The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1357: Inhibitor

As the wolf king said.

The new Dragon City civilization is about to usher in the ultimate battle of survival or destruction.

As a leading soldier in charge, Meng Chao had no choice but to move forward courageously.

Before the Totem Armor completely lost control, he gathered his last strength and was entangled by chain blades, and his fists, like meteor hammers, blasted towards the bottom of the wall of death.

The devastating shock wave immediately blasted dozens of spirally wound pipes to pieces.

The colorful aura, mixed with the neigh of "Woo", shot out from the criss-cross gaps, and spewed aimlessly in all directions.

When there are more cracks in the pipe.

The temperature, pressure, and destructive power of the aura lasing from each crack is lower.

This is a very simple truth.

The momentum of the Wall of Death decreases at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But flames, frost, and lightning still made a fascinating roar.

This is the end of the matter, and there is no more opportunistic way.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and sprinted his speed to the limit, turning it into an off-string arrow bound with high-explosive ammunition, rushing towards the wall of death.

In a literal sense, he passed through the sea of ​​swordsmanship.

Suddenly, I felt that every blood vessel, nerve, spiritual vein, and muscle fiber that had just been repaired and upgraded was soaked in magma, trembling in the cold wind, and fighting the brightest lightning.

Every cluster of nerve endings, every brain sulcus, and every mitochondria in the depths of every cell were frozen into a lumps of frost close to absolute zero, and entangled by thousands of flames and electric arcs. You have severe convulsions.

Even the Totem Battle Armor took the opportunity to cause trouble.

Liquid metal-like substances scrambled to penetrate deep into his pores, trying to forcibly take over his central nervous system and even the cerebral cortex, transforming him into a semi-physical and semi-mechanical monster similar to the original samurai.

Meng Chao has never felt as intensely as at this moment that his mental index is trembling crazily, infinitely approaching the critical value of becoming confused.

He didn't even dare to imagine that his veins were exposed at this moment and his face was hideous.

But he finally passed the wall of death!

Before completely losing control of the flesh and blood, he did his best to soar into the air. Amidst the earth-shaking roar, a powerful spiritual flame spewed out, turning into a pair of colorful wings, dragging in mid-air. Out of a gorgeous arc, jumped to the top of the unfathomable rift valley!

The good news is that he was out of the control area of ​​the Holy Mountain Temple.

For some reason, the totem armor and the killing statue composed of liquid metal-like substances seem to resist leaving the control area of ​​the Holy Mountain Temple.

Regardless of the Wolf King who is affected or even manipulated by the Six Killing Armor.

It is also a statue of killing formed by condensing liquid metal-like substances.

They could only stretch their teeth and claws behind Meng Chao, screaming furiously, but were unwilling or afraid to catch up, jumping out of the control area of ​​the Holy Mountain Temple just like him.

The bad news is that Meng Chao was exhausted while still in mid-air.

The totem battle armor that bite the flesh and blood was as heavy as an iron coffin stuffed with lead blocks, so that he had no time to cross the center line of the underground rift, and began to fall, into the endless abyss.

All means have been exhausted.

Meng Chao could only stare desperately, trying to see the true face of the endless abyss.

Just at the very moment—

The rock wall on the opposite side suddenly became blurred.

It was like a rock that was as hard as iron, suddenly turning into extremely viscous asphalt.

It was like a mysterious power, opening a door on the rock wall, even a whirlpool.

The human-faced spider unexpectedly emerged from the whirlpool. The six anti-joint blade limbs were deeply curled up, like a spring compressed to the extreme. With a sudden bounce, it shot at Meng Chao at an incredible speed!

It caught Meng Chao upright in mid-air.

Seeing the half-turbid and half-clear eyes embedded in that deformed and ugly face, Meng Chao first imagined it as a carbon-based intelligent life body like himself, as a "person".

The huge impact caused the two to fall together.

The human-faced spider had a high-rise belly like an arthropod, but it made a "chittering" sound, and shot a few translucent, extremely tough spider silks toward the rock wall behind.

Using the traction of spider silk and their own gravitational acceleration, the two swayed greatly in the rift valley.

On the other side of the Rift Valley, the Wolf King’s Six Slaying Armor and the Killing Statue with Zhang Fang and Claws launched a long-range attack on them.

Thousands of fierce beast bone fragments and high-energy metal particles surrounded by spiritual flames, like a massive meteorite rain, smashed their heads and brains at Meng Chao and the human face spider.

Meng Chao is still struggling on the verge of getting into a devil.

Powerless to withstand the long-range attacks of gusts of wind and rain.

Although the human face spider was ugly or even hideous, it keenly sensed Meng Chao's condition and used two blade limbs to secure him between himself and the rock wall.

But he used himself to unfold the carapace like a shield to resist the amazingly powerful "meteorite rain"!

Boom boom boom boom boom boom!

The entire rock wall was immersed in the continuous bombardment of "meteorite rain".

The strongest rock turned into the hottest magma at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hottest magma turned into the most violent sea of ​​fire in a short moment.

Meng Chao could clearly feel the grunt and tremor of the human face spider being hit continuously.

It-there was an expression of great pain on his face.

But he didn't have time and didn't care about his injuries.

Instead, he looked down at Meng Chao's situation and tried to protect Meng Chao in his carapace, lest Meng Chao would scratch half of the oily skin.

Meng Chao was puzzled.

I don't understand why the Human Face Spider attaches so much importance to him.

I would rather be crushed to pieces than he would hurt half of his vellus hair.

The human face spider has no time to explain.

He waved his blades and fiddled with the spider silk, moving around in the turbulent sea of ​​fire, as if walking on the ground.

Soon, he took Meng Chao back to the place where he just emerged.

There was nothing on the rock wall that was bombed into pits and pits like the surface of the moon.

However, Meng Chao could sense that strange waves of psychic energy were gathering and spinning at high speed, forming an invisible vortex.

Just when the offensive from the Holy Mountain Temple was violent to the extreme, it seemed as if countless small suns were roaring towards them.

The Human Face Spider took Meng Chao and plunged into the deep vortex in the center of the rock wall.

That feeling is different from the prospector changing the molecular structure of the rock, turning the rock into gravel, and then slowly immersing it in.

Meng Chao felt neither resistance nor suffocation.

On the contrary, he felt weightless.

As if he hadn't gotten into the rock formation.

It is floating in the vast and dark universe.

For a moment, he couldn't even sense the existence of the planet's magnetic field.

Just now, it was still dispersed between the sky and the earth, and all the electric charges and particles that were gorgeous like fireworks disappeared without a trace.

It was as if he had briefly separated from the surface of the planet, or even left another world.

Meng Chao is very familiar with this feeling.

He knew that he had just taken a small, short-distance space jump.

"It's Teleportation Array!"

Meng Chao said in his heart, "A small teleportation formation is naturally formed on the rock wall, or a small teleportation formation is artificially erected. The human face spider does not live in the crevices of the rock, but lives in the folds of the space connected by the teleportation formation!"

Sure enough, after a moment of weightlessness and dizziness subsided like a tide, Meng Chao found himself being taken into a long and narrow cave by a human-faced spider.

Analyzing from the surrounding temperature, air humidity, and atmospheric pressure, this place should not be thousands of meters below the earth's crust, deep in the high-temperature and high-pressure underground rock.

The indiscriminate bombing from the Holy Mountain Temple also seemed to be thrown out of the clouds by them, without the slightest ripple.

However, Meng Chao's Totem Armor is still in an extremely unstable state.

The liquid metal-like substance made a "hissing" sound, with mysterious ripples, trying to invade his flesh and blood and take over his nerves.

Meng Chao gritted his teeth and opened his eyes wide, stiff like a frozen zombie, barely keeping his brain awake, but unable to completely suppress the totem armor of his own accord.

The Human Face Spider noticed his strangeness.

The thick scorpion tail was raised high, and a dazzling light burst out from the "poisonous needle", which pierced Meng Chao's breastplate fiercely.

Meng Chao couldn't move, so he could only watch the "poison needle" of the human-face spider pierce his...

Hey, strange, the length of this poisonous needle clearly exceeds the thickness of Meng Chao's entire chest cavity.

Meng Chao didn't feel the slightest pain of being penetrated by his heart.

No, let alone the heart, he felt that the poison needle didn't even pierce his skin.

The restless totem armor on his body, but with the piercing of the poisonous needle, instantly calmed down.

The armor that was not under the control of Meng Chao just now was re-incorporated into his neural network.

Under the surging of bio-electricity, every piece of armor is tame like an extension of a limb, and it can't regenerate the idea of ​​even phagocytizing its owner.

"The Human Face Spider really has a way to solve the problem of the Totem Armor being out of control!"

Meng Chao breathed a sigh of relief.

It feels like the long needle of the human face spider's scorpion tail is like some kind of syringe made by the principle of bionics.

Infused the mysterious potion that can restrain the excessive activity of liquid metal-like substances into his totem armor.

The human-faced spider who completed the suppression task looked extremely tired.

The injuries that had been suppressed to death just now were released like a volcanic eruption at the moment when Meng Chao was confirmed to be safe.

The carapace on his back peeled off, and a lot of pale golden mucus was flowing out of the wound.

The originally full body cavity also shrivelled and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Even the deformed and ugly face was instantly covered with criss-cross wrinkles, and it seemed more and more distorted.

Only the pair of eyes, deeply embedded in thousands of gutters, still shone with incomparably bright light as if they hadn't been extinguished for three thousand years or even longer.

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