The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1351: Match each other

"Over there... a monster?"

A secret smile appeared on the wolf king's face.

His eyes are full of surprises that "you don't know yet".

He stretched out his palm towards Meng Chao, slowly popping out the claws embedded in the flesh and blood, sharper than the Bailian Baodao.

Immediately afterwards, from the palm of the wolf king, a blood-red light burst out.

The blood beam spiraled upwards, along the arms, over the shoulder blades, and spread all the way from the shoulders to the whole body, wrapping the wolf king perfectly at the speed of lightning and stone fire.

When the blood glow gradually spread to the surroundings like the blood flames, Meng Chao was surprised to find that the Wolf King had been equipped with a set of totem armor that was stronger and more gorgeous than before!

This totem armor...

The image is meticulously carved from three to five layers of hollow red crystals, nested in layers.

Needless to say, the surface's Ambilight and crystal clearness.

Between each layer of red crystals as thin as cicada wings, there are also a large number of spiritual patterns like blood vessels and nerves.

It’s like extending the spirit veins of the transcendents to the battle armor, using liquid metal-like substances to perfectly simulate the characteristics of creatures, and for users of violent energy, in addition to the branch veins, main veins, and dragon veins, it adds another A complete set of plug-in psychic cycle system.

Spirit patterns flow slowly, forming an unpredictable totem.

With the blessing of totem power, the wolf king's battle armor has become more vigorous and unstoppable killing intent than in the past.

Along with the **** glow, the inside of the armor is like a magic wolf with thousands of hungry heads sealed.

From time to time, they opened their mouths in the blood basin from the surface of the armor, poking out sharp claws, and letting out a breathtaking wolf howl.

It seems to be able to whizz out at any time, tearing everything obstructing the journey of the Wolf King to pieces, and then chewing it with bones and swallowing it!

"This is…"

Meng Chao's eyes widened, and he looked at the slowly circulating spirit patterns on the Wolf King's battle armor, forming a group of familiar totems.

He found that it was not the original totem of Wolf King's practice.

It's not even the totem of the Golden Clan.

It's the totem that just appeared on "Fist, No Stomach King, Broken Wing".

The totem power of those heroic statues was perfectly transferred to the wolf king, making his arms as sturdy as the founder of the Bloodhoof clan, and his body as resistant as the bear clan’s most powerful warrior in thousands of years, even "With a sound, a pair of demon wings, like the former rulers of the Thunder clan, can tear any prey to pieces in mid-air and turn it into a **** storm, and sprinkle the ground!

Not to mention, the "wolves" that were densely distributed on the surface of the armor have become stronger and sharper, and they tremble slightly with the master's breathing, making their master full of the oppressive force of a peerless beast.

The suffocating pressure made Meng Chao understand instantly.

At this moment, what appeared before his eyes was the real "Six Killing Armor"!

"You, you actually sucked that monster into your body and transformed it into your own totem armor!"

Meng Chao murmured.

The wolf king's smile became stronger and stronger, and also more and more weird.

He stretched out a finger perfectly wrapped in a liquid metal-like substance and shook it gently: "It's not me, but...we!"


The body of the wolf king disappeared instantly.

In the southeast, northwest and even Meng Chao's head and feet, dozens of **** afterglows appeared at the same time.

However, Meng Chao perceives it within 0.01 second, and does not know when to go around his back, the afterimage that rushes towards the back of his head is the real wolf king!


There is no need for massive instantaneous calculations of brain cells.

Nor does it require central nervous system commands.

The billions of nerve clusters on his body released a more dazzling and fierce biological current than a thunderstorm.

Every bundle of Meng Chao's muscle fibers convulsed uncontrollably.

There is something, an incomparably powerful force, gushing out from his 36,000 pores with the momentum of flooding the dam.

That kind of feeling, like a fourteen-year-old, on a night full of artillery fire, he suddenly woke up from an ambiguous dream, and found an unstoppable force, spraying out from the deepest part of his body, like a mysterious The volcano awakens and erupts, but I don’t want to stop the hot magma from washing everything down...

No, it was a hundred times more intense and exciting than that.

That volcanic eruption was limited to a certain part of the body.

At this moment, Meng Chao felt that he had gone from the sky to the toes, from the central nerves to the nerve endings, from the heart to the stomach and intestines, from the hair to the legs...the whole body of flesh and blood, as if it had become a primitive earth just born, geological movement Extremely violent, there are thousands of volcanoes, rising from the depths of the cells at the same time, releasing the most powerful energy!

In the outburst that was so refreshing that it was almost out of control, the flow of time seemed to be slowed by thousands of times, allowing Meng Chao to slowly experience the pleasure that could not be described with pen and ink.

The wolf king, who came swiftly, seemed to be sealed in solidified time.

Meng Chao expanded to the limit of his pores, but bursts of red glow like apocalyptic flames spewed out, quickly covering his whole body, ten times faster than before, and condensed into a set of totem armor that is no less inferior to the wolf king.

"This is…"

Meng Chao was stunned to observe, along with his flesh and blood, the totem armor that was reborn from the ashes.

He remembers his totem armor, which was scarred by the explosion of the "Angel of Force".

He also experienced a contest with the wolf king, a desperate fight with a fusion beast, and a strong disturbance when passing through the magic storm.

After entering the Holy Mountain Temple, he was bombarded by three killing statues.

When he fell through the seven decks and fell into the exquisite secret medicine, the totem armor on his body was already riddled with holes and torn apart.

Large amounts of liquid metal-like substances were either smashed and exploded, lost all activity and turned into icy ashes, or took the initiative to escape and leave him.

Why is the liquid metal-like substance spewing out of one's body now more, more active, and heavier than before?

No, it's not just an increase in quality and volume.

Meng Chao noticed that the surface of his armor, like the "Six Killing Armor" of the Wolf King, showed multiple layers of nested crystals, intricate and unpredictable.

When he raised his extraordinary vision to the limit, using his eyes as a microscope, carefully observing the surface of the armor, he could see that after hardening, the liquid metal substance changed the crystal structure and became as hard as diamond.

And between the joints, underarms, and waist and hips, where a large amount of movement is required, while the outer armor is as strong as diamonds, the inner armor is soft like feathers, sticky like honey, flexible like flowing water, and completely Without obstructing his body joints, he can move freely within the range of three hundred and sixty degrees.

Of course, Meng Chao also observed the surface of his armor, like a vine growing arbitrarily while burning, a complex and gorgeous totem.

The new born totem, like the wolf king, retreats.

The legendary heroes all originated from Turanze, "Fist", "Sweet King" and "Broken Wings".

"So, this is the reward for the trial?

"That superalloy monster of'bull head, bear body, eagle wings' was reduced to the most basic liquid metal-like substance, which was swallowed by me and the wolf king, perfectly repaired and even greatly strengthened our totem armor?"

Meng Chao thought so.

Lightly flashed past the wolf dynasty's attack on the back of his head.

No need to think at all.

There is no need for the brain to give any instructions to the body.

The battle instinct to step into the realm of God, and the greatly enhanced totem armor after the upgrade, it is natural, as easy and ordinary as eating and drinking, perceiving the opponent's attack trajectory, and calculating one's best dodge route, even instantaneously Calculated more than ten ways to fight back fiercely.

No, there is no need to "perceive" and "calculate" at all.

Everything is easier than blinking an eye.

Meng Chao and Wolf King blinked at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, it was replaced by dozens of thrilling offensive and defensive conversions.

The two split into hundreds of afterimages in mid-air.

The afterimage dragged out hundreds of flames.

At the end of the flames, there is an overwhelming wave of air caused by the sonic boom.

It seemed to others that the mighty battle was just a warm-up to be familiar with the new body, armor and power to the two people in the battle.

Both sides felt that they were far from pushing their opponent's limits.

And Meng Chao even has a leisurely sentiment. In addition to the confrontation between the electric light and the fire, he compared the difference between his armor and the Wolf King's Six Battle Armor.

The two totem armors are mainly red and black, and they collide heavily.

It's just that Meng Chao uses the black as the starry sky faintly shining with golden light spots as the main tone, along with the muscle lines, inlaid with red lines like flames.

The Six Killing Armor of the Wolf King is based on red, outlined and embellished with black lines.

If you say, Meng Chao's totem armor is like a condensed from the raging flames of the apocalypse.

On the Wolf King’s Six Slaying Armor, the red glow that is constantly vomiting is more like the surging sea of ​​blood in the deepest part of hell, and the turbulent waves rolled up high.

Under the radiance of the flames of the doomsday and the sea of ​​blood in hell, the rhythm of the offensive and defensive transition between the two is getting faster and faster.

The offensive that slammed into the opponent's chest and abdomen also became more violent and violent.

It was like tens of thousands of train cannonballs, exploding fiercely between their fists and feet.

And the shock wave that was devastating, not only did not bring them the slightest pain, tension or even fear.

Instead, it brought unparalleled pleasure.

In the beginning, the two were just warming up, testing their reborn bodies and brand-new totem armor, which influences, changes, and improvements they had brought to themselves, and they were just adapting to the new realm.

Gradually, they all forgot their original purpose, and devoted themselves to the match between their opponents.

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