The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1348: In a human way

The little fetus with a powerful aura, just as it took shape, it was a little ghost dancing and dancing.

As if I can't wait, I want to rush to a whole new world.

His arms and feet are getting stronger and stronger.

Blood vessels and nerves are becoming more and more complicated.

The internal organs are also in accordance with the brand-new structure, just like the best craftsman's life-saving, hand-crafted watch parts, in an almost artistic way, the heavenly clothes are seamlessly inlaid in the chest and abdomen.

Not to mention his brain.

Although the brain volume has not changed much compared with the past.

The folds on the cerebral cortex are ten times more numerous, making the crisscrossing brain grooves more tortuous and deep.

When hundreds of millions of brain cells trembled at the same time and set off a brainstorm, it was as if countless bolts of lightning were dancing in the deep valley of silver snakes, colliding endless electric sparks.

This incredible scene made Meng Chao couldn't help but sing loudly.

He is advancing on the evolutionary journey, rushing to the realm of the legend, comparable to the gods and demons.

But, just when he was about to launch a charge.

In the depths of the ball of light, a thousand threads of impurities suddenly appeared.

The shining fetus, inhaling these impurities, suddenly trembled violently.

A series of voices lingered in Meng Chao's ears, telling him with alluring voices that human beings are far from the most powerful carbon-based life forms in this universe.

If you want to pursue power beyond the limit, there is no need to maintain human identity and form.

A strong existence like him who hopes to surpass the pinnacle of evolution shouldn't be tied to the human body of the earth at all. As long as he takes a little step forward, he can become...the most perfect carbon-based life.

A pair of images also continuously appeared in front of Meng Chao's eyes, constantly flickering.

All the monsters he had seen before.

Whether it is a doomsday beast with extreme physical fitness and the ability to destroy the world.

It is still a "monster and god" whose wisdom is superior to ordinary humans and has developed a "monster civilization" that is very different from humans in just a few decades.

And he was in the depths of the No. 2 Primordial Relic in the hidden area of ​​mist, through the monster mastermind, read the image of the Primordial War, covering the entire land, and tried to pierce and swallow the "mother" of the sky.

Even after I came to Turanze, I came into contact with Totem Beasts and Origin Warriors.

They all represent another evolutionary path.

Perhaps it is stronger, more correct, and more likely to lead to victory, or at least the evolutionary path to survival.

"Humans have limits after all.

"Since you have surpassed the limit, why don't you... make your steps bigger?"

In a daze, Meng Chao heard a familiar voice and smiled to him.

That is his own voice.

The one who made the sound was half human and half beast, like the "Meng Chao" like the "Scorpion King".

Meng Chao was shocked.

The illusion of half man and half scorpion disappeared.

But the fetus formed by psychic energy has gone astray.

Humans and other animals in a fetal state—whether they are mammals such as pigs, dogs, cattle, and sheep, or lower animals such as lizards and fish, are not much different.

As long as a wrong instruction is implanted at the source of cell division, it is easy to induce the result of "a little miss, a thousand miles away".

Meng Chao seemed to see that the fetus formed by the condensed spirit had a hideous and painful expression on the face that was originally full of joy and hope.

The limbs that were not fully developed were deformed and swelled into four shimmering blade limbs, like a combination of beast minions and death sickle.

The skin that was originally crystal clear and breakable by blows was also covered by layers of ugly scales and cuticles.

From the seams between the scales and the cuticle, thorns like steel needles protruded.

It should have been gradually retracted into the body as the fetus develops, and the degenerated tail vertebrae are getting longer and longer. A large number of osteomas, bone plates and bone spurs have emerged from around the tail vertebrae, giving rise to a thick and long tail. , Armed has become a peerless weapon that is more flexible than a mace, more ferocious than a meteor hammer, and several times larger than the attack range of a warhammer and battle axe.


Meng Chao also saw that behind the fetus condensed by psychic energy, a pair of cool "broken wings" grew out of huge wings.

It has not covered the skin and feathers, but only a criss-crossed skeleton, which looks more hideous than the legendary heroes of the Thunder clan, and it is almost like the wings of a devil!

And under the cover of the devil's wings, Meng Chao even faintly noticed that countless tentacles were constantly burrowing from the back of the fetus, like weeds burned by wildfires and watered by rainstorms, growing almost frantically!

"How powerful, how perfect, how beautiful!"

Meng Chao heard a voice in his heart say this.

Perhaps it is because the negatives are positive. When countless ugly, ugly, and ferocious features are simply and rudely superimposed together, the final king of monsters is full of a kind that cannot be described with pen and ink, which is exciting. Can't help but worship the oppression and attraction.

Even Meng Chao had to admit that if it was just for conquering, killing, destroying and destroying, this form is indeed much more "perfect" than the form of a human being on earth.


He faintly felt that the fetus in the form of a monster was very familiar.

It seems that I have just seen it not long ago.

I remembered!

It is the relief that is inlaid on the gate of the Holy Mountain Temple and serves as the first trial level!

It is the monster on the relief that has been worshipped as a **** by countless ancient Turan people and has the characteristics of countless fierce beasts!

Perhaps it was exactly what the nine-ring magician of the Holy Light camp described in the warning left at the expense of his life... "The Devil of Terror"!

Meng Chao was awakened instantly.

Realizing that what he encountered at this moment was exactly what the "Jackal" Kanus had encountered in his previous life.

In a sense, Kanus, who had evolved from a "Jackal" to a "Doomsday Demon Wolf" in his previous life, has indeed become a "Terror Demon King", setting off a terrifying storm in the entire alien world.

But for a while, the extremely tyrannical and once incomparable "Terror Demon King" failed in the end.

The **** storm he set off with one hand not only failed to swallow the land of the Holy Light, but also poured back, flooding Turanze and Dragon City.

If Meng Chao in this life also let the monster in his heart grow barbarously and deformed under the nourishment of infinite psychic energy, until he becomes a new generation of "Terror Demon King" like "Jackal" Kanus.

Will the ending of Dragon City and Turanze be different from the previous life?

"No, no, no, killing and destruction alone cannot solve the problem of Dragon City.

"This time, we shouldn't be reduced to a'different natural disaster' that only knows to conquer and destroy, let alone transform from noble and proud earthlings into deformed monsters that are even uglier than the doomsday beasts!

"I do long for an extremely powerful force to reverse the future and smash the doomsday, but I hope that after the doomsday is smashed, the outside world can become a more prosperous, advanced and advanced paradise than the earth, instead of rampaging monsters and monsters. The hell!

"This is not my strength, my path, my tomorrow, my way, this is not me at all!

"I am Meng Chao, from Longcheng, a very proud earthling, and I will always be!"

In an instant, Meng Chao became extremely sober.

Sober enough to see the relatives, friends and compatriots in the Dragon City through the dark void.

I saw my father as a harvester, my mother who re-acquired a medical care license after healed his leg injury, my sister who was studying hard at university, and at the Disabled Star Club, the Temple of War, the Foreign Land Investigation Bureau, the Heritage Research Institute, and Chi Longjun and the citizens who work hard, study and live in large and small enterprises.

Everyone is doing their best to fight for themselves, family, Dragon City, and even the future of earth civilization.

Meng Chao vowed that he would return to Dragon City with a stronger posture and continue to fight side by side with everyone.

Not only to smash the end, but also to create an incomparably beautiful tomorrow.

Of course, in the way of the earthlings.

This realization turned into an extremely bright lightning storm.

It surged from the depths of his soul.

Hundreds of thousands of lightning bolts are like hundreds of thousands of swords that smash the rottenness and shatter the gene chain that reveals the characteristics of monsters.

The sickle-like blade limbs of the **** of death, the strange tail covered with bone spurs, the bone wings like the devil's wings...all peeled off and disappeared.

Meng Chao discovered that his soul had changed back to the crystal clear, flawless fetus.

As the fetus grows rapidly without any interference, it grows into a naive baby, opens its clear eyes, and emits a powerful, hopeful cry.

Meng Chao's soul trembled suddenly, and slowly awakened from the depths of his newly renewed body.

"This is…"

Meng Chao found that he was quietly floating in the air with a fetus curled up in the mother's body.

The difference from the past is that he did not activate the magnetic levitation force to deliberately oppose gravity.

The magnetic field of his life and the planetary magnetic field of the planet under his feet produced mysterious and mysterious reactions.

The planet's magnetic field is like vast and generous sea water, sometimes holding him up high, and sometimes wrapping him tightly, as if he has become a part of this planet.

Meng Chao could hear his own blood, flowing like ebb and flow in thousands of blood vessels.

There are also heart, lung lobes, liver, spleen, intestines and stomach, with rhythmic rhythms.

Even the cells collide with each other, and the sound is crisp and sweet.

All the sounds are perfectly integrated, as if in him, a majestic symphony was played.

You can also directly see the psychic energy and radiation of different natures with the naked eye, just like a colorful river, flowing slowly around your body, and even attracted by your own life’s magnetic field, which penetrates the skin without hindrance, and permeates into the skin. The flesh and blood nourishes the limbs and the eight channels of the odd meridians, to the deepest part of the cell.

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