The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1321: Unexplainable explanation

A blazing sun in the summer.

A winter day was hazy, orange-red warm sun.

Between the two suns, there was a scene of dark clouds and thunder and lightning.

There is also a large area where there is no blue sky and white clouds at all, but a black night sky and vast sea of ​​stars.

In the seemingly unattainable, but extremely chaotic sky, there is even a large area full of holes, like a honeycomb, like an invisible beast, opening its blood basin and gnawing the sky. Potholes.

Through the ugly holes, one can vaguely see the dim metal dome and even the fragmented rock formations.

Meng Chao's thoughts turn.

Close your eyes and take a deep breath.

Sure enough, although he seemed to be standing in the middle of the field.

Inhaling the air from the lungs, but there is not the slightest sense of freshness.

He neither smelled the fragrance of flowers.

Also did not smell the unique smell of earth when the thunderstorm fell.

Instead, he smelled a lingering rancid smell in the air, as well as a faint smell of disinfectant.

Even the blazing summer sun in the sky shone on his face and hands without the slightest scorching sensation.

It's like everything-blue sky, white clouds, blazing sun, thunderclouds, wilderness, mountains, cities, abyss.

The paintings just hanging on the wall are not like real sceneries.


Meng Chao roared to the horizon.

Sound waves that should be transmitted to the distance like ocean waves, but after a short while, they hit an invisible barrier, rolled back, and turned into layers of echoes: "Ah...ah...ah...ah...ah..."

This is enough to show that the space where Meng Chao is located is not so vast as it seems.

There are no real mountains and rivers all around, and naturally there is no real sky above.

It was the cold wall, the outer shell of the spacecraft that carried the Turan civilization to this planet.

"What I saw should be projected onto the outer shell of a spacecraft, something like a holographic projection.

"The space for activity in a spacecraft is destined to be impossible. To live in such an iron coffin for a long time, floating in the vast sea of ​​stars, from the long-destructed homeland to the incomparable hope-in ​​such an environment and state Under the circumstances, the crew members are prone to suffering from'claustrophobia', insanity, and madness.

"If a large number of display screens can be installed on the inner wall of the cabin, or holographic projection technology can be used to create a natural effect, making people mistakenly think that they are in the vast world, it can greatly comfort the crew's homesickness.

"In Dragon City, the same is true. It is said that in the cruelest years of Monster War, two-thirds of the main city was scorched, and many citizens lived in residential buildings transformed into fortresses for many years, in order to alleviate irritability. , Fear and even despair, transform the windows into electronic display screens, simulating the effect of beautiful wind, beautiful birds and flowers, and gurgling water.

"Since the Turan people are not physically different from the people on earth, everyone's spiritual needs should be the same.

"It's just that it has been tens of thousands of years for this spacecraft to travel to the depths of the earth's crust in another world.

"Even if the Turan civilization has advanced technology in the field of materials science, it will not be able to prevent this spacecraft from slowly rusting, damaging, and collapsing.

"So, the orderly natural scene that was supposed to surround the inner wall of the spacecraft became mottled, riddled with holes, and messed up.

"By the way, these'holographic projections' still exist, indicating that this spacecraft has not completely lost its functions.

"Although the air here is thin and sultry, it barely meets the breathing needs of large-scale carbon-based intelligent life. There are not too many toxins and impurities in the air. Earthlings with physical fitness above average do not even have to carry an oxygen cylinder. You can go deep here directly—as a spacecraft that has fallen for ten thousand years and has been dormant for three thousand years, it can maintain the internal environment to this level, which is already very powerful.

"In short, this spaceship, or according to the Turan's name-the City of Falling Stars, is very valuable for development and utilization.

"However, from another perspective, since the holographic projection always exists, and the temperature and oxygen content here are always maintained at a level where carbon-based intelligent life can survive, then it is very likely that there is a certain Something, just like the totem beast we found on it."

Meng Chao thought silently in his heart.

Suddenly I heard the cry of "Jackal" Kanus not far away, in a seemingly empty place.

He was startled slightly, increased his vigilance, and took a few steps forward.

It was like crashing through the curtain of a movie theater. The holographic projections of the sky, clouds and wind blowing grass that I saw just now disappeared, leaving only the inexhaustible mirage-like afterimages, still lingering.

Without the concealment of the holographic projection, the so-called "City of Falling Stars" revealed the tip of the iceberg in front of Meng Chao.

The real "City of Falling Stars" is a metal jungle of crisscross, winding, and intricate huge pipes.

Even the thinnest pipe is thicker than the waist of a pretty elephant.

The thickest pipe can even accommodate an armored airship from Dragon City, which runs rampant inside.

There are also handrails and ladders on the pipeline, allowing people to climb up and down, and walk through the gaps in the pipeline.

Standing in front of this metal jungle of endless pipes, Meng Chao felt like a tiny ant who had strayed into the giant's palace and saw the pillars supporting the palace.

Despite the erosion of thousands of years, many pipelines seem to be still running rumblingly, like a mysterious beast, rushing forward in the pipeline with a diameter of more than three to five meters or even more than ten or twenty meters...

Meng Chao noticed that countless mysterious and complicated runes were densely engraved on the outer walls of almost all pipes.

Even through the torn part of the deformed and fragmented pipe, it can be seen that the inner wall of the pipe is also covered with similar runes.

Inexplicably, he felt that these runes were familiar.

His mind turned around, and he quickly remembered that he had seen similar runes on the "Short-distance Jumping Device on the Planetary Surface" of the Dragon City Ruins Research Institute.

The "Short Jump Device on the Planetary Surface" is a by-product of the "Through Technology Research and Development Project" of the Heritage Research Institute.

The source of its technology is the power that instantly transferred the Dragon City from the earth to another world.

"Could it be that the huge system composed of these giant pipelines is the legendary'traveling engine', which can convert hundreds of millions of tons of matter into astronomical pure energy, and penetrate the four-dimensional space through the push of spatial ripples, and then Recombination of 100% of the same matter—in this way, the almost impossible interstellar travel in the three-dimensional universe?"

Meng Chao kept his eyes open, and was amazed.

It wasn't until the "Jackal" Kanus who was not far away called him again that he looked away reluctantly.

The look in the eyes of the wolf king was full of curiosity and anticipation.

The Wolf King frowned and said, "Why look at me like this?"

"I'm waiting for you to explain, what exactly is this place, and what are these huge pipes for?"

Meng Chaodao, "Also, what are we going to look for in the depths of the Sacred Mountain Temple, and how should we go next?"

The Wolf King's face was dignified, and he fell into deep thought.

He put the index and middle fingers of his hands together, first gently rubbed his temples, and then squeezed it from the bridge of his nose to the center of his eyebrows. The corners of his eyes kept twitching, as if he had fallen into a distant memory.

Finally, the wolf king opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes shining brightly.

"I don't know." He said apologetically.

"What are you kidding?"

Meng Chao couldn't believe it, "How could you not know?"

"The Holy Mountain Temple has been sealed for three thousand years. Before you and me, no one has ever set foot on the top of the Holy Mountain. So how can I know what the inside of the Holy Mountain Temple looks like? How can I find the huge legacy gifted by the ancestor spirit?" The Wolf King was full of calmness.

"But, but—"

Meng Chao is going crazy, "You know the fatal weakness of that fusion beast, you know how to follow the cracks in the earth to find the huge hole that leads directly to the temple of the holy mountain, you know how to pass through the magic storm in the huge hole, you even know, When facing the'totem pole' statue at the entrance of the temple, fight with it instead of kneeling and surrendering-you know so many secrets that you have been here a long time ago, and even opened the entrance of the Holy Mountain Temple.

"So, how could you not know the internal structure of the Holy Mountain Temple and the truth about the ancestral spirit inheritance?"


The wolf king frowned and seemed to ponder for a long time. He didn't know how to explain what happened to him. In the end, he could only reluctantly say, "Well, you can understand that I did come here, but last time we When I came, I just climbed to the top of the sacred mountain, met the fusion beast, found the huge hole that leads directly to the temple of the sacred mountain, analyzed the shape of the magic storm, and sacrificed dozens of lives before finding it. Pass the "totem pole" test method.

"But at that time, we... fell short and didn't enter the Holy Mountain Temple."

"Wait, we?"

Meng Chao keenly smelled the secret, "Who are'we'?"

"It's another exploratory team."

The Wolf King said, "You know, in order to help the Lion King explore the way forward, I have taken people into the Turan Sacred Mountain many times."

"Isn't it?"

Meng Chao stared at the wolf king. "You have indeed gone deep into the Turan Sacred Mountain many times, but you have never climbed the top of the sacred mountain any time. Otherwise, the super giant war remains on the ancient battlefields are so fragile. Your exploration is sure. Will leave traces.

"Also, you have never seen that fusion beast before, otherwise you won't be so embarrassed, as if you didn't suddenly remember its fatal weakness until the last moment.

"As for passing through the magic storm and cracking the'totem pole', it is even more unreasonable-if you have really taken the exploration team and landed at the bottom of the huge cave, on the shell of the holy mountain temple, even passed the'totem pole' With your ambition, would you just stay outside without getting in, go back home obediently, and report to the Lion King?

"I want to believe you too, but so many doubts are completely contradictory.

"If you really want'sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win', you should at least give me a reasonable explanation. Even if you are lying, at least it must be more logical and technical, right?"

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