The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1316: Mother body 02?

"In the depths of the earth, artificially created a piece of ‘ground’ of unknown scale?"

Meng Chao was amazed.

More and more frightened by the technical ability of the ancient Turan people.

More faintly worried in my heart.

Even such an advanced and developed Turan civilization, because it was far away from its homeland and living in a foreign land, slowly degraded and even collapsed to the present day, almost to the point of loosing hair and drinking blood.

There is only a solitary city, and the earth civilization that travels to another world, even if it can withstand the sword of destruction called by the Holy Light Temple, what will it look like after thousands of years?

It is like today's Turan civilization, which is weak and strong, and ignorant.

Or is it... even more unbearable?

Meng Chaoqiang resisted the urge to continue his wild thoughts and observed the surrounding rock walls.

He found that the bottom of the huge hole he was at was surrounded by a black mist that seemed to swallow all light and matter, so that he couldn't see the surrounding boundary.

But twenty to thirty meters above his head, the huge rock wall that rises straight up like a missile silo can be seen clearly.

This is because there are circles of criss-crossing cracks on the rock wall of the giant cave.

The winding cracks formed a circle of magic runes.

Like the ancient runes found in the ancient ruins, which have hundreds of millions of years of history, they are obviously runes engraved on a two-dimensional plane, but because of dragons and phoenixes, different shades of brushstrokes, and the mysterious power hidden in the brushstrokes, they have It has a three-dimensional texture.

As long as Meng Chao deflects his eyes slightly and changes his observation angle, it is clearly the same rune, but it can take a completely different form, as if it contains a larger amount of information than an encyclopedia.

From these mysterious and complicated runes, light containing the power of wind, fire and thunder and lightning spewed out.

The rays of light communicated and merged with each other, forming a shining magic circle.

The endless magic storm that spouted out of the hole was the product of this magic circle.

"It seems that Ice Storm is wrong. Perhaps even the wizarding organization in the Land of Light hasn't figured out the truth.

"Three thousand years ago, the Holy Light Army did not fail to find the entrance to the Holy Mountain Temple.

"I have found this place, but found that the outer wall of the temple guarding the Holy Mountain is extremely strong. The Holy Light Sacrifice and the Nine Rings magicians have used their best efforts to destroy this place. They can only use the aftermath of the magic explosion to set Put a seal.

"That said, the things that are sealed in the Holy Mountain Temple are so powerful that the Holy Light camp is unwilling to admit that it has once been under the city and has to keep the secret of the entrance to the Holy Mountain Temple.


Meng Chao blinked quickly.

Every time I blink, I see the colorful and shining magic runes surrounding the cave wall, dimming one by one.

It was as if they had just tried to stop Meng Chao and Wolf King, and they had exhausted their last strength.

No, to be more precise, after sealing the Holy Mountain Temple for three thousand years, this magic circle has completed its mission.

Three thousand years of wind and rain, spatial changes, and rock formations are enough to exhaust all the life magnetic fields and spiritual power of the Xeon three thousand years ago, and turn this magic circle into a sand tower that collapses.

Soon, more than half of the magic runes were extinguished.

It was like a black flame, at a speed visible to the naked eye, from bottom to top, continuously devouring the light of magic.

Now, there is no more power that can stop the things that were sealed in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple, and after three thousand years of dormant, they broke out of the cage!

Meng Chao's eyeballs sting slightly.

The shadow of the most perfect and dangerous carbon-based biological weapon, the "mother body", made by the "ancient" in the ancient times, appeared in front of me.

He remembered that during the Battle of Wuyin Mountain, Lu Siya had told him that what appeared as a "monster mastermind" buried under the Dragon City was just a fragment and a seed of the "primordial mother body".

In fact, when the "maternal body" of the Primordial Era was hit by the "ancient" space-based orbital weapons, even 99% of the active cells in the whole body were annihilated in the raging flames.

But the remaining 1% of the active cells can continue to divide and turn into countless seeds, drifting with the wind or drifting with the waves, and scattered between the vast world of this planet.

If we say that what appeared in Dragon City is "Mother Body 01".

Will there be another "Mother Body 02" that followed the turbulent Hunu River to Turanze and met the ancient Turanese?

After hundreds of millions of years of dormancy, "Mother Body 01" was awakened by the space shock created by the Dragon City crossing, and encountered Taoyuan Town under the jurisdiction of Dragon City, absorbed the earth civilization there, and created the monster civilization.

What about "Mother 02"?

If it had woken up 10,000 years ago...

Meng Chao's eyelids twitched slightly.

Reason told him that the so-called "great legacy of the Turan Zuling" is by no means that safe and simple, and it is not even a free lunch.

However, in the deepest part of my heart, there was another voice that seemed to penetrate the flames of the doomsday and countless dragon city citizens, exuding strong gunpowder smoke and blood, and asked: "So what?

"Judging from the cautious and even fearful attitude of the Holy Light Temple towards the Holy Mountain Temple, the power hidden deep in the Holy Mountain Temple is definitely the key to defeating the Holy Light camp!

"Apart from holding this force tightly in your hands, what other way can you reverse the future and crush the end?"

Meng Chao heard soft footsteps behind him.

He breathed a sigh of relief, avoided the inner question, and turned to face Kanus, the "Jackal" who was getting closer and closer to the fate of the "Doomsday Demon Wolf".

"Look, I said, I was right!"

The Wolf King opened his arms and showed Meng Chao that he had broken through the magic storm without any damage.

The smug look is like using the last copper plate to bet ten unpopular bets in a row, but they win a lot of red-eyed gamblers, and they are more and more convinced that they are the son of heaven, so they will win. All the chips, without hesitation, bet the eleventh shop upset.

"However, we must be fast."

The Wolf King pointed to the two heads, gradually exhausted, and the magic storm that was about to calm down, "This magic circle has been cracked by us, and no one can stop anyone from entering the Holy Mountain Temple, and the two of us are exploring on it. And the fierce battle also left a lot of traces.

"The Lion King and the Tiger King, we will definitely not miss any traces we left.

"When they follow the clues and find this place all the way, I am afraid that even the last ray of magic-made flames will be weakened to the point that they even burned their mouth hair.

"There is not much time left for us, we must race against time to enter the Holy Mountain Temple!"

Meng Chao's thoughts turn.

Even if he could stop the Wolf King, he could not stop the Lion King and Tiger King from entering the Holy Mountain Temple.

Even if he could block all these wolves, tigers and leopards at the entrance of the Holy Mountain Temple.

But such a big thing happened on the Sacred Mountain of Turan, the Chijin City fire and the news that several giants of the Golden Clan disappeared at the same time, it must be hidden from the four clans who have sharpened their swords on the edge of the Golden Clan's territory.

At that time, tauren, boar, snake, lizard... all birds and beasts will gather on the top of the holy mountain to discover the secrets of the holy mountain temple.

"If it is hidden in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple and regarded by the Holy Light as the existence of the ‘Terror Demon’, it is really related to the ‘mother’ of the ultimate carbon-based biological weapon in the Primordial Era.

"And this terrifying force fell into the hands of the orc warrior with well-developed limbs and simple mind.

"These guys who only think with their muscles, know only about destruction but not construction, must not be able to surrender this force, and will only be controlled by this force, leading to the double destruction of Turanze and the Dragon City civilization.

"It's decided, for the sake of world peace, for the future of Dragon City, and for Turanze's stability, unity and prosperity, I will never tolerate this force falling into the hands of those wolves, tigers, leopards, monsters, ghosts and snakes.

"Even if you can't swallow it alone, no, even if you can't help Turan's friend, and bear the side effects of this terrifying force alone, at least, you have to dig a piece of the soup from the hands of the Doomsday Demon Wolf.

"Then, with my sense of justice and the advanced nature from earth civilization, I will severely suppress and surrender this terrorist force!"

Meng Chao nodded.

"what's next?"

He appeared to be obedient to the words of the Wolf King, "Next, how should I go?"

"With our feet as the center, walk around in circles, so that you won't miss any clues on the ground."

The wolf king is confident, "The entrance of the Holy Mountain Temple is not far from here. When I find the correct mark, I will naturally...remember it."

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