The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1349: Seven-star spirit infant!

Of course, Meng Chao in the past could also absorb aura.

There is a huge difference between efficiency and now.

If you say, he was like a drowning man in the past, opening his mouth, doing his best to breathe in the water extremely hard.

Now he is like a free fish, able to use fish gills to absorb the oxygen dissolved in the water as he wants.

Moreover, in the past, Meng Chao had to consciously manipulate the inhaled aura, perform intricate calculations, guidance and stimulation, so that the aura can slowly flow between the limbs and the internal organs, forming a mysterious and complicated life magnetic field. Strengthen various organs.

A little carelessness and loss of psychic control may lead to a decrease in the work efficiency of a certain organ, or even abnormal changes, with disastrous consequences.

But now, without him worrying about it at all, the psychic energy is naturally in the body, working harmoniously, orderly, uniformly, vividly and lively, making his life magnetic field more shining and perfect.

Everything is as natural as breathing and heartbeat.

There is no need to consume precious computing power to manipulate it manually.

It was as if the endless psychic energy condensed into a small baby deep in his brain, possessing his own life.

Such an incredible sight reminded Meng Chao of the two signs that Lei Zongchao, the "War God", once told him to step into the "Divine Realm".

The first is "like a fish in water".

After stepping into the divine realm, the transcendent will feel that he and the life magnetic field of the entire alien world are perfectly integrated into a harmonious and orderly whole.

From then on, activities between heaven and earth full of aura, whether practicing, building or fighting, are as natural and enjoyable as fish swimming in the water.

The second is "automatic cultivation."

The biggest difference between the power of the gods and the peak of the heavens is not how much the destructive power of the instant output has been increased—on the issue of measuring strengths, the paper parameters are always for reference only.

The greatest advantage of strong gods is that their magnetic field of life, like the new universe, can recycle and regenerate itself, and can actively interact with the outside world in energy and information.

Without consuming too many brain cells, the psychic energies incorporated into the body can be rationally distributed to every organ, and even every string of genes in the depths of every cell.

It's like a little baby, formed by the condensing of endless psychic energy, who helped the owner to open an "automatic practice hanger". Even when eating, drinking, chatting, sleeping, or even going to the toilet to fish, they are practicing the most efficient practice. .

Therefore, the psionic experts of Dragon City all call the state of entering the divine realm as the "spiritual infant realm"!


"For four full years, I finally climbed from a little'Residual Star Supernatural' to the'Seven-Star Spiritual Infant Realm' step by step, and became the legendary'Powerful Man in the Divine Realm'!"

At this moment, Meng Chao's heart was surging.

He also remembered that he hadn't awakened his extraordinary powers, and before he set foot on the "One-Star Spirit Run Realm", he had looked up at the extraordinary tower standing in the center of Dragon City countless times as a middle school student or even a primary school student.

The extraordinary tower that pierces the sky and penetrates the sun has always been the place where all the people of Longcheng are eager for miracles.

And the Transcendent Pana is hidden in the clouds, and it is said that only the peerless strong are qualified to enter the upper third of the area, which is a symbol of the "Divine Realm".

Meng Chao had imagined countless times what it would be like to stand on the top of an extraordinary tower, looking up at the stars and overlooking the earth.

However, in his eyes at that time, what an unattainable realm that was.

You know, looking at the entire Dragon City, with a population of tens of millions, there are only two-digit gods.

Among them, some of the powerhouses of the gods are like "War God" Lei Zongchao, who have suffered various traumas and restrictions in the arduous battles of the past, and rarely show their faces.

It can be said that every powerhouse of the gods is a strategic nuclear weapon of Dragon City.

Every time they appear, even if they go to the streets to buy food, they will cause a sensation like the arrival of the doomsday beast.

"For four full years, I finally condensed a spiritual baby, which became a ‘strategic nuclear weapon’!

"Wait, it seems a bit too much to say'completely' and'finally'.

"You know, in my memory, it seems that Dragon City hasn't seen any extraordinary person yet. It takes less than ten years to complete the journey from the'one-star spiritual pattern realm' to the'seven-star spiritual infant realm'. , Such a long, arduous and dangerous journey, even the former'War God' Lei Zongchao couldn't do it!

"If you are cultivated to the peak of the realm of heaven by those who have been practicing smoothly and smoothly, but have stopped from then on, spent 20 or 30 years of hard training, but still can't see the secrets of the gods, I heard what I said. 'Through' and'Finally'... will definitely be despised by them, right?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter.

"The important thing is that now I finally have the strength to dominate the entire Dragon City and the entire Tulanze, and the confidence to talk and laugh with the top bosses, and to talk to each other in business.

"Even if the evil names in the depths of the alien world are out there, but there are hidden treasures in the Longtan Tiger's Lair, you can go for a break!

"Even if I encounter the doomsday beasts in the Monster Mountain Range, Turanze's battle group-level powerhouse, and the high-level magicians of the Holy Light camp, I will have the confidence to deal with them to the end-regardless of the outcome, as long as I don't have enough Face, if you turn your head and run away, who can stop me?

"By the way, there is Lusiya!"

I thought of Lusiya who was eroded by the fragments of the mother's body and turned into a "jungle banshee" or "monster queen".

Meng Chao's blood began to surging, boiled, and became hot like magma, wishing to spray out like a volcanic eruption.

His battle with Lysia is not over yet.

I really want to teleport back to Dragon City in an instant, and use my extremely hot power to crush this monster queen!


Recalling the process of breaking through the gods, Meng Chao felt lingering in his heart, extremely dangerous.

He could not imagine that if the self just now, indulged in the power of infinite upgrading, could not extricate himself, blindly pursue the enhancement of destructive power and desire to kill, indulge his "spiritual baby", become deformed and distorted, with a hideous face, growing with blades and strangeness. The appearance of the tail and bone wings.

After waking up slowly in the real world, what will become of himself, or is he not the "Meng Chao" he is familiar with?

"No wonder, countless talented and powerful Heaven Realm peak powerhouses are all going so far as to break through the Divine Realm, breaking their halberds and sinking into the sand.

"Even a veteran expert like Luo Wu with outstanding military exploits like the Soul Breaker is afraid of going into trouble. It is clear that the psychic power in his body has already exceeded the threshold, but he has not dared to try to condense the magnetic field of his life. 'Ling Ying', assault the gods!

"If it wasn't for me to reincarnate, possess a soul with double strength, and have seen the hideous and ugly appearance of the'maternal body' in the memory of the ancients, I would be wary.

"Maybe, I'll be tempted, become crazy, and become totally unrecognizable!"

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing.

However, even if his thoughts were turned, he basically sorted out everything that happened a moment ago.

The whole thing is still doubtful.

If you say, in the process of his assault on the gods, those sounds that bewitched from the depths of his soul, trying to tempt him into a monster.

They are all his distracting thoughts, demons, and beast-like desires, and even those zombies, monsters, monsters and gods that have fought fiercely with him, and even the "Terror Demon King" who is dormant in the depths of the Holy Mountain Temple. Through the interaction of brain waves, The "spiritual virus" implanted in the depths of his brain.

So, what were the billions of shining, crystal clear **** of light that he first saw in the dark void?

"War God" Lei Zongchao once explained to Meng Chao that in the process of assaulting the gods, he might encounter all kinds of dangers.

Among them are the massive psychic energies that stimulate the brain, which instantly exceeds the carrying limit of brain cells, and humans’ cognitive abilities and logical thinking are completely confused.

However, the desires of wild beasts that belonged to biological instincts swelled to the extreme, becoming humanoid beasts that were no longer bound by any legal morality and human bottom line.

However, "War God" Lei Zongchao never told Meng Chao that in the process of assaulting the gods, people will see thousands of "self" with intertwined fate.

Meng Chao didn't think Lei Zongchao was hiding anything from him.

When he was in his peak state of invincible hands all over the world, he could become the supreme ruler of Dragon City by taking a half step forward, but for the sake of the unity, stability and long-term development of Dragon City, he resolutely resigned all positions and authority. Even the selfless predecessors who contributed all of their wealth and martial arts.

In the twilight years of his life, when he is about to bid farewell to the homeland he has guarded for the first time.

Is it necessary to hide one hand?

If "War God" Lei Zongchao really couldn't believe in Meng Chao, he would not overdraw his little life force, help Meng Chao get through the dragon veins, and infuse the domineering "Nine Dragon God Seal" into Meng Chao's body abruptly.

Besides, in addition to "War God" Lei Zongchao, Meng Chao also used his combat exploits to exchange a lot of training notes from the Divine Realm Powerhouse from the Investigation Bureau of the Alien Beast.

Including the underground life science forums on the dark web, among those civilian scientists who had burst into the brain, Meng Chao has never found a single word that can explain, even if it can describe the strange things he encountered.

"These **** of light are obviously not my distractions or demons.

"It can't be a demon god, totem beast, magician, or other mysterious existence, implanted in the depths of my brain.

"Because it is impossible for myself, the demon god, the wizard or the magician, to have such a rich imagination. It is so outrageous to fabricate the'earth people who are known as alien natural disasters and board the highest altar of the Holy Light Temple.' The plot.

"By the way, the scene where I became the'Scorpion King' is very likely to be a nightmare. If I was inattentive just now, I couldn't hold it, and the indulgence of my soul baby became a monster, in reality. I might have become the'Scorpion King'!

"In this way, the hundreds of millions of crystal clear, shining **** of light contain a certain destiny. More precisely, it is... the possibility of destiny?"

Meng Chao was thinking hard.

A loud howl of a wolf shattered his contemplation.

It was like another volcano erupting very close at hand. The magma was like a frenzy of tens of thousands of hungry wolves, rolling in overwhelmingly.

"By the way, Wolf King!"

Meng Chao's pupils suddenly shrank, "This guy has also broken through himself and surpassed his limit!"

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