The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1359: Not crazy, not live

This high-efficiency energy collection system continuously draws massive amounts of psychic energy from the spar veins deep in the underground rock.

The criss-crossing "vines" are covered with heavy fruits.

Each fruit the size of a watermelon is carved like citrine, radiant, crystal clear, and fragrant.

It is so full as if it is lightly touched, it will actively burst, flowing out a thick liquid gold like honey.

Meng Chao secretly smacked his tongue.

These "yellow crystal balls" are all the best of mandala fruits-golden fruits.

Leaf once told him that in each growth cycle of each mandala tree, only one golden fruit can often be born.

When this golden fruit is still gestating, it will unreasonably take away more than half of the nutrients in the entire mandala tree.

So that other Datura fruits, there is no way to compete with it.

In front of this "grape vine", there is obviously no mandala tree with soaring trunks and a canopy covering the sky.

But in the square inch, densely covered with the golden fruit of "only me domineering".

Just a random scan by Meng Chao, at least saw hundreds of them.

It seems that human-faced spiders are feeding on these golden fruits so that they can hardly support the seal in the depths of the earth, which has been eroded by extremely long years.

The biochemical techniques used to modulate these "vines" far exceeded Meng Chao's imagination and exceeded the technical limits of Longcheng Agricultural University.

If the relevant technology can be introduced into Dragon City...

The Human Face Spider didn't know the thoughts in Meng Chao's mind.

Wielding his blade limbs, he picked and swallowed three golden fruits in succession.

His face pale as paper has only become slightly more attractive.

Later, he chopped off a "vine".

Let the "liquid gold" flowing out of the fracture drip into the wound on his back.

Meng Chao judged from the strong smell of Huang Chengcheng's juice that these pure natural plant juices contained psychic powers, probably more abundant than the genetic medicine carefully refined by the Longcheng Biochemical Laboratory.

It is the ultimate secret medicine that can bring the dead back to life.

Sure enough, behind the human face spider, on the shocking wound, a layer of flesh as thin as a cicada's wings quickly grew.

Anyhow, all the organs that were exposed to the air were wrapped.

After cleaning up the wound hastily, the human face spider uttered a vague moan.

But unable to wait for further treatment, he led Meng Chao to continue advancing towards the depths of the cave.

As the aura permeating the cave became more and more intense, Meng Chao discovered a large number of crystal clusters and mineral veins directly exposed to the air on the cave wall, as if stepping into a colorful crystal palace.

Many of the semi-solidified substances between crystal and amber are actually sealed with the corpses of a large number of totem beasts.

Around each corpse, inside "Amber", there are also densely engraved formulas and words.

It is like doing a lot of scientific research on this specimen, and the data and research conclusions obtained are the same.

Meng Chao noticed that the contents of liquid metal-like substances in these "research specimens" were much richer than the totem beasts he had seen in the outside world.

The erosion, transformation, and even the appearance of liquid metal substances to flesh and blood are much more intense.

Totem beasts outside can generally see the appearance of beasts.

Even if it is a hideous monster, there is still flesh and blood.

The strengthening of totem beasts by liquid metal substances is only limited to their fangs, claws, carapace, big horns, bone tumors on the tail, and so on.

Or it is on the skin of the totem beast, condensed into overlapping, indestructible armor.

The liquid metal-like substances in these specimens in front of them are like malignant tumors that exploded. They spread their teeth and claws indefinitely, with extremely unclear boundaries, and expanded their own survival crazily in the muddy flesh and blood. space.

Meng Chao noticed that in the bodies of many totem beasts, liquid metal-like substances had entangled their spine, puncturing their internal organs and even squeezing part of the cranial cavity, blocking the transmission of the central nervous system. The intelligence of the brain and the instructions output by the brain, in turn, swallowed the totem beast's will.

However, the crazy expansion and uncontrolled self-organization of liquid metal-like substances also made Meng Chao discover a lot of interesting things.

"The liquid metal-like substances I have seen in the past are like slowly flowing viscous mercury, which solidifies at most into cold weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds, and simple structures such as multi-layer armor.

"The liquid metal-like substances on these labels themselves, at first glance, proliferate wildly, completely out of control, and have the momentum to swallow everything.

"But if you look closely, you can find that in the depths of the flesh and blood, they have condensed into more delicate parts than clocks, just like in the body of carbon-based organisms, to create a set of weapons with extremely high conversion efficiency of mass and energy. System and power system!"

The scene in front of him made Meng Chao think of the origin warrior he met on the night he was saving the ancient dream saint.

At that time, the liquid metal-like substance in the body of a samurai of origin also broke out like a malignant tumor. While turning the owner into a deformed and ugly monster, he wanted to generate a thermal weapon such as an electromagnetic cannon. .

"Could it be that this mysterious and unpredictable liquid metal substance is more than just helping carbon-based intelligent life forms to form armors and swords.

"As long as you continue to practice and upgrade to unlock its full capabilities, it can still form things like ‘power stove, electromagnetic gun, supercomputer’ in the owner’s body?

"It's just that the more complex and sophisticated the structure is, the more difficult it is to control, the more energy it needs to consume, and the more difficult it is to solve the power consumption and heat dissipation problems.

"With the constantly degrading intelligence level of the Turan Orcs, it is impossible to control cutting-edge technologies such as'power stoves, electromagnetic guns, and supercomputers'. Therefore, they will collapse in their minds, become devastated, and become samurai of origin who have lost themselves!"

Meng Chao thought so.

Then, he saw dozens of origin warriors.

Of course it is the specimen sealed in "Crystal Amber".

Meng Chao was taken aback by the deep gaze of dozens of lifeless origin warriors.

Then he discovered that these origin warriors had long been cut off from vitality.

Both the flesh and blood cells and the liquid metal-like substances that penetrate the flesh and blood lose their activity and become fossil-like existences.

This is the first time that Meng Chao has been so close, carefully studying these semi-mechanical, semi-physical monsters with big eyes and small eyes.

Sure enough, he found that he was under the ugly appearance that was extremely ferocious, like a nightmare, beyond the limit of imagination.

The liquid metal-like substances in the origin of the samurai are far more complex, precise, and delicate than under normal conditions.

In other words, it is precisely because these liquid metal substances are not satisfied to condense into simple structures such as "swords, axes, hammers, and armor", but want to condense into "firearms, electromagnetic guns, and nuclear reactors."

And the complexity of these cutting-edge structures far surpassed the upper limit of the body of flesh and blood, which led to the owner's madness and collapse.

"Why, there are so many original samurai'specimen' sealed here?"

Meng Chao's thoughts turned, "Is anyone here doing research on the'Controllable Origin Warrior'?"

Thinking of this, Meng Chao couldn't help but glance at the human face spider.

From a certain point of view, the deformity has mutated to the extent of a human-faced spider, which is more than the original samurai.

Just now, Meng Chao had been blasted through the carapace riddled with holes by the human face spider, and around his broken bones and internal organs, he found a lot of traces of liquid metal-like substances.

However, the human face spider's mental state is very stable.

There was a gleam of reason and wisdom in the depths of the eyes.

It's completely different from the origin samurai who is crazy and crazy.

There is one thing that Meng Chao has to admit.

Not crazy, not live.

Whether it’s the origin warrior of Turanze or the lost of Dragon City, aside from the loss of reason and the extremely unstable magnetic field of life, the life span is too short. These two fatal flaws are not mentioned, but their instantaneous limit combat effectiveness. They all seem to be much stronger than normal people of the same level.

If there is a way to maintain the terrifying combat effectiveness in a state of delusion, without overdrawing one's life, and without paying the price of reason and humanity...

Meng Chao remembered that "War God" Lei Zongchao once said that even though Dragon City's psychic cultivation method had just started, he could already see the end at a glance.

This is also the reason why the power system of the transcendent is divided into only three big realms and nine small realms, and it stops abruptly at the peak of the **** realm.

At the normal speed of cultivation, it was already a fluke that Meng Chao could step into the divine realm at a young age.

For more than ten or twenty years, he absolutely didn't need to have extravagant hopes to spy on the supreme realm of the Nine Star God Realm.

Not to mention surpassing Lei Zongchao, "the **** of war," becoming the first existence in Dragon City to surpass the peak of the gods.

Unless, he voluntarily chooses to "get into trouble."

And find a way to control the maddened self!

In addition to extremely complex and precise liquid metal-like substances, Meng Chao also discovered that these ancient specimens with a history of at least three thousand years are different from modern orc warriors.

The beast characteristics on them are far less intense than modern orc warriors.

Although a large number of their limbs and organs are eroded by liquid metal-like substances, they are deformed and deformed.

But in those parts that are still intact, sparse hair, smooth skin and slender fingers can be clearly seen.

Such a body type does not seem to be suitable for hand-to-hand confrontation and hand-to-hand combat.

But it is very suitable for manipulating precision machinery, deducing complex formulas, and even building a real civilization.

Meng Chao found a very well-preserved specimen of the head.

However, no beast characteristic was found on the face of the specimen.

Of course, there are subtle differences between the over-large forehead, the relatively flat nose, the lead-gray hair and beard, and the appearance of modern earth people.

It was a bit like the late Homo sapiens-Neanderthals, who mysteriously disappeared on the earth as early as 24,000 years ago.

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