The Earth People are so Fierce

: Chapter 1352 Out of Control Edge

The speed is getting faster and faster, and the indiscriminate bombardment that gradually exceeds the capture limit of the retina has set off stormy waves in the two people's minds, causing overlapping illusions to appear in front of them.

In a daze, they seemed to be competing with each other more than just here and now.

Instead, it has traveled thousands of years and even tens of thousands of years ago, with the legendary heroes recorded many times in the epic of the war with Turanze, and the huge beasts like mountains, earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and sky collapse. The ground is sinking, and the thunderbolt is contested.

They are not just "Meng Chao" and "Wolf King."

Instead, it has become a "fist", "a stomachless king" and a "broken wing", and even a hideous and domineering beast, using the most primitive and tyrannical way to vent to conquer everything and destroy. Everything, the desire to swallow together.

Their totem armor was torn apart by the opponent time and time again.

After each tear, the totem armor made a "squeak", a metal neighing of pain or excitement, and then healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, becoming stronger, stronger, and hideous than it was a moment ago.

It's like the muscle fibers that are broken and healed in crazy practice, but thicker.

And from the point of view that the totem armor strongly stimulates the body and releases magma-like adrenaline and enkephalins, like a flood that bursts into the bank, impacting the central nervous system and cerebral cortex of the two people. From this point of view, such a fierce battle is exactly the totem. What the battle armor needs.

Totem armor is like a beast with self-will and hungry.

Blood, battle, conquest and destruction are its nourishment.

The marvelous offensive and defensive transition between Meng Chao and the Wolf King can only temporarily, reluctantly, and slightly fill his insatiable appetite, feeding him larger and stronger, and nurturing a bigger appetite.

Finally, just **** and fisting, it is no longer enough to strengthen the upgraded Totem Armor.


The dozens of afterimages of the wolf king suddenly converged into a ball in mid-air, and then, his arms stretched, his muscles swelled, and a large number of lines that looked like blood vessels and nerves protruded from the surface of the arm armor.

These "blood vessels" and "nerves" intertwined, entangled, and merged with each other, extending all the way to the end of his arm, turning into six claw blades, breaking out of his body.

These six claw blades are not only longer, wider, and sharper than before, like six hundred-finished swords with blown hair and broken hair, protruding from the bones of the wolf king.

It is not clear whether it is metal, crystals, or the dark red surface of bones. There are also a lot of "blood vessels" and "nerves" entangled. You can even see bumps on the surface of the claw blade. The last drum breathed, releasing more and more intense red glow, making the wolf king's whole person immersed in the blood mist of spreading teeth and dancing claws, looking both ferocious and mysterious.

And Meng Chao’s totem armor, after perceiving that the opponent "grows" out of the weapon, did not need the owner's brain to give instructions at all, and automatically ordered the liquid metal-like substance covering the whole body, frantically surged toward his arms, making the armor An instant expansion round, from the arm armor, "growth" a chain around the arm, at the end of the chain, there are two handles that are more mighty, domineering, ferocious, and ferocious than before. The blade is covered with serrations and the back of the knife Then poked out the spiked "Skullcrusher"!

Meng Chao firmly grasped the upgraded "Skullcrusher", and felt that the two chain blades seemed to grow directly from the depths of his skin, flesh and blood, bones and even cells. Between the handle and the palm of the knife, there seemed to be countless growths. Nerve bundles, as thin as hair, transmit astronomical information streams to each other.

This is literally "the unity of man and knife".

Meng Chao could even sense the high-frequency vibration of the tip of the knife, stirring the surrounding air, creating small turbulences.

As long as his mind moves, he can use the high-speed friction of these air turbulences to make the "cranial crusher" who seems to have a weight of a thousand catties, soaring the speed to the limit within the starting distance of a finger.

But this feeling is more than just doing what you want, it's as simple as making a finger.

If I have to describe it, it's a bit like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenager, and his relationship with his body that is soaring up and out of control at any time.

The advantage is that only a little bit of stimulation is needed, or even without any stimulation, Meng Chao's chain blade can be ten times faster than in the past, entering a state of fighting that is as hard as iron, bombarding, and sweeping thousands of troops.

The disadvantage is that Meng Chao faintly felt that he could not control the brand new armor and chain blade.

Just like fifteen or sixteen-year-old teenagers, not only can they not reach the realm of "coming when they are called, leaving when they are called, and freely retractable".

On the contrary, his immature mind is likely to be affected or even controlled by an overly powerful body!

The dazzling blood glow that bloomed on the claw blade of the Wolf King, and the out-of-control feeling of the totem armor being too powerful and excited, finally made Meng Chao sober.

He gritted his teeth, as if dragging a fast-moving train abruptly, he controlled the urge to wield the chain blade and continue to fight the wolf king for three hundred rounds.

Dangerously and dangerously avoiding the claws of the wolf king to tear the air, six scarlet air waves set off, Meng Chao took the opportunity to distance himself from the wolf king, and shouted, "Stop it, that's enough!"


The hearty and hearty offensive of the Wolf King was suddenly interrupted by Meng Chao, feeling very dissatisfied, and as if his murderous intent could not be vented, he waved his paw fiercely and made a harsh sonic boom.

On the surface of his armor, the "vessels" and "nerves" filled with violent psychic energy are also frantically twisted like irritated earthworms, overlapping with the mysterious and complicated totems, both like a hideous grimace. , It was more like there were thousands of hungry wolves about to burst out, condensed into a huge wolf head, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and swallowed Meng Chao in one bite.

Even Meng Chao’s own totem armor screamed of hunger and dissatisfaction, and the "blood vessels" and "nerves" on the surface were constantly trembling, causing the chain blades made of liquid metal materials to make a "clap, clash" sound. Try to violate or even manipulate the will of the owner.

Meng Chao looked at something that covered his body in an incredible way, as if it had life.

The totem armor of the past, although it also stimulated his hormone secretion and interfered with his brain waves, presented various thrilling sound and light effects in front of his eyes, trying to make him indulge in endless killing.

But it has never been so obvious and strong to show resistance and independent will.

It seems that it is not an armor at all.

It's some kind of...parasite.

"Look, even your own totem armor is protesting!"

The Wolf King laughed "chichi", then narrowed his eyes, recalling the pleasure that could not be described with pen and ink a moment ago, "What a powerful force, what a magical armor, you should have felt it, that kind of billions of lightning strikes through. The stimulation of every blood vessel and nerve in the whole body!

"I never knew that fighting turned out to be such a refreshing thing.

"It's no wonder that those battle group-level powerhouses can be immersed in the fierce battle day and night, and they have lost all interest in things other than battle.

"Until they use their own power to slay the land of the Holy Light, and would rather be wiped out in the bombardment of magic flames and dwarf cannons, they will not hesitate!

"What are you still hesitating about, let us continue and see where each other's limits are!"

The blood wing behind the wolf king flicked, and he was about to launch the second round of shock.

Meng Chao let out a low growl, punched heavily in the chest, slightly suppressed the restless Totem armor, and once again moved away from the Wolf King.


He gritted his teeth and said with difficulty, "Of course the new totem armor is very powerful, yes, but don't you think that it is too powerful and difficult to control, and it is about to take the lead?"

"Which so?"

The Wolf King disagrees, "The more powerful weapons, armors, arcanes and powers, of course, the more difficult to control. Don’t you think that a bloodthirsty sword that has slaughtered thousands of enemies will wield it with a three-year-old child. Is it as easy to control as toy knives and guns?

"Since it is difficult to control, don't control it at all. Listen to the voice that the ancestor spirit transmits to us through the totem armor, and completely release our most violent killing intent and the most ferocious power.

"Believe me, only in this way can we defeat the most powerful enemy, and inflict the destruction on our heads by the enemy, and pour it on top of the enemy in a more violent way, haha, hahahaha!"

In front of the wolf king, there seemed to be an extremely gorgeous, magnificent, splendid panorama of destruction.

Of course, it was the Temple of the Holy Light and the so-called "higher races condensed by the Holy Light" to be destroyed.

This panoramic view of destruction, as if possessing incredible magic power, completely absorbed the soul of the wolf king, making his temperament completely different from a moment ago, from a small wolf king to the incarnation of...the doomsday.

Meng Chao's hair was horrified.

Now he can be sure that in the process of breaking through the life barrier, the wolf king, like himself, has been seduced by a certain mysterious power, perhaps the "horror king" referred to by the Nine Rings Mage.

I resisted the temptation.

The Wolf King didn't, at least he didn't completely resist the temptation.

He is no longer the "Jackal" Kanus of the past.

In the depths of his soul, there was something unclear and unclear.

"Calm down, Wolf King, we should all calm down and think about who we are and what our mission is!"

Meng Chao took a deep breath, grabbed the frantically dancing "vessels" and "nerves" on his breastplate, and squeezed it fiercely, using the sharp pain to make his totem armor temporarily honest.

The desire to kill that flooded like magma in his brain finally dissipated temporarily.

Each of his brain cells is as calm as immersed in an Arctic ice cave.

"Successfully pass the trial and gain extremely powerful strength, which is of course very good."

Meng Chao thought carefully, "But don’t you think that instead of fighting, destroying, and killing, you will eventually become a slave to power; we should calm down first, talk, talk about everything we have just seen and heard, and try to analyze And to control this power, and ultimately become the master of the power, is this the more important thing?"

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