The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1331: The direction the bones lead

"There are a total of 347 fossil bones of various sizes and shapes.

"There are no visible passages between the fossils, nor can any arrangement or distribution rules be seen-neither according to the size and completeness of the bones, nor according to the type and age of totem beasts, or even facing the same direction. , Or the same center.

"There are a lot of scratches on the ground that look like the claws of a fierce beast.

"But these traces are also criss-crossed, in a mess, with different shades, and no effective information can be extracted.

"Could it be something like the'Morse Code' that extracts a series of numbers based on the number of bones or the depth of the scratches, and then uses a special algorithm to translate these numbers into words?

"No, no, don't make the answer too complicated.

"You know, this ‘puzzle’ is reserved for the Turan orcs with well-developed limbs and simple minds.

"When the ancient Turan people built this ‘fossil museum’, they probably did not have much expectations for the IQ of future generations.

"So, the answer must be very simple, and the clues must be very intuitive, so intuitive to the extent that you don't need to master the four arithmetic operations and the nine-nine multiplication table at a glance!"

Meng Chao concentrated once again, carefully recalling the posture of each fossil bone in his mind, and the common ground between them, trying to find the information that he had ignored.

Soon, he discovered something very strange.

Judging from the spatial model he constructed in his mind, there are hardly any two adjacent fossil bones placed face to face.

There are almost no two adjacent fossil bones, facing the same direction.

If you take the "death triangle" as the starting point, imagine that in its dark eye sockets, a gleaming line of sight blooms and turns into a flaming arrow.

Then, this arrow happened to be inserted into the body of the "Abyss Demon Insect".

Then walk forward along the spine of the Abyss Demon Worm, imagining its head still growing on the front end of the spine.

Then, the line of sight of the Abyssal Demon Worm should just be gazing at the third fossil bone.

The third skeletal fossil stared at the fourth skeletal fossil.

By analogy, the fifth, sixth, seventh...almost all the bones and fossils are connected together by their nonexistent sight.

"Is it so?

"The sight of the skeletal fossils is the direction that the ancient Turan people directed!"

Meng Chao told this guess to the Wolf King.

The Wolf King also felt that this was indeed like the style of the ancestral spirits.

The two immediately set off from the triangle of death, passing through the abyssal insects, and found the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh...the ninety-ninth skeletal fossil.

The two faintly felt that they had already embarked on the right path.

Because whether it was expanding the scope of exploration in circles, or moving straight ahead in one direction, or floating in mid-air, they would always return to the origin if they couldn't take a few hundred steps.

And this time they have taken thousands of steps.

"It seems that we are about to succeed!"

Meng Chao and Wolf King breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

However, after crossing the hundredth fossil bones, they once again saw the looming outline of the death triangle in the black fog rolling forward.


Meng Chao was speechless.

"No reason!"

He was puzzled, "With my wisdom, I can't see through the mystery of this spatial maze!

"How can the Turan orcs who came here in the past, who might not even write their own names, find the right path among these chaotic and irregular fossil bones?"

This unintentional remark made the wolf king fall into deep thought.

After a while, the wolf king's eyes gleamed, and it suddenly dawned on him.

"I see, Reaper, your idea is roughly correct, but you have overlooked some details."

The Wolf King excitedly said, "Not the head!"

"Not the head?"

Meng Chao was surprised, "What do you mean?"

"These skeletal fossils are indeed the beacons left by the ancient Turan people to the latecomers, but we should not go in the direction guided by their heads."

The Wolf King pointed to the spine of the Abyss Demon Insect, and said with certainty, "Look, when we first stepped into this skeletal jungle, what we saw was the death triangle and the fossils of the Abyss Demon Insect.

"One of the two fossils has only a huge head, while the other has only vertebrae and no heads.

"This is a very obvious hint. The ancient Turan people told us that the clues they left have nothing to do with whether the beast has a head or not.

"Just now we have passed hundreds of fossil bones, at least seven of which are missing skulls, or facial bones are fragmented, and the damage is very serious.

"We can't tell the direction of its sight at all, we can only guess randomly, hit and hit by mistake.

"How can it be possible to find the right path?"

Meng Chao was slightly startled.

I have to admit that the observation power of the wolf king is more keen than his own.

He also found several bone fossils with broken or partially missing skulls just now.

I thought it was because the ancient Turan people were careless and indifferent, or as the long years passed, many bones and fossils were eroded by time.

Thinking about it carefully, I was indeed too impatient and self-righteous.

"If it's not the direction of the head or the line of sight, where are these bone fossils leading us?"

Meng Chao humbly asked the wolf king for advice.

The "Jackal" Kanus in the previous life should have solved this mystery.

"Go in the direction that the most powerful weapon on its body is leading!"

The Wolf King had a firm gaze, and the winning ticket was in his grasp. "During the exploration just now, I discovered a very interesting thing-many of the bones and fossils displayed here, the skulls are fragmented or even missing.

"But almost all fossil bones, the hardest, sharpest, most brutal, and most creepy weapons, are intact.

"Think about it, it's normal.

"When the ancient warriors fought fiercely with the beast, they would often target the head of the beast and go all out to output the most tyrannical power.

"As long as the head of the fierce beast is bombarded into a puddle of mud, the fierce beast will naturally die so hard that it can no longer die.

"However, the most deadly weapon on the beast is its life essence. It has the strength comparable to totem armor and is definitely not so easy to damage.

"If I were an ancient Turan and wanted to leave some'Road Signs', I would choose lethal weapons instead of simple heads.

"Look, the deadliest weapon in the death triangle is the three big horns on the forehead that can tear space.

"Its deadly weapon and eye sockets are staring in the same direction, which caused our misjudgment just now.

"But its three big horns are facing the Abyssal Demon Insect. The deadliest weapon on its body is not the blood pelvic mouth located in front of the spine. Instead, it is the end of the spine, the huge osteoma located in the tail.

"It is said that when the Abyssal Demon Worm is still alive, its tail is not only as hard as iron as a meteor hammer magnified by a hundred times, and it swings with a thunderous aura. It can also use ultra-high frequency shocks to crush everything it wants to swallow. .

"This tail is mainly used to smash the rocks and help the abyssal worms to slowly swallow the entire mountain, and absorb the high-energy nutrients contained in the rocks and soil.

"But when encountering a Turan warrior with a helmet and a brace, this beast never minded. Using the violent twitching of his muscles, it swept its high-frequency oscillating tail like a violent hurricane. The army swept into its mouth.

"Because the King of No Stomach didn't want to collide with the monster tail of the Abyss Demon Insect head-on, he jumped into its mouth at the moment of the battle!

"If this is the right way of thinking, then we just went the wrong way-instead of going up the spine of the Abyss Demon Worm, we should go down and look for its deformed and swollen tailbone!"

The two regrouped and set off again.

Follow the spine of the Abyssal Demon Worm, all the way to its tail.

Soon, it was discovered that it had a tail covered with bone tumors and bone spurs like a meteor hammer. It was impartial and pointed to another fossil of the beast's bones that looked like a snake circling.

If according to Meng Chao's theory just now, they should explore towards the right front corresponding to the giant python's skull.

The Wolf King stopped him with piercing eyes.

"This is not a giant python!"

"Jackal," Kanus said categorically.

"Brain fluke", although its bone shape is very similar to that of a giant python, when it was still alive, it was covered with hideous flesh and carapace, but it looked like a giant centipede magnified hundreds of times. It was a combination of reptiles and arthropods. body.

And the thing that looks like a skull growing at the tip of the spine is not the real head, but the decoy it deliberately revealed.

If someone or other totem beasts mistake the brain fluke for a giant python, they try to bite off its head or bite its seven inches.

Its deadly weapon, roughly located between the ninth and tenth vertebrae, can launch the most fierce attack on the prey that is close at hand.

The deadly weapon of brain flukes is a string of exquisitely structured hollow cartilage interlocking.

Usually these hollow cartilage are folded and compressed in what looks like a "seven inches" part.

Once the other totem beasts opened their mouths and bite its "seven inches".

The hollow cartilage located between the "seven-inch" folds can be shot out like a spring compressed to the extreme, forming a length of several meters or even tens of meters. The "sipper" that can rotate flexibly is like the tongue of an anteater.

The tongue of an anteater can penetrate deep into the intricate ant dens, licking all the ants clean.

The straw of the brain fluke can pierce the enemy's throat and walk along the aorta, trachea, or digestive tract in the enemy's cranial, thoracic, and abdominal cavities, instantly sucking out the enemy's brain or internal organs.

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