The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1320: The final test

It is like mushrooms after a thunderstorm.

Grows at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon it grew into a behemoth three or four stories high.

The liquid metal-like substance condensed into a whole piece of "relief" is still frantically surging towards it.

Turning into more and more tentacles, limbs, eyes and minions, they told them to stand in front of it dumbfounded, looking extremely small. The current height and hideous posture are far from its limit.

When one after another giant eyeballs condensed from liquid metal-like substances, like ugly tumors, squeezed out of its folds, "drip" and turned around, and finally turned to Meng Chao.

Obviously, the surface of the eyeball is still glowing with metallic luster, like a cold dead thing.

In the depths of the eyeballs, like pupils inlaid with spars, they shot out the hungry killing intent unique to predators.

Thousands of "eyes" are like tens of thousands of extremely lethal rays, penetrating Meng Chao's brain, making the corners of his eyes twitch and his headache splitting.

An extremely sharp voice appeared in his mind.

As if he was the supreme **** and demon, he ordered him to kneel down, like a Turan orc nearly ten thousand years ago, to worship this "totem pole".

Meng Chao gritted his teeth.

Willpower is like two steel nails, firmly nailing his spine and knee joints, so that he can barely compete with this weird statue.

"Don't kneel!"

The Wolf King also received the same message and saw Meng Chao’s trembling back and legs. He was frightened in a cold sweat, and said, "This is the last test before entering the Holy Mountain Temple, and it was also set by the ancestors. Don’t kneel down on the trap, once you kneel on the ground and worship it, it will tear you to pieces without hesitation!"


Meng Chao repeatedly took a fluke.

Fortunately, his dignity as a human being on earth and his vigilance against the "mother body" made him reluctant to bow his head to this weird statue.

Otherwise, at this moment, I am afraid that I have become a fragment the size of a fingernail.

"What should I do to pass the final test?" Meng Chao asked with difficulty while resisting the will radiated by the "totem pole".

"Of course it is the method that Turan people are most used to."

A touch of determination flashed in the eyes of the Wolf King, and he grinned, "We Turan Orcs are the most courageous race. No matter what kind of opponent we encounter, as long as we dare to stand in front of us, even if we are a hundred times stronger than us, we must not hesitate. Raise the sword to the ground—either a glorious victory or a glorious death!

"If the other party is the incarnation of the ancestor spirit, he will stop moving, raise his hand to surrender or even worship, it will only disappoint the ancestor spirit-what qualifications does such a coward have to enter the Holy Mountain Temple and accept the ancestral spirit? Blessed?

"So, hold high your saber and attack this statue of'Totem Pole' with power beyond the limit. This is the only way to enter the Holy Mountain Temple!"

Before he finished his words, on the "Six Killing Armor" of the Wolf King, all the fangs gleaming like red crystals stood up, causing his overall outline to inflate in an instant.

The "Six Killing Swords" originally distributed on both arms also turned into six blood awns, whizzing out, staggering, splicing, and fusing in mid-air, turning them into an extremely long and narrow weapon.

The Wolf King did not lie.

He really rose into the air, copied the sword in mid-air, and with the help of the force of tumbling and rotation, the speed of the blade was soared to the limit, and the scream that tore the air was issued, wrapped in waves of waves of mountains and seas, towards the "totem pole". The statue was severely chopped off.

Just listen to a "chirp".

I don't know if it is because the statue of the "totem pole" has just condensed, and the liquid metal-like substance has not yet solidified.

With this knife, the wolf king actually cut seven or eight meters deep from top to bottom, almost splitting the "totem pole" from head to toe in half.

The cylindrical body of the "totem pole" is divided into two from the middle and bent to the left and right respectively.

The tentacles, limbs, minions and eyeballs growing on it are still trembling fiercely and dancing frantically, presenting a scene where the soul index returns to zero in an instant, and the hair is extremely horrible.

Ordinary people are only afraid that one glance at such a weird and indescribable sight will cause them to fall into madness.

Even if the Turan Orc, who is happy in killing and proud of death, faced this scene, I was afraid that his legs would weaken, and he would kneel to the ground involuntarily.

However, Meng Chao had personally experienced the flames of the doomsday, roasting his compatriots into a deformed, distorted, hideous appearance.

He has also been baptized by the mental storm of the monster master, which is the "Mother Body 01".

Perhaps, his absolute combat power has not broken through the gods.

But the toughness of his brain is already more terrifying than many apocalyptic beasts.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and picked up the "Skullcrusher".

The blood turned into spiritual flames, winding a heavy war knife comparable to a giant axe round and round.

If you don't enter the tiger's lair, you won't be a tiger.

No matter what the mysterious power hidden in the depths of the holy mountain temple.

In order to smash the end of the nightmare, Meng Chao will summon all the courage, wisdom, will and strength to fight it to the end and completely conquer it!


The two "skull-crushers" dragged two lavas and shot towards the statue of the "totem pole", piercing into the depths of the liquid metal-like substance.

Meng Chao's destructive force, driven by the magnetic field of life, is like a flood that has broken a dam, continuously blasting towards the statue of the "totem pole".

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the two concerted efforts, the seemingly invincible and invincible "totem pole" statues of gods and demons were all torn apart by them, retreating steadily, and roaring like thunder.

However, the emotions transmitted to the brains of Meng Chao and the Wolf King along with the rhythm of the liquid metal substance were not pain and anger, but gratification and joy.

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that he was right.

Since the previous "Jackal" Kanus can successfully obtain the inheritance of the Holy Mountain, he has evolved into the "Doomsday Demon Wolf".

Naturally it will not fall outside the gate of the Holy Mountain Temple.

However, Meng Chao still kept a mind.

He did not display "power beyond the limit" as the Wolf King said.

No matter when, where, and what kind of opponent you face, you must remember to leave a hole card—this is Meng Chao in the previous life. With the strength of a mere "one-star spirit pattern", he was in danger of performing countless assassinations. After the mission, the biggest reason for being able to live to the end of the day.

Meng Chao only displayed 80% of his combat power.

Of the six dragon veins that have penetrated, only five have been activated.

The most important thing is that the dragon vein that is wrapped around the spine and reaches the brain is deeply hidden by him.

The strongest killer move he has so far, close to the "ultimate" "Tianba Broken Star" has also been firmly sealed by him.

Only by strengthening the upgraded "Magic Pestle" to output destructive power.

This is enough.

More than half a minute of indiscriminate bombing, the "totem pole" statue bombarded like mud.

However, this is still a piece of mud that exudes metallic luster, seems to have life, and constantly makes "hissing" and "squeaking" sounds.

The metal mud squirmed at the feet of Meng Chao and the wolf king.

Meng Chao felt a little hairy in his heart.

But the wolf king waved his hand to be safe and not irritable.

Let the metal mud wrap their totem armor together with their flesh and blood bodies, like two huge cocoons, or as if they were plunged into the depths of a swamp made of liquid metal-like substances.

Meng Chao felt that he was "swallowed up" by the Holy Mountain Temple.

It is also like riding a very fast elevator, towards the depths of the earth, falling swiftly.

I do not know how long it has been.

The whole body trembled slightly.

The liquid metal-like substance that had just wrapped him, bloomed like a piranha split into seven or eight petals.

Meng Chao gently moved his wrists and ankles, and felt the psychic energy surrounding the limbs and skeletons like lightning, circulating circle after circle, by the way, recite the nine-nine multiplication table, confirming that he was unharmed from cell to spirit. Only then did he breathe a sigh of relief, and looked around with half curious and half vigilant eyes.

The surrounding world has changed.

The magic storm above the head and the huge hole straight through the ground disappeared.

The black mist that can swallow all the light, and the "relief" under the feet are also replaced by a thin layer of gray mist that is almost non-existent.

Looking through the mist, Meng Chao was very surprised to find that he seemed to be back on the ground again, standing in the middle of a vast expanse of wilderness.

The surrounding area was covered with weeds that came high, and accompanied by the caress of the breeze, it showed rows of waves like waves, making a pleasant sound of "rustling rustling".

Even the Turan Orcs, who are most keen to kill, will feel relaxed and happy in such a paradise-like environment.

However, when Meng Chao turned his gaze slightly and looked in another direction, he immediately found a flaw.

The so-called "extensive wilderness" only exists in a small area on his left.

Next to the wilderness, there is no transition, just a mountain that rises straight up and down, like a giant fang piercing the sky.

But the mountains that should have been undulating, but somehow they clung to a magnificent city.

In the center of the magnificent and magnificent city, there is a black hole full of pits, like a mysterious force that has hollowed out several pieces alive.

And beside the big city, there is a cliff that is bottomless, and you can still hear the deafening sound of the river rushing from below.

No matter how stupid an architect is, it is impossible to build a city on a cliff.

Similarly, there is no reason for the sudden rise of the mountains to be closely integrated with the city.

This world is completely messed up, it's like combining different topography and landforms, whether they are naturally generated or artificially constructed, simply, rudely and unreasonably.

Even the sky is the same.

When Meng Chao looked up, he saw his left and right hands. On both sides of the sky, two huge suns were hanging high.

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