The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1330: back to the start

Meng Chao didn't expect that the experience of the Turan civilization would have retreated like Dragon City.

Although he repeatedly told himself that it was just a coincidence-Turanze and the Monster Mountain Range are close at hand. When encountering natural enemies or drastic changes in the environment, a large number of birds and beasts will naturally climb over the mountains and migrate from the Monster Mountain Range to Turanze. The liquid metal-like substances contained and corroded here gradually evolved into totem beasts.

But his heart is still heavy.

As the Wolf King said, totem beasts shaped the Turan people today.

The Monster War that took place in Turanze transformed the Turanese from a high-tech civilization capable of smelting superalloys, building a glorious city, and traveling between the stars and the sea, into a brave, ignorant, and blood-drinking "high-level orcs".

So, what will the monster war that took place in Dragon City look like the Dragon City people after a thousand years?

Meng Chao took a deep breath.

His eyes became sharp and urgent.

"Don't waste time here."

He said solemnly, "With your intuition, how should we go next, and what should we look for?"

"Of course it is to find the burial place of legendary heroes such as'Fist' and'No Stomach King'."

The Wolf King said, "All the bone frames here are funeral objects of the legendary heroes, and the two are not too far apart.

"The place where the legendary hero's bones are buried naturally contains a large number of funerary objects, including weapons he used during his lifetime, secret medicines he often took, fragments of totem armor, and even inherited items with strong will and combat experience.

"Compared with the violent and unmatched, the fierce beast bones that are extremely difficult to control, the heritage items of the legendary heroes are more likely to be digested by us.

"More importantly, in the Tulan burial custom, the victims who are eligible to be buried in the depths of the holy mountain temple will participate in the feast set by the ancestors after death. The stronger the strength of the victims, the greater the achievements they will create. The more brilliant, his corpse is qualified to sit closer to the ancestral spirit.

"In other words, as long as we find the burial place of the'fist' or the'no stomach king', we are only one step away from the legacy of the ancestor spirit."


Meng Chao nodded, but frowned slightly, "However, this space with huge fossil bones on display seems to be much larger than we thought.

"We have moved in the same direction, spiraling forward, going around a full ten times, but still haven't touched or even seen the existence of the wall, in all directions, there is a forest of skeletal bones, and there is no way to find the entrance.

"I think it seems a little weird.

"It stands to reason that the Holy Mountain Temple itself should be the'big fireball that fell from the sky, burning from the sky' recorded in the Holy Mountain Temple. Inside it, there should not be such a huge whole space, let alone use it. It's a way of squandering to use space."

Speaking of this, Meng Chao suddenly stood still.

Looking at the huge totem beast skull in front of him, he was stared deeply at the black eye sockets on the skull. A thin layer of cold sweat oozes from Meng Chao's forehead, and his heart suddenly moaned.

The Wolf King also took a breath of air beside him, and muttered inconceivably: "This is impossible!"

What was presented to the two of them was the huge skull they found when they first stepped into the "Fossil Museum".

The three big horns rising up into the sky are surrounded by complex and mysterious lines.

Deep in the hollow eye sockets that have lost their eyes, it seems that the flames of war originated from thousands of years ago are still burning.

Obviously, he has been dead for a long, long time, but when he put his ears close to the skull, he can still hear unwilling, angry and bloodthirsty roars from the depths of the skull.

All the characteristics show that it is a unique and all-encompassing "triangle of death"!

And beside the triangle of death, the huge spine of the Abyss Demon Worm, which is like a regional train, hibernates in the same quiet, winding all the way to the depths of darkness, without the appearance of brutality, hunger, and devouring everything before birth. .

The two went around ten times and returned to the starting point.

But this is impossible.

Because they are exploring outward in a clockwise spiral, each time they walk around, the radius expands by three to five meters. In this way, they ensure that their footprints can evenly cover every corner of this space without missing any clues.

After walking down ten laps, their exploration range reached at least a hundred meters away, and it would never be possible to return to the original place.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King looked at each other.

In the faintly reverberating roar of the fierce beast, in the bone forest with fierce flames lingering in countless pairs of black eye sockets, both of them felt the biting chill from the depths of their hearts.

"Don't go round, go straight!"

The two said in unison.

They use the center axis between the two eye sockets of the death triangle.

Walk straight ahead.

Every three or five steps, he stopped to observe the huge skeletal fossils around him, and corrected his path to ensure the absolute accuracy and stability of the trajectory.

Even if there are huge fossil bones in front of them, they will never make a detour, but go straight through the gaps in the bones, or climb over the huge fossil bones.

However, even if they went forward without looking back, after walking about a few hundred steps, they still returned to the original point and saw the skull of the death triangle.

What is even more bizarre is that they set out from in front of the eye sockets of the triangle of death just now.

Now, he was still staring deeply at those black eye sockets.

Instead of seeing the back of the death triangle.

In other words, they are not making a big circle.

Instead, go back the same way.

Meng Chao and the Wolf King grind their teeth at the same time.

Both are aware of the seriousness of the problem.

For ordinary people, there may still be the possibility of being disturbed by the topography and even the deflection of the magnetic field, and getting lost in the bone forest.

But the two's ability to recognize direction, spatial mapping, and muscle control are all outstanding in their respective ethnic groups.

If they have the intention to run in a straight line in a certain direction, even if the speed reaches the limit, the distance between them and the predetermined trajectory will not exceed half a degree.

How could it be possible to make a low-level mistake of "returning the same way" within a square inch?

Next, the two tried to advance along the spine of the Abyss Demon Worm.

But no matter how long the spine of the Abyssal Demon Worm can grow, there is a limit.

When the vertebrae finally came to an end, they lost their direction and walked a few steps forward. Soon, they saw the head of the "hell train" again.

They also tried to operate the magnetic levitation force, breaking through the air, at least seeing the appearance of the dome clearly.

However, when they slowly floated to a height of 20 to 30 meters, they suddenly felt the sky spinning, top-heavy, like two ants trapped in a hot pot, but the hot pot was turned upside down.

They rose from levitation to slowly descend, and then landed between the death triangle and the fossil bones of the abyssal monster.

The corridor that led them to this "fossil museum" has disappeared.

No matter how many bone meal the two sprinkle, how many colorful fireworks are lit in mid-air, and how much area is illuminated.

Their gaze penetrated through the strangely shaped giant bone fossils, and what they saw was still slowly creeping darkness.

The bone meal picked up from the bone pyramid quickly ran out.

There is not much lighting left on the two of them, and they must be used at more critical moments.

"It seems that we have fallen into a very special space maze."

Meng Chao rushed from left to right and still had nothing to do.

He simply sat down at the origin, holding his head in his hands, thinking quietly between the darkness and the gloom.

In the depths of the Sacred Mountain Temple, there are all kinds of treacherous traps and deadly trials, which are all expected.

The success of Kanus, the "Jackal" in his previous life, successfully passed the test and obtained the inheritance of the holy mountain, indicating that this spatial maze is by no means unsolvable.

In the final analysis, it is just the "ghost hitting the wall" phenomenon that often occurs in the ancient relics of Dragon City. At most, the scale is larger and the structure is more complicated.

Faced with the phenomenon of "ghost hitting the wall", the most taboo is to panic and spin around like a headless fly, depleting precious physical energy.

Laws, any spatial maze has laws.

If it were a completely disordered spatial vortex, it would have absorbed all the surrounding material and tore it to pieces, instead of standing here steadily like these huge fossil bones.

The purpose of the ancient Turan people in building this "fossil museum" was obviously not to trap all latecomers to death, but to conduct a special test on latecomers.

As long as it is a test.

There must be a standard answer.

Meng Chao closed his eyes, recalled everything he had just seen, and began to construct a model of the entire spatial maze in his mind.

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