The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1329: Another monster war

The King of No Stomach started what he was best at and passionate about.

Throwing away the cheeks, pulling away the back teeth, and swallowing gorgeously.

Even though his mouth opened to the limit, it was less than one-tenth of the big mouth of the abyssal bug that could split open in all directions.

But the speed at which he devours flesh and blood is no less than the latter.

A large number of the flesh and blood of the Abyssal Demon Worm was torn off by him fiercely, and it slipped into the depths of the esophagus without time to chew.

No stomach king seems to really have no stomach.

The whole belly was stuffed with a big tripod filled with magma, burning blazingly, enough to melt everything.

The flesh and blood of the Abyssal Demon Insect fell into the "Great Cauldron" and was instantly transformed into the purest energy.

It was absorbed by the hungry and thirsty cells without stomach.

After inhaling enough energy, the flesh and blood of the Kingless King regenerates at an incredible speed.

It had just been eroded by acid and digestive enzymes and pits and pits, and even exposed white bones on the limbs, re-growing copper and iron-like flesh and blood, always preparing for the next round of tearing and erosion.

The cell division and self-healing ability of the Abyssal Demon Worm is no less than the King of No Stomach.

No matter how much blood and internal organs are eaten by the King of No Stomach, it can heal and regenerate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this way, one person, one beast, two monsters with the same terrifying ability to swallow and regenerate, fell into the longest battle in Turanze's history.

They are like ouroboros that bite each other's head and tail, endlessly looping.

Constantly use the opponent's flesh and blood as food to make up for the damage caused by the opponent's gnawing.

For a whole month, the Liger warriors who were dozens of miles away from the battlefield could hear an earthquake-like roar from the center of the battlefield.

It was in the belly of the Abyss Demon Worm, and there was a thunderous sound of intestinal peristalsis.

However, no one wants to step forward and disturb the epic stomacher game between No Stomach King and Abyss Demon.

The warriors of the Liger race have the demeanor and pride of a strong man, and they are unwilling to intervene indiscriminately to pick up the bargain when there is no stomach king. This is certainly a reason.

But the more important reason is that all Turan warriors at that time knew such a survival rule from the tribe of wild elephants:

Don't bother him while eating.

Absolutely not.

The thunderous roar sounded for more than a month.

The peristalsis of the abyssal worm's intestines finally gradually weakened.

It started to struggle.

Sometimes curled up into a ball, sometimes tightened into a straight line, rubbing against the towering trees, drew countless traces of pain on the ground.

Weak wailing came from the depths of the blood basin that had swallowed countless lives.

No stomach king is still eating.

Concentrate and eat comfortably regardless of disregard.

Based on the analysis of the numerous scars found on his corpse later, in this period of more than a month, the ubiquitous acid and digestive enzymes at least completely stripped, decomposed and decomposed the flesh and blood of the stomachless king from his bones. Corroded seven to eighty times.

Later, the fingers, toes, limbs, eyeballs, ears, and lips of the King of No Stomach were all digested by the Abyss Demon Worm, and could no longer be reborn.

However, even if there is only a bald body like a seal, or even a mouth, the king of the stomach is dying to gorge himself.

Life is endless, and it can't be swallowed.

In the end, this epic hero who lost sight, hearing, touch, smell, and most of his mobility, except that his appetite became a hundred times more exuberant than before he started to swallow, won this unprecedented and thrilling Big Stomach King game.

The number of cell divisions of the Abyssal Worm finally reached its limit.

Its ability to regenerate flesh and blood also broke through the threshold of collapse.

The most important thing is that it is tired of the taste of constant swallowing and digestion.

For the first time in the long years of growing from a small earthworm to a giant python, it has an extremely strong sense of fullness and fatigue.

It is full.

Tired of eating.

Threw up after eating.

The Abyssal Worm began to vomit.

Its central nervous system, which is hundreds of meters long, seemed to be severely strangled by billions of lightning, causing the flesh and blood of the whole body to spasm extremely violently.

In the past month or so, the King of No Stomach has been in the belly of the Abyss Demon Insect, killing seven in and out, and it has turned upside down.

Even if the Abyssal Demon Worm possesses a powerful self-healing ability, the flesh and internal organs that are reborn will become muddy.

Accompanied by violent convulsions, a large amount of flesh and blood, internal organs and even acid rushed out from the depths of its throat.

The Abyssal Demon was like a bulging skin filled with water, pierced through a hole.

As the contents poured out, it dries out at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The scales that were originally as hard as iron peeled off from the body.

Under the scales, the originally flexible and strong skin was also covered with wrinkles and cracks, like sloughed snake skin.

At the end of the vomiting, only a layer of crumpled dead skin was left, covering this huge spine indiscriminately.

The flesh and blood between the skin and the bones was either eaten up by the King of No Stomach, or vomited out by the Abyss Demon Worm.

When the warriors of the Liger race heard the earth-shattering vomiting and realized that the victory was already divided, and hurried to the center of the battlefield, the Abyssal Demon had died.

In the center of the vomit, they found a full-fledged, blood-stained, unhuman-shaped stomachless king.

The King of No Stomach can no longer see, hear or touch anything.

Between his chest and abdomen, under the skin thin as a cicada's wings, his intestines and stomach can still be seen, like a ruthless pulverizer, running rumblingly.

The King of No Stomach lost his eyeballs and filled his blood-filled eye sockets, bursting with a greedy light, piercing the direction of the top of the holy mountain.

As if looking at the ancestral spirits set for the warriors, the feast that will never end.

He lost all his skin, was covered with fascia and tendons, and his face looked extremely hideous, with a satisfied smile.

After a light hiccup, the King of No Stomach uttered the last words that stunned all the Liger warriors present.

"Eighty full."

This is the story of the No-Stomach King and the Abyssal Demon.

It is also the story of Turanze’s most exciting game in the history of the Big Stomach.

Since the death of the stomachless king, although the Turan warriors occasionally used their appetite for a showdown.

But few tribes and towns are still holding a serious eight-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundest-hundred-hundred-hundest-hundred-hundred-hundest-seven-hundred-hundred-year-old.

All Turan orcs have unanimously recognized that the stomachless king and the abyss monster have created unprecedented miracles.

After their one-and-a-half month long and earth-shattering contest, any form and level of the Big Stomach King game has become a game for children to play.

Except for "fist" and "death triangle".

Outside of "Stomachless King" and "Abyss Demon Insect".

Every giant skeletal fossil displayed in this "fossil museum" has a thrilling and heart-stirring story, which will lead to a hero who has been famous in history.

The story of the origin of these fossils and the epic heroes of the Wolf King is like a treasure.

He took Meng Chao around for a long time among the huge fossil bones, eloquent and eloquent.

In the end, Yi still sums up: "The monster war that took place five or six thousand years ago is the golden age of heroes!

"At that time, the warriors of the five major clans worked together, screamed at the same enemy, and rushed to the overwhelming tide of beasts, and they would fight to the death with epic behemoths dozens of times larger than their own.

"Victory will leave a name in history and create a miracle that stuns countless latecomers.

"If you lose, you can kill heartily and die happily!

"Unlike today, Turanze’s totem beasts are about to be wiped out by us. We can only kill each other or find trouble in the Holy Light camp-this kind of battle is certainly exciting, but there is still no orcs and monsters. The duel between the two came vigorously and full of legends.

"I swear that if I can really get the inheritance of the holy mountain, I must come back here, absorb the power contained in the bones of the'Triangle of Death' and the'Abyss Demon', and witness the'fist' and the'Stomless King' with my own eyes. Wait for the style of the legendary powerhouse!"


However, Meng Chao extracted a very sensitive key word from the long story of the Wolf King, and his ears suddenly stood up, "What did you just say, monster...war?"

"Yes, monster."

The Wolf King glanced at Meng Chao, and said nonchalantly, "Five or six thousand years ago, totem beasts were scattered in every corner of Turanze. They were numerous and extremely aggressive.

"At that time, the Turan orcs were not like they are today, with so many totem armors, and they did not fully grasp the power hidden in the depths of the totem.

"The territories of the five major clans have not yet expanded to the edge of the Holy Light, or even straight into the hinterland of the Holy Light. The conflict between us and the Holy Light camp is not too intense.

"At that time, the totem beast was our greatest enemy.

"Therefore, the Turan orcs at that time referred to the totem beast as the'monster'. For thousands of years, they competed with the totem beast for living space, and the battle between hunting and anti-hunting, devouring and anti-swallowing was called the'monster war'.

"The Monster War is more cruel than the ‘Glory Battle’ between us and the Holy Light camp.

"Because the two parties participating in the Battle of Glory each have a solid line of defense and a vast hinterland. Except for a few cases of defeats, both sides can get precious respite in their respective hinterlands.

"But the totem beast is intertwined with our canine teeth, and it is possible to attack us anytime and anywhere.

"The thousands of years of monster wars have harvested the lives of countless Turan warriors.

"But it also allowed us to harvest a lot of totem beast flesh and blood, and extract the mysterious substance from the flesh and blood that can cast totem armor.

"And the mysterious lines that naturally grow on the bones of the totem beasts have gradually penetrated the true meaning of the power of the totem.

"It can be said that without monster wars, there would be no Turan civilization today.

"It is the hideous, wicked monsters of the past that tried to destroy everything that shaped the Turan Orcs into what they are today!"

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