The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1356: You are just a defeated dog!

Except for the Wolf King controlled by the Six Killing Armor and more slaughter statues, Meng Chao did not encounter other chases and interceptions.

Looking around, in the darkness, there are riddled bulkheads, rusty decks, twisted pipes and fragmented machinery, a lifeless scene.

Occasionally, a large number of human-shaped bones can be seen, frozen forever in a moment of horror and utter astonishment.

It should be the Turan orcs three thousand years ago, when the magic explosion happened, they were still stuck in the holy mountain temple.

Although the shock wave was devastating, it failed to explode the entire temple in one fell swoop.

Psionic ripples penetrated the outer shell of the Holy Mountain Temple, shaking the living people to death like a tiger knocking on the mountain.

After three thousand years of sleep, the totem armor of these Turan orcs has lost 99% of its activity and turned into a loathsome metal mud due to lack of psychic infusion and killing and moisturizing.

Perceiving the arrival of Meng Chao, all these metal mud made a "hissing" sound. From the previous owner, thousands of metal tentacles protruded from the body, trying to entangle Meng Chao's body and let Meng Chao take them away from this boring, A boring, scarce ghost place opens a new journey.

Supernatural Meng will not care about these liquid metal-like substances that lose their activity.

He realized that perhaps the magic explosion three thousand years ago was too serious, or it was because of the mysterious power that was dormant in the depths of the holy mountain temple that had just awakened.

In short, the mysterious power only has time to make careful preparations on a fixed route.

If Meng Chao could follow the pre-determined route by following the "call of the ancestor spirit" like the wolf king.

There must be more auras lingering, magnificent, incredible scenes.

It's like a bone warehouse, a fossil museum, and a high platform with a phalanx of killing statues.

Thereby, the supreme power of the ancestor spirits will produce a sense of conviction and worship.

Unfortunately, once Meng Chao deviated from the preset route of the mysterious power.

I immediately saw through the monotony, lack, dilapidation and weakness of the Holy Mountain Temple.

It seems that the mysterious force has no means to stop Meng Chao.

It can only pin all its hopes on Meng Chao's totem armor.

At first, the Totem Armor seemed to want to be hard.

It tried to forcibly solidify and freeze Meng Chao's limbs and joints, causing Meng Chao to be locked in a cold iron coffin.

But Meng Chao is not a Turan orc who has been domesticated by liquid metal-like substances for thousands of years and is extremely dependent on totem armor.

He is from Longcheng.

The Longcheng people who grew up from the arduous years of being extremely deficient in material but having to fight hand-to-hand with zombies and monsters have always paid the most attention to the cultivation of their own strength.

Even if they run out of ammunition and food and lose all weapons, they can only raise their fists and even show their teeth.

The people of Longcheng will fight the monsters to the end without changing their faces.

What's more, there is more than one layer of "totem armor" on Meng Chao's body.

After the life progression of the transcendent breaks through the "six-star spiritual armor realm", the psychic energy in the body can naturally be released out of the body under the high frequency oscillation of the life magnetic field, and friction with the planet's magnetic field and the dust suspended in the air at super high speed, forming A layer of "psionic armor" visible to the naked eye.

After the "Seven-Star Spiritual Infant Realm", this layer of psionic armor will become clearer and more intense, and if there is an entity, it has the ability to interfere with matter.

The powerhouses of the gods in Dragon City have done experiments.

With both hands on his back, standing in front of anti-aircraft machine guns, bazookas, tank guns and even train guns, despite the burning barrage, he bombarded him indiscriminately.

But he doesn’t dodge, he doesn’t even shake his eyelashes halfway, and just opens the psionic armor to the limit, he can use the psychic field to capture all the high-explosive projectiles shot at him, and deflect these deadly. The attack trajectory of the weapon made them pass him from a dangerous and dangerous distance.

Thanks to the help of the mysterious power.

Meng Chao also reached such a state.

Since his psionic armor can interfere with the roaring high-explosive projectiles.

Naturally, it can also interfere with the totem armor that clings to the skin.

As a result, a strange light flashed on the surface of the totem armor, trying to condense all the joints and movable parts of the body into a solid as hard as iron.

In Meng Chao's body, however, a series of life-like spiritual flames gushed out, penetrating the totem armor from the inside out.

The totem armor screamed in agony under the envelope of his burning spiritual flames.

The continuous ripples on the surface of the armor seemed to have two equally powerful forces, desperately trying to tug-of-war in completely different directions.

Totem Battle Armor was defeated.

After all, no matter how powerful a liquid metal-like substance is, it has the ability to increase combat.

Carbon-based intelligent life is still needed to continuously ingest and supply energy in order to maintain their activity.

It can only try to be soft.

In Meng Chao's mind, an extremely sharp and weird voice appeared again.

It's like something that doesn't belong to human beings, begging, tempting, and threatening him.

Trying to make him understand that obedient obedience to the "ancestral spirit's call" and the deep combination of the liquid metal-like substance condensed into a totem armor can stimulate how powerful combat power is.

And he can use such combat power to create what an incredible miracle and plunder how many things ordinary people dream of.

In a daze, Meng Chao even saw himself replacing the wolf king, wearing horns on his head, wearing animal skins and feather clothes, and a small totem pole with skulls inserted behind his back. Under the shaman’s dance and the blessing of priests, he is in During the worship service of the Orcs, the scene of step by step ascending to the throne of the "War Chief".

Meng Chao laughed dumbly.

Such a temptation may be able to make all Turan orcs including "Jackal" Kanus obediently submit.

Willingly become a puppet and a slave.

But for him, a visitor from Dragon City, it was completely ineffective.

Even if this voice is telling the truth.

It can really help oneself have the power to destroy the world and ascend the throne of the war chief.

so what?

In the end, wasn't it that the Holy Light Temple attracted flames from the sky, blasted into the ashes, and even the scum was not left?

No matter how powerful, mellow, mysterious, or solemn the voice that enters the brain from the Totem Armor.

To Meng Chao, it was all the wailing of a defeated dog.

"Shut up and save effort!"

Meng Chao spread his five fingers and deeply inserted his breastplate, as if grabbing the heart of the totem armor.

He grinned, showing white and sharp teeth, "No matter what you are, no matter what you want to do, whether you are kind or malicious, you really want to help me increase my strength and achieve a'win-win' with me. Turn me into your puppet, slave or even host.

"First, figure out one thing.

"I am the master of this body, I am the helm of my own destiny, and I am the manipulator of my own power.

"No matter now or in the future, it will be...I will decide!"


Meng Chao broke through the last bulkhead.

What appeared before his eyes was the intricacy like a labyrinth, winding like an ant nest, tall and majestic like a palace-like super-giant three-dimensional pipeline system.

According to the analysis of the structure of the crystal model in his mind, he and the wolf king started from the top of the maze, stepped on the empty foot, and slid into the pipe.

Now, a lot of the pipes are flowing with extremely high concentration of spiritual energy, emitting a "rumbling" thunder, and it is like the gastrointestinal quiver of a giant steel beast.

If you drill into the pipeline, you will inevitably encounter high temperature and high pressure, mixed with various impurities and trace elements, which will invade all human flesh, bones and even souls into ashes.

Fortunately, Meng Chao had the experience just now and was completely free from any established line.

He directly clung to the outer wall of the pipe, like a lightly leaping ape in the jungle, jumping up layer by layer.


Chi Chi!

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

The mysterious power dormant in the depths of the Sacred Mountain Temple seemed to realize that the threat of Meng Chao was getting bigger and bigger.

It increases the flow rate and pressure of the aura surging in the pipeline.

The pipes that had been in disrepair for a long time burst one after another, and the flames enough to melt the steel, the cold wind enough to freeze the flames, and the lightning fast enough to smash the frozen flames, all shot out from the cracks in the pipes.

But none of these interferences can stop Meng Chao's determination to explore the truth.

On several occasions, he stumbled and fell from the super-giant pipe system dozens of stories high.

Almost fell into the trailing wolf king and the killing statue.

But I don't know that it was because the wolf king was in madness, and the killing statue was also condensed in a hurry. The coordination and balance of various parts of the limbs were far from being as good as Meng Chao.

It was the Wolf King who vaguely noticed something wrong under Meng Chao's reminder-it seemed that the Six Killing Armor was controlling him, not that he was controlling the Six Killing Armor.

Therefore, like Meng Chao, he hesitated and even resisted.

In short, when Meng Chao slipped or even fell on the outer wall of the pipeline.

The chasing soldiers also staggered on the outer wall of the pipeline, and even stepped on the outer wall of the pipeline with one foot and fell into a giant pipeline with a diameter of more than three to five meters.

Finally, Meng Chao was a step faster than chasing soldiers, climbed to the top of the super-giant pipeline system, and came to the edge area of ​​the Holy Mountain Temple.

Not far in front, is the ancient Turan spacecraft, jumping through space, and forcibly fusing with the underground rock formations of other worlds, setting up spatial folds and tearing apart underground rifts.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

From the feet of Meng Chao to between the underground rifts, the flow rate and pressure of the spiritual energy in all the psionic pipelines surged ten times at the same time.

Almost every pipe has torn open thousands of gaps, gorgeous and deadly flames, frost and lightning, whizzing out, crisscrossing, and condensing into an almost insurmountable wall of death!

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