The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1350: Freshly baked doomsday magic wolf

The liquid fuel tank where the two of them were just now was shattered to pieces by the shock wave of the psychic explosion.

The huge psionic powers contained in the exquisite secret medicine were all absorbed by the two.

The remaining liquid first became as clear and transparent as pure water, and then was shaken by the ultra-high frequency of the cells of the two, reborn, and the heat released by the rebirth from the fire evaporates instantly and turns into a white air mass above their heads. Gathering, ups and downs, like a sea of ​​clouds churning.

When the "cloud sea" disappears, you can clearly see that the space they are in is like the power area of ​​the ancient Turan spacecraft.

It is not criss-crossed, winding pipes spiraling like a maze.

It is intricate, as large as a mountain, and as delicate as a clock.

Between the pipes and the machinery, "Jackal" Kanus, like Meng Chao, was suspended in mid-air, slowly waking up from a fetal-like curled up posture.

His appearance does not seem to have changed much from the past.

The whole person's temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes.

From the distribution of the facial features, to the proportions of the limbs, to the length of every muscle fiber that evenly covers the whole body, every detail of the wolf king's body has been fine-tuned or even reset to perfectly meet the golden ratio.

The rippling between the skin and the hair is more agile than metal, more shining than diamonds, and it is something that would never appear on the "corpse dog" of the past.

When he squinted his eyes slightly and looked around with a smile, Meng Chao had a vague idea.

Everything in the world is like fish on a cutting board.

The gaze of the wolf king turned into two table knives.

He can slow down, finely divide and concoct the whole world.

If the wolf king in the past was still a sharp blade sealed in the scabbard, he could also smear the scabbard with rust and silt to hide his sharp edge and make others think that he was just a piece of scrap copper and rotten iron.

Now, this sharp blade is sharp enough to tear the scabbard, and even no scabbard in this world can carry it.

Meng Chao dared to bet that whether the Lion King "Horn of Destruction" or the Tiger King "Blade of Fury", seeing the Wolf King at this moment, he would definitely feel a deep chill in his heart, treating him as the most dangerous opponent, and would never dare to be big. Lilie treats him as a harmless puppet.

The Wolf King looked at his new self and was very satisfied.

He stretched out his hands, clenched his fists, and watched the totems like burning thorns floating from the depths of his flesh and blood, showing the most gorgeous lines on his skin, he couldn't help grinning.

Immediately afterwards, the wolf king let out a howl that penetrated the whole body.

The whole person instantly turned into a burning black shadow.

The black shadow trembled at ultra-high frequency, as if in the teeth and dancing claws, three heads and six arms grew, and even dozens of independent figures were split into each other.

This is of course not that the wolf king really grew extra head and arms.

It's not that he can divide like a cell.

It's that he is in mid-air, without pedaling any solid material to borrow force, just by the attraction, repulsion and friction of the life's magnetic field and the planet's magnetic field, the speed can be soared to the limit, almost simultaneously flashing to the number of square inches. Ten coordinates, dragged out dozens of real afterimages.

And the afterimages of these wolf kings actually seem to have independent wills, attacking each other in a decent way, and compete with each other.

The fists of different afterimages came and fisted, and the texture of the punches was fleshy, and the sound of wind and thunder could be faintly heard.

In this way, the practice method of "beating yourself" really surprised Meng Chao.

"Listen to Lei Zongchao, the'War God', that after breaking through the gods, computing power and motor functions are greatly improved. The strong can open up battlefields and practice spaces in their brains anytime and anywhere. With their imagination, they can simulate a game. The match was wonderful, thrilling, and perfectly simulated reality.

"Such a virtual practice based on imagination can still improve the combat effectiveness of the strong in the gods, and the effect may be better than the **** fight of the low-level transcendents.

"It's like a superpower in the earth age. After signing the Nuclear Test Ban and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, it turned to supercomputers to simulate nuclear tests, although it was creating earth-shattering nuclear weapons in a virtual world. The explosion, the huge data collected, can also be used in reality to improve real nuclear technology.

"And the'self showdown' that the Wolf King is going through seems to go further than the'virtual practice' mentioned by the'War God' Lei Zongchao!

"From the point of view of the psychic ripples released by this guy, he, like me, has completed the most thrilling leap in the evolution of life, stepped into what the Dragon City people called the'divine realm', and became Turan. What people call the'combat-level powerhouse'!

"Such a powerful pressure, such a fierce killing intent, such a violent aura, such a wolf king, is the ‘doomsday magic wolf’ that swept across other worlds in the memory fragments of my previous life!

"Of course, the evolution of this guy is a matter of course. After all, in his previous life, he had completed the transformation from'corpse dog' to'doomsday magic wolf' without any risk.

"Maybe, I was kicked in this life and robbed half of his adventures. Is he not as tyrannical and crazy in his previous life?"

For the strengthening and upgrading of the Wolf King, Meng Chao was mentally prepared.

What he was curious about was whether the wolf king, like him, heard the curious and unpredictable call when he broke through the almost insurmountable wall of evolution from the "war gang level strong" to the "war group level strong". The interference of chaotic information from unknown sources, and even the "Terror Demon" who was covered with tentacles, implanted some kind of "spiritual virus" in the depths of his soul?

If it is said that the soul of carbon-based intelligent life can really be presented in the image of a little baby.

So, what will the "spiritual baby" of the Wolf King look like?

Like Meng Chao, he still retains the true qualities of a human being, at least in a human form.

Or, have blade limbs, spikes, tails, and bone wings grown, and turned into complete monsters?

Meng Chao didn't dare to be careless.

It is not so naive to believe that Kanus, who has changed from a "corpse dog" to a "doomsday magic wolf", will really keep his promise forever and regard him as a mutually beneficial and win-win partner.

Sure enough, when dozens of afterimages surrounding the flames and arcs reunited.

The Wolf King, who tore through all the disguise and released all the domineering, killing intent and ambition, was condescending and gave Meng Chao a light glance.

Meng Chao couldn't tell whether his gaze was a butcher knife, a kitchen knife or a table knife.

And he made no secret of the suffocating feeling of oppression and control in his eyes as the predator was looking at the prey.

This is not to say that the wolf king is ready to try to see and kill Meng Chao, who has lost the value of use.

However, Meng Chao had no doubt that if he hadn't kept up with the upgrade speed of the Wolf King, he would still stay at the peak of the heaven realm, or even fall into disarray, and be seriously injured.

This guy would not hesitate to tear up the fairly equal agreement between the two, re-sign an extremely harsh unequal treaty, and even turn himself into his subordinates, slaves and puppets, and emptied his brain by the way, Squeeze out all the information about Dragon City.

Strength determines relationship and status.

This is the universal truth.

Of course, just as Meng Chao felt the rebirth of the Wolf King instantly.

After the Wolf King looked up a little, he discovered Meng Chao's hurricane advance.

His smile suddenly became more sincere and brilliant.

From the smile of a predator looking at the prey, it turned into a predator, looking at the other predator, the kind of "comrades in the same way" smile.

He also took the initiative to lower the height of the suspension, and was on the same level as Meng Chao.

"Look, I said long ago that I am a being favored by God, no matter how dangerous and difficult choices you face, you just need to trust me!"

The Wolf King laughed, "It seems that we have successfully passed the trial of this level and have been rewarded by the ancestor spirit-in our current state, even if the'Horn of Destruction' and the'Blade of Fury' come together, we You don't need to be in a hurry like before, do you squirm around?"

Meng Chao was noncommittal.

He was secretly observing the performance of the Wolf King.

Fortunately, this guy's eyes are clear, and his speech is well-organized. It seems that his logical thinking ability has not been damaged.

Although his temperament is a bit arrogant, he does have arrogant capital, and he does not show signs of losing control of his psychic powers and becoming crazy.

Moreover, Meng Chao felt that the adventure of the Wolf King should be different from his own.

Even his soul was immersed in the dark void under the impact of the psychic frenzy, reconstructing the entire life system.

He also absolutely did not see "billions of crystal clear, shining **** of light, each of which is sealed with a different destiny, presenting a different Kanus"-such a weird scene.

If the Wolf King really experienced everything Meng Chao experienced.

He had just regained consciousness, his face would definitely flash with intense confusion and confusion.

Looking at Meng Chao, there will certainly be unconcealed curiosity in his eyes, and I can’t wait to get the answer from Meng Chao.

Ever since the wolf king roared and woke up, Meng Chao has been staring at him firmly, not letting go of every detail from his pupil contraction to the trembling of his hair, but he does not see the slightest confusion, hesitation and curiosity. .

"It seems that the wolf king did not see himself in the dark void, with thousands of fate intertwined.

"The other powerhouses of the God Realm in Dragon City, including Lei Zongchao, the'War God', and the team-level powerhouses of Turanze, have never heard of anyone who has seen similar ones during cultivation and fierce battles. Scenes.

"For the time being, this is my exclusive ability.

"Unfortunately, I don't know how to open this incredible scene again, and take a closer look at the chaotic fate."

Meng Chao's thoughts turn.

Suddenly found a very strange thing.


He quickly looked around and frowned, "Where did the superalloy monster with'bull head, bear body, and eagle wings' go?"

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