The Earth People are so Fierce

Chapter 1360: Ancient Turan Laboratory

Neanderthals are a group of ancient humans who lived in the Paleolithic age of the earth.

Compared with the modern Homo sapiens who ruled the earth, they have stronger physique, firm upper and lower jaws, and even larger brain capacity.

At the same time, Neanderthals also mastered the skills of building camps and grinding tools.

It stands to reason that it should be the Paleolithic, invincible existence.

But after they have been active on the earth for tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of years, they mysteriously disappeared.

Only 1% to 4% of genes are left in the gene bank of modern earth people as evidence that they have been here.

According to the speculation of archaeologists and anthropologists, although Neanderthals are stronger and smarter than modern Homo sapiens, they have two fatal flaws.

For some reason, their language ability and imagination are naturally not as developed as modern Homo sapiens.

The lack of language communication skills makes it difficult for them to expand the size of their ethnic groups, and they cannot cooperate with hundreds of people to hunt large animals such as rhinos, hippos, and mammoths, and get more nutrients.

Without imagination, one lacks the desire to explore and conquer the whole world outside the scope of cognition, and it is also impossible to imagine strangers outside the scope of kinship and sight as their own compatriots, thus constructing a tribe, a country, and even a civilization.

Such a defect caused them to be defeated by modern Homo sapiens, who were weak but united, and full of enterprising and curiosity in the cruel survival competition, and even became the latter’s dish of delicious food, and finally completely extinct.

However, this is only the speculation of the earth scientists who are modern Homo sapiens.

The language ability, group collaboration ability, imagination and thirst for knowledge of modern Homo sapiens are not innate.

Rather, it has accumulated bit by bit along the evolutionary path of hundreds of thousands or even millions of years.

Since Neanderthals have a larger brain capacity than modern Homo sapiens, there is no reason to evolve these two key abilities to create civilization.

Could it be that as early as tens of thousands of years or even hundreds of thousands of years ago, Neanderthals had created a highly developed civilization.

They noticed that the ecological environment of the earth gradually became no longer suitable for their survival.

At this moment, they discovered a way to travel to another planet...

"It seems that this look exactly like a Neanderthal is the true form of the ancient Turan.

"Regardless of whether they have an extremely close relationship with the Neanderthals on earth, such a moderate body size, terminally differentiated limbs, and developed brain capacity are enough to create a civilization comparable to the earth, brilliant and brilliant. Civilization.

"If this is the true face of the Turan civilization, then they can cross the sea of ​​stars, build brilliant cities, and possess the material science black technology for refining'liquid metal substances', then it makes sense.

"Wait, I still can’t understand—since the ancient Turan people 10,000 years ago have evolved to such an advanced form, why have they been crazy at an incredible speed for the entire ten thousand years after crossing the alien world? Transformed or even degenerates, do you have to add so many beast characteristics to your almost perfect flesh and blood body, and turn yourself into a hairy orc who drinks blood?

"Whether the fangs and claws of jackals, tigers and leopards, the rough skin of wild boars and bulls, or the venom of snakes and the abilities of discoloration, mimicry, and invisibility of lizardmen, they can certainly bring a slight increase in individual combat effectiveness, but For the defense and continuation of the entire civilization, there are not many benefits, but infinite harm!"

Meng Chao was puzzled.

But he knew that he was only one step away from the answer.

Because, the human face spider has taken him to the end of the cave.

Different from the dim and cramped sky just now, this place suddenly opened up, and it was an underground cavities that was at least half the size of a football field on one side.

The surrounding rock walls are also covered with fungus blankets and "vines", which are full of fruit.

However, the fruits here are completely different from ordinary mandala fruits and even golden fruits.

They are larger in size and thinner, which is as thin as a cicada's wings in the literal sense.

Hundreds of fruits are connected in series by a large metal tube. All fruits are sucked like a heart with life. Through the thin cicada-wing skin, you can see a variety of colorful viscous liquids. , Flowing slowly between the fruits, blending with each other, and mysterious and unpredictable reactions occur.

Meng Chao had a faint feeling.

These "fruits" are not for eating.

It was some special experimental equipment, such as petri dishes and stills, which were specially used to refine a certain secret medicine that was absolutely impossible to refine from the outside world.

This is a large biochemical laboratory of the ancient Turan people.

In addition to the "petri dishes" and "extractors" surrounding the cave walls, there are also a large number of strange and intricate experimental equipment scattered around.

The style is between the experimental equipment of the earthlings and the experimental equipment left by the "ancient" in the two archaic relics in Longcheng.

All the experimental instruments are like nerves and blood vessels, covered with metal conduits made of liquid metal materials.

Meng Chao estimated that with these metal conduits, human-faced spiders can carry out large-scale, complex, and cutting-edge scientific experiments on their own.

Indeed, Meng Chao looked around and found no third living person besides himself and the human face spider.

On the wall and on the ground, a large number of coffins full of "nerves" and "vessels" were found.

No, not a coffin, but equipment like Dragon City’s training cabin and medical cabin.

A translucent mask is also buckled upside down, which also stores a large amount of viscous and nutritious high-energy liquid. There are also countless hoses and cables around, crisscrossing each other and connecting in series, connecting each other together. .

Meng Chao activated extraordinary vision, adjusted the angle of view and focus, and made his sight penetrate the outer wall of the "medical cabin". He found that in many medical cabins, there was a Neanderthal with a name and size that resembled that of a Neanderthal, without much beast characteristics. , And there is no ancient Turan who was deeply corroded by liquid metal-like substances.

Unfortunately, they are still dead.

Ten thousand years is too long after all.

What's more, they have also experienced the drastic changes of emergency landing to the underground of another world, overlapping with the rock formations.

Under the impact of space turbulence, even if the medical cabin appears to be intact.

The interior is full of cracks that are invisible to the naked eye and even on the molecular level.

These cracks turned each medical cabin into an icy iron coffin for thousands of years.

The high-energy nutrient liquid inside naturally leaks, evaporates, and is exhausted.

Now, even with the keen perception of a strong god, Meng Chao can only feel the extremely weak brain wave ripples from the corpses of these ancient Turan people.

They are like heroic spirits that have been diluted ten million times, trying their best to leave some information to the latecomers.

But after all, it slowly dissipated like a dying smoke.

Only the human face spider was left, leading Meng Chao to the very center of the "Turan Biochemical Laboratory", in front of the two entangled "nerves" and "blood vessels" in the strongest and most active medical cabin.

The two medical chambers were filled with viscous medicine like liquid gold, steaming hot and smelling fragrant.

There was no one inside, and the translucent crystal cover was lifted high, as if waiting for the two to arrive.

The refreshing scent invaded the nasal cavity, Meng Chao couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and his pores expanded slightly.

The human face spider can't wait to crawl into a medical cabin on the left.

It can be clearly seen that the "liquid gold" seemed to have life, scrambled to climb onto his skin, got into his wound, and quickly helped him repair his muddy organs and fragmented bones.

He also continuously transported a large amount of psychic energy from underground mineral veins to the depths of his cells, rebirth him with crystal clear flesh and blood.

The human face spider groaned comfortably.

Instructed Meng Chao to lie down in the medical cabin next to him.

Then he pointed at the center of the eyebrows of himself and Meng Chao.

It seems to be saying that only with these two medical cabins can the two of them have in-depth exchanges with a hundred times more information.

Meng Chao did not hesitate.

The wolf king is on the verge of losing control, only half a step away from the "doomsday magic wolf" of the previous life.

There are also the Lion King and the Tiger King, as alternates, they may become the puppets of the "Terror Demon King" at any time.

Even the liquid metal-like substances in his body are all about to move.

Although temporarily suppressed by the Human Face Spider, Meng Chao always has to find a way to completely control it with his own power.

There is also Dragon City, family, compatriots, Lusiya, who is indistinguishable from good and evil, the war in another world has broken out, and the doomsday is coming...

The road is ahead.

Meng Chao strode in.

"Liquid gold" is like a magnetic fluid encountering metal, attracted by his life's magnetic field, and envelops him perfectly.

Meng Chao slowly lay down, soaking in the "liquid gold", and the crystal cover in front of him slowly closed.

At the moment when the medical cabin was completely closed.

In the depths of the "liquid gold", a large number of bubbles suddenly poured out, like a "gumbling" boiling.

Meng Chao felt that a gentle, gentle but ubiquitous force penetrated into his body.

It was like compressing his own flesh and blood to the size of only one molecule or even an atom, and it was also like completely decomposing himself into the "liquid gold".

Afterwards, he or his soul, like a high-energy particle in a proton orbit accelerator, was instantly accelerated to the limit by the superconducting magnetic field, carrying unparalleled energy, and launched fiercely.

Through the "blood vessels" and "nerves" formed by condensing liquid metal-like substances, Meng Chao felt that he had shot through rocks, through the crust, through mountains and seas, through the atmosphere, and through the vast sea of ​​stars. , Crossing to the other side of the dazzling galaxy, on a galaxy that is both familiar and unfamiliar!

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