of "jijijiji" evoked the memory of Meng Chao hiding in the depths of his brain, a touch of extremely dangerous.

About the memory of "maternal body".


Meng Chaohe landed heavily.

All illusions, no matter the high-level magician with white hair and white beard, skinny, worried, or black silhouette with billions of eyes and tentacles, all fell to pieces.

Meng Chao put aside his distracting thoughts, and waited for a long time with bated breath.

Confirm that the surrounding spiritual magnetic environment has stabilized.

Only then is it repairing the cerebral blood vessels one by one, connecting the visual and auditory nerves, and carefully looking around.

Fortunately, under the protection of the totem armor, he neither tore off a few fingers or toes by the magic storm, nor broke his bones.

Well, I didn't break too many bones and let the sharp broken bones pierce the organs.

As for the concussion, internal bleeding, and the cobweb-like cracks all over the bones, to Meng Chao, who stepped half of his foot into the gods, they all belonged to gum bleeding caused by getting angry, and they were not worth mentioning.

Meng Chao silently repaired his injuries, quickly analyzing the information collected by his eyes, ears, and even his fingers.

It seemed that he fell to the bottom of the huge hole without any risk.

Looking up, the hole, which was more than a hundred arms long and wide, had already turned into a spot of light that was smaller than the tip of a needle and was extremely dim.

If he hadn't had sharper eyesight than the eagle falcon, and after careful observation and analysis for a long time, it would be impossible to see where the hole was.

In this way, even if he did not fall directly below the earth's crust from the top of the sacred mountain.

Has also fallen through the entire sacred mountain, came to another space, or got stuck in a certain space fold.

The good news is that the magic storm has been breached by him.

The weather here is calm, and both the space and the ground are very stable—perhaps, it's too stable.

Meng Chao clenched a fist and tapped the ground under his **** lightly.

The discovery was not an ordinary rock formation, but a material that was non-gold and non-ferrous, but extremely hard.

Moreover, it is extremely flat, and there is no ordinary rock formation that has undergone erosion over the years, and there are only very subtle arcs and textures, which are inevitable weathering, distortion and fragmentation.

It doesn't appear to be formed naturally, but it is artificially cast.

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